The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 53 – Unexpected Visits

Inside Asher’s office.

“President, this is the document you asked for.” The secretary respectfully and carefully handed over a document, but her eyes didn’t dare to look at Asher, who was sitting at the back of the office, for fear of making him angry if she was not careful.

Already this morning, I don’t know how many people have suffered, and Asher’s cold, grim face has kept the staff away for fear of being shell-shocked if they’re not careful.

In the past two days, there was no telling who had upset Asher, he was grim all day and would lash out at the slightest displeasure. She’d gotten a few lectures today alone, though the mistakes she’d made had been extremely subtle.

“Just put it down.” Asher ordered without looking up, his cold voice sounding like it could freeze all around him.

She had been around Asher for a long time and had never seen him lose his temper like he had recently. His whole body radiated a dangerous signal that no one should enter, and he was as cold as a Satan, making everyone in the company avoid him at once when they saw him from afar. She was Asher’s secretary, so she had no choice but to carry on with her work.

“President, I’ve come to brief you on this afternoon’s itinerary.” The secretary looked at him carefully and said cautiously. Although she also knew that she couldn’t provoke Asher right now, but where the secretary’s accusation was, she simply didn’t dare to be the slightest bit slack.

Before she could finish her sentence, a fine bead of sweat seeped out of her body.

“Get out!” Asher lifted his cold face, his dark, deep eyes staring hard at her, cold and terrible!

The secretary, startled by Asher’s terrible scowl, hurriedly said in a trembling voice, “Yes!”

Next, with panicked steps, the secretary fled out of the office like the wind.

Asher tossed the signing pen in his hand and rubbed his temples in annoyance, looking at the secretary’s flustered look and knowing that his bad attitude had scared her off, and that his bad temper this morning had scared off a lot of people. He looked even more annoyed at the moment, his chest seemed to be stuffed full of something, blocking his breath.

“With a loud bang, he kicked his office chair to the ground, letting out his frustration. The sound of the chair falling over startled the staff outside, but they didn’t dare to see what was going on, for fear of igniting Asher’s anger on themselves, and then they would really be dead!

After kicking the chair into place, Asher’s annoyed mood eased a little as he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his beady eyes looking out.

Looking at the traffic and hustle and bustle below the building, Asher couldn’t help but feel another twinge of irritation rise in his heart as he thought of Mia, who was still in the hospital. He, Asher, had the enviable wealth and power to have whatever he wanted, and this time he was letting a woman take control of her emotions.

If she dares to betray him, then be prepared for his revenge!

Asher’s beady eyes stared out the window, darkness surging underneath them: don’t think you can leave the Jun family and rest easy, Mia, he’ll show her that running away from him and betraying him will never be something she can bear!

Hospital ward.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“Come, Mia , drink this bowl of chicken soup to nourish your body.” Wang Yuxin brought out the chicken soup she had boiled for a long time and placed it in front of Mia.

In just two short days without seeing her, Mia seemed to have lost a lot more weight than before, a small face pale and bloodless, her body even thinner, as if a gust of wind could blow her away. Compared to the previous few days, Mia’s eyes seemed much less angry, looking listlessly at the wall not far away.

She came in for a long time and Mia didn’t even seem to see her, just staring intently at the wall, which made Wang Yuxin even more distressed and hurriedly served the boiled chicken soup to her.

Mia had just looked up when she saw a bowl of chicken soup sitting in front of her, the grease on it made her stomach flip, and her brow furrowed, “Xin Xin, can you take these away, I want to throw up now when I see them.”

Hearing her words, Wang Yuxin didn’t bring the chicken soup back, looking worriedly at the pale Mia with a strong attitude, “No, you must drink it.”

“Xin Xin, I really don’t want to drink it.” Mia resisted, turning her head away from the chicken soup she was already on the verge of vomiting.

Seeing that her tough attitude was ineffective, Wang Yuxin immediately changed her attitude and put a smile on her face, softly persuading, “Just drink it, this is what I’ve been boiling all morning, can you bear to watch me work so hard and waste my feelings for nothing?”

Mia couldn’t stand the thought of her best friend showing such a mealy-mouthed expression, and she forced her stomach to settle, picking up the bowl and tilting it down.

Wang Yuxin was always like this, always earning sympathy with her churlish attitude when being tough didn’t work, and she was always soft-hearted.

The two had known each other for so long, how could Mia not know her tricks? But thinking that Wang Yuxin genuinely cared for her, a heart of hers instantly turned soft beyond measure. At least, in this world, there was still someone who really cared about herself.

Seeing Mia drink the bowl of chicken soup as much as she could, Wang Yuxin’s pitiful face instantly transformed, her pitiful face instantly turned into the face of a vicious stepmother, even the way she looked at her changed, and she said in no good mood, “Mia, look at what you’ve tortured yourself into for the sake of a man? For the sake of such a heartless man, do you have to torture yourself so much? If you keep being so heartless, I’ll cut you off, I really can’t stand you!”

Seeing Wang Yuxin’s rapidly changing face, Mia let out a long sigh, but didn’t retort as she usually did. She had already been hurt all over by Asher, so she would rather be scolded by Wang Yuxin, so that she would feel better in her heart.

“I said you’re good, you can still be bullied in the hospital, Mia, you really make me admire you!” Thinking about how soft Mia was now, Wang Yuxin was furious.

She still remembered that afternoon, when she had entered the ward and seen Asher, unclothed, just getting out of bed, and Mia was lying in bed all tired, her bare skin was red and purple like an abandoned rag doll. Thinking about that day she still had a fire in her stomach that she couldn’t vent.

Hearing Wang Yuxin’s words, Mia couldn’t help but recall the cruelty of that day, and her clear eyes slowly became dull, and the fingers holding the bowl couldn’t help but slowly tighten.

She hated herself for not fighting, why did she fall in love so easily with a man, and such a cold and heartless one at that?

“Mia, tell me honestly, are you really in love with that cold and heartless stinker?” Wang Yuxin looked at her worriedly and asked the question she had been worrying about.

Mia froze and looked up at her, but did not know how to answer Wang Yuxin’s question, opened her mouth but lost her voice dully, “I …”

Mia gave a bitter laugh, even if she loved him what was the point, he still hated him, still felt that she had betrayed him, or would never fall in love with her at all …

Seeing Mia’s bitter smile, Wang Yuxin’s heart gradually sank, and her eyes were clouded with heartache as she looked at Mia, it looked like Mia was really in the end of her rope this time. Taking a deep breath, she looked at Mia with concern, “So, since you met Asher, did you question him as to why he let you abort the baby?”

Mia looked down, shaking her head slowly. She hadn’t even had time to say anything before he was gone. Determined to leave after insulting her body and humiliating her mind.

Seeing Mia’s denial, Wang Yuxin’s anger at the bottom of her heart ran high, and while she secretly cursed Asher, she was secretly annoyed by Mia’s concession. She originally thought that when she saw Asher this time, Mia would definitely question Asher’s heartlessness.

Who would have expected that Mia would have backed off once again.

Thinking about the fact that she was now the one who was pregnant, Wang Yuxin forced herself to swallow her anger and looked at her with a hateful look, “Have you thought about it? If this is not told to him, there is no possibility for the two of you to meet again in the future. Asher asked you to abort the baby and you stayed, think about what will happen?”

Mia was stunned and looked up at Wang Yuxin with trepidation in the bottom of her eyes.

Yes, if she kept the baby from Asher, it would be her and the baby in her belly that would suffer if she was found out.

With that thought, Mia’s fingers gently stroked the small of her back, her icy face tinged with a rare bit of redness, and her eyes held the unique glow of motherhood.

If we let her abort the baby, we might as well kill her!

“It seems like we are ready to prepare for a long term resistance.” Seeing Mia’s appearance, Wang Yuxin suddenly felt helpless and looked at Mia seriously, “You should get well now, don’t worry about anything else, you still have a baby, take care of and love your baby, got it?”

“That’s right, Mia, but you need to smile more, it’s not good for the baby to have a bitter face too often.” A warm male voice suddenly came from the doorway and quickly walked into the ward.

But it was Claude, whom I hadn’t seen in a few days.

Mia looked at the sudden appearance of Claude, her face shifting quickly as she asked in an indifferent tone, “What brings you here?”

Wang Yuxin stood by the bed with a wary look at Claude who was carrying various bag samples in his hands. this man she had seen before at the engagement press conference and had read in the newspapers and magazines, seemed to be the vice president of Sakura Shang and a good friend of Asher.

Thinking about the relationship between Claude and Asher, Wang Yuxin had no good feeling towards the gentle-looking man in front of her and sneered at Claude, “Yo, isn’t this the vice president of Sakushang Global Corporation? Why do you have time to come to the hospital today? Do you want to check if Mia is dead for your CEO?”

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