Once Scorched Always Safe

Chapter 29

A Trip Down Memory Lane Leads To The End Of The Road

The next morning, after a trip to the bank, he had a duffle bag with twenty million dollars in it. Now it was a waiting game until he went to Portland, Flint called him early this morning to inform him they had found the house. He said that there were no signs of anyone around other than Gia and the driver. From what Flint describes, the neighborhood was so run down that it was almost completely abandoned. Flint and his scouts found four good vantage points that had the house surrounded, so far no one had come or gone from the house, he said he would keep Sebastion updated as the day

went on

Sebastion wanted nothing more than to drive to the house now, get his son, and finally put Gia where she belongs. Far away from him. He spent all night thinking of what her plan was, knowing that she hated him so much, that she most likely would try to kill him. Arianna was right, it was a trap, but he would do anything to get to face and bring him home safe. Their son was innocent of all the things between them, Gia took Jace because she now knew that the boy was important to Selastion. He decided that no matter what happened during the exchange, once he got face out of the house with Flint, Gia would need to die, If he allowed her to live, there was nothing to stop her from trying to get to Jace again to blackmail him for money. That was something that he would not risk.

Killing her would cause him pain because no matter what she had done over the years, his love for her had been real. He had loved her since they were kids. He had been in love with her since they were fourteen. The moment he realized it was more than just sex for him was one he would always remember, but now it would also always be tinged knowing that she never loved him. All those memories would firever he hittersweet, but he would hold on to them, let them serve as a reminder of the fool he had been for her.


Sebastion and Gia as teenagers

Sebastion rushed out of the house after a arguing with his father about taking his Alpha training more serious. He wasn’t ready to spend hours a day couped up in his father’s office learning how to be an Alpha. His father wanted to teach him that there was more than just holding the title as Alpha, that as one of the largest packs on the west coast, there was so much more he needed to learn. Sebastion wasn’t ready for that, he was only fourteen, his father agreed to start his training when he turned sixteen, now suddenly his father wanted to start his training now.

Sebastion did not understand why his father suddenly changed his mind, but he would not give him what he wanted right now. He had other plans. Gia was waiting for him by the lake. It was where they met after school every day, even though they did way more than just study. She had become a source of support for him when he and his father would argue. His twin was too busy with school and would always side with their father. So he ended up venting to his best friend, a friend who always seemed to know just how to calm him down, saying all the right things.

Last year their relationship changed one night, it was shortly after they had turned thirteen. He had been trying hard to not act on the sexual urges he had for her. She was laughing at a story she was telling him about something her mother had done that morning, all the while he was imagining her naked. She took him by surprise when she leaned forward and kissed him. In that moment of hesitation, she climbed on his lap, then latched her mouth onto his

Ever since that night, they had been inseparable, spending their afternoons after school by the lake, doing many things to each other after their school work was done. They were each other’s first in all things sexual. She continuously surprised him with all the things she wanted to try, and he was more than eager to learn with her.

So he rushed to the lake to vent out his anger to his best friend. On his way, he passed a boy who was in his fighter training class. His clothes were wet as he rushed passed Sebastion with red cheeks. Sebastion frowned as he continued walking along the path to the boathouse where Gia was waiting for him, curious why that boy’s clothes were wet, but he was distracted with thoughts of his father to give it more thought, Gia would know what to say to him, give him advice on how to deal with his father when he got back home later tonight, so he quickened his pace to get to her faster.

He heard water splashing as he approached the boathouse, making him look towards the dock. There Gin was pulling herself from the water. She was naked. He frowned as he thought about the wet blushing boy that was walking past him on his way here, but as she spotted him and started walking to him, all thoughts of the boy faded from his mind. They spend the rest of the afternoon swimming, having sex, then talking about his issues with his father. She calmed ham down, told him that compromising with his father would help, meeting him hallway with the training. By the time he walked her home that night he was calmer, clear minded, and happier than he was since storming out of the house that afternoon.

And Hushlovk

Remembering that afternoon from their teenage years, the boy from the lake and her being in the water naked when he arrived, made him shake his head. The signs were always there. It seemed he was just too blind and in love with her to see them. Sebastion knew that the first night they were together was real. He was her first, but after that, he now knew he wasn’t her only. He had never wanted a mate, all he had wanted was fita, even whi

he had found his mate.

A Trip Down Memory Lane Leads To The End Of The Road

Now here he was preparing to go rescue his son while thinking of the outcome that would need to happen at the end of the night. He would need to kill his best friend, ex–lover, and mother of his child. With a heavy heart, he picked up the duffle bag full of cash, then headed to speak to his sister before he headed towards Portland. He had hours until the scheduled meet up, but he wanted to meet up with Flint before he arrived at the house, get the lay of the surrounding area around the house.

Arianna was sitting on a bench in the courtyard watching Calista play with her new best friend Fiona Murphy. She looked up as he approached, “Are you heading out already?”

“I have to. Staying around here just waiting is driving me and Aries crazy. Flint is going to meet me at a local coffee shop to give me the details of what he has seen since I spoke to him this morning. Then I will decide what do from there,” Sebastion sat down next to her on the padded bench.

“Are you thinking of trying to go in earlier than her scheduled time? Wouldn’t that be dangerous for Jace?” Arianna asked him.

Yes it would, so no, I will bide my time. I have an idea to send Henry in as a delivery driver, then say he realized he had the wrong address. Try to see if there is anyone in the house other than Gia and her accomplice.” Sebastion shared one idea he had thought of with her.

“What if they get suspicious?”

“Well, hopefully things go fine, but Flint mentioned being able to find a uniform and delivery truck to go with the plan.” He replied.

“Well, please just be safe, don’t take any unnecessary risks tonight, and bring that precious little boy home. Call me the minute you are both safe and on the way home,” She leaned over to give him a hug before he could stand up to leave.

“I will do my best.” He gave her a hug then stood to go to his c


Two hours later he pulled up outside the little coffee shop that Flint gave him directions to, Flint was leaning up against the wall near the entrance. He put his phone away when he saw Sebastion pull up. He got out of the car, leaving the duffle bag under his jacket in the passenger seat, then slowly walked towards his beta.

Flint handed him a to–go cup of coffee as he walked to him, “You got here f

here faster than I expected, sped the entire way up here did you?”

“Yes, though I slowed down once I get to the city limits, didn’t really want to get pulled over w the cup Flint handed him.

with all that cash in the seat next to me.” Sebastion took

“Valid point, so let me fill you in on what I have seen since I spoke to you earlier, Gia’s accomplice left after we spoke. He came back a few minutes later with two other men, then an hour later the two men left looking very satisfied. They smelled strongly of sex and looking very disheveled. So from what I can gather, they had an orgy in there while passing the time until you bring her the cast”

“She is in there having an orgy while my son is somewhere in that house?” Sebastion felt a surge of rage bubble up inside of him.

Sebastion, are you honestly surprised by anything that whore does anymore?” Flint asked with a shake of his head.

Sebastion growled but stilled it with a cough as a group of hum

so he had to do a better job to control his anger. “So when you left who was in the house?”

a group of human women walked towards the coffee shop, reminding him they were not on pack lands,

“No one else has come or gone from the house since the two men left, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others inside. I do however doubt she will have anyone else in there with her when you show up for the exchange. She is too greedy for that. So greedy in fact that I highly doubt that her accomplice will leave that house tonight alive. If he does, then I don’t think he will last long with her afterward, not with the way she has gone through lovers over the years.”

How many did she parade around while I was blind to all her schemes? No, nevermind, knowing that will not change the outcome of tonight,” Sebastion took a sip of his coffee.

Are you thinking of doing what I think you are? Flint asked as he looked a Sebastion with a serious expression.

“We both know how tonight needs to end Flint. Sebastion said with determination in his voice.

“Yes, but let me do it, you get late out of there, then I can take her out”

there alone for a reason. I think the

“No, I will need you to get him out while I distract her, I know she has something up her sleeve, she wants me in the trason is to kill me. Sebastion mentioned that last part with a scowl on his face

A Trip Down Memory Lane Leads To The End Of The Road

“Then why the fuck are you going to go in there alone? Flint glared at him.

“Because I know she has some more that she wants to say to me, so that will give you and the others time to get Jace out, and take out her accomplice. Then it will be just Gia and me to deal with our unfinished business. One of us is not leaving that house alive tonight, and if I have to die to save my son, then so be it.”

“No fucking way are you going to die tonight, that is not how this is going to play out,” Flint face him with an angry look on his face, “She may want you dead, but she doesn’t know that the boys and I are here, so let’s use that to our advantage.”

“I intend to Flint, but I am going in there alone, and that is final. Do not make me use my Alpha command on you, please, just do as I ask.” Sebastion looked away from Flint for a moment then back again, “Look, I get that you are concerned with my safety, and I get it. I don’t want to die tonight, there is no actual way of knowing what will happen until I get in there, but my priority is to make sure you get Jace out of there. So I will do whatever I need to distract her long enough for you to get in and out without her noticing. Once you have Jace clear of the house, then let me know, we will go from


“Fine, but the minute you spot a weapon you better let me know!” Flint grumbled.

“Should we go ahead with the delivery boy ruse?” Sebastion looked at his watch. They had a few hours left until sundown.

“No, at this point I don’t think that will be needed. Henry, Miles, and Taylor are still in position, they will let us know if anyone shows up before the scheduled time. So all we can do now walt because trust me, if you go in early I don’t think it will end well. I thought of having you go in as soon as you got here, but then I thought of all how it could go sideways.”

“It can go sideways either way Flint, early or on time, Gla is, and has always been, over–emotional for getting what she wants. This is her show, so we will play by her riley,” Sebastion looked to his watch again and let out a low growl of frustration.

“Come on, lets go back to that dismal neighborhood, if we are going to have to wait, it should be as close as we can to the house

as I dare to get you.”

They drove about ten miles outside the city. The houses they passed closer to the city were nice, clean, and well kept. The further out they drove things changed, smaller houses spread further apart, not as well kept. Then the closer they got to the neighborhood where Gia was holding lace, the worse the houses looked, Faded paint, dry dead grass in the yards, very few of the houses they passed looked inhabited. Those houses with boarded–up windows were all over the neighborhood

He could see why she had picked this place. It was far enough away from pack lands that he wouldn’t have found Jace had she not let him know where they were. The area was nearly deserted, but with a man, woman, and small child, they blended in well. Gia was far smarter than he had ever given her medit for. He knew she was intelligent, but he now knew that he always saw her as she wanted to be seen. Had he ever really know her at all? He was thinking not.

Flint parked a few blocks away, then got out to go back to his lookout spot, leaving Sebastion alone with his thoughts until it was time to go back. All he could think about was wrapping his arms around Jace, holding him close, then finally taking him home. This was a nightmare of his own

go get his son making one that his innocent little boy was now paying for. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

is is ourside on the phone with someone, her friend is with her too, face is now alone in the house. What do you want us to do? Flin

Flint asked through the

you get to the back of the house before they go back inside?

On the

door now. Flint responded.

Then have the boys create a distortion, but don’t let her see their faces, I am on my way. Get face out of there and to your o

car, then wait fo

for me there.

What are you going to do? Flint asked.

fam going to let the plon go forward, then separate her fr

from her lover and go from there

Alright, I will let you know when I have four and we are clear of the house, Flint said.

Sebastion started the car then slowly drove the two blocks to the house, he wanted to give them plenty of time to distracted Gia and get face out of the house With luck, nothing would go sideways, so he prayed to the Moon Goddess as he slowly drove to get to his son. As he drove, he saw smoke rising

in the direction of Ga’s hideout, which made his heart rate rise at the thought of face being caught in the fire. He sped up as his thoughts went out of

All he could think about was getting to his son before shit got out of hand.

I have Jebe iced but unharmed. Flint said a few minutes later,

Memory Lane Leads To The End Of The Read

Sebastion let out a sigh of relief then floored it as he drove towards Gia’s little house. As he pulled onto the street he saw dames rising from a ratty run–down car on the side of the road. Gia spotted him, her face full of surprise, then was quickly replaced with anger. She turned to the man beside her. gestured for him to go to the jeep in the driveway. She must be making him leave so she would be alone with Sebastion. That would make things easier. He pulled into the driveway, grabbed the duffle bag after he parked, then got out of the car.

You are early!” Gla glared at him.

“I saw the smoke as I was coming in,” He lifted the bag a little to get her attention on the money, it was what she wanted.

“Go secure the damn tickets, then come back here fast,” She yelled to her lover, then turned to march into the house, leaving Sebastion to follow her.

It was time to get to the end of this road, close this chapter of his life for good, then get on with his life. Her lies, manipulation, and the self–doubt would forever haunt him. He followed her inside, closing the door behind him. The house looked even worse from the inside. Peeling wallpaper, stained carpet, and the clinging smell of sex

“So you came alone, that surprises me, I would have thought you would have brought you self–righteous bitch of a sister with you. Gia spun around in the center of the empty room, a pistol in her hand, pointing it at him.

“Why would you take Jace?” Sebastion demanded.

“I thought about taking that little whiny whelp of your sister’s but lace was the better choice. I knew after I saw him hiding behind your leg that morning, he is your weakness now. So what better way to get you here alone? Take the little shit, make my demands, then set the trap. You fell for it perfectly.” Gia laughed at him.

Sebastion tossed the duffle bag on the floor, then raised his hands up, “Will you really kill me?”

“Yes, I hate you more than I can tell you. Do you want to know why?”

“Because I ruined your chances of becoming Luna.” He answered her.

“That was all I have ever wanted Bastion, to be Luna of Redwood, to have all the wealth and power that comes with that. I was so very close to convincing you to finally declaring me as your Luna. I thought I had finally worn you down enough to fulfill your promise!!!” She stomped her foot as she screamed at him.

“Gla. I never once promised you that. I thought about it recently, was even shopping for rings.”

“You were going to propose?” Her voice was full of surprise, eyes wide as she stared at him.

“I was thinking about it,” He lowered his hand to go for his po

pocket, “Relax, I don’t have a weapon.”

“Very smart of you, now take whatever you have out slowly.” She waved the gun at him.

“you asked why I was not where I wa

was meant to be that day, here is why.” He pulled the velvet box out of his pocket and she let a scream of rage.

“You came home early because you were going to propose? You mother fucker!!” She spun away from him to rush down the hallway he saw led to bedrooms

A shrill scream, the sound of a glass shattering, came from one bedroom down the hallway. He knew she found that her bait was no longer in the trap. Time to bring this to an end. He tossed the empty velvet box, there was never a ring in it, he took it from his sister’s dresser drawer this morning. He reached out to Flint and his boys to surround the house, and keep an eye out for the jeep, then pulled the silver dagger from its sheath at his back.

“What did you do? How did you get him out of here? There is no way that little shit was smart enough to run,” Gia stomped back into the living room. the gun down at her side as she was distracted in her anger.

He took the chance while the gun was lowered to rush to her, this was where thit went sideways. As he reached her she raised the gun, his knife sinking into her heart as she pulled the trigger. Her eyes reghtered what happened seconds after he felt the bullet enter his abdomen, then he stumbled as her legs gave out causing them both to fall to the flour. He dimly heard the front and back doors being thrown open, the sound of footsteps seemed so far away, then darkness descended over his vision.

Hello my lovely readers, I hope that this chapter gives you a deeper look into Sebastion

A Trip Down Memory Lane Leads To The End Of The Road

What do you think of their rescue of Jace?

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