The Omega For Sale

Chapter 57

I pushed past the people that had gathered in the center of the living area. There were whispers everywhere and from the faces and the atmosphere I could already tell that nothing good was awaiting me, still I prayed, I prayed to the Goddess that nothing had happened to my child.

But once I got to her, all the breath whooshed out of my lungs and it felt like a vibration went through my body. I ran towards her and took her frame into my hands.

Jessy was laying in a pool of her own blood around her head and there was still some blood rushing out of her mouth. My daughter looked pale and lifeless. The scream that tore out of my mouth was inhumane and it took everything in me to not shift at that moment, since my wolf was threatening to take over.

“She’s still breathing Freya, we have to move her to the room, I just called the healer and she’ll be here soon to look her over. You need to let go of her so I can carry her to the room where she’ll be more comfortable.” I heard Greyson speak, but my mind could barely comprehend any of the things he was saying.

It felt like his words were going over my head, I only continued to grip Jessy’s frame tighter. He moved me though, gently taking Jessy out of my hands, I growled at him, rushing towards him to take my child back but he only ignored me, scooping Jessy into his arms and carrying her away.

I followed hurriedly after him with tears blurring my vision. I could hear the murmurs from the people behind us and the sound of footsteps following after me but I didn’t stop to look or listen. I only had my eyes on my child.

“Christie get some water and towels and Freya get her some new clothes.” Greyson instructed the moment we were in the masters bedroom.

I didn’t want to leave my child for any reason but Looking at the careful manner in which Greyson was treating and attending to her let me know that she was in good hands and maybe I needed to do something to get my mind to start working again.

Running out of the room, I flew down the flight of stairs in the direction of the quarters, the guests were exiting the house already but I paid no attention to any of them. It wasn’t until I was inside my room that it felt like my brain was starting to work again.

I rummaged through the drawers taking out a few clothes with tears still streaming down my face, I swiped them away trying to focus on the task at hand. Once I turned around to exit the room, it was to find the little boy that had been in the office earlier in the day. Simon.

“Where’s Jessy?” He asked.

I smiled gently at him even through my tears, the child looked sad and it worsened how I felt but at the same time it struck a chord within me. Jessy finally had a friend, one that cared about her.

It wasn’t something that would have ever happened back at our former pack. My child would have grown into a full blown outcast. She would have always been picked on because of our circumstances. Everything changed here.

“She’ll be fine, okay. Go meet your father, he might be worried.” I urged, giving him a small smile which he returned.

He held my hands as we walked out of the quarters, I knew he would be around Jessy’s age but he was already so strong and matured. It felt like he carried a certain energy of strength and as he held onto my hands while we walked, It helped me breathe better.

“Simon, I’ve been looking for you.” His father said the moment we were out. The boy let go of my fingers to go to his father.

“I’m really sorry about what has happened with Jessy, I hope she’s fine. We’ll come to check up on her again soon.” He said quietly, offering me a small smile.

His words sounded real and while he spoke they comforted me but the moment he smiled, everything felt off once more. His smile wasn’t anything comforting, it felt like he was mocking me and the way his eyes also sparkled with what looked like excitement, didn’t match his words.

But I didn’t even have the time to respond to him, because he took his son into his arms and he was exiting the now empty living area.

Simon gave me a small wave, but the boys eyes held a certain sadness that went beyond knowing his friend was ill, it looked more like the younger boy knew something.

The moment the door was shut, I turned back around and raced up the stairs. The healer was already by Jessy’s side as I got into the room.

My daughter looked worse than before, her entire frame was even more pale and it looked like she was struggling to breathe. I rushed to her side with the tears running down my face once more.

“What’s happening to her?” I asked, trying to take Jessy into my arms again, but Greyson held onto me and moved me to the side to allow the healer work better.

“Just calm down Freya, Clara is still checking her.” He said, wrapping me in a hug to avoid me looking at Jessy’s almost dying frame.

We stood like that for what felt like hours, but was only probably a couple of minutes.

“Alpha.” Clara called and we got out of Greyson’s hold, moving towards her immediately.

She had changed Jessy’s clothes already, but it didn’t make her look any better.

“She’s been poisoned.” The healer delivered and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

“What? How come?!” Greyson asked but at this point, my heart had resumed it thump thump and so I let out a loud sob.

“Five minutes, I was only away for five minutes.” I cried out loud.

“Freya you need to calm down. I need you to stay calm so we can help Jessy together, okay.” Clara said calmly and I nodded my head rapidly, swiping my hands at my eyes to clean off the tears.

“Jessy’s body is fighting the poison which is surprising for an omega pup but if we can get her to throw up then maybe we could get the majority of the toxins out of her system and if I could identify what she has been poisoned with then I might be able to help with an antidote.” She offered.

“I’ll get a bucket.” Greyson said.

In this moment, I was very grateful for Greyson because I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if it had all been left to me, I felt helpless and weak and the only thing I could do was bawl my eyes out.

I couldn’t lose my child, I wouldn’t ever survive it.

“Help me Freya, let’s get her to sit up.” Clara said and I moved to do as she said.

Jessy’s body felt cold to the touch and my daughter barely blinked even as we moved her.

“She’s still alive don’t worry. It’s just the poison taking its toll on her.” The healer assured and I nodded.

Greyson came into the room soon with a bucket in his hands and I took it from him, holding the bucket in front of Jessy as per Clara’s instruction and while Greyson held onto Jessy’s frame, Clara inserted two of her fingers into her throat, moving it this way and that for a few seconds and soon Jessy was throwing up.

I felt relieved to see it, even when my daughter looked like it pained her to be doing so, her throwing up was still a good thing. Most of what her stomach ejected was green mixed with blood and it scared me.

The thought that kept running in my head was ‘Who could have done this?”

“I think that’s all. Freya bring her some water.” The healer asked.

Thankfully there was already a bottle on the nightstand and I didn’t have to go out of the room, I watched Jessy’s almost lifeless body being dropped back onto the bed.

“She doesn’t look better at all Clara. You said some of the toxins would leave her body if she threw up shouldn’t that make her better?” Greyson asked and for the first time I saw fear dance in his eyes.

“Yes, but from the look of the contents of her puke it’s obvious what she’s been given. I don’t even need to test it. I don’t know how anyone got it, but Jessy has been given Deadly nightshade.” Clara delivered.

If a pin had been dropped in the room at the moment everyone would have heard it. The silence was almost stunning.

Deadly Nightshade? I didn’t even think those things existed anymore. That was the most poisonous herb in the world. It killed in minutes and only few, very powerful people could withstand its effect, depending on their blood.

“How? W-who? I thought those herbs don’t even exist anymore.” I stuttered brokenly, not bothering to fight the tears streaming down my face anymore.

“The herbs are very rare, but it could still be found in the woods if a person knows what they are looking for. Not everyone even knows how to identify them, so it means that whoever did this, not only had the worst intentions, but they could have been sourcing for this plant for a while.” Clara explained.

I burst into more tears at her words and Greyson once again took me into his arms. Who could have done this to my baby? She didn’t deserve it at all. Jessy was the sweetest little girl and this day was supposed to be the best day of her life, why would anyone want to take it away so cruelly?

“I just gave her something to help her body continue to fight the toxins for as long as we can. I might need a little more time to work on anything that would be able to help her, but the chances are very slim. The herbs are very deadly, we can only hope and pray.”

“Please Clara, whatever you can do. I beg you. You’ve got to save Jessy please.” Greyson pleaded, his voice cracking a little.

“I promise Alpha, I’ll help her as much as I can. I’ll leave some more of this, so you can administer to her through the night, to help her continue to fight while I work on something. By morning I should hopefully have some good news.” The older woman mentioned, packing up her bags.

“Jessy is a very strong girl Freya, you’ve just got to believe in her.” She said, before leaving the room. Shutting the door behind her.

I moved to Jessy’s side and just watched my daughter with more tears running through my face. She looked even smaller than her four years of age. I felt Greyson by my side and when I looked to him, his eyes also held a lot of sadness.

He swiped at Jessy’s cheeks with a finger and I watched as a drop of tears escaped his eyes. It made my heart squeeze even tighter in my chest.

“I wish we hadn’t gone into the garden for those five minutes, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” He said.

And I was about to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, even if we had stayed in the party all through the night, whoever had these intentions would have found a way to execute them one way or another, it was obvious that this had been planned for tonight, but his words stuck to me and brought me realization.

The garden.

Beyond the garden was the woods and the image of Emilia coming into the house that early morning, the first time I had slept with the Alpha.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Her fingers were stained like she had been digging through the sand. Then when she had turned to leave, something had stuck out of her pockets. I hadn’t seen it properly that morning but when I thought about it now it was clearer.

Those had been herbs.

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