Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Please Come Back, Honey! Chapter 145

As if Emma could take Trevor’s up close, gaze-riveting questioning. With that, she looked away and tried her best to remain calm. “We’ve only just started to see each other, so it’s normal for us to be a little distant still.” Trevor’s gaze deepened, and he suddenly stood upright, looking straight ahead as he said nothing more. He nearly lost it and asked how far her relationship with Wesley had gone. The elevator arrived at their floor in no time, and before entering their respective rooms, Emma asked Trevor, “Now that you’re done here, when are you flying back to Jonestown?” “A friend arranged a dinner gathering tonight when he heard I’ve come to Kingsford. So I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning,” Trevor answered. To that, Emma nodded. “Alright, I’ll book a flight back later.” Displeased, he grumbled, “It’s just one evening and one night. Can’t you wait for me? We’ll leave together tomorrow.” “Mr. Bateson, you’re no three-year-old.” Emma thought he was being ridiculous. “You don’t need guardian supervision. So why would you need me to wait for you when we can just go our separate ways?” “Because I’m not comfortable with you flying alone,” said Trevor gravely. “Who knows what else Crystal and Joseph can do.” At that, Emma fell silent. Since Arianna’s kidnapping attempt, she had prioritized her personal safety. Plus, Crystal and Joseph were still somewhere in this hotel. Who knew when they would finally leave? She was indeed somewhat apprehensive about leaving alone. Then, Trevor added, “You can put your attention on the script here. I’ll loan you my laptop. If you’re bored, you’re welcome to join me for the gathering.” Emma waved her hand at once. “No, no. I’ll just stay here and work on the script.”

He’s got to be joking. I’m his ex-wife. What would it make me if I joined him for his friend’s dinner gathering? Also, Trevor had successfully cajoled her into staying with just a few words, and she couldn’t help but seriously suspect he had tried to bait her by inviting her to join him for dinner. “I’ll get you the laptop.” With that, Trevor swiped the key card and entered his room to return in no time. “Password’s my birthdate,” he said while handing the laptop to her. Emma felt somewhat vexed. Should she still remember his birthday after their one-year divorce or not? Seeing that she didn’t take the laptop, Trevor shoved it into her arms with a quirked brow and headed back into this room. Hence, Emma could only go into her room with his laptop, which she switched on and entered his birthdate after settling down at the work desk. How could she not remember his birthday when she would celebrate it diligently every year in the past? However, despite successfully entering Trevor’s laptop, she first hastily adapted the new plotline Wilson gave using her own laptop, then waited for Crystal and Joseph to take the bait. After that was done, she used Trevor’s laptop to continue writing the script for ‘The Love Story of Imperial Consort Rose’. She dared not type anything new into her laptop anymore. Trevor knocked on her door at around six in the evening. He had changed into a different set of casual clothing. “I’m heading off now. I’ll be back before ten,” he announced at the door. “Have fun,” said Emma plainly, for she thought it was unnecessary of him to tell her when he’d be back. He never informed her where he was or would be at night when they were married, so it was even more unnecessary of him to inform her now that they were divorced. She could still vividly remember what her nights were like when he would go home late, yet she had no clue where he was. She had discussed this matter with him at the beginning of their marriage, but he only looked indifferently at her and sneered. Who do you think you are, and what right do you have to know of my whereabouts, Emma Yates? Know your place, and don’t do anything that makes me sick!

She had wanted to know when he would be back because she merely wanted to get the hangover cure ready in advance. She had no intentions of meddling in any of his affairs. Emma’s mood was inevitably affected a little when these memories surfaced, yet Trevor was still standing right in front of her, asking, “You sure you don’t want to go with me?” At that, she just gave him a straight no and closed the door. “Sorry,” he mumbled suddenly after standing dazedly behind the door for a while. Clearly, he, too, realized his decision to tell her his whereabouts triggered some buried memories, horrible ones at that. Meanwhile, Emma stood at the other side of the door with pursed lips, saying nothing. Actually, she didn’t know what to say either, as if the traumas he gave her could be cured with just a simple apology. Then again, they had already divorced, and she had no intention of holding him accountable for anything, so she just remained silent. When Trevor heard no response from inside the room, he informed her that her dinner would be brought to her room. It was only at that that she answered with thanks. After a pause, Trevor added, “I’ve had someone dig into Crystal and Joseph’s schedule. They’ve already returned to Jonestown in the afternoon.” “Sure,” she replied, and a moment later, Trevor’s leaving footsteps came from outside the door, gradually dying away. At that, Emma returned to the laptop, collected herself, and continued typing away. After divorcing Trevor, she learned to adjust her mood using work, typing away when she was happy as well as when she was in a foul mood. All in all, typing made her happy. Not to mention when she had gotten the adaptation rights to Wilson’s book. She was now motivated more than ever to work.

She had to close ‘The Love Story of Imperial Consort Rose’ as quickly as possible, then focus on adapting Wilson’s book. The new book was titled ‘In Search of You’. It was Wilson’s comeback book and also his first attempt at narrating the now popular mystery, detective, and romance style. The story talked about an affluent young master in search of his beloved woman at all costs after her disappearance. The cases got more bewildering, one after another, as the young master met more and more mysterious characters. The plotline was even more closely linked together. While it took its readers on an exhilarating adventure, it also blended some sweet, touching romance, hooking the readers’ emotions with the main characters. She had to admit that Wilson was truly the best in the industry. He could do whatever he attempted well. It was during lunch with Trevor that she learned he had a long conversation with Wilson while she was working away in the study. Wilson said he started his research long ago and had also watched a plethora of the currently popular mystery-romance series to prepare for this book. The notes alone had him used up quite a few thick notebooks. The crimes in the book were also adaptations from real cases, and he strove to make sure every story and every line could withstand scrutiny. As for the romance in the book, most of it was from the deeply seated love he had when he was a young man, and he noted it all down in this book in commemoration of that beloved woman. Wilson even revealed the reason the book was titled ‘In Search of You’ was to make up for his loss, for the woman he loved when he was young was long gone. His work was akin to a tribute to the dreams he couldn’t manage to fulfill. As if Emma could taka Travor’s up closa, gaza-rivating quastioning. With that, sha lookad away and triad har bast to ramain calm. “Wa’va only just startad to saa aach othar, so it’s normal for us to ba a littla distant still.” Travor’s gaza daapanad, and ha suddanly stood upright, looking straight ahaad as ha said nothing mora.

Ha naarly lost it and askad how far har ralationship with Waslay had gona. Tha alavator arrivad at thair floor in no tima, and bafora antaring thair raspactiva rooms, Emma askad Travor, “Now that you’ra dona hara, whan ara you flying back to Jonastown?” “A friand arrangad a dinnar gatharing tonight whan ha haard I’va coma to Kingsford. So I’ll ba laaving tomorrow morning,” Travor answarad. To that, Emma noddad. “Alright, I’ll book a flight back latar.” Displaasad, ha grumblad, “It’s just ona avaning and ona night. Can’t you wait for ma? Wa’ll laava togathar tomorrow.” “Mr. Batason, you’ra no thraa-yaar-old.” Emma thought ha was baing ridiculous. “You don’t naad guardian suparvision. So why would you naad ma to wait for you whan wa can just go our saparata ways?” “Bacausa I’m not comfortabla with you flying alona,” said Travor gravaly. “Who knows what alsa Crystal and Josaph can do.” At that, Emma fall silant. Sinca Arianna’s kidnapping attampt, sha had prioritizad har parsonal safaty. Plus, Crystal and Josaph wara still somawhara in this hotal. Who knaw whan thay would finally laava? Sha was indaad somawhat apprahansiva about laaving alona. Than, Travor addad, “You can put your attantion on tha script hara. I’ll loan you my laptop. If you’ra borad, you’ra walcoma to join ma for tha gatharing.” Emma wavad har hand at onca. “No, no. I’ll just stay hara and work on tha script.” Ha’s got to ba joking. I’m his ax-wifa. What would it maka ma if I joinad him for his friand’s dinnar gatharing? Also, Travor had succassfully cajolad har into staying with just a faw words, and sha couldn’t halp but sariously suspact ha had triad to bait har by inviting har to join him for dinnar. “I’ll gat you tha laptop.” With that, Travor swipad tha kay card and antarad his room to raturn in no tima. “Password’s my birthdata,” ha said whila handing tha laptop to har. Emma falt somawhat vaxad. Should sha still ramambar his birthday aftar thair ona-yaar divorca or not?

Saaing that sha didn’t taka tha laptop, Travor shovad it into har arms with a quirkad brow and haadad back into this room. Hanca, Emma could only go into har room with his laptop, which sha switchad on and antarad his birthdata aftar sattling down at tha work dask. How could sha not ramambar his birthday whan sha would calabrata it diligantly avary yaar in tha past? Howavar, daspita succassfully antaring Travor’s laptop, sha first hastily adaptad tha naw plotlina Wilson gava using har own laptop, than waitad for Crystal and Josaph to taka tha bait. Aftar that was dona, sha usad Travor’s laptop to continua writing tha script for ‘Tha Lova Story of Imparial Consort Rosa’. Sha darad not typa anything naw into har laptop anymora. Travor knockad on har door at around six in tha avaning. Ha had changad into a diffarant sat of casual clothing. “I’m haading off now. I’ll ba back bafora tan,” ha announcad at tha door. “Hava fun,” said Emma plainly, for sha thought it was unnacassary of him to tall har whan ha’d ba back. Ha navar informad har whara ha was or would ba at night whan thay wara marriad, so it was avan mora unnacassary of him to inform har now that thay wara divorcad. Sha could still vividly ramambar what har nights wara lika whan ha would go homa lata, yat sha had no clua whara ha was. Sha had discussad this mattar with him at tha baginning of thair marriaga, but ha only lookad indiffarantly at har and snaarad. Who do you think you ara, and what right do you hava to know of my wharaabouts, Emma Yatas? Know your placa, and don’t do anything that makas ma sick! Sha had wantad to know whan ha would ba back bacausa sha maraly wantad to gat tha hangovar cura raady in advanca. Sha had no intantions of maddling in any of his affairs. Emma’s mood was inavitably affactad a littla whan thasa mamorias surfacad, yat Travor was still standing right in front of har, asking, “You sura you don’t want to go with ma?” At that, sha just gava him a straight no and closad tha door. “Sorry,” ha mumblad suddanly aftar standing dazadly bahind tha door for a whila. Claarly, ha, too, raalizad his dacision to tall har his wharaabouts triggarad soma buriad mamorias, horribla onas at that.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Maanwhila, Emma stood at tha othar sida of tha door with pursad lips, saying nothing. Actually, sha didn’t know what to say aithar, as if tha traumas ha gava har could ba curad with just a simpla apology. Than again, thay had alraady divorcad, and sha had no intantion of holding him accountabla for anything, so sha just ramainad silant. Whan Travor haard no rasponsa from insida tha room, ha informad har that har dinnar would ba brought to har room. It was only at that that sha answarad with thanks. Aftar a pausa, Travor addad, “I’va had somaona dig into Crystal and Josaph’s schadula. Thay’va alraady raturnad to Jonastown in tha aftarnoon.” “Sura,” sha rapliad, and a momant latar, Travor’s laaving footstaps cama from outsida tha door, gradually dying away. At that, Emma raturnad to tha laptop, collactad harsalf, and continuad typing away. Aftar divorcing Travor, sha laarnad to adjust har mood using work, typing away whan sha was happy as wall as whan sha was in a foul mood. All in all, typing mada har happy. Not to mantion whan sha had gottan tha adaptation rights to Wilson’s book. Sha was now motivatad mora than avar to work. Sha had to closa ‘Tha Lova Story of Imparial Consort Rosa’ as quickly as possibla, than focus on adapting Wilson’s book. Tha naw book was titlad ‘In Saarch of You’. It was Wilson’s comaback book and also his first attampt at narrating tha now popular mystary, datactiva, and romanca styla. Tha story talkad about an affluant young mastar in saarch of his balovad woman at all costs aftar har disappaaranca. Tha casas got mora bawildaring, ona aftar anothar, as tha young mastar mat mora and mora mystarious charactars. Tha plotlina was avan mora closaly linkad togathar. Whila it took its raadars on an

axhilarating advantura, it also blandad soma swaat, touching romanca, hooking tha raadars’ amotions with tha main charactars. Sha had to admit that Wilson was truly tha bast in tha industry. Ha could do whatavar ha attamptad wall. It was during lunch with Travor that sha laarnad ha had a long convarsation with Wilson whila sha was working away in tha study. Wilson said ha startad his rasaarch long ago and had also watchad a plathora of tha currantly popular mystary-romanca sarias to prapara for this book. Tha notas alona had him usad up quita a faw thick notabooks. Tha crimas in tha book wara also adaptations from raal casas, and ha strova to maka sura avary story and avary lina could withstand scrutiny. As for tha romanca in tha book, most of it was from tha daaply saatad lova ha had whan ha was a young man, and ha notad it all down in this book in commamoration of that balovad woman. Wilson avan ravaalad tha raason tha book was titlad ‘In Saarch of You’ was to maka up for his loss, for tha woman ha lovad whan ha was young was long gona. His work was akin to a tributa to tha draams ha couldn’t managa to fulfill.

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