Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 91: 91. First Ceremony

Chapter 91: 91. First Ceremony

(This chapter is not edited)


Writer’s POV:

The next day, the palace people were up early for the last preparations. The birthday and engagement

ceremony were going to take place by evening, as from Six PM. But the dowry was that afternoon, at


The sultanate was already prepared. Those invited were adding final touches to their chosen outfits,

and some choosing theirs that same day. Everyone had chosen their outfits for the first and second

ceremonies to hold that day.


Asahd was awakened by his mother. She entered his room and opened the huge curtains so some

daylight would shine into the dark room.

“Maa...” Asahd groaned sleepily, “Close them, please.”

“Get up. You don’t you want to get engaged?” the Queen teased knowingly.

Asahd smiled in his half sleep.

“I sure want to.” he mumbled, forcing himself to sit up.

“Happy 23rd Birthday my love.” his mother said happily, coming over to kiss his forehead.

“Thank you very much.” the Prince chuckled happily “I almost forgot it was my birthday. All I have in

mind is that it’s my engagement day.”

“I felt same when I was going to marry your father.” the Queen replied and he smiled.

“Can I see Saïda before we get engaged? Even before the dowry ceremony?” he asked “I saw her like

seven times this week. That is, once every single day. And only during dinner. I hardly had time to have

my breakfast downstairs.”

“Nope.” the Queen mused, “Especially not today. Customs set in. You’ll be unable to see Saïda

throughout. You’ll only see her during the dowry and again tonight. Once engaged, you won’t be able to

exchange words with her until your wedding day. Your best men and her maids will see to it that you

two don’t meet secretly because they’ll follow you around until then.”

Asahd’s mouth dropped open.

“Are you kidding me??”

“Zagreh’s traditions, honey.” the Queen laughed.

“How’s this even legal?” he mused, though in shock.

“According to our ways, it’s to build a greater need for each other between the future husband and wife.

We believe that this will make their marriage last longer and cause them to actually desire each other

for as long as possible.”

“Trust me mother, I do not need that.” Asahd chuckled, “I’m already dying to be with her and you’re

telling me that I have to wait another week?”

“Mmhmm.” she mused and stood, “Freshen up. Your father, Djafar and stylists would soon be here to

make you try your outfits for today one last time. You’ll not leave your room and so will Saïda. You’ll

only do so for the ceremonies. Your food and whatever you need would be brought to you whenever

you need them. It’s just for today.”

Asahd nodded.

“I really wish I could see her.” he collapsed on his bed again.

“You will. At one. Landry, Amir and Kanaan will soon be here. In time and before the dowry.”

The three guys mentioned were Asahd’s best friends. They’d known him since childhood and had

grown with him. He’d even studied with them in Dubai. When he’d finished studying and went to

Australia for a vacation, before returning to Zagreh a few months ago, they’d decided to stay back in

Dubai and visit places they hadn’t yet. They were always in contact, though he’d last spoken to them

the night before he travelled to New York with Djafar and Saïda.

But he’d called them a week ago to announce his wedding. Of course they were sure to come!

They were going to be his best men and so would spend their days and nights in the palace till every

ceremony would be over. Each boy was a highly respected noble’s son, belonging to the royal family’s

closest friends.

“Okay! I can’t wait. I missed those guys.” Asahd replied happily.

“Me too. Saïda’s aunts are also here, as well her cousins and other extended family members.”


“Get up now, darling.” she smiled and then left his room.


On the other side was Saïda with her two aunties, both Djafar’s younger sisters. The oldest of the two

would be represented as Saïda’s maternal figure since her mother had passed away. They helped her

get ready too.

The Queen met them to know how Saïda was doing that morning and discovered that she was very


She was told the same rules as Asahd, concerning the ceremonies and how they couldn’t speak to

each other or meet. Saïda, knowing the customs and traditions by heart, wasn’t surprised. Though she

was still a little disappointed by them. She already missed Asahd like crazy. She’d almost not spoken to

Asahd the previous week. They couldn’t even text or call each other. Every night, for the past week,

she would sleep thinking of him and even dream about him.

The lovers couldn’t wait to be married and all alone. They both had the same thoughts in their

individual rooms. They wanted to kiss, cuddle and make love. But there was no way. Plus, they had

seven more days to wait. How frustrating.


By 11, Asahd was done trying his outfits for the last time. Everything was in the perfect order.

“Let it pass real quick.” Asahd muttered, removing the last outfit and still thinking of Saïda.

“Patience, son.” the sultan who’d heard him, mused. He and Djafar laughed a little as well as the the


Asahd shook his head in amusement and turned to them.

“Seven more days. And they haven’t even started yet.” Asahd chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’ll pass. You’ll see.” Djafar mused.

“True. But it won’t be easy either. I almost lost it when I had to marry your mother.” the sultan chuckled.

“True. And I when I had to marry Saïda’s mother.” Djafar added.

Asahd stared at them.

“Wow. Thanks a lot. Makes me feel better.” he said in the most sarcastic manner and the men laughed.

“Don’t worry. Let’s leave you for now to go prepare. We have only two hours left. I’ll be back at 12 to get

you ready. The guests will surely be arriving by then. You’ve still not touched the breakfast that was

brought to you. Go eat.”

“Alright father.”

The men excused themselves and left the Prince.

Asahd left his dressing room and entered his room, sitting at the little table in a corner where his

breakfast had been kept.


He was still eating when his door slowly opened and three people walked in. He literally jumped. His

best buddies.

“What the hell?!” all four of them shouted in a chorus, jumping and immediately running towards each


They hugged happily, laughing out loud.

“Maaaan! You were gone missing for months!” Kanaan laughed “And when you call again, it’s to tell us

that you’re getting married?!”

“To Saïda, bitch!” Landry and Amir added in a chorus and Asahd laughed.

“How in the world? Saïda?!”

“HAHAHA! I missed you idiots!” Asahd laughed and they hugged happily again.

“It’s a long complicated story. I swear.”

“Son!” Amir started, jumping on Asahd’s bed, “We got all the time!”

They all laughed and the two others joined him. Asahd remained standing to explain.

“We have forty five minutes, actually. We gotta get ready at twelve. So start talking.” Landry laughed.

“Hahaha, okay.” Asahd started, “First of all, I’ve changed guys. For real.”

“Seriously??” they asked in a chorus and surprise.

“Yeah.” Asahd chuckled, “I’ve learnt to give my parents the respect they deserve, I’ve stopped with the

tantrums, the excessive drinking, being unbearable in general.”

“Thank God!” Kanaan exclaimed.

“Are you serious??” Amir asked.

“I am.”

“That’s great, man! You used to be an asshole.” he mused and they laughed.

Unlike people would probably expect, Asahd’s friends were the type to advise him when they could.

Yes, they all partied, drank, wooed women and did the craziest of things with him, but they were never

for him being disrespectful to his parents and elders, bring rude and insulting towards those under him,

throwing useless tantrums, even with them. They weren’t for him, starting to do drugs, drinking

excessively and without moderation, and many other bad habits he used to have.

They always tried to advice him but he would give them deaf ears or call them off. Sometimes even get

angry with them.


“I know.” he chuckled, “And I don’t know how you still took in my nonsense and never left me.” the

Prince added.

“We love your ass man.” Landry said.

“Facts.” the others agreed.

“I love y’all too. I want to apologise for my wrongs. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. Now speak! Time’s running out!” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Asahd laughed and then told them his story. The reason he changed being the fact that he was tricked

into going to New York. His friends understood why they’d been unable to reach his phone for months

as he’d changed number to an American one, once in New York.

The young men listened to the entire story. They laughed their asses out when Asahd told them funny

instances like when he saw the apartment for the first time and realised he had to live in it, how he got

robbed, his new clothes and his first days, looking for a job.

He went on to tell him how he and Saïda started getting close, how he was gradually changing and

how things got better with each day.

He told them about their first kiss, his sudden need to be with her, his jealously towards Noure and how

he seduced Saïda without her even realising. He told them everything that happened in New York!

Even the little sensual moments they had, though he didn’t give details. That’s just how close he was

with them.

“Whuuuuuttt??” all three guys almost lost it, shouting like they always did and Asahd almost died of


“You humped and ate her out with Djafar in that house?!” Amir gasped.

“Shh!” Asahd hushed in amusement and they laughed.

“Finish! Tell us what happened next.”

He told them the rest and their eventual return to Zagreh when things got even more serious. He told

them how he confessed his love, couldn’t stand Noure’s presence and even told them about their

heated encounters when Saïda had told him the truth. He told them how Saïda confessed back and

fully, how she defended him in front of Noure and literally threatened him. How Noure called off the

wedding and they confessed their love to Djafar and all that happened after.

“What a story.” Kanaan clapped and they chuckled.

“It’s so surprising. You really are crazy for her. It’s even shocking.” Landry mused, “We’ve all witnessed

your cat and dog fights, her provocations. There’s a time you threw a book at her in front of us.”

“A time?” Amir laughed, “Several times, we witnessed him throwing objects at her.”

“And pulling on her hair.” Kanaan added with a laugh.

“I know right.” Asahd chuckled.

“How did your exes take the news?”

“Terribly.” Asahd shook his head and the boys laughed.

“So,” Kanaan wriggled his brows playfully, “’ll get to completely feel your future wife for the first

time, in a week.”

The others cooed and Asahd’s lips twisted in amusement. His friends froze, their smiles fading and

mouths dropping. They knew him too well and could read his expression.

“Wait.” Amir muttered.

“Have you already–” Landry couldn’t even complete his sentence.

“Have you??” Amir asked impatiently.

“Mmhmm.” Asahd mused.

They literally took deep breaths, ready to shout. Knowing them too well, Asahd immediately hushed

them before they could.

“Shhhhhhh!” he laughed.

Their mouths widened as if they were shouting but the only sounds that left their mouths, where

wheezes. Asahd almost fell because of laughter. It was always great having his buddies around.

“Keep the secret.” he laughed.

“When?! How many times?!”

“Twice. Last week. End of topic.” he laughed at their shocked/amused expressions.


Finally, the guests had arrived! It was a few minutes to one and both lovers were prepared, each on

their own sides.

It was the first stage. The dowry. Organising a Royal wedding and any other wedding was a process

that usually took up to a year or so. But Asahd had wanted to get married to Saïda real fast and so

these complicated ceremonies had been squeezed into a timespan of two weeks.

For this ceremony, the lovers wore very simple yet chic outfits, completely different from what had been

bought for the engagement, traditional and modern wedding. It actually came from their own



“Are you ready to go? It’s time.” the sultan told his son.

“I am.” Asahd smiled at his reflection in the glass.

“You look great.”

“Thank you, father.”

“Welcome. Let’s go.”

Both men left the room. On the other side were his three friends, all dressed up and ready to

accompany them. As well some guards.

Asahd and his father leading the way, they all went downstairs.


The ceremony was holding in the huge field. The place was crowded with most invited personalities as

well local news channels.

Everyone was seated. At leat a hundred people were present. Asahd was led to another side of the

palace, outside. Every single thing he’d bought for Saïda’s dowry was right there, carried and led by the

male servants.

“You’ll be informed when Saïda and her parents will arrive the field.” the sultan told his son, “Everything

will go on perfectly well.”

“Okay.” Asahd took a deep breath, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest.

His father kissed his forehead and left.

“Relax, bro.” his friends patted his back and shoulders, standing behind him.

“Hopefully I don’t pass out.” the Prince managed to joke and they chuckled.

“Not today.”


Saïda, walking behind her father and aunt, with Aisha, Salma and Yasmin behind her; made her way

into the field. The royal horns were blown.

They walked down the path that separated each side where people were seated, like a wide isle. All

eyes on the future bride. Saïda stared straight ahead, her heart beating so fast that she was sure to

collapse real soon.


They reached the front where a beautifully decorated canopy had been made. Under it was a beautiful


Djafar sat down and so did Tara, Saïda’s aunt. Saïda, her head bowed just like her maids, walked

round the sofa. They stood behind it, Saïda standing in middle of her parents from behind. Her maids

stood a little distance behind her.

′Oh my gosh.′

She kept her head bowed, as per their customs.

The sultan and Queen sat at the front row, watching with proud smiles.


A servant then rushed to inform the Prince.


About five minutes after Saïda and her parents had arrived, the royal horns were blown again and

everyone seated turned. Saïda and her maids finally raised their heads.

“All hail!” the chief guard started, “Prince Asahd Usaïd! Heir to the throne of Zagreh!”

Horns were blown again and every single person stood.

Saïda’s heart was pounding and it skipped a beat when she spotted Asahd appear from a corner of the

palace. He was so handsome.

′Gosh, he’s so cute.′

Saïda thought, unconsciously biting her lip nervously.

Behind Asahd were his three men, and behind them was a long trail of servants, carrying different gifts.

Bags of sugar, bags of rice, bags of spice, bags of grains, bags of fresh almonds, gallons and gallons

of milk.

Some servants carried about four silver containers. Big ones with conical covers. Those containers as

per tradition, were full of perfumes, caftans, saris, shoes, lotions, henna etc, all for Saïda.


Everyone bowed once to welcome the Prince.

Asahd took one last deep breath and started walking, his men and servants following closely behind.

The elegant Prince made his way down the huge middle path with only his men. The servants had

stopped at a particular place.

When he got to the front of the canopy, everyone sat again. Every single person appreciated how fresh

and charismatic he always looked.

Asahd got to their front, his eyes on Saïda who reddened. She was already breathtaking in her simple

gown. And Asahd’s own wear was already making her wish she could jump on him.

He smiled a little at her, their hearts beating at the same rate, even at a distance. And then he gave his

attention to her parents who stood and bowed a little.

As sign of respect, Asahd touched their feet and they blessed him.

“Dear, parents of the person that I cherish with all my heart.” Asahd started, aloud and to the hearing of

everyone present. “I’m here–”

He joined his hands in front of him. His three men did same behind him.

“–to get your blessings, as well as to ask your permission. I’m here for your most valued possession.

Your daughter.”

Everyone watched silently, smiles on their lips and camera phones out to film the sweet moment.

“Which of them?” Djafar replied, showing Saïda and her maids behind him.

According to their tradition, the maids were considered as the future bride’s sisters.

“The one in the middle. Saïda.” Asahd replied and cheers and coos were heard from the big and

excited crowd.

“Get her, son!” the Queen exclaimed happily and everyone laughed, including those involved in the

dowry ceremony.

Saïda giggled shyly, covering her mouth. Asahd stared at her, a little smile on his lips and his heart

beating. He wanted just one thing, to go up to her and kiss her.

“What dowry do you bring?” Djafar asked as per traditions.

Asahd turned and showed all that he’d brought with him. He listed every single item. From the ten bags

of spice, to the twenty bags of rice and so much more.

The crowd cheered, whistled and clapped even more.

“She deserve more. You deserve more.” Asahd turned to her parents again, “But please, accept what I

present to you, as sign and proof of my love for her, and my readiness to wed her as soon as possible,

with your permission.”

Djafar nodded.

“Will you cherish her?”

“With all my heart and soul.”

“Will you love her and do her no harm?”

“To death and I swear on my own head, not to hurt her. Ever.”

More cheers, causing Asahd’s men to chuckle as well as Saïda and her maids.

“I am convinced. But is her mother convinced?” Djafar turned to his sister.

“I am convinced.”

Cheers and happy screams. Everyone clapped happily.

“One more thing.” Djafar cut in.


“She has to decide if she accepts your wooing.” Djafar turned to his daughter, “Come child.”

With red cheeks and her head bowed, Saïda went round the couch till the front. She stood by her

father. Asahd could hardly take his eyes of her.

′I hope the days fly, Saïda. I can’t wait for you to be completely mine.′

“Do you accept his proposal, my dear? Give your response, symbolically.”

Everyone watched attentively.

Saïda took a few steps forward till she was in front of him. She still had her head bowed. Her sweet

perfume was killing him, and his killing her.

Everyone watched as Saïda slowly removed the scarf hanging from her shoulder. She finally raised her

head and looked him in the eyes. Her cheeks reddened and people cooed.

Then, they watched her raise her arms and pass the scarf over his head and down so it was now

hanging from his neck.

Everyone clapped and cheered louder. The lovers stared endlessly as each other, smiles on their lips.

And then, Asahd removed his own scarf, and veiled her head with it.

More cheers.

“She’s accepted you!” Djafar announced happily, “A marriage will hold!”

Claps, cheers, whistles!

The trumpets were blown and everyone stood, clapping.

Saïda curtsied one last time and turned. Led by her parents and followed by her maids, they eventually

left the field, all followed by the Prince’s servants who were carrying the gifts.

Asahd turned and led by the sultan and Queen, began walking down the path, followed by his men.

People cheered them all the way until they entered the palace.


Right after, the guests ate and drank before leaving to go prepare for the second ceremony in the

evening. That one was sure to last longer. Plus, the other guests that had not come for the dowry,

would definitely show up in a mass. At least three hundred of the people invited were sure to come that



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