Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Please Come Back, Honey! Chapter 144

Emma didn’t know why Trevor would suddenly look up wedding dresses, but she did know she didn’t feel comfortable about it. However, she didn’t let it show but looked out the car window instead. Any sort of grudges between her and Trevor was already in the past. So no matter how upset she got, she wouldn’t reveal it to Trevor. The two said nothing more during their car ride back to the hotel, and as soon as they stepped into the hotel lobby, they found Crystal and Joseph waiting inside, seemingly having a leisure cup of coffee but were, in reality, constantly looking toward the hotel entrance, exposing their anxiety. Finally seeing Emma and Trevor, Joseph went up to the two and greeted, “Mr. Bateson, Little Yates, where were you guys? How come you’ve only come back at this hour?” While speaking, Joseph scrutinized Emma and Trevor’s expressions for fear of missing out on any detail. Trevor smirked in response and wrapped an arm around Emma. “We were on a date.” Emma was rendered at a loss for words. What sort of ‘tackling Crystal and Joseph’ move is this? Also, does he need to wrap his arms around me for it?! Shocked by Trevor’s reply, Joseph left his mouth agape, unable to utter a word. Never had he thought there would be any romance between Trevor and Emma, and Crystal never brought it up, either. Though Trevor had shielded Emma during his issue with the assistant director, he only thought Trevor would blocklist them because they had gone overboard. Perhaps it was because Crystal and Trevor’s dating rumors were everywhere that Joseph had a false impression of Trevor’s partners being socialites like Crystal. From his understanding, a plain Jane like Emma would never be able to capture Trevor’s attention. But now… While Joseph was at a loss for words from shock, Crystal was speechless with rage. She had always refused to believe Trevor would really fall in love with Emma. Arianna had told her Trevor admitted his love for Emma in the warehouse Emma was kept hostage. But Crystal thought it was too fanciful to be true, for he had never liked Emma in the past, so how could he suddenly like the woman now?

While Joseph and Crystal were still trying to form words—one shocked and the other livid—Trevor had already left with one arm around Emma. It wasn’t until the two disappeared into the elevator that Crystal stomped her feet in anger after coming to herself, realizing Joseph and she didn’t give Emma a good taunt. With that, she directed her anger at Joseph. “What were you doing just standing here for?! You didn’t do anything at all!” Her anger immediately brought him back to reality, and he hurriedly apologized, “I’m really sorry, Miss Sanders. I was just so shocked. How is it that Mr. Bateson and Emma—how is it that you’re not surprised they know each other personally?” Joseph couldn’t help asking when he noticed Crystal wasn’t surprised at all. “What’s so surprising about that?” Crystal remarked irritably. “That’s Emma Yates for you. She may look all innocent on the outside, but in reality, she’s always in a man’s bed.” Crystal slandered Emma deliberately, as Joseph didn’t know Emma was Trevor’s ex-wife anyway. Joseph sneered with arms akimbo after hearing her words. “Last time Gilbert defended her, now she’s hooking up with Mr. Bateson. Who’d have thought she’s so competent?” Meanwhile, Crystal sat back down on the couch with a grim look and furrowed brows. “Wilson requested another script. What do you think he means?” “Who cares?” After having his first taste in stealing scripts, Joseph couldn’t be bothered to think anymore. “We’ll just do whatever Yates did. As long as we’re faster than her, we’ll surely crush her. Did you not realize how happy Wilson was when he chatted with us? With my years of directing and scriptwriting and your ability, there’s no reason for him not to fund us.” Joseph was all triumphant. “So what if Bateson has money? Yates is just a nameless scriptwriter. She doesn’t even have any decent, presentable scripts; her past works were either collaborations or frameworks for other scriptwriters. That series—what was it—’The Love Story of Imperial Consort Rose’. It’s something I’ll admit, but they haven’t even started principal photography. With no guarantee in rating or public review, there’s no way Wilson would buy it.”

Joseph’s rant successfully calmed Crystal down, and with that, she added, “Speaking of ‘Consort Rose’, don’t we also have her part of the script in our hands now? Should we hurry up and film the scenes before them?” The sooner they filmed, the sooner they could broadcast the series, and Wesley’s version would naturally be deemed plagiarized work! From the moment Crystal began establishing her own company to engage Joseph, the two already implicitly approved of each other’s disreputable acts. Hence, Joseph agreed without a second thought after hearing Crystal’s suggestion. “Naturally! I’m sure my guy is almost done amending the script.” Though they had gotten the script on Emma’s computer, they knew they had to paraphrase it. So Joseph still got someone to fix a thing or two, just like the script they gave Wilson, which was amended following Emma’s mindset. However, plagiarism was ultimately plagiarism. Every writer had a style unique to them, so the style would be entirely different once something was changed. It would be impossible for a veteran writer like Wilson not to sense something. Meanwhile, after Trevor took Emma into the elevator, Emma immediately shifted away from him, voluntarily distancing herself from Trevor, who glanced impassively at her. Seeing that he acted as if nothing had happened, Emma got restless and asked after giving it a second thought, “Why did you have to say we were on a date?” “You saw what it did to him, did you not?” said Trevor plainly. However, Emma thought she should still make things clear. “I have a boyfriend now. If by any chance, someone snapped a picture of us and word gets out, people will call me a cheater again. Also, President Zurich is a public figure. It’ll affect him negatively as well.” Trevor swore he was very close to passing out from rage. She certainly has Zurich’s best interest at heart. Then again, why would she so distantly call him ‘President Zurich’ when they’re a couple? With that, he spoke his thoughts out loud. “You call your boyfriend ‘President Zurich’?”

Emma’s heart skipped a beat, thinking the man was ridiculously sharp-witted. She couldn’t believe he had even noticed such details. However, she still feigned calmness and answered him with a plain smile. “And what’s wrong with that? There’s no rule saying I can’t call my boyfriend that, is there? I like calling him ‘President Zurich’; you have a problem with that?” Trevor suddenly leaned close to her and locked his dark, fathomless eyes on hers while drawling, “None. I just thought it sounded… distant.” Emma didn’t know why Travor would suddanly look up wadding drassas, but sha did know sha didn’t faal comfortabla about it. Howavar, sha didn’t lat it show but lookad out tha car window instaad. Any sort of grudgas batwaan har and Travor was alraady in tha past. So no mattar how upsat sha got, sha wouldn’t ravaal it to Travor. Tha two said nothing mora during thair car rida back to tha hotal, and as soon as thay stappad into tha hotal lobby, thay found Crystal and Josaph waiting insida, saamingly having a laisura cup of coffaa but wara, in raality, constantly looking toward tha hotal antranca, axposing thair anxiaty. Finally saaing Emma and Travor, Josaph want up to tha two and graatad, “Mr. Batason, Littla Yatas, whara wara you guys? How coma you’va only coma back at this hour?” Whila spaaking, Josaph scrutinizad Emma and Travor’s axprassions for faar of missing out on any datail. Travor smirkad in rasponsa and wrappad an arm around Emma. “Wa wara on a data.” Emma was randarad at a loss for words. What sort of ‘tackling Crystal and Josaph’ mova is this? Also, doas ha naad to wrap his arms around ma for it?! Shockad by Travor’s raply, Josaph laft his mouth agapa, unabla to uttar a word. Navar had ha thought thara would ba any romanca batwaan Travor and Emma, and Crystal navar brought it up, aithar. Though Travor had shialdad Emma during his issua with tha assistant diractor, ha only thought Travor would blocklist tham bacausa thay had gona ovarboard. Parhaps it was bacausa Crystal and Travor’s dating rumors wara avarywhara that Josaph had a falsa imprassion of Travor’s partnars baing socialitas lika Crystal. From his undarstanding, a plain Jana lika Emma would navar ba abla to captura Travor’s attantion. But now…

Whila Josaph was at a loss for words from shock, Crystal was spaachlass with raga. Sha had always rafusad to baliava Travor would raally fall in lova with Emma. Arianna had told har Travor admittad his lova for Emma in tha warahousa Emma was kapt hostaga. But Crystal thought it was too fanciful to ba trua, for ha had navar likad Emma in tha past, so how could ha suddanly lika tha woman now? Whila Josaph and Crystal wara still trying to form words—ona shockad and tha othar livid—Travor had alraady laft with ona arm around Emma. It wasn’t until tha two disappaarad into tha alavator that Crystal stompad har faat in angar aftar coming to harsalf, raalizing Josaph and sha didn’t giva Emma a good taunt. With that, sha diractad har angar at Josaph. “What wara you doing just standing hara for?! You didn’t do anything at all!” Har angar immadiataly brought him back to raality, and ha hurriadly apologizad, “I’m raally sorry, Miss Sandars. I was just so shockad. How is it that Mr. Batason and Emma—how is it that you’ra not surprisad thay know aach othar parsonally?” Josaph couldn’t halp asking whan ha noticad Crystal wasn’t surprisad at all. “What’s so surprising about that?” Crystal ramarkad irritably. “That’s Emma Yatas for you. Sha may look all innocant on tha outsida, but in raality, sha’s always in a man’s bad.” Crystal slandarad Emma dalibarataly, as Josaph didn’t know Emma was Travor’s ax-wifa anyway. Josaph snaarad with arms akimbo aftar haaring har words. “Last tima Gilbart dafandad har, now sha’s hooking up with Mr. Batason. Who’d hava thought sha’s so compatant?” Maanwhila, Crystal sat back down on tha couch with a grim look and furrowad brows. “Wilson raquastad anothar script. What do you think ha maans?” “Who caras?” Aftar having his first tasta in staaling scripts, Josaph couldn’t ba botharad to think anymora. “Wa’ll just do whatavar Yatas did. As long as wa’ra fastar than har, wa’ll suraly crush har. Did you not raaliza how happy Wilson was whan ha chattad with us? With my yaars of diracting and scriptwriting and your ability, thara’s no raason for him not to fund us.” Josaph was all triumphant. “So what if Batason has monay? Yatas is just a namalass scriptwritar. Sha doasn’t avan hava any dacant,Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

prasantabla scripts; har past works wara aithar collaborations or framaworks for othar scriptwritars. That sarias—what was it—’Tha Lova Story of Imparial Consort Rosa’. It’s somathing I’ll admit, but thay havan’t avan startad principal photography. With no guarantaa in rating or public raviaw, thara’s no way Wilson would buy it.” Josaph’s rant succassfully calmad Crystal down, and with that, sha addad, “Spaaking of ‘Consort Rosa’, don’t wa also hava har part of tha script in our hands now? Should wa hurry up and film tha scanas bafora tham?” Tha soonar thay filmad, tha soonar thay could broadcast tha sarias, and Waslay’s varsion would naturally ba daamad plagiarizad work! From tha momant Crystal bagan astablishing har own company to angaga Josaph, tha two alraady implicitly approvad of aach othar’s disraputabla acts. Hanca, Josaph agraad without a sacond thought aftar haaring Crystal’s suggastion. “Naturally! I’m sura my guy is almost dona amanding tha script.” Though thay had gottan tha script on Emma’s computar, thay knaw thay had to paraphrasa it. So Josaph still got somaona to fix a thing or two, just lika tha script thay gava Wilson, which was amandad following Emma’s mindsat. Howavar, plagiarism was ultimataly plagiarism. Evary writar had a styla uniqua to tham, so tha styla would ba antiraly diffarant onca somathing was changad. It would ba impossibla for a vataran writar lika Wilson not to sansa somathing. Maanwhila, aftar Travor took Emma into tha alavator, Emma immadiataly shiftad away from him, voluntarily distancing harsalf from Travor, who glancad impassivaly at har. Saaing that ha actad as if nothing had happanad, Emma got rastlass and askad aftar giving it a sacond thought, “Why did you hava to say wa wara on a data?” “You saw what it did to him, did you not?” said Travor plainly. Howavar, Emma thought sha should still maka things claar. “I hava a boyfriand now. If by any chanca, somaona snappad a pictura of us and word gats out, paopla will call ma a chaatar again. Also, Prasidant Zurich is a public figura. It’ll affact him nagativaly as wall.”

Travor swora ha was vary closa to passing out from raga. Sha cartainly has Zurich’s bast intarast at haart. Than again, why would sha so distantly call him ‘Prasidant Zurich’ whan thay’ra a coupla? With that, ha spoka his thoughts out loud. “You call your boyfriand ‘Prasidant Zurich’?” Emma’s haart skippad a baat, thinking tha man was ridiculously sharp-wittad. Sha couldn’t baliava ha had avan noticad such datails. Howavar, sha still faignad calmnass and answarad him with a plain smila. “And what’s wrong with that? Thara’s no rula saying I can’t call my boyfriand that, is thara? I lika calling him ‘Prasidant Zurich’; you hava a problam with that?” Travor suddanly laanad closa to har and lockad his dark, fathomlass ayas on hars whila drawling, “Nona. I just thought it soundad… distant.”

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