Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 90: 90. Preparations

Chapter 90: 90. Preparations


Writer’s POV:

And just when Saïda thought it was over, it worsened.

Some of the Prince’s exes had actually found her number and were calling or texting her, all for the

same purpose.

"You cannot marry Asahd!”

Saïda was unable to realise what she was dealing with. Seemed every single girl he’d ever dated,

wanted him back and were raged that he was marrying her, instead. Especially because most of them

despised Saïda.

Saïda ended up putting her phone off, exasperated. She sat in the living room.

Not long after, Asahd walked in.

“Sweetheart?” he went to sit near her and noticed how tired and moody she seemed.

“What is it?”

“Your exes. First Hammar, and now I’m actually receiving phone calls and messages all filled with

threats, asking me not to marry you.”

“Don’t mind them. It’ll pass.”

“I hope. If they think that their threats scare me, they’re dumber than I thought,” Saïda scoffed. “They

don’t know how their threats convince me even more to actually marry you. And I definitely will. They’ll

have to deal with it,” she stated firmly and Asahd smiled.

“I just love it when you go savage mode,” he chuckled and she shook her head in amusement. He then

leaned over and pecked her on the lips.

“I can’t believe you’ve dated such weirdos. They’re creepy and stalk like crazy,” she giggled and he

chuckled. “But I can’t blame them though.”

She looked at him, smiling warmly.

“If you left me, I’d stalk you too," she mused, her cheeks reddening.

“No you won’t,” he laughed a little. “Your ego’s way too big Saïda. Even if you’re still deeply in love with

me, you’ll act tough and ignore the hell out of me, pretending to be unaffected by whatsoever I do.”

It amused Saïda and she laughed, because it was an actual fact. She would want to keep her head up

high and maintain her dignity, ignoring Asahd like he’d never even existed. Though she would be

heartbroken and probably cry her heart out every night.

“You know me well,” she giggled.

“Of course. I’m going to be your husband, after all.”

“Lucky you,” she mused.


He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. They shared a slow and passionate kiss which caused that

frequent tingle in between her legs, again.

“Oh gosh,” she whispered and pulled away from him with a shy giggle.

“What’s wrong?” Asahd mused. “There’s no one around and I can kiss you right?”

“Of course,” she giggled nervously again. “That’s not the problem. The kiss is.”

“The kiss?” Asahd mused, surprised.

“Yes. The type of kiss,” she reddened, very amused. “Like the one you just gave me. The sensual, slow


“What’s up with it?” he chuckled.

“It always, well, you know,” she looked around to make sure they were still alone. “Causes this tingles

in between my legs and stuff.”

she admitted with flushed cheeks.

“Oh,” Asahd smirked. “It turns you on?”


“Which is a good thing.”

“Yeah. But not today. I don’t want you tempting me,” she giggled like a little girl. “Because I know I’ll

give in.”

“To passionate love making, again?” Asahd mused. “Get used to it.”

“Shhh,” she hushed him, looking around and causing the Prince to laugh.

“I don’t understand your poin,” he mused.

“What I’m trying to say is, please don’t try to make love to me, today. Don’t make me give in.”

“Give me a good reason why.”

“I’m sore, Asahd,” she admitted with a little laugh and the Prince’s lips twisted to the side I’m

amusement. “I’m sore in the sweetest way because I can almost still feel you in me. It’s odd to explain,

but if I have another orgasm today, I’ll probably pass out for the longest time ever. My body still finds it

hard to get used to these new and sweet sensations you make me feel.”

“I like the sound of that," Asahd smiled and she chuckled.

“I’m still weak from yesterday,” she mused with red cheeks.

“But if I tried to make love to you now, you would let me?” he asked with a mischievous smirk.

“Oh please don’t,” she laughed. “I know myself. I’ve realised that I just can’t resist you Asahd and I

actually love it every single time we make love. And we’ve done so twice. That’s why I need you not to

tempt me, because if you do,” her cheeks reddened even mor. “I'll definitely give in.”

He stared at her, amusement lingering in his eyes.

“I’ll spare you for today, then.”

“Thanks,” she laughed.

“I’ll try,” he added mischievously.

“Asahd, please!” Saïda laughed.

“Fine, fin,” he laughed and pecked her on the lips. They were so soft that he took her bottom lip into his

mouth, like he always did, and suckled gently on it.

Then he slowly let it go and kissed her forehead. Saïda leaned over and hugged him tight, he hugged

her back. They sat there cuddling and smooching.


Days flew by and preparations were even more serious. There was no time to waist as a Royal

birthday/engagement, as well as wedding were prepared for.

The invitations had been made and sent on time. The entire population of the sultanate of Zagreh were

preparing for these ceremonies.

Every single person in the palace was busy. The Prince and Saïda hardly had enough time to spend

together like they usually did. They hardly even met!

Saïda was always busy trying on all sorts of traditional gowns as well as modern ones, that would be

perfect for her engagement and wedding. The Queen had Saïda stuck to her side as she was in charge

of helping Saïda find the perfect attires for the ceremonies, being Saïda’s godmother since Saïda was


She hired the best stylists and made appointments with the best henna artists in the sultanate. She Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

ordered expensive jewelry from other countries, shoes and gowns, for Saïda to chose. And trust me, it

wasn’t easy to make a choice or decision.

It took hours and days for Saïda to try the different attires in order to select the perfect ones.


On the other hand, was Asahd. The sultanate and Djafar personally helped him. The sultan also

summoned the best of the royal stylists who brought with them, the most expensive and chic attires

they could find. Asahd had to try over eighty outfits and shoes. Then he still had a whole lot of

traditional attires to try on too for the customary part of his wedding. Every single person was occupied.

Plus, Asahd with the help of his father alone, had to get every single thing on his list that would be

needed for Saïda’s dowry. Being a Prince, that dowry wasn’t going to be a little one. At all! And it all

went to her father and older brother. Talking of Saïda’s brother.


Three days after the engagement and wedding had been announced, Ahmed had returned to Zagreh

from Istanbul. He’d come to attend his sister’s wedding.

He’d arrived thinking Saïda was getting married to Noure instead. His father had not told him whom she

was marrying in order to surprise him.

When Ahmed arrived and realised who it was that Saïda was really getting married to, he was as

shocked as everybody else when they’d heard the news for the first time.


“How??” Ahmed laughed, his sister joining him. They sat in her room, chatting. She’d been given a new

room. Upstairs with the royals.

“It’s a long story. It just happened,” Saïda giggled.

“You used to dislike each other so bad. I’m a witness! We all are,” he gasped and she laughed.

“I came here thinking you were going to marry Noure. But to my shock, I hear it’s Asahd you are

marrying?? And it’s not even an arranged marriage. It’s so surprising.”

“Hihihi I know right. Sometimes I think of it and it surprises me. It just happened and before I could

realise it, he confessed his love for me and I my love for him, some time after.”

“I can’t believe this. You really love him. It’s so evident,” he smiled and held his sister’s hands. “I’m so

happy for you, dear.”

“Thank you,” Saïda hugged him happily and he hugged her back.


And so it was. Preparations nonstop. The only time the lovers got to see each other was at breakfast

and dinner. During lunch, both were always away for their tryouts. At night, they were very exhausted

and fell asleep immediately they retired to their rooms.

However, it only increased their craving and need for each other. A craving that would only be

quenched on their nuptial night, after their wedding. And even more when they would leave on their



Soon, it was the night before their engagement. They retired to bed, ready to tie the first knot as well as

celebrate the Prince’s birthday. The next day would be perfect.


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