Once Scorched Always Safe

Chapter 28



The days after his confrontation with Gia seemed to speed by as builders worked night and day to get the houses, school, and clinic up and ready. We scheduled the painters for the beginning of next week, hoping all the major construction would be finished by then. Arianna was busy ordering medical supplies with the pack doctors. They now had four, which was nice. They would assign two doctors and two nurses to each medical building, Flint thought that may be more than they needed, but with all the new wolves they added, Sebastion thought it was enough for now.

Arianna had gotten with all the teachers a few days ago to have them order anything they needed that the pack didn’t already have. He let out a low growl when he got the bills for both the medical and school supplies. He was in his office making phone calls to all his businesses, he would have to go to his offices at each one over the next few days since a few kinks had popped up in a few of the deals he had in the works. With all that had happened over the last month, he had let too much slid in his businesses. His mind was focused on the pack and what to do about his mate.

After learning how Gia really felt about him, Sebastion spent the next few days going over just how stupid he had been since they first became lovers. He trusted her with all his hopes and dreams for the future of the pack, while all she did was manipulate him. The worst part of all of it was that he had no one to blame but himself for allowing her to get away with all she had done. There were two things that he would be forever grateful to Gia for, Jace, and her getting caught in the act when she did.

Jace was the one bright spot in his day. The boy was so innocent, sweet, and adventurous. Sebastion was always in awe of how something so pure had come from him and Gla. He had loved her more than he should have. Gia was angry with him as they drove away that night for not formally rejecting Rayne right there on the spot after she told him of her pregnancy. Maybe he would have if he wasn’t too busy fighting with Aries for control as they

went home.

Sebastion knew in a small part of his mind that he was being selfish for wanting Rayne now that he knew what Gia really was. He hadn’t wanted her five years ago, hadn’t once thought about her in all that time, hadn’t cared at all if she was doing alright in Jade Moon. All he cared about was his lover and making her happy, his businesses, and his pack. In that exact order, which knowing all of that now made him feel very ashamed of himself. He had let so many people down because he was a selfish bastard.

Doing all that he was for his pack now wouldn’t make up for all that he hadn’t done for them since taking over as Alpha. Sebastion was determined to see that all he was doing was for them, for the future of Redwood pack, would be worth it. He had found some old journals of his where he used to write all he wanted to do for the pack to prosper. Some he was already doing, some he would talk to his sister about before he went further with them. He realized that she had a powerful head for leadership, that running their pack as a team would be for the best, even though she refused to see herself as an Alpha of the pack.

Sebastion planned on announcing their joint leadership went they opened the medical buildings and schools so that all those in the pack knew that she was his equal. They had agreed to make all major decisions together, but for small everyday issues, they would deal with them based on who was in the office at pack house that day. So far, he thought things were going pretty smoothly, his mind staying focused on all the building, new wolves adjusting to their new home, and his son. Arianna was adjusting to being more in charge pretty well, adding her own flair to both the office at the pack house and the one at the mansion. Which made him think maybe she should have her own office in both buildings. He didn’t mind sharing his offices with her, he just figured it would be nice for her to have her own space do pack business.

“Daddy, I want to go outside to my treehouse!” Jace demanded from the doorway of Sebastion’s office.

Ted, let me call

Tace s

you back after lunch, I am going to go chase this little monster around,” He chuckled then hung up the phone.

squealed at the looked Sebastion gave him, then turned around as he ran down the hall.

Sebastion shook his head as he stood to give chase to his son, knowing by now that Jace would hide in the bushes near the trechouse in his attempts to scare him. He decided today he would play along, let lace scare him, then they could go play in the woods, Jace loved it when Sebastion would shift and let him ride around on his back as they ran around the little clearing near the treehouse. Ares enjoyed trying to catch squirrels while face held onto his fur tightly, squealing with delight when they would catch one, then begging to let it go.

face was super excited for the day he would be old enough to meet his wolf and shift. He wanted to run with Sebastion to chase squirrels and rabbits. This made Sebastion happy for that day to come, wanting his son to be happy. Spending time with face was the best time of his day. When he got to the trechouse he frowned, he scented blood and his son’s scent, both were fading. He shifted to search around the area, calling for Flint and Justin to alert the border guards as he picked up two scents that weren’t Jace’s.

One he recognized, the other he did not, he anger spiked as he followed both scents to the northern border of the territory. A black jeep was idling a few feet from where he stood. A man he didn’t recognize was in the driver’s seat while Gia was closing the back door with a struggling lace in her anis. Sebastion rushed forward to attack, but the driver sped off after Gia gave him a brief wave. Aries snapped as he took control, bounding after the jeep with his son inside. Gis had never wanted Jace. What was she going to do to him?

Hechoed the jeep for miles through the woods, but he was losing ground as they sped away until eventually, he lost sight of the jeep. He let ost roar of pain that causes all the wildlife in the surrounding area go silent. He continued to howl until Flint and Justin appeared in their wolf forms by his side. They urged him back to the border so he could read the note they had found nailed to a tree. He followed them hack as Ares gave him back control. The rage boiling inside him was hard to fight he wanted nothing more than to let his wolf free to find his son,

Dear Mestion

You have something that I want, and I have something you want, Funny how that hasn’t changed at all firing twenty million dollars to the address provided and I will give you the Mttle slut back. You were right, I never wanted him at all, I only used him to trap you. It worked for a little while, at least until you were pot where you were meant to be that day. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt the little shit, unless you don’t do as Task Come alone, leave that bitch of a sister at home with her whelp. You have until tomorrow night

The note she left nailed to the tree cause Sebastion’s rage to go into overdrive, but he calmed down enough to shift then he races back to the mu so he could inform his sister what had happened. He would need her to help him pull that much money together by tomorrow night. He had enough to cover Gia’s demand in his account, but to pull it all out at once he had it set up to have a secondary signature. It had to be his sister or he could only pull out small amounts at a time. He had set up all his accounts with Arianna as his failsafe. At first, it was for his overspending, then it was so he didn’t spend all his money of Lavish items he would buy for Gia. Even in his haze of lust and love for her, he never trusted her with his money, he always bought her anything she wanted, so there was no need for her to have his bank information.

After he changed into some shorts and a muscled t–shirt, he rushed up to his office where Arianna was working for the day. He chose not to tell her about Jace through their link, so instead, he just rushed back to the mansion as fast as he could. Sebastion knew she would go crazy with worry, he was doing the same, but want to be with her when she heard the news,

He opened the door forcefully then slammed the door behind him, “Ari we need to talk.”

“Ok, let me get back to you in a few minutes, Kia, Sebastion is here with something important. Yeah, I will call you back when I can,” She hung the phone up. “That was Kia in accounting at the textile mill. What is so important that you barged in here like that, Sebbie?

Gia kidnapped Jace!”

“What the fuck? How did she get past the border guards?”

“That doesn’t matter now, she gave her demands, I need you to come with me to

me to my bank.-

“How much is she demanding?” Arianna

ha stood, her face going red with anger.

“Twenty million, she wants tomorrow night at an address a little outside Portland,” He wanted to hurt someone terribly right now,

“Then let’s go get them money and I will go with you when the time comes to get him back,” She walked to him, reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder.

“She said if you show up, she will hurt him, that I am to go alone.”

“You can’t go alone, it could be a trap. You took away everything she ever had and wanted Sebastion, do you really think she just wants the money? Arianna frowned at her brother.

“I don’t care if she wants to hurt me, or even kill me, I am going to get my son back damnit,” He moved away from her as he walked to the window “Well, at least take Flint and Justin.”

“No, Ari, I will go alone. I will not let that woman hurt my son. I may not have fully appreciated him when he was born, but he is so innocent of what is going on. He doesn’t deserve to get hurt because of my fucking mistakes!”

“You are not going to the bitch alone Sebastion. I will go make Flint go with you, but make him go in first get a good scout spot. He is a skilled trac and can hide his scent well. Do not put you and your son’s life at risk for your mistakes. Now, let’s go to the fucking bank, it will take them a few hours to get the cash she is asking for,” Arianna marched out of the office leaving Sebastion to follow her.

Sebastion changed clothes before they left for the bank. He ordered Flint to double the patrols around the border. He wanted patrols fined like they were under attack until he made it home safe with his son tomorrow night. It pissed Sebastion oft that Gia had slipped through the patrol Sh

the territory, knew their paths. He would have to get with all the guards and Flint when Lace was suir. They would need to chan

art up the free stands that justin had suggested while there were on the way back frian Arizona.

the bank, it fastered the manager to have a request that large. He would need until morning it all together, which i The nu end Arlanna calnied him down enough that they could fill out the forms needed. She signed her name next to his, then she had to hum and at the book. There was nothing more that could be done tonight, except for now he had an idea about what Arianna had said earlier about

Sebastion would send I lnt out now to scout the address, find a good lookout point, then he could keep him updated throughout the day tomorrow. He would seral home with two of their best scouts that could hide their scents as Flint did. It was a rare ability, but it was also something that Gu unaware i let could do. So Sebastion was now thinking with his head instead of his heart that was bleeding for his son, Jaer barely knew Gla. He must

He called Flint and the other scouts into his office when they got hack to pack territory, told them what he wanted, after working out the details all left to go do their task: Tonight, was going to be one of the longest nights of his life. All he could think of was how frightened his son was in the arms of that greedy bitch who was his mother. If she hurt Jace, be it a scratch, a bump, or a bruise, he would kill her.

He would rip her head off if she hurt his innocent little boy.

In a small louve outside Portland

The house was run down and abandoned in a neighborhood that had very few inhabitants. It was the perfect place to hold one scared little boy, Gia laughed to herself. David, an old lover that she had convinced that lace was his, was in the living room on the phone. He was planning for their travel to Europe with the money she would get from Sebastion. He did not understand that she had no intention of splitting the money with him, or even leaving this house with him. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Gia ran her fingers over the pistol she had in her pocket. She loaded it with silver bullets laced with wolfsbane, toxic to werewolves. It would kill him Then she could leave after she got rid of the little shit that was her son. Bringing that little bastard into the world to trap Sebastion to her was one of her best ideas, though she had no idea at the time if he really was Sebastion’s whelp. To her, it didn’t matter at all. She knew at the time that he would believe anything she told him, and he had since they were thirteen.

He was, by far, the best sex she had ever had. She would have been loyal to him if she ever loved him, but to her, he was a means to an end. Power and money were all she ever wanted from him. She coveted the title of Lana, all the power she would have over those pathetic wolves in Redwood Pack, the money to do whatever she wanted. He gave her all she wanted, but with the title of Luna, she would have access to all his money without needing to ask for anything.

She had hated playing the simpering little plaything to the richest Alpha on the west coast, hated pretending to love him when she hated him. Oh, the nights were fantastic, the hours he would spend tuning her body to perfection were going to be missed. None of the men she had fucked over the years could ever quite do to her what he could, but that would not stop her from killing him when he came to get face.

Gia had a silver bullet laced with wolfsbane just for him, so when he anived tomorrow night, she would make it look like she was g back. Then when he was distracted with the little shit, she would shoot him in the back, take care of David, grab the money and leave for France. Paris was where she always wanted to be after their one visit years ago. She would take his money and start a new life, one where she called the shots. Maybe

giving him his sen she would open a brothel. There were tons of werewolves in France. She could cater to her kind on her terms.

She smiled as she thought of all the possibilities for her future, all the things she could buy with the money of her own. Tomorrow night would be the beginning of the rest of her life. All she had to do was rid herself of an unwanted lover, an ex lover, and her child. There was no way she was taking the little shit with her, so she would dump him outside the airport when she went in. With luck, he would be found by humans and taken to an orphanage in Portland, he would be fine.

Gia checked in on face in the little room she stashed him in an hour ago, he had cried himself to sleep after screaming for his daddy for hours, she would be more than happy to get rid of him as soon as she could. Taking him was the best way to get what she wanted, getting Sebastion to come alone sex she could kill him. He had shown how much the boy meant to him when they were escorting her from the cellars, lace had been tucked in tight against Schastum’s leg. The idea for tomorrow had hit her then.

Sebastion would pay with his life for

ruining her plan,

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