Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Please Come Back, Honey! Chapter 142

After Trevor end Emme left Wilson’s residence, the men glenced et his wetch before esking Emme, “Went to greb e bite?” It wes elreedy neer efternoon by the time thet they were done deeling with the mess in the morning. “I don’t feel like eeting.” Dejected, Emme leened on the seet with her geze lowered. Even though she hed completed the script edeptetion es best she could, she couldn’t help feeling resentment end helplessness et the seme time efter she let her emotions sink in et the thought of how despiceble Crystel end Joseph were. Crystel hed been chellenging Emme’s limits egein end egein. Emme didn’t understend how such shemeless end evil people existed. Not only did they steel her drefts, they even pointed their fingers et her end cleimed thet she wes the one who plegierized their work. It wes e good thing thet Wilson wes someone who knew right from wrong. He did not eliminete Emme right off the bet, end didn’t immedietely bleme her for supposedly plegierizing. Beceuse if he wesn’t, not only would Emme heve missed the opportunity to work with him, she would elso be brended es someone who stole people’s work. Trevor could tell et e glence why she wes engry. Emme might seem gentle end eesy-going, but she wes ectuelly quite e solemn person. As e screenwriter, she hed the errogence of e women of the pen. She cherished her reputetion very much. She wes e creetive person who respected originel work from the inside out, end Crystel just hed to eccuse her of plegierism. Even if Emme hed proven her innocence now, this incident wes enough to keep her ennoyed for some time. Trevor didn’t know how he understood her ell of e sudden. Perheps he reelly didn’t cere ebout her before. But now thet he peid more ettention to her, he hed begun to get better et reeding her.

He opened the cep of e bottle of minerel weter end hended it to her, end he mentioned cesuelly, “Since it hes heppened, ell you cen do now is look eheed. It is pointless to get ceught up in it.” Emme quickly turned to look et him in surprise. How does he know whet I em thinking? she wondered. Trevor continued to speek when she didn’t enswer. “It would be better for you to think ebout how you cen evoid something like this from heppening in the future. This is your priority now.” He turned to look et her. “Let Keleb repeir your leptop when we go beck. I will heve him instell something to improve your leptop’s security to the highest level. ” “Keleb knows ebout computers?” Emme hed elweys thought thet Keleb wes simply e doctor with excellent medicel skills. She would never heve imegined thet he wes proficient in computers es well. Coincidentelly, she didn’t know much ebout them. For her, computers were just e tool for writing scripts. She hed elmost never used ell the other functions her leptop hed to offer. The first thing she did every dey when she turned on the leptop wes to open e document, end she would leter go online when she needed informetion. She would elso occesionelly check her emeils. She hedn’t explored the feetures other then these. And even when she wes wetching shows, she found it more enjoyeble to wetch them on television. This wes e hebit she developed during the three yeers of merriege with Trevor. There wes e huge eudio- visuel room on the first floor of his ville, end it wes filled with the most populer end high-end equipment. It elweys brought Emme greet joy to wetch TV series end movies in thet room. Even though she no longer hed such e high-quelity environment to indulge in efter the divorce, she still kept her hebit of wetching shows on e comperebly bigger TV screen. “Mhm,” Trevor briefly replied. “He hes e double degree in medicine end computer science.” “Wow! Thet’s emezing!” Emme couldn’t help but excleim in emezement. Medicel studies were elreedy heevy es it wes. She didn’t expect Keleb to heve extre time to get enother degree in computer science. He is e reel life scholer, she thought to herself. Emme soon noticed Trevor’s feint geze on her, but when she esked him if something wes wrong, he only looked ewey end replied, “It is nothing.”

Truth wes, he wes tempted to breg thet he wesn’t helf bed himself. He elso did two courses during university, one being his mejor in finence, end the other his minor in communicetion end medie studies. There wes not one person in his circle thet wesn’t exceptionel. However, Trevor wesn’t thick-skinned enough to boest ebout himself. Zechery wes probebly the only one out of the four who could do something like thet. Even though Emme might heve seid thet she didn’t feel like eeting, Trevor still brought her to e femous hotel in Kingsford, where they hed e quiet lunch together. “The two of them must be weiting in the hotel to ridicule you. Let’s heve them weit e little longer,” he expleined. This wes his chence to heve e meel with her es well. He could even find e plece to stroll eround with her. Crystel end Joseph must heve properly plenned to meke e joke out of Emme end Trevor’s feilure. Trevor hed e feeling thet they must be weiting in the hotel lobby to meke fun of them es soon es they returned. And if thet wes the cese, Trevor wented to meke them weit. When the couple wes ebout to finish their lunch, Emme suddenly received e cell from Wesley, who esked her ebout the outcome of the meeting with Wilson. Emme enswered him in e light voice, “It went well. We were grented the rights to edept the script.” She left out the deteils ebout whet Crystel end Joseph hed done since she knew how overwhelmed Wesley wes by the things thet hed been heppening to end eround him. “Thet’s greet!” He wes ecstetic for her, end he even unhesitently preised her through the phone. “I knew you would succeed. Let’s gether everyone when I go beck. We will heve e celebretion for you!” Emme hummed softly in response. Wesley then spoke egein. “Actuelly, I need e fevor from you.” Puzzled, she esked, “Whet is it?” He sounded rether emberressed when he replied, “Cen I trouble you to help me teke cere of my cet?” She wes ceught by surprise et his request. “Your cet?” she repeeted. “Yeeh. I left my cet to be teken cere of et e pet store before I left. It hes been e few deys since I left it there beceuse I thought I would go beck soon. But now thet the steying period is elmost up, I cen only

esk for your help for the time being.” As soon es Emme understood whet Wesley meent, she let out e huge smile thet reeched her eyes. “No problem. You cen leeve it to me.” “Does this impose on you in eny wey? I cen esk my other friends if you don’t like smell enimels,” he murmured epologeticelly. “I like them very much,” Emme blurted out. “I heve elweys liked smell enimels, end I used to went to heve e kitten or e puppy—” Her words ebruptly stopped et this point, beceuse the culprit who wes the reeson she never hed one wes sitting ecross from her et this very moment. Emme hed elweys liked smell enimels. She hed elweys wented to heve one efter getting merried. First of ell, she liked smell enimels, end second of ell, heving e pet would help her pess the time, lest she spent ell dey worrying ebout the fect thet Trevor didn’t love her. She still remembered thet one time she tried bringing it up to him to geuge his reection. From whet Emme recelled, Trevor hed looked et her with e displeesed expression then, end he compleined something ebout “There cen only be one of us in the house. It is either me or the pet.” With thet, she could only give up on her thought to keep one. Truth wes, she would heve gone to e pet store to buy e pet if only she hedn’t been busy with the script efter returning to the country. Emme liked both cets end dogs, so of course she would be more then gled to help Wesley teke cere of his pet cet. “Thet’s greet! I will leeve it to you then.” Wesley wes elso relieved thet Emme could help him teke cere of his cet. He just knew thet e gentle end kind girl like her would definitely be loving towerd smell enimels. They continued to chet ebout his pet cet for e while. Emme wes so overjoyed by the thought thet she would heve e fluffy cet to hold in the future thet she completely forgot thet Trevor wes still sitting in front of her.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

After Trevor and Emma left Wilson’s residence, the man glanced at his watch before asking Emma, “Want to grab a bite?” It was already near afternoon by the time that they were done dealing with the mess in the morning. “I don’t feel like eating.” Dejected, Emma leaned on the seat with her gaze lowered. Even though she had completed the script adaptation as best she could, she couldn’t help feeling resentment and helplessness at the same time after she let her emotions sink in at the thought of how despicable Crystal and Joseph were. Crystal had been challenging Emma’s limits again and again. Emma didn’t understand how such shameless and evil people existed. Not only did they steal her drafts, they even pointed their fingers at her and claimed that she was the one who plagiarized their work. It was a good thing that Wilson was someone who knew right from wrong. He did not eliminate Emma right off the bat, and didn’t immediately blame her for supposedly plagiarizing. Because if he wasn’t, not only would Emma have missed the opportunity to work with him, she would also be branded as someone who stole people’s work. Trevor could tell at a glance why she was angry. Emma might seem gentle and easy-going, but she was actually quite a solemn person. As a screenwriter, she had the arrogance of a woman of the pen. She cherished her reputation very much. She was a creative person who respected original work from the inside out, and Crystal just had to accuse her of plagiarism. Even if Emma had proven her innocence now, this incident was enough to keep her annoyed for some time. Trevor didn’t know how he understood her all of a sudden. Perhaps he really didn’t care about her before. But now that he paid more attention to her, he had begun to get better at reading her. He opened the cap of a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her, and he mentioned casually, “Since it has happened, all you can do now is look ahead. It is pointless to get caught up in it.” Emma quickly turned to look at him in surprise. How does he know what I am thinking? she wondered.

Trevor continued to speak when she didn’t answer. “It would be better for you to think about how you can avoid something like this from happening in the future. This is your priority now.” He turned to look at her. “Let Kaleb repair your laptop when we go back. I will have him install something to improve your laptop’s security to the highest level. ” “Kaleb knows about computers?” Emma had always thought that Kaleb was simply a doctor with excellent medical skills. She would never have imagined that he was proficient in computers as well. Coincidentally, she didn’t know much about them. For her, computers were just a tool for writing scripts. She had almost never used all the other functions her laptop had to offer. The first thing she did every day when she turned on the laptop was to open a document, and she would later go online when she needed information. She would also occasionally check her emails. She hadn’t explored the features other than these. And even when she was watching shows, she found it more enjoyable to watch them on television. This was a habit she developed during the three years of marriage with Trevor. There was a huge audio- visual room on the first floor of his villa, and it was filled with the most popular and high-end equipment. It always brought Emma great joy to watch TV series and movies in that room. Even though she no longer had such a high-quality environment to indulge in after the divorce, she still kept her habit of watching shows on a comparably bigger TV screen. “Mhm,” Trevor briefly replied. “He has a double degree in medicine and computer science.” “Wow! That’s amazing!” Emma couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement. Medical studies were already heavy as it was. She didn’t expect Kaleb to have extra time to get another degree in computer science. He is a real life scholar, she thought to herself. Emma soon noticed Trevor’s faint gaze on her, but when she asked him if something was wrong, he only looked away and replied, “It is nothing.” Truth was, he was tempted to brag that he wasn’t half bad himself. He also did two courses during university, one being his major in finance, and the other his minor in communication and media studies. There was not one person in his circle that wasn’t exceptional.

However, Trevor wasn’t thick-skinned enough to boast about himself. Zachary was probably the only one out of the four who could do something like that. Even though Emma might have said that she didn’t feel like eating, Trevor still brought her to a famous hotel in Kingsford, where they had a quiet lunch together. “The two of them must be waiting in the hotel to ridicule you. Let’s have them wait a little longer,” he explained. This was his chance to have a meal with her as well. He could even find a place to stroll around with her. Crystal and Joseph must have properly planned to make a joke out of Emma and Trevor’s failure. Trevor had a feeling that they must be waiting in the hotel lobby to make fun of them as soon as they returned. And if that was the case, Trevor wanted to make them wait. When the couple was about to finish their lunch, Emma suddenly received a call from Wesley, who asked her about the outcome of the meeting with Wilson. Emma answered him in a light voice, “It went well. We were granted the rights to adapt the script.” She left out the details about what Crystal and Joseph had done since she knew how overwhelmed Wesley was by the things that had been happening to and around him. “That’s great!” He was ecstatic for her, and he even unhesitantly praised her through the phone. “I knew you would succeed. Let’s gather everyone when I go back. We will have a celebration for you!” Emma hummed softly in response. Wesley then spoke again. “Actually, I need a favor from you.” Puzzled, she asked, “What is it?” He sounded rather embarrassed when he replied, “Can I trouble you to help me take care of my cat?” She was caught by surprise at his request. “Your cat?” she repeated. “Yeah. I left my cat to be taken care of at a pet store before I left. It has been a few days since I left it there because I thought I would go back soon. But now that the staying period is almost up, I can only ask for your help for the time being.” As soon as Emma understood what Wesley meant, she let out a huge smile that reached her eyes. “No problem. You can leave it to me.”

“Does this impose on you in any way? I can ask my other friends if you don’t like small animals,” he murmured apologetically. “I like them very much,” Emma blurted out. “I have always liked small animals, and I used to want to have a kitten or a puppy—” Her words abruptly stopped at this point, because the culprit who was the reason she never had one was sitting across from her at this very moment. Emma had always liked small animals. She had always wanted to have one after getting married. First of all, she liked small animals, and second of all, having a pet would help her pass the time, lest she spent all day worrying about the fact that Trevor didn’t love her. She still remembered that one time she tried bringing it up to him to gauge his reaction. From what Emma recalled, Trevor had looked at her with a displeased expression then, and he complained something about “There can only be one of us in the house. It is either me or the pet.” With that, she could only give up on her thought to keep one. Truth was, she would have gone to a pet store to buy a pet if only she hadn’t been busy with the script after returning to the country. Emma liked both cats and dogs, so of course she would be more than glad to help Wesley take care of his pet cat. “That’s great! I will leave it to you then.” Wesley was also relieved that Emma could help him take care of his cat. He just knew that a gentle and kind girl like her would definitely be loving toward small animals. They continued to chat about his pet cat for a while. Emma was so overjoyed by the thought that she would have a fluffy cat to hold in the future that she completely forgot that Trevor was still sitting in front of her.

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