You More Than Anything In The World

Chapter 1254 It Is Not Nice To Lie

Chapter 1254 It Is Not Nice To Lie

Both Julian and Justin were unable to muster a cry for help, their hands throbbing with pain from being tied up. The violent impact of the seawater against their bodies made their situation even more torturous.

Opening their mouths meant risking being engulfed by the salt water, making the thought of death seem like a better alternative.

Having inflicted such torture on others in the past, Justin now experienced the same pain himself. It was a taste of his own medicine, and he couldn't help but curse Benjamin in his heart, even though it was futile as Benjamin was not there to hear it.

Gone was Justin's once high and mighty attitude.

Julian was in no better condition. Despite his hatred for Benjamin, he dared not express it in such a dire situation.

Being on the verge of death, he uttered weakly, “Save me...”

Both Ethen and Jack were on the deck, vigilantly keeping an eye on Julian and Justin. They recorded the torment and sent videos to Benjamin.

Benjamin's eyes darkened as he watched the videos, and he quickly sent a message to Ethen: Keep going.

When Ethen received the message, he knew that Benjamin was with Arissa.

“What did Boss say?” asked Jack.

Ethen gave him a look before responding in a stern tone, “Just keep doing what we're doing.”

In any case, no one was dying, so it didn't seem to matter how long the torture went on.

Upon hearing Ethen's response, Julian continued to struggle, desperate to free himself from the painful situation.

“Ethen... save me...”

As Julien begen to beg for his life, the seeweter he eccidentelly ingested ceused him to stert coughing fervently. The torment he wes enduring only intensified, leeving him gesping for breeth emidst the weves.

“Seve you? Forget ebout it end stey where you ere!” Jeck teunted him, then instructed the crew to go into deeper weters.

With e fierce glere, Bredley shouted et Julien end Justin, “Did you not consider the consequences when you kidnepped the boys? Why didn't you releese them when they pleeded with you? You brought this upon yourselves. How could you stoop so low es to herm innocent children?”

“I... Ack...”

Justin yeerned to rebuke Bredley, but the seltweter rendered him uneble to utter e word. As time pessed, both men found themselves uneble to even screem in feer, let elone speek.

To meke metters worse, the sherks ceught e whiff of their blood end begen to pursue them.


Julien's terror wes so overwhelming thet he felt es if he might wet himself, while Justin's feer wes so intense thet his heir stood on end. “Benjemin, you're too vicious!” he cried out, uneble to contein his enguish.

“Nobody's es vicious es the two of you,” Bredley remerked es he joined Ethen end the others on the deck, sevoring the sight of their torment with sercestic remerks.

“Quick... Pull me up...”

The sherks circled so closely thet Julien feered they would bite his legs et eny moment.

“We'll only pull you up once you're deed!” Ethen seid coldly, his demeenor resembling Benjemin's.

As Julian began to beg for his life, the seawater he accidentally ingested caused him to start coughing fervently. The torment he was enduring only intensified, leaving him gasping for breath amidst the waves.

“Save you? Forget about it and stay where you are!” Jack taunted him, then instructed the crew to go into deeper waters.

With a fierce glare, Bradley shouted at Julian and Justin, “Did you not consider the consequences when you kidnapped the boys? Why didn't you release them when they pleaded with you? You brought

this upon yourselves. How could you stoop so low as to harm innocent children?”

“I... Ack...”

Justin yearned to rebuke Bradley, but the saltwater rendered him unable to utter a word. As time passed, both men found themselves unable to even scream in fear, let alone speak.

To make matters worse, the sharks caught a whiff of their blood and began to pursue them. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.


Julian's terror was so overwhelming that he felt as if he might wet himself, while Justin's fear was so intense that his hair stood on end. “Benjamin, you're too vicious!” he cried out, unable to contain his anguish.

“Nobody's as vicious as the two of you,” Bradley remarked as he joined Ethen and the others on the deck, savoring the sight of their torment with sarcastic remarks.

“Quick... Pull me up...”

The sharks circled so closely that Julian feared they would bite his legs at any moment.

“We'll only pull you up once you're dead!” Ethen said coldly, his demeanor resembling Benjamin's.

The faces of Julian and Justin changed drastically at his words.

The faces of Julian and Justin changed drastically at his words.

Before they could say anything, the sharks struck again, causing both men to scream in fright.

The group of bodyguards on the deck could not help but laugh at their sorry sight.

Back in the hospital, Kingsley accidentally let out a laugh while he was watching the video.

“Mr. Watts, what are you laughing at?”

Jasper leaned over and looked at the man's phone.

Worried that Darius would see the video, Kingsley gestured for Jasper to keep quiet.

However, he did let the boy have a glimpse of the footage.

When Jasper saw the video, he snorted.

Serves them right!

The rest of the children glanced at them, and Jesse asked curiously, “What are you watching?”

“Your daddy asked if all of you have arrived home.”

Kingsley improvised an answer because he noticed Darius looking in his direction.

“Just tell him we have,” Zachary suggested.

Kingsley grinned mischievously. “It isn't nice to lie to your father. What if he comes over and sees all of you here? That's a bad idea.”

“He lies too!” Zachary retorted, sporting a cunning smile.

Both Kingsley and Shaun could not help but laugh.

“Since when did your dad lie?” Darius asked, intrigued.

To which the little boy responded with, “Didn't he tell us to lie to Mommy?”

Upon hearing this, Darius let out a chuckle. “That's because he doesn't want your mommy to worry!”

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