The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 54: The Different Dr. Lee

Claude glanced at the sharply verbal Wang Yuxin, his gaze then turned to Mia on the hospital bed, helplessly lowering his head and sighing, “I’m here to see a friend today, and I came to see Mia by the way . You’re Mia’s good friend, right, I definitely don’t mean any harm, so don’t use such a hostile tone to talk to me, okay?”

Seeing Claude’s serious expression, Wang Yuxin’s eyes flinched as she wrapped her arms around her chest and raised her eyebrows to look at the suited man in front of her with a cold scowl, “Which other tone should I use to speak to you? Or, should I welcome you to continue insulting Mia for your president ?”

Sharp, icy eyes shot straight in Claude’s direction and the air in the ward instantly dropped to freezing as the two men each stood a short distance apart facing each other in a somber atmosphere.

Mia’s brow furrowed slightly, she called herself friends with Claude though, and right now she didn’t want to see anyone involved with Asher.

After some time, Mia slowly looked up and looked at Claude with detached and cold eyes, “To the vice president, if there is nothing else, I would like to ask you to leave, I need a quiet environment right now.”

After saying that, Mia looked away, intending to just let Claude ignore it. Anyone associated with Asher now reminded her of what she was going through and her situation.

Hearing Mia’s words, Claude let out a long sigh and tried to say something.

Wang Yuxin stepped forward, cutting the two men’s vision from the air, and her cold eyes instantly assaulted Claude’s tall frame, “I think you heard me, Mia doesn’t want to see you right now, now please leave now.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Claude swept a glance at the woman standing in front of him and decided to simply ignore Wang Yuxin, walking straight to the hospital bed with the things in his hands, “Mia , don’t misunderstand, I just came to see you, absolutely no malice.”

“Hey, how can you do that, I told you you’re not welcome!” Wang Yuxin glared at Claude viciously, pulled over a chair and sat down demonstratively on the edge of the bed.

Mia still had her back turned and wasn’t about to pick up on Claude.

“How’s the body?” Claude set his hands down and couldn’t help the knot in his thick eyebrows as he saw the bruises on her exposed skin, “I know you’re aggravated, I just came to check on you as a friend and meant absolutely nothing else, please believe me.”

“Nice talk, I don’t know what you want yet!” Wang Yuxin looked at him coldly, the corners of her mouth lifting in disdain.

Mia looked up and shook her head gently at Wang Yuxin, gesturing for her to calm down first, and then gazed at Claude with a cold gaze, although she and Claude had no problems with each other, and could even be called friends, but this was an extraordinary time, she had to be careful, and the most important thing now was the baby in her belly.

“Is there something you want here?” The cold tone of voice drew the line between the two men clearly.

Hearing Mia’s cold tone, Claude finally couldn’t stand it and scratched his hair, looking at the woman on the bed with an extremely helpless look, “I mean, the two of us are considered friends, right, can you stop looking at me like I’m trying to hurt you.”

Still looking at him with indifferent eyes, Mia said coldly, “Claude, I’m sorry, I can’t trust any of them right now.”

Finally, Claude finally lost the battle and threw up his hands in surrender, “Fine, whatever you think, that’s always okay, I just came to check on you now and wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Alright then, now that you’re done with the mood, hurry up and go back, we don’t welcome anyone related to Asher here!” Wang Yuxin immediately stood up from her chair, ready to whisk Claude away.

“Hold on a second.” Stopping Wang Yuxin from continuing, Mia’s indifferent eyes, looking across at Claude, “Claude, let me ask you, did Asher send you here?”

Wang Yuxin looked at Claude with undisguised disgust and wariness in her eyes and turned her head to Mia and said, “Mia , it’s a waste to say one more word to this kind of person, it’s better to let him go.”

Claude looked fixedly at Mia with a serious face, “No, Mia , I came to see you, and by the way, to check on the baby in your belly!”

At the second half of his words, Mia and Wang Yuxin’s faces instantly changed color, especially Mia’s, whose eyes abruptly turned deep and guarded, “Claude, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Seeing their defensive looks, Claude knew his words had caused another misunderstanding and hurriedly smiled, putting on a harmless smile, “You don’t have to be so nervous, no one knows I’m here.”

“Claude, is it true you came alone? You came to my place and he doesn’t know?” Looking at Claude suspiciously, Mia gestured for Wang Yuxin not to talk too much.

Understanding what she meant, Claude nodded and said with a serious look on his face, “Mia, I know you’re wary of me, but we’ve known each other for some years now, do you really not trust me that much?”

Mia didn’t say anything, just looked at Claude quietly, as if trying to see something in Claude’s eyes.

“Humph, we’ve known each other for many years, but you still pushed Mia into the fire, who knows what kind of heart you’re hiding!” Wang Yuxin still couldn’t help it and viciously took out anger for Mia.

“Xin Xin, this is a ward, so pay attention.” Stopping Wang Yuxin from continuing, Mia looked blandly at Claude again, “Claude, do you mind accompanying me for a walk in the small garden below.”

Claude froze slightly, followed by a relieved smile, “I certainly don’t mind as long as you do.”

As soon as he had a chance to be alone with Mia, he would be able to figure out what was going on in there. He reached out his hand and helped Mia walk towards the outside of the ward. Naturally, Wang Yuxin was uneasy and followed behind them as well.

Mia looked behind her at Wang Yuxin who was ready to follow her, “Xin Xin, you stay here first, so the doctor can take care of me if he needs me.”

Although Wang Yuxin was reluctant, she did not refuse again, and reluctantly watched the two people leave the ward.

Mia walked through the small garden under the hospital in her blue hospital gown, Claude holding her up in silence until they reached a secluded area before the two found a bench and sat down, not speaking for a long time.

Unbeknownst to them, there was someone not far behind, with luxurious clothes, exquisite makeup, a gloomy face, and a sneaky whereabouts, but it was Lina.

She had only come to the hospital for her regular physical, but she hadn’t expected to be surprised to see Claude unexpectedly walking towards a ward, which she then followed.

Lena was shocked when Claude revealed that Mia was carrying a baby, she thought she had done it without knowing and that Mia must have removed the baby. But to her surprise, Claude knew about it, and that the baby was still there!

How could she allow it!

Staring intently at Claude and Mia not far away, Lena couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of Asher knowing that Mia was pregnant with a child.

After thinking for a long time, Leena took out her cell phone from her pocket and dialed a number, “Hello, is this Dr. Lee? There’s one more thing I need your help with …”

After making the call, Riina’s gaze was gloomy and a sinister smile finally appeared at the corner of her mouth, Mia, let’s see if you can still keep the baby in your belly this time!

By the time she saw a man in a white coat walking towards Mia and the others, the smile on Lena’s face became even more pleasant.

But Mia and Claude sat there for a few moments before they were about to speak when they were interrupted by a voice, “Miss Luo, why are you still here? I’ve been looking all over for you!”

Mia looked up at Dr. Lee and smiled slightly, “Dr. Lee, I came down to sit with my friend, what is it you want to see me about?”

Dr. Li looked at Mia with a smile on his face, and a strange light suddenly slipped through his eyes, “It’s nothing really, it’s just that it’s time for your checkup now, so I came over to find you on purpose.”

Mia froze and seemed puzzled for a moment, but then turned to Claude and said, “Claude, let’s talk later then, I’ll be back.”

Mia swept a look at Claude with a helpless expression, then stood up and followed Dr. Lee out of the small garden.

Looking at Mia’s departing figure, Claude’s brows knitted together, his mind wandering to the doctor’s creepy smile from earlier. Also, there was a distinct hint of confusion in Mia when she saw Dr. Lee coming for her.

No, there must be something odd about this. This Dr. Lee is not right!

Something suddenly flashed in his mind, and Claude’s deep eyes instantly widened as he stood up from the bench with a pang and quickly chased after the two people who had already walked away. Because of Mia’s body, the two didn’t get far out, and Claude pulled Mia over, shielding her behind himself and looking warily at Dr. Li across the room.

“Claude, what are you doing!” Mia froze at the sudden turn of events and frowned in confusion.

Claude ignored her confusion, only extending his arm to shield her firmly behind him, a pair of gloomy eyes staring deadly at Dr. Lee in front of him, his voice cold, “Tell me, who sent you?”

“What are you talking about, this gentleman? I don’t understand, I’m Miss Luo’s attending doctor, of course I’m in charge of everything for her, is there something wrong with that?” Dr. Li was only slightly startled, then quickly hid his emotions and responded calmly.

Claude sneered and looked at him steadily, “Dr. Lee, it was Liam Jun who told you that we were in the garden, wasn’t it?”

“Ah …” Dr. Li froze, then immediately nodded and said, “Yes, yes, that’s exactly how I found out Miss Luo’s whereabouts by asking Master Jun …”

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