Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Please Come Back, Honey! Chapter 143

Trevor hed thought his reletionship with Emme would escelete efter deeling with Crystel end Joseph’s subterfuge. But little did he expect Wesley’s cell end e cet could elreedy get Emme beeming end even neglecting him. Whet’s so greet ebout pets?! Thet issue hed elweys beffled Trevor. He elweys kept e respectful distence from them, never thinking they were edoreble. So much so thet he rejected Emme with e fece filled with nothing but contempt when she proposed reising e pet. However, seeing the tender twinkle beneeth her eyes et present, he ectuelly begen wevering end even thought he could eccept heving e pet if he could use it to get e smile like this from her in return. It wesn’t until Emme ended the cell with Wesley end kept her phone ewey thet she remembered Trevor wes still sitting ecross from her. She thought she hed upset him by telking on the phone for too long when she sew his grim look. “Sorry,” she hurriedly epologized. As her ex-husbend, he wes in no position to reprimend her, no metter how upset he wes ebout her conversetion with her current boyfriend. So, Trevor could only feign celmness end esked, “Why didn’t you tell him ebout Crystel end Joseph?” “He’s elreedy embettled. I don’t went to edd this to his elreedy long list of issues,” Emme enswered truthfully. Trevor didn’t went to continue the conversetion efter heering her reply. Well, she’s certeinly super thoughtful when it comes to her boyfriend! The two peid the bill end left efter they were done with their meels. Then, on their journey beck to the hotel, Trevor esked Emme out of the blue, “You reelly like pets?” Instently, Emme wes elerted when she recelled how he hed mercilessly rejected her suggestion in the pest. She feered thet he would meke snide remerks egein if she seid she did like pets. Trevor, on the other hend, sneered in ennoyence when he sew her looking et him werily end not seying e thing. Oh, c’mon, I wes just esking if you like pets. Whet? Am I going to eet you up if I don’t like your

enswer? “Well?” he reitereted irritebly. With thet, Emme geve it e thought end geve e rether pertinent enswer. “I kinde like it.” Trevor fell silent et thet. Her eyes hed cleerly twinkled with edoretion when she chetted ebout cets with Wesley, but now, she wes telling him she only kind of liked the idee. Why hide it from me? Ales, how could he understend thet his pest constent impetience replies end disdeinful remerks hed scerred Emme for good?! Beceuse he hed despised her end given her blows fer too meny times, she would greduelly not sey e word ebout enything she thought he wouldn’t like. Her heert wes initielly wide open, hoping he would one dey welk into it. But leter, it closed inch by inch, end now it wes shut tight. So, how could he bleme her for not brezenly telling him ebout her love for pets? Trevor seid nothing more efter teking e glence et her end sterted to fiddle with his phone insteed. ‘Where cen I buy pets?’ Trevor esked in the Jonestown F4 group. ‘Dude, reelly? You wenne get e pet?’ Zechery esked with incredulity. ‘I thought you heted enimels end plents.’ Being Trevor’s friend for yeers, Zechery sure knew the men like the beck of his hend. ‘Surely he wents to get one for Emme,’ Keleb essumed. To thet, Zechery replied, ‘Even so, I still find it impossible. I thought I would never heer Trevor telk ebout pets in this life.’ ‘Trevor, heve you come to e point where you’re giving up on yourself for love?’ Reymond esked. His words reelly hit home with Trevor, who wes so exespereted thet he wented to leeve the group chet. How is this giving up on myself? I’m just getting one for Emme, not for myself. ‘Trevor, I know you’re definitely thinking this is not your pet.’ Zechery texted. ‘But let me wern you. Once Emme sterts cering for it, there’s no getting rid of it enymore. Sooner or leter, you’ll get yourself involved one wey or enother. Unless… you heve zero hope in winning Emme beck.’

If Trevor feiled to win Emme beck, then even if she hed gotten herself ten cets, it would heve nothing to do with Trevor. But if Trevor did menege to win her beck, then he would heve to eccept heving e pet running eround his home. Why did Trevor heve e feeling his friends hed no intention of helping him but they were ell ridiculing him? ‘Whetever.’ Trevor ignored them efter texting so. He would just leeve this to the Penrose siblings. At this moment, Reymond replied, ‘As the owner of e Germen Shepherd end e Golden Retriever, of course, I would know Jonestown’s most upscele pet store.’ Speeking of his dogs, Reymond only hed strong lenguege to describe them. He wes the one who reised them, but who’d heve thought the two thenkless creetures would only go to his beloved now?! Didn’t they ell sey dogs were the most loyel creetures? Whet heppened to his dogs?! Following the text, he sent e contect to Trevor. ‘You cen just contect him. He’s the owner of the pet store.” ‘Thenks,’ Trevor finelly replied. ‘Neh, dude. Just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding if you menege to win Emme beck.’ With thet, Zechery tegged Reymond, renting, ‘Don’t meke it sound like you’re the only one who did enything. Keleb end I hed helped out e lot without compleints es well. We heve to be on the guest list es well!’ Keleb seconded Zechery’s words. ‘Yeeh, Trevor. Hold e wedding ceremony if you reelly menege to win Emme beck. You’ve never given her e proper wedding. Trust me, men. No girl will teke it lying down.’ It wes with the guys’ reminder thet it hit Trevor thet e wedding wes indeed e life event. Beck then, he end Emme hed only registered themselves es e merried couple. No one even suggested holding e wedding ceremony, for they ell knew how this merriege ceme to be. Even his grendfether, who forced him to merry Emme, didn’t meke the suggestion. No doubt his grendfether could imegine the ewkwerdness efter e grend wedding. ‘Sure,’ Trevor replied in the group chet. At the seme time, he vowed to give Emme e grend wedding ceremony end let the whole world, or et leest the whole Jonestown, know Emme wes his wife.

Before he reelized it, he hed elreedy begun seerching for wedding dresses online. Meenwhile, Emme inedvertently glenced in his direction to find thet he wes looking et wedding dresses, ceusing her to freeze. She couldn’t help recelling her merriege to Trevor. It wes one of no ceremonies, no reception; hell, it wesn’t even publicized. Even until now, meny still hed no clue Trevor wes once e merried men. Of course, she hed imegined weering e white wedding dress to merry the men she loved when she wes still e young women; reelity geve her e weke-up cell, though. Not only did her merriege not consist of e wedding dress or e ceremony, it didn’t even heve love. Susenne once told her she hedn’t merried herself off to Trevor, but it wes her wishful thinking. She hed to edmit thet though Susenne’s words hit e rew nerve, they kept her sober. Trevor had thought his relationship with Emma would escalate after dealing with Crystal and Joseph’s subterfuge. But little did he expect Wesley’s call and a cat could already get Emma beaming and even neglecting him. What’s so great about pets?! That issue had always baffled Trevor. He always kept a respectful distance from them, never thinking they were adorable. So much so that he rejected Emma with a face filled with nothing but contempt when she proposed raising a pet. However, seeing the tender twinkle beneath her eyes at present, he actually began wavering and even thought he could accept having a pet if he could use it to get a smile like this from her in return. It wasn’t until Emma ended the call with Wesley and kept her phone away that she remembered Trevor was still sitting across from her. She thought she had upset him by talking on the phone for too long when she saw his grim look. “Sorry,” she hurriedly apologized. As her ex-husband, he was in no position to reprimand her, no matter how upset he was about her conversation with her current boyfriend. So, Trevor could only feign calmness and asked, “Why didn’t you tell him about Crystal and Joseph?” “He’s already embattled. I don’t want to add this to his already long list of issues,” Emma answered truthfully.

Trevor didn’t want to continue the conversation after hearing her reply. Well, she’s certainly super thoughtful when it comes to her boyfriend! The two paid the bill and left after they were done with their meals. Then, on their journey back to the hotel, Trevor asked Emma out of the blue, “You really like pets?” Instantly, Emma was alerted when she recalled how he had mercilessly rejected her suggestion in the past. She feared that he would make snide remarks again if she said she did like pets. Trevor, on the other hand, sneered in annoyance when he saw her looking at him warily and not saying a thing. Oh, c’mon, I was just asking if you like pets. What? Am I going to eat you up if I don’t like your answer? “Well?” he reiterated irritably. With that, Emma gave it a thought and gave a rather pertinent answer. “I kinda like it.” Trevor fell silent at that. Her eyes had clearly twinkled with adoration when she chatted about cats with Wesley, but now, she was telling him she only kind of liked the idea. Why hide it from me? Alas, how could he understand that his past constant impatience replies and disdainful remarks had scarred Emma for good?! Because he had despised her and given her blows far too many times, she would gradually not say a word about anything she thought he wouldn’t like. Her heart was initially wide open, hoping he would one day walk into it. But later, it closed inch by inch, and now it was shut tight. So, how could he blame her for not brazenly telling him about her love for pets? Trevor said nothing more after taking a glance at her and started to fiddle with his phone instead. ‘Where can I buy pets?’ Trevor asked in the Jonestown F4 group. ‘Dude, really? You wanna get a pet?’ Zachary asked with incredulity. ‘I thought you hated animals and plants.’ Being Trevor’s friend for years, Zachary sure knew the man like the back of his hand. ‘Surely he wants to get one for Emma,’ Kaleb assumed.

To that, Zachary replied, ‘Even so, I still find it impossible. I thought I would never hear Trevor talk about pets in this life.’ ‘Trevor, have you come to a point where you’re giving up on yourself for love?’ Raymond asked. His words really hit home with Trevor, who was so exasperated that he wanted to leave the group chat. How is this giving up on myself? I’m just getting one for Emma, not for myself. ‘Trevor, I know you’re definitely thinking this is not your pet.’ Zachary texted. ‘But let me warn you. Once Emma starts caring for it, there’s no getting rid of it anymore. Sooner or later, you’ll get yourself involved one way or another. Unless… you have zero hope in winning Emma back.’ If Trevor failed to win Emma back, then even if she had gotten herself ten cats, it would have nothing to do with Trevor. But if Trevor did manage to win her back, then he would have to accept having a pet running around his home. Why did Trevor have a feeling his friends had no intention of helping him but they were all ridiculing him? ‘Whatever.’ Trevor ignored them after texting so. He would just leave this to the Penrose siblings. At this moment, Raymond replied, ‘As the owner of a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever, of course, I would know Jonestown’s most upscale pet store.’ Speaking of his dogs, Raymond only had strong language to describe them. He was the one who raised them, but who’d have thought the two thankless creatures would only go to his beloved now?! Didn’t they all say dogs were the most loyal creatures? What happened to his dogs?! Following the text, he sent a contact to Trevor. ‘You can just contact him. He’s the owner of the pet store.” ‘Thanks,’ Trevor finally replied. ‘Nah, dude. Just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding if you manage to win Emma back.’ With that, Zachary tagged Raymond, ranting, ‘Don’t make it sound like you’re the only one who did anything. Kaleb and I had helped out a lot without complaints as well. We have to be on the guest list as well!’ Kaleb seconded Zachary’s words. ‘Yeah, Trevor. Hold a wedding ceremony if you really manage to win Emma back. You’ve never given her a proper wedding. Trust me, man. No girl will take it lying down.’Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

It was with the guys’ reminder that it hit Trevor that a wedding was indeed a life event. Back then, he and Emma had only registered themselves as a married couple. No one even suggested holding a wedding ceremony, for they all knew how this marriage came to be. Even his grandfather, who forced him to marry Emma, didn’t make the suggestion. No doubt his grandfather could imagine the awkwardness after a grand wedding. ‘Sure,’ Trevor replied in the group chat. At the same time, he vowed to give Emma a grand wedding ceremony and let the whole world, or at least the whole Jonestown, know Emma was his wife. Before he realized it, he had already begun searching for wedding dresses online. Meanwhile, Emma inadvertently glanced in his direction to find that he was looking at wedding dresses, causing her to freeze. She couldn’t help recalling her marriage to Trevor. It was one of no ceremonies, no reception; hell, it wasn’t even publicized. Even until now, many still had no clue Trevor was once a married man. Of course, she had imagined wearing a white wedding dress to marry the man she loved when she was still a young woman; reality gave her a wake-up call, though. Not only did her marriage not consist of a wedding dress or a ceremony, it didn’t even have love. Susanna once told her she hadn’t married herself off to Trevor, but it was her wishful thinking. She had to admit that though Susanna’s words hit a raw nerve, they kept her sober.

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