My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68- Trigger Warning


He narrowed his eyes at Kinkaid and St. Claire. The two men had disobeyed direct orders to stop their bickering. St. Claire had taken Kinkaid’s granddaughter and he had tried to get her back, causing almost a fourth of the Midas Clan to become deceased. Lukas glared at Kinkaid who was about to start up his argument again. He slammed his hand down on the desk

“SHUT UP!,” Lukas yelled, pressing his fingers into his eyes. “St. Claire, did you order the girl to be brought here?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. We are a little over two hours away. She should be here within an hour and a half. She will tell you herself that she is fine and-”

Kinkaid leapt to his feet with his hands balled. “SHE’S 16 FOR GODDESS‘ SAKE! SHE IS TOO YOUNG TO BE MATED!”

Lukas rolled his eyes. 16. The girl was 16 and they were fighting like this over her. What would they be doing if she had been Lily’s age? Lily. He sat back in his chair, tapping his fingers as the men continued to argue. He wondered what she was doing and if she was okay. He tapped his fingers harder and the men fell silent.

“This is absolutely ridiculous. How old is the boy that she’s mated to?”

“My son is 18, Your Majesty.”

Lukas turned furious eyes on Kinkaid “Two years? You disobeyed a direct order for fucking two years?”

“Your Majesty, 5

she is still a child


“HIS SON IS STILL A CHILD!,” Lukas roared, making the windows shake.

Kinkaid looked like he wanted to argue, but when Lukas hared his teeth at him, he sat quietly. Lukas got up to pace around the office.

“I agree they should not have taken her at 16, but I will not return her unless there is something bad happening to her. Do you have any regret for the lives you cost the Midas Clan? The mates that lost their other halves? OR the mothers or fathers that lost their children?” He paused to look at where Lucy played quietly in her playpen. “Do you even care about the children that lost their parents?”

“I didn’t think about them, Sire.”

Lukas spun angrily on him. “I bet you didn’t. You have behaved carelessly. Every single life in my kingdom is precious to me.”

Kinkaid lowered his head. “I understand, King Lukas.”

Suddenly, Lily’s link opened and he was being tugged. He stopped at the edge of the desk to draw in a deep breath. He swallowed as the tugging got harder. He looked at both men.

“I have to go. Gideon will be taking over this meeting. I would advise you to be very respectful. He is not as tolerant as I am.”

He melted to the back of their shared mind and let himself be jerked to where she was pulling him. His eyes opened and his heart pounded harder when he saw Lily at the stove stirring a large par of

something that smelled delicious. He walked over to her and peered into the pot. Was that stew? Whatever it was, it looked like heaven. Lily added another spoonful of diced garlic and he turned to study her face. He reached out to touch her cheek.

“I didn’t know you could cook,” he murmured softly.

oan came from behind him and he spun around. His lips Mited in a silent snart at Curiel who was screwing a woman on the table behind her. He put his hands on the table as he watched Lily cook. Lukas stepped in front of Lily and tried to make himself heavier. He cursed when he couldn’t. He started pacing angrily as he watched the scene unfold. When Gurlel tied Lily to the oven, he launched himself through the air at him. He passed straight through him, stumbling


He tried again to make himself heavier, but he couldn’t do it. He got more frustrated, watching her be forced against the stove and unable to save her. Not even in her dreams. He shouted to stop at the top of his lungs, but it didn’t matter. They couldn’t hear him. He continued to pace and howled in agony when she hit the ground, screaming from the stew burning her. He knelt by her side with tears on his face as he reached for her.

Chapter 60- Trigger Warning

“Clean this shit up. Oh, and happy birthday.

Lukas jumped to his feet and lunged at the asshole again. He stumbled through his body again, before swinging punch after punch at him, Lily’s whimper stopped him and he hurried back to her side. He reached for her and his hand moved through her, too.



“FUCK!” He took a deep breath In. “I love you, baby. I am so sorry, Please, forgive me.” The scene froze and he reached for her again. “Lily”

“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she? That’s probably why he wanted her so bad,” came a soft voice from across the room.


around and his eyes searched the room. He neared the shadows and finally saw another Lily on the ground with her arms around her knees. Tears ran down her face and he knelt beside her.

“Lily?,” he murmured as he reached for her.

His hand touched her worm skin and he sent a thankful prayer up sobbing.

aver up that this one

one was real. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into his chest,

“Why did he choose me?,” she asked.

He laid his chin on the top of her head. “Because he loved your mother,” he told her. “They were engaged and she left him when she met her mate. He was obsessed with you, because you look like her.”

“I didn’t want to do that with him, Lukas. I swear.”

He glanced at the dream Lily that was still frozen on the four. “I know, Lils. I know”

She clung to him tighter. “I begged him to let me go.”

He rubbed her back. “I know you did.”

He put his arm around her face to block her from seeing herself on the floor. He pulled the memory of his 15th birthday up and the scene changed to a beautiful, green park with rolling hills and a stream flowing to the right. He took her hand and led her down to where the river was the deepest. He positioned her on the riverbank and pointed out to the middle where a large animal could be seen moving rapidly under the water,


e water.

and the water was sucked down in a vortex. Suddenly, a large dragon shot up, still circling and the water was pulled up in a cyclone. The dragon roared into the sky and another smaller dragon flew rapidly through it a few times, before landing triumphantly on the riverbank. Lily moved closer to Gideon and the look of awe on her face made him smile. The other dragon landed and shifted back. Sterling grinned as he walked over to count the fish Gideon had spit out. Lukas shifted back and her eyes widened. She turned back to him, Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“How old were you?”


She touched his face as he laughed and clasped his father’s shoulder. “That was amazing.”

Sterling grinned. “Odanya loves it when I fish for her. Maybe your mate will, too.”

Lily walked back to Lukas to w

wrap her arms around his waist. “I do.”

He kissed her forehead. Tll fish for you everyday if you want me to.”

She pulled back to look up at him. “I feel safe here, Lukas.”

He looked out over the water. “It is beautiful here. One of my favorite sp

spots. I will bring you one day.”

e grasped his face and made him look back at her. “No, I meant in the dream world. If I don’t feel comfortable, I can just wake up and it ends.”

He brushed her hair back. “I would never hurt you. I want you to heal, Lils. If I have to come and replace every single dream and make you forget that there was ever a threat to you by doing so, I will,”

She muzzled into his chest. “I do love you,


He smiled softly. “I love you, too. Now, how about another memory?”

Chapter 68- Trigger Warning

She looked up at him. “Lead the way and I’ll follow.”

“Hmm,” be sold, trying to pick a memory. He lifted her hand to kiss it. “This next one might be a little hard to handle, but you trusted me, so I want to show you that I trust you, too.”


The memory shifted to a dark room. A young Lukas, about 5 or 6, was huddled on a bed. Yelling from another room made him put his hands over his ears.





The young Lukas scrambled out of bed and ran over to the trunk at the foot of his bed. He quickly climbed in and shut it. Odanya came barreling into the room, with a dagger in her hand.

“Lukas, oh Lakes. Come out. Mommy is not going to hurt you, sweetums,” she sang

His father came in behind her and grabbed her. He pulled her close, glaring at her


u will not hurt my sont,” he hissed.

She tossed her head back, cackling coldly.

“That’s just it, isn’t it. He’s your son, not ours. He’s her son, not mine,” she growled, bitterly. She threw the dagger down and looked at him sadly. “I just wanted to be your one and only. You betrayed me. You allowed her to hear your children and to be your preferred mate.”

He cupped her face. “Please, believe me. I don’t know why I did any of that stuff to you, but punishing Lukas is not the way. Please, Dani, don’t do this. I love you.” A tear crept out of her eye and his father wiped it away. “I marked you. You are my queen. I love you. Why isn’t that enough?”

She sniffed and leaned against him. “Because you love her,

He picked her up and carried her out of the room. Lukes carefully opened the trunk, peering between the cracks to make sure they were really gone, before quickly grabbing a blanket and a pillow to sleep in the trunk with Lily turned to Lukas with tears in her eyes,

“Oh, Lukas,” she whispered, nuzzling into his chest. “You are such an amazing person.”

He held her close. “This is why I will never have another female, Lily. I have seen what it does to a mated pair. I would never make you feel that way. I would rather die myself.”

“I miss you,” the murmured. “I have so much work to do.”

“I know you think that.”

“I do.”

“Okay / will be here whenever you want me to help you. All you have to do is call.”

“Will you help me work through all of them?*

“Each and every one of them.”

He picked her up and the scene changed again to the bedroom they shared at Sasha’s castle. He put her in the bed and got in behind her. He wrapped her up in his arms and began to talk to her. He told her all about his childhood and his aspirations. He told her about everything he could think of until her form slowly dissipated and he knew she was in a true deep sleep. He sighed, already missing her in his arms and let himself go back to his body.

He opened his eyes and was not surprised to see that Gideon had put him to bed. It was dark outside and his castle was quiet.

‘How is she? Gideon asked.

Chapter 65 Trigger Warning

Lukas put his arms under his head. “She’s better now. She’s asleep?

“Okay, good. I let the girl stay with her mate in Midas. She was happy there with him. I even aura’d everyone involved to make sure there was nothing going on.”

Lakas grinned. Trust Gideon to aura them. It was his favorite thing to do to establish his dominance.

“When we get her back, Gideon, I don’t ever want to let her go?

Gideon yawned. “If you even think about it, I will cook you from the inside out.”

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