My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69


She stared at her group of girls. They had taken her to a lake to swim. Gina stayed on Gina leaned her head against Lily’s shoulder as she took her hand. Lily eyed her.

“What’s wrong, Gina?”

“Nothing. What makes you think something is wrong?”

“You haven’t been in the water at all.”

She sighed. “I found my mate

beach while Light, Karalee and Deborah played in the water.

“Oh, that’s excellent. Who is it? Do you guys adore each other? Is he totally obsessed with you?” Lily stopped talking when Gina closed her eyes and let out a little whimper. “What happened Gina?”

“He rejected me three weeks ago.”

Lily growled. “He did what?”

“He’s next in line for the Cavern Clan. He said he couldn’t take less than a beta to be his queen and I’m an omega.”

Lily wrapped her arm around Gina’s shoulders. “Did you accept his rejection?” She shook her head. “So, you have been sad for three weeks and I haven’t noticed? I am so sorry, love. Will you come to the castle today? Kalani can help you.”

“Sure. We can….”

Her voice was cut off by another whimper. Her eyes were glued to a group of people that had just arrived. Lily followed her gaze and her eyes found a bandsome brunette man with brown eyes that had a curvaceous woman hanging off his arm. They were surrounded by 6 other people, who were very clearly royalty.

“Is that him?”

Gina nodded. She watched as he sniffed the air, before turning to look at Gina. H He frowned at her. Lily’s back straightened and she glared at him. She patted Gina’s hand.

“I’ll be right back.”

She got up and walked straight towards the group. The girl on his arm

m gave he

her a disgusted look as she approached. Lily stopped right in front of her.

“Excuse me,” she said pleasantly.

antly. “I need to get to the i


cream stand behind you guys, please.”

The girl rolled her eyes. “Go around us.”

Lily raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that really how you want to be? It takes less effort to be nice.”

“Why are you still fucking talking to me? Baby, make her go away,” she whined.

smiled. “You don’t have to sle your dog on me, I get it. You’re a stuck up bitch”

She walked around the group as she reached for her link with Sasha. Are you busy?”

“No. Do you need me?”

lake? Gina’s mate is here and he rejected her, because he doesn’t think she offered anything to his

“Can you, Kalani, Gregory and Aiden come to the lake? G kingdom.”

‘Oh, really? We’ll be there in 15 minutes.”


Chapter 69

She ordered four chocolate cones and a strawberry one. The man at the booth smiled at her.

“Am I charging this to the Dragão Clan account?,” he asked.

“Actually, can you charge it to the Deegan Clan?*

He looked surprised. “The Deegan Clan? King Lukas would have my ass. Nobody is brave enough to charge to that clan.”

She smiled. “Do you have a phone?”


He pulled it forward and she dialed Jo’s cell phone number, before putting the call on speaker. She tapped her foot while she waited for her to answer.

“This is Beta JoAnn.”

“Hey, Jo. It’s Lily, Can I charge something to Lukas?”

“Lily? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I just wanted to buy something and I wanted to charge it to Deegan, but the gentleman was unsure.” NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Of course you can. If you would like, 1 can give you a card to the Deegan account.”

“No, it’s okay. I just wanted to charge this to him.”

“Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Tell Lukas I said hi.”

“Will do. Be safe and have a good day, Your Majesty.”

“Bye, Jo,” she said. She smiled at the man. “Can I get one more thing?”

“Sure. Anything you want.”

“I would like to buy ice cream for everybody on the beach, except that group. They were rude to me. Charge it to Lukas.”

His mouth dropped open. “Okay. As

As you wish.”

She turned around with the cones in their container. The girl stepped in her path, smiling.

“Hey, my name is Luisa. 1-”

Lily smiled at her. “Sorry, but I reject your offer. You and your entire group are beneath me.”

She narrowed her eyes. “We are royalty.”

“And? I only associate with the royal trio, not assholes like you.”

Luisa snorted. “I doubt you know the royal trio. I don’t know who you called, but-”

Sasha and Kalani appeared behind the group with Gregory and Aiden flanking them. Lily smiled at them.

“Hey, Sasha, Kalani. How are you today? Thanks so much for coming.”

“Are they bothering you, Lily?”

“Not at all. They were just about to carry our cones to the girls. And that one is going to wait hand and foot on us, until we leave.”

The boy paled, but took the container of cones. Lily saw Gina’s eyes widened across the beach. Aiden and Gregory parted so he could go over to them.

The boy followed a smug Lily back over to Gina. She sat in front of her, facing her. She ran her fingers through Gina’s hair.

“You are so beautiful. I brought you some ice cream, my love,” 1

Lily told her, before leaning forward to press her lips softly against hers.

She took her hand and began to chat about everything as they licked their cones. The boy just looked on and Lily could see the regret on his face. Sasha and Kalani laughed when Lily dismissed him like a servant, Gina turned to look at her and gave her a hug

“That was fucking amazing. Thank you.”

Liby patted her back. “There’s nothing more royal than the trio, So, screw them if they think they are better than you.”

They got up and were walking away when the boy came running up. He grabbed Gina’s elbow, stopping her. She raised an eyebrow at him as everyone else gave him angry looks.

“Look, can we

we talk? I’m sorry for-”

Gira pulled away from him. “Sorry for rejecting me?” She laughed. “Don’t he sorry now that you think I have connections to powerful people. I want my mute to want me for me and not what I can bring to their kingdom.”

“Maybe we could.”

“No. Whatever you have to say is a no. I don’t

n’t want you, I will find someone else.”

He opened

d his mouth and Lily stepped between them, letting her aura flare out. “Go away y and do not bother her again. If she wants to talk to you, she will reach out in you. Goodbye.”

He turned on his heel and left. Gina high fived the other girls..

“Goddes, who knew you were so badass, Lily?”

She smiled softly. “Thanks, guys. He just pissed me off so bad. How can you reject your mate? Gina is beautiful and smart. He’s a fool. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a date and I need to get home to get ready.”

Sasha narrowed her eyes. “You have another date? With who?

“My mate. In my dreams”

She grinned. “Let’s go ”

They all piled into their cars and were speeding towards the castle. The girls all talked excitedly about Gina’s mate getting shown up by Lily while she thought about what she would show Lukas tonight. As soon as she got to the castle, she hurried upstairs. She showered and dove into bed. Her eyes closed and in minutes she was asleep, calling to Lukas,

He answered immediately, appearing in front of her with a smile on his face. “Lily”

He held his arms open and she immediately mind into his arms. She hugged him right.

“What are doing today?”

int to shine you, but you have to promise not to fute nie

She pulled away and focused on hat she wanted to show him. The restaurant muvered into focus and they stood between tables and chairs. She took his hand

The sound of her pieces drew the attention to bend them, where Kenny and her at the tensed

“I don’t want to see this

“I need you to see this ”

“Ly, I can’t. Please.”

Chapter 69

“You have seen Loatie rape me and force me to touch other women, but this is what you can’t see? Why?”

He shook his head. “Because that wasn’t your choice. This was.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his back. “You are my choice. I want you to know that.

“Please, watch.”

He growled, but stood still, watching. He watched them talk and he grew more tense every time she giggled at something he said. They followed the vision Lily back to the castle where Kenny tried to kiss her. Lukas’s body jerked and Lily kissed his neck to calm him. The other her put her hand on Kenny’s check

“It’s okay. You will make some girl very happy one day, but I’m not that girl. I have a mate and even though he is not around, I love him very much.”

Lukas turned in her arms to pick her up. “Lily, why did you show me this?”

“I wanted you to know that nobody will ever compare to you. You are my choice and I wanted to make sure that you didn’t hate me for going on this date.”

“I don’t I will admit I was worried..”

She kissed him, softly. “You don’t ever have to be. I love you and I only want you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Can we go to bed? I am really tired and I need to figure out what else I have missed out in Me. One of my friends has been sad for weeks and I didn’t notice. I have been so preoccupied with healing, that I have neglected to see others. I feel so guilty.”

“Don’t, baby. It’s okay”

She peeled. “You say that until you see how much I charged to you at the beach today. I bought the whole beach ice cream.”

He groaned. “Whatever you like. You don’t even have to ask,”

“Thank you”

“For what exactly?”

“Not rejecting me. I saw today what it does to someone.

“Thank you for giving me a chance,” he countered.

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