The Omega For Sale

Chapter 56

“Happy Birthday Baby!” I whispered to my child and I watched with a smile on my face as she flipped her pretty poppers open.

“It’s my burtday mommy!” Jessy whispered excitedly back to me too and I laughed pulling her closer to me for a hug.

“Yes, yes it is babe.” I responded dropping a small kiss on her head.

It was still pretty early but Jessy and I had a small ritual on each of our birthdays, where we woke up really early in the day and just be affectionate with one another, like the way we were doing at the moment.

It would usually involve hugs, kisses and just silence. Before moving to Greyson’s home that had been the only sort of gifts or party we could offer to each other. Well, some times I tried to get extra food for Jessy or for myself but that was never really certain. This was our main gift to each other.

This particular morning felt different, but it wasn’t surprising. For the first time ever, Jessy was going to have her own birthday party, I didn’t know the details of this because someone had decided to keep me in the dark but I was very excited about it nevertheless.

“You’re growing my baby. I’m so happy I kept you, I’m so, so happy. You bring so much joy into my life and I know that you’re going to be so great. More than I could ever be, you’re going to do amazing things. I love you Jess.” I whispered to my daughter, not even bothering to wipe the tears that were currently streaming down my face.

A small knock came on the door and I paused cleaning the tears that were streaming down my face before listening closely again. It had been so faint that I couldn’t help but wonder if my mind had been playing tricks on me. But then it came again and this time it was a little louder.

I stood up from the bed and moved towards the door and when I pulled it open, it was to find Greyson on the other side with a small cake in his hands. The cake had a singular candle in it and the Alpha had a wide grin on his face, a sign that he was very pleased with himself. It made me laugh.

“I’m here for the birthday girl.” He said, but before I could open the door for him to come in, Jessy’s small frame was wiggling past me and she was hugging his legs.

I ushered us all in and the Alpha squatted and when he was at eye level with Jessy, he offered the cake in his hands to her.

“Happy birthday Jess!” He whispered to her and the girl beamed brightly.

“Thank yoo!” She responded, reaching her hands out for the cake but Greyson shook his head no.

“You have to make a wish then you blow out the candles.” He said and she did exactly that, shutting her eyes tight for a few seconds before opening them and blowing out the candle.

Greyson took out the stick before offering the cake to her, with a wide smile on her face she took a big bite.

“Some?” She said to Greyson but he shook his head.

“No that’s yours.” He responded and then she turned to me.

“Some mommy?” I only rolled my eyes before moving to settle on the bed.

“Now you offer me?” I asked but the little minx only laughed.

Greyson laughed along with her and picked her carefully, mindful of the plate of cake in her hands before settling on the bed beside me.

“Don’t be jealous mommy.” He responded with a cheeky smile on his face that made me roll my eyes.

We sat in silence for a while, with Jessy eating and Greyson just watching her with a smile on his lips, I watched them both together and it felt as if my chest would explode any second now.

“What?” Greyson asked with furrowed brows when he raised his head to find my eyes on them both but I could only sigh and shake my head, moving out of the small bed.

“Where are you going?” He asked, confusion written all over his face.

“I need to begin my day. There’s cooking and preparations to be done.”

“It’ll be taken care of. Remember I told you that you also have a surprise today so it’s also kind of your day.” He said and I smiled in reaction.

“I know. But I don’t think I’ll be comfortable to just sit back and watch everyone else do something while I do nothing.” I said and he nodded in understanding.

Standing up with Jessy in his arms, they both waved me bye and left the room. I stood in my spot for what felt like a long time but was probably only a few seconds before moving into the bathroom to begin my day properly.

The entire kitchen was filled with food items, from vegetables to meat to others and I gasped in surprise at the effort that Greyson had actually put into this. How many people were coming to this party?

I had initially thought that it would be a small celebration in the house and even that had sounded too much to me but with the amount of food items here, it was obvious that there were going to be more people.

“Hey Freya!” Christie called out the moment she noticed my presence and I smiled at her, wondering why her and the other maid that were currently occupying the kitchen were up already. It was still pretty early.

“It’s still early. Why are you up?” I asked and she let out a laugh.

“Do you see the amount of work here Freya? We needed to get a head start. Plus, I didn’t even think Master would let you join us.” She said.

“Why wouldn’t he? It’s my child’s birthday. Besides I’m a maid here and I have to work too.” I responded but Freya exchanged a look with the other girl before looking away.

There was obviously a meaning to that look and I wanted to know what it was, but before I could ask Emilia walked into the kitchen.

It would not have been weird at all for her to be coming from the garden especially since most of us were up already and busy. But the maid was still in her pajamas and on closer inspection she had a little dirt smeared on her hands. Plus her pajamas bottoms looked dirty too, like she had been sitting on sand.

I furrowed my brows at her frame as she paused in the kitchen upon seeing all of us.

“Why do you look like that and where are you coming from?” Christie asked, eyeing the maid.

Emilia of course recovered quickly from her shock and she only sneered at Christie.

“That’s none of your business.” She said, before stomping out of the room.

“You know I don’t trust that girl at all. She just strikes all the wrong chords in me.” Christie commented and I hummed in agreement.

“Me too.” I replied, and for a moment I considered telling Christie about my findings concerning the maid from the last couple of months.

It might help to at least let one person know about the strange and abnormal situations I usually met her in, but before I could open my mouth her roommate Naomi, who also happened to be in the kitchen with us began speaking.

“She’s not as bad as you all make her out to be you know. She’s just scared.”

“Scared? That’s not a word I would ever use when it comes to describing Emilia.” Christie responded.

“True, she’s a little rough around the edges and she can be mean but she’s really not as bad as you think.” She said and I only continued to watch her in confusion.

Why was Naomi covering up for her? I had seen the two together and Emilia was as mean and nasty to her as she was with everyone of us, so it made no sense that the maid was trying to make us see the good in her.

She walked out of the kitchen before anymore words could be exchanged though and I just stared after her frame in confusion.

“I’ve never seen a weirder pair.” Christie commented and I laughed loudly.

“So how are you feeling? It’s Jessy’s birthday today and I’m sure some of that excitement must be rubbing off on you.” Christie responded and my smile widened without me even meaning to.

“I am excited! But I can’t help but wonder why I had to be kept in the dark about the entire process.” I said and Christie turned away from me.

Not before I could catch the smile on her face that she was trying to hide. This girl knew something. I moved towards her.


“Mmm.” She responded, still not looking at me.

“What are you not telling me?” I asked but she only shook her head fast.

“Nothing Freya. Just let it be and have fun. She said, moving from her position by the sink to the stove to begin throwing ingredients into the boiling pot.


My entire body ached from standing through out the day and from buzzing around the kitchen, but I couldn’t be happier. I was doing this for my baby and for the very first time too so my insides were bursting with satisfaction.

A loud gasp escaped my lips the moment I entered the living area. It had been converted to a party hall and I could help but marvel at the beauty of it all. The space was mostly empty now since most of the maids had retired to prepare for the rest of the day.

One thing I did not expect was the excitement that would come from the maids at this occasion, I feared that they might be upset that they had to do some extra work for the sake of Jessy but that was not the case at all. The entire mansion was alive and bursting with happiness.

“It’s going to be one hell of a party tonight I’m sure.” Zoe said from behind me and I turned to look at her, giving the head maid a big smile which she returned.

“Thank you for all your help Zoe. I really appreciate.”

Zoe knew how best to coordinate the entire house and she had really been helpful through out this particular day.

“I’m glad I could help Freya! Enjoy your evening.” She said, before turning around and leaving.

I heard Jessy’s playful squeal coming from the Alpha’s office and I moved in that direction. I hadn’t seen the little minx and her hype man all day and I missed them a little.

There were multiple voices coming from within his office and it caused my brows to furrow in confusion. Who else was here?

I knocked at the door and it was pulled open to reveal Smith.

“Hi!” He called out cheerfully.

“Hey.” I said.

The room held Greyson, Smith and another guy I didn’t recognize. Then Jessy and her friend from the festival, the boy that had stuck to her side like glue that night.

“Mommy look! Simon!” She called excitedly and I waved to the little boy who offered me a big smile and a wave.

The other guy in the room, whom I assumed was Simon’s father from the resemblance that the two shared, had a look in his eyes that just made me uncomfortable. It wasn’t malicious, but I just didn’t like it, or feel comfortable around him and so I averted my eyes from him.

The moment Greyson’s eyes met mine he winked at me and I smiled in reaction.

“Well I’m sorry to break this mini party but the birthday girl needs to prepare for the bigger party.” I said and they all laughed.

Thankfully Jessy followed me out of the room willingly and we moved back to our room to prepare. I could already hear the noise from the living area, signifying more people coming into the house. I didn’t know the people that had been invited to this and it made me more anxious than I wanted to admit.

I trusted Greyson with my life, but that did not count for everybody else. Like the guy in his office at the moment.

Preparing Jessy turned out to be an emotional moment for me especially since Greyson had gone and gotten her a beautiful dress and shoes to match.

Once I was done dressing her and styling her hair, my daughter looked every bit like a princess and it warmed my heart. I felt so happy in the moment. It truly felt like it was my day too.

“Happy birthday baby. You’re going to have a lot of fun!” I said and Jessy giggled in response, taking my face in her little hands before planting a small kiss on my nose, one that made me smile.

I hurried through dressing up and preparing and I felt good in the dress that I had on.

Walking out of the door with Jessy’s tiny hands intertwined with mine, it felt like the entire attention turned towards us. I shied away from it but Jessy ate up all the attention.

There were quite a number of people around but that did not seem to bother her, instead she ran up to the group of her friends that she had made at the festival and from there onwards it was squeals and laughter from the group.

I watched on fondly, feeling happier and satisfied.

“You don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself.” Greyson said, coming up behind me in my position by the corner.

I turned around to face him and offered him a small smile.

“I am, I just wasn’t expecting to see a lot of people, neither do I know the majority of them.”

“Well these are mostly my pack officials and then parents of the kids playing with Jessy. I sent out the invites and honestly I didn’t expect this sort of turn up, I just wanted to prepare for it just incase and I’m glad I did.” He responded.

“Thank you, Jessy is so happy.” I said and he turned in her direction at the mention of her name.

“Come with me Freya.”

Greyson did not give me the time to respond before he was gently pulling me. We walked in the direction of the kitchen before exiting into the garden.

Once we were settled onto the bench everything felt calm again, it reminded me of the night that had begun our relationship. Greyson pulled me into his arms and I settled within, resting my head on his shoulders and just breathing in his scent.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about us.” He began and I sat up a little in my position, looking to him for more.

“What have you been thinking about us?” I asked.

“I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to love you and love Jessy. It has been such a big breath of fresh air having you both in my life and being able to take care of you like this.” He whispered, locking eyes with me.

Even when I remained quiet, he went on.

“I think, no I take that back, I am in love with you Freya. Completely, whole heartedly, I can’t even begin to explain how or when it happened but I’m done trying to figure it out. I’m done trying to find a reason to be with you or an explanation for my feelings for you. I just want to be able to express them from now on. You don’t have to say it back or feel the same way bu-”

I took his lips in a kiss, not wanting to hear the last of his sentence. A tear escaped my eyes and even as the kiss deepened I couldn’t help the butterflies that came with it.

“I love you too and you have no idea how much I want to be with you everyday.” I whispered back to him and the way his eyes lit up, made me even happier.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Before he could respond though, the door to the kitchen was pushed open to reveal a panicking, almost crying Christie.

“Freya, Freya, it’s Jessy!”

Those were the only words Christie delivered, the maid was a panting mess and she had tears streaming down her face.

That was already enough message for me, I flew out of the chair and ran into the house, Greyson hot on my heels.

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