The Omega For Sale

Chapter 35

Greyson’s POV:

The moment I shut the door to the bathroom, it felt like I could breathe better. I jumped straight into the shower, twisting the knobs, until the right temperature of water flowed out, before moving to stand underneath the pouring.

My palms were sweaty and shaky and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why it was so difficult to get a hold of my entire body.

I had just slept with my personal maid.

And what was worse, it had been the damn best sex I ever had.

There was no way to take back this particular thing, but completely avoiding it and making sure it never happened again was the best way to ensure that nothing got ruined in the long run. Especially because of the Master, slave dynamic between us.

But for some reason, everything in me screamed in disagreement with that rational thought.

What had just happened hours before had been totally unplanned but Goddess!

I wanted more, so much more.

I had loved every bit of it. The push and pull, the way in which Freya had taken everything that I gave, the melding of our bodies. There was not a single part of the act that I had not enjoyed and I craved it even more now than ever.

I couldn’t be sure if I had enjoyed this so much because it had been a while I indulged it, but one thing was certain. I enjoyed having sex with Freya and I did not want it to be a one time thing.

The shower wasn’t exactly necessary as I had taken one the moment that I had recovered from my mind blowing orgasm. Freya had passed out almost immediately so I had just wiped her down with a towel and some warm water.

And so I had come into the shower and remained under it for what felt like hours before crawling into bed to sleep, the sight of the blonde haired on my bed, sleeping peacefully and looking fully sated had created a feeling in my belly that had soon spread through my entire body.

I had slept perfectly after that, as opposed to the start of the night where sleep had evaded me like we were some sort of enemies and I had only just woken up again some minutes before Freya had.

And I had been woken up by another erotic dream involving my green eyed maid.

A shiver ran up my spine and that was when I realized that the water was cold already and I had been lost in thought, all through my shower.

I sighed heavily, before stepping out of it. I knew that there would be no more sleep for me at this point so it was best I got a head start to my insanely busy day.

I walked back into the room and the sight of an empty bed did a lot of things to me in a single second.

It reminded me of a certain night. The details of that night were still a blur like always but I remembered clearly the feelings that had come with the morning after that night.

Flicking on the light, I moved in the direction of my large closet, picking out a fresh set of clothes and slipping them on. I was about to exit the space when my eyes caught it.

The pink purse.

My brows furrowed in confusion. What was it doing laying out on one of the dressers?

There was no way that I would have done that, I moved in the direction and on closer inspection I found that the pictures were out.

My vision went red at that realization.

The only person that had the right to touch these pictures was myself, no one else.

It was one thing for someone to actually have the audacity to walk into this room and pull out the pictures from where I had kept them.

It was another thing to go through them, but it was outright disrespectful and crazy that whoever had done both of these things, had left them to be discovered.

There was only one person that could have done this.


She was the only one that had access into every corner of this room, courtesy the nature of her job.

But why?

She knew that she couldn’t rummage through my personal items. In fact she wasn’t even allowed to clean certain drawers, and that had been established from the start.

I had never had a cause to worry about my personal maid getting nosy with my items because she never did. She usually just came in to do her cleaning, leaving everything else in whatever position they were.

There were times were I left different of my stuff laying around and I always got back to meet them in the exact position they had been kept.

So it didn’t add up that she would suddenly be not only nosy, but also daring.

I picked up the purse and it’s contents that were spilling out and I furrowed my brows in thought. I had been in here earlier in the evening. Had this been laying out here?

I couldn’t remember seeing this purse out. There was no way in the world that I would have missed it.

So it meant that Freya had come into the room, the moment I went out to the garden for some fresh air since that was the only time I had been out of the room all through the night.

It didn’t make much sense. Why would she do that?

I flipped through the pictures and a slight sad smile tugged at my lips. The memories that these pictures brought were ones that always filled me with many different emotions at the same time.

The moment I flipped through the last picture in the pile, I paused for a second.

There was a picture missing.

I looked through again, this time counting them to be sure and I confirmed it.

There were four pictures, instead of five.

I rummaged through the dresser that they had been lying atop, searching the floor around it, just incase it had fallen off but when it was obvious that it wasn’t anywhere around, a certain anger possessed my frame.

How dare she?

It was unacceptable the level of audaciousness she possessed. Not only going through my stuff but also trying to take them? What did she even need it for?

I pushed the rest of the pictures back into the purse before exiting the closet. The clock on my nightstand read 5. 00a. m.

But it did nothing to deter me.

I moved out of my room with the tiny purse still clutched in my hands. The closer I got to the maid quarters, the harder my heart thumped with anger.

The only thing I could think of, was forcing Freya awake and making sure that I got answers to the questions milling in my head.

Twisting carefully the knob of the door that I knew my personal maid shared with her daughter.

I walked into the space, and the sight of mother and child wrapped around each other stopped me in my tracks.

The thumping in my heart seized and the red in my eyes vanished. The sight was so beautiful and peaceful to watch that I found myself inching closer to the twin bed in an attempt to get a better look at them even in the darkness of the room.

It wasn’t exactly ideal for them to share the small bed, but it was obvious that they were not only used to the situation, but they felt comfortable doing it.

I continued to watch them in silence, conflicting emotions going through me at the sight.

The sight of Freya’s hair fanned out on the bed reminded me of the feeling of the soft strands against my fingers and I had to hold the urge to run my fingers through her hair for fear of awakening her.

I had come down here with a mission, but now I couldn’t find it in myself to wake up the green eyed woman that was wrapped around her child.

Maybe the questioning could wait till they were up. Getting answers immediately did not seem the most important anymore.

Just as I got to the door, I heard a groaning from the bed, then it was followed by a soft sigh and before I could completely slip out of the room, a loud gasp rooted me to my spot, then I heard the bed creaking, signaling someone getting out of it.

My guess was on the bigger of the girls.

“Master?” That voice confirmed my guess.

The sound of Freya’s soft voice threw me back into our sex escapade just earlier this morning. The way in which she had moaned ‘Master.’ at different points.

I cleared my throat, shaking my head slightly to rid them of the naughty images that were starting to cloud it.

Now that she was up, I could continue on my mission here in the first place.

I reached for the light switch to flip it on, before turning back around to face Freya. I trained my eyes on her for a moment, wondering why exactly the blonde girl could have done this in the first place.

I raised the purse in my hand silently, watching Freya’s reaction closely. The girl only raised her brows in question but otherwise remained silent.

“Does this look familiar?” I asked finally.

Freya immediately nodded her head in response and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“I found it while I was rearranging your closet, some weeks ago.” She answered truthfully.

If she had taken this purse out to search through its content and even go ahead to take one of it, then her entire demeanor should be different. She should look scared at the fact that she had been caught. But all that was evident in those green orbs was confusion.

“Did you look through its content?” I asked again.

And this time a sheepish look took over her features and she began the wriggling of her fingers that I knew she did whenever she were nervous or scared.

The facts that her habits were now stuck to me, ignited a feeling in my chest once more but I shook it off and tried to concentrate on the conversation at hand.

“Y-yes I d-did, but it was just a peek I swear. I-I didn’t entirely l-look through all of it. Just a-about two or three pictures then I put it back in place.” Her awful stutter was a sign of her remorse.

I didn’t know why, but for some reason I believed her. Maybe it was because she had immediately told the truth the moment that I asked.

But that made the situation even more complicated. Who would have done it then?

“Make me some breakfast. I’m heading out of the house soon.” I instructed.

Freya muttered a small ‘yes master’ in her spot and I gave her a once over before clicking my tongue and exiting the room.

Heading in the direction of my office to finish up some work before my breakfast got ready.


The files that were opened in front of me set a frown on my face and it felt like the frown had been there from the moment I began working.

This was the part of my job that I despised the most. Sitting behind this desk and sorting through files like I was currently doing.

A knock on the door interrupted my work and it was then I noticed the sunlight filtering into the space from the window. Whenever I began working, I usually got lost in it and this time was not an exception.

“Come in.”

Freya peeked her head into the space and for some reason, my heart began a stupid wild beat in my chest at the sight of her. It was unexplainable, the way I was getting excited with her presence.

And this time it wasn’t even sexually.

“Your breakfast is served Master.” She delivered in her soft voice and I nodded my head to show that I got her message.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The moment the door clicked shut, I began organizing the files that I were scattered on my desk, making sure to keep them all in their right places.

Once I was satisfied that there was nothing out of place, I moved out of the office and in the direction of the dining room.

True to her words there was a spread on the table and my stomach rumbled in reaction to the aroma of the foods that had been set out.

I didn’t need any further convincing to begin eating.

I was halfway through my meal, when I heard a throat being cleared at the entrance of the dining room.

I raised my brows in question when I looked to see Emilia standing by the doorway she had her fingers wrapped around something.

I could see the nervousness on her frame even while she tried to put on a brave face. She remained quiet though and only continued to shuffle awkwardly in her spot.

“Are you going to speak anytime soon? Or do I have to punish you for interrupting my meal without a reason?”

The girls eyes almost bugged out of their sockets at the tone of my voice but then she began speaking.

“I-I had been looking for a brush in Freya’s drawers, but then I found this and thought to return it to you since it didn’t look like it belonged there.” She said.

I furrowed my brows once more and watched as the girl took careful steps to reach me at the head of the table.

The moment she was close enough and extended the item that had been enclosed in her palm all along, it felt like all the breath whooshed out of my lungs.

It was my missing picture.

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