The Omega For Sale

Chapter 34


That was the only thing that surrounded me. Both within my body and outside of it. There were no noises anywhere around me and for a moment that surprised me.

The world seemed quiet, usually I would wake up to birds singing or the occasional passing of a car from the street, but that was not the case this time.

All I could hear was what seemed to be the occasional rustling of wind. It felt like I was floating in and out of consciousness but this time it wasn’t in a bad way. I wasn’t suffering from any injuries or breathing heavily from an abuse.

Instead I was tingling in satisfaction.

Everything around me felt fluffy and warm and I couldn’t remember the last time that I had felt this comfortable and at peace with everything.

Then it registered.

The memories of what had happened the previous night. It felt like it had been recorded like a movie and was now played back in my mind because I could remember every single detail of it.

From the way he had kissed me so passionately almost stealing all the air from my lungs, to the way his fingers had roamed my body, both my upper and lower body, to the feel of his tongue against my hardened nubs and core. And when he had slid into my heat…

I let out a low gasp when a wave of pleasure shot through my body, causing it to heat up and tingle and I shuddered from the feeling.

The air around me suddenly felt charged. The scent of my arousal danced in the air but it was mixed with something else, something that I had become familiar with in the last week.

The heady, intoxicating scent of the Alpha’s arousal.

My eyes flipped open at this point and for a moment I was met with complete blackness. Then slowly, things began to take form and I could focus on them. The room was dark, but my super vision allowed for me to be able to make out the things in the room.

I wasn’t in my room.

But instead of the usual panic that should have come with this thought, I felt pretty relaxed. It felt like all the bones in my body were melting and I couldn’t be sure that I would be able to move an arm even if I tried.

I felt truly and utterly sated.

I could feel the Alpha’s presence behind me but I remained still in my spot for fear of waking him up if I moved, but then it struck me.

I was in the same bed with the man who had purchased me as his slave.

I had just slept with the Alpha King.

My heart began thudding heavily within my chest at this realization. This was a situation I could never take back no matter what I did.

What did this spell for me?

I would be naive and downright stupid to hope that there was going to be some sort of big change between the Alpha and myself but I hoped whatever change happened wasn’t too negative.

I wondered what he looked like sleeping. The moment that this thought filtered into my head, the itch to get a glimpse of his face began in my mind and as the seconds ticked without me turning around to actually check his face, the worse the itch got.

Finally unable to bear it, I turned around slowly in my spot in an attempt to just get a look at his face but my breath caught in my throat the moment I was facing the Alpha.

His eyes were opened and he was watching me carefully. The room was still dark so I couldn’t exactly make out the emotions that danced within his eyes, neither could I see the grey intense color of his orbs that I had gotten used to.

Nevertheless the careful watch of his eyes was enough to throw me back to what had just taken place hours before.

The way that he had looked at me while he devoured every part of my body, the appreciation in his eyes as they roamed every inch of my body.

I cleared my throat once, then again, before finally settling again, averting his eyes this time.

I had nothing to say or do and the awkward silence in the air especially with the Alpha just watching me was becoming too much for me to bear.

There were definitely going to be consequences for what had happened last night and I wasn’t sure what that meant for me or if it was going to begin from this moment or sometime later.

The Alpha reached a palm towards my face but then he paused mid air, with his palm just in front of my face. He seemed to be thinking through whether or not he wanted to stroke my face.

And my heart raced in its cage as the decision remained uncertain. After several seconds he sighed heavily before burying his fingers in my hair and running them through the strands.

My eyes fluttered close at the feeling of his fingers gently running through my hair and lightly scratching my scalp. It was a foreign feeling. I couldn’t remember a time where my hair had been touched in this manner before.

Everything that the Alpha did to me felt foreign. From the way he looked at me to the way he touched me.

He sighed heavily once more before stopping his movements in my hair and slipping out of the bed.

In the darkness of the room I could still make out the globes of his ass and I licked my lips shamelessly at the sight. He moved in the direction of the bathroom, pulling the door shut the moment that he slipped in.

The bed suddenly felt cold without his warming huge frame present on it and I shivered slightly from the gist of air that had come with opening the door.

Then the negative thoughts came crashing down on me.

I wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had been awake and watching me but I could only imagine that he would have been thinking through everything just the way I had been doing since my eyes flipped open.

Everything that had happened last night was far from my expectations. It was surreal.

And perfect.

But not in the way that everyone assumed the word to be.

This was far from the way most girls described their perfect. My situation wasn’t exactly the fairytale that most people yearned for but it suited me.

I wondered what would happen if the Alpha came out to meet me on his bed again. Maybe him exiting the room was a warning for me. I could hear the shower running, so it meant that I had enough time to exit the room.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

There had been no words exchanged between us while he was still on the bed and I had been unable to discern the look in his eyes in the darkness of the room but what if he got back into the room and got furious that I was still curled up in his bed.

I slipped out of the bed and began pulling my clothes onto my frame. The blinking red lights of the clock on the nightstand showed 4:11a. m.

Once I was done slipping on my clothes, I moved with stealth towards the door, pulling it open, then shutting it firmly but quietly behind me the moment I exited.

The entire house was eerily quiet and I knew that there was no one milling around at this time but it felt as though the walls were watching me, judging me in fact.

The lights in the hallway were turned on and they seemed to be beating heavily down on me. It felt too bright and even as I walked down the grand stairs it felt like every step I took had the lights shining down on me like some sort of spotlight.

I tiptoed in the direction of the maid quarters but a creaking in the kitchen stopped me in my tracks.

I couldn’t remember if the Alpha had pulled shut the door when we had come in hours earlier but I had a feeling that he would have. He wasn’t the sort of person that would leave things like that to chances.

I inched closer to the kitchen, heart thudding wildly in its cage but before I could get to the edge of the doorframe, Emilia walked out of the kitchen almost bumping into my frame.

“Fuck.” She whisper yelled, obviously surprised with my presence.

She continued to stare wide eyed at my frame and for a moment I felt self conscious. Was it obvious were I was coming from and what I had just done?

Could she tell?

Before I could go off thinking about that my eyes caught her fingers. They were stained with something, but I couldn’t figure out what it was from my position and the moment she noticed my eyes on her hands she moved them behind her back and I furrowed my brows in suspicion at her.

She cleared her throat and the surprised wide eyed look that had been painting her face eased and was replaced with the judgmental mask that usually always painted her face.

She looked behind me as though to check where I must have been coming from and when she measured with her eyes, the distance between myself and the stairs and myself and the door that led to the maid quarters her eyes furrowed in suspicion.

“Why are you up at this time? Where are you coming from?” She asked, in that ever judgement filled, bitter tone of hers that I would never get used to.

The tone annoyed me, she shouldn’t also be up at this time and her previous location was suspicious, but I was yet to judge it question her. Why did she feel like she could do it to me?

“I could ask you the same. It’s really early in the morning and you’re coming from the garden I presume. Is there a reason for that?” I countered, choosing to ignore her question.

She looked like she were about to say something but seemed to think better of it. Mouth opening and closing like a finish out of water, but then she clamped her lips shut, before sighing in what seemed to be frustration.

“I couldn’t sleep so I was getting some fresh air.” She replied, doing her best to avoid eye contact.

It didn’t add up.

She wasn’t allowed out in the garden this late. I had been there just some hours before but that was different. I had an invitation from the person that had set the rule.

Then her dirty hands.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you anyway.” She stated.

Huffing in annoyance before moving to walk past me with her nose in the air.

Muttering about ‘nosy sluts’ as she went.

As the walked, the movements caused her pockets to expose some of its contents. There was something peeking out of it. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what it was but she was out of my sight before I could.

Since the punishment involving all three of us, Emilia had been distant from me.

She refused to look or work in my direction but I didn’t mind. Not one bit. In fact I was grateful for it.

But should I be worried about my recent discovery? Was this something I had to report to the Alpha?

I didn’t exactly know what she had been up to and quite frankly I had no proof of what I had just witnessed.

Shrugging my shoulders in defeat I continued in the direction of my room.

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