My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: A Fairytale Worthy Day

She blushed and slowly let her arms drop back to her side. He touched her face, smiling down at her. Mrs. Romanas stood up and approached them. She nervously wrung her hands.

“Umm, I don’t think anybody would mind if you wanted to leave, Your Majesties.”

Lily gawked at her teacher. “Majesties?”


gave Lily a soft smile and lowered her head again. “My quer

Lily stood stunned. She slowly turned her head and took in everybody in the surrounding area. Every set of eyes she met were lowered immediately. Her school tormentors all shifted uneasily. Lukas followed her gaze to them and growled. They all trembled and one of the girls started urinating. She looked up at Lukas and touched his cheek.

“It’s okay, I promise.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side, before tearing his eyes away from the girl. He lifted her hand to kiss over her knuckles.

“Do you want to go shopping?”

She nodded. He walked slowly by her side, making sure his steps were never any bigger than hers. She purposely slowed down to see what he would do and he immediately matched her pace. She sped up and so did he. Hmmm, interesting. They got outside of the auditorium and she squeezed his hand.

“Why do you do that?”

He looked at her confused. “Do what?”

“You walk so carefully.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I slow down, so do you. You match the size of my steps, too.”

He laughed and waved his hand. “Do you remember our first date and you walked behind me?” She nodded, blushing. “I told you I was not ashamed to have you by my side and that I was proud to be seen with you. I meant it.”

Realization struck her when she thought back on that day. He had told her that he would never walk in front of her. She hadn’t believed him, chalking it up to pity for her disability. She stopped and he paused beside her. She stared down at her leg and he rubbed her hand with his thumb. She licked her lips and pulled away from him. She took a step and he followed her. She turned to him and put her hand on his chest.


He stayed put as she walked a few yards away. She pretended to push sleeves up and he chuckled, eyeing her curiously. She put her arms out and cleared her throat.

“Presenting the tumbling act of Lilianna Washington. Please, hold all your applause until the end. She requires silence to focus.”

He laughed again. She took a deep breath and began to do cartwheels.

“Hand on the ground, body over and land, she chanted in her head.

She missed the last landing and tumbled into his outstretched arms, howling with laughter. She looked up at him giddy with her newfound ability to properly work her body.

“I never thought I would be able to do that,” she told him. “I would sit and watch the other girls. I would be so sad that I couldn’t. They would tease me and now I can literally cartwheel around them.”

Her excited babbling was slowly cut off, the darker his eyes got. She swallowed as he lowered his head. He moved past her lips to her ear and she groaned.


Chapter 29: A Fairytale Worthy Day

“If you’re not careful, Lils, I’m gonna show you what else that leg can do.”

She shivered and he jerked away from her. He cleared his throat and she saw him struggling. His jaw clenched and his eyes closed. She took a step back.

When his eyes finally opened back up, they were back to their usual light green. He held out his hand and she shyly took it.

“I’m sorry, honey. Gideon is an asshole sometimes. He’s waited for you for a long time now and now you’re here.”

She let him lead her out and he groaned.



“I don’t have a car.”

“Where’s Jo?”

“At home. I can get us a car. Wait here.”

She held onto his hand. “Let’s walk. It’s beautiful outside.”

He tipped her face up. “If you get tired, tell me. I will c

carry you.”

She giggled. “I bet I can run circles around you now, too.”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that so?”

“Yep. I totally can,” she proudly declared.

He pointed at a little store about half a mile down the road. “We’re going there.

1. re. Wanna race?”

She grinned as she plotted a path to it.“I guess. What do I get when I win?”

“I’d ask you what you want, but once again, baby, I am terrified of your answer. So, we will say, the winner picks dinner.”

“Chicken,” she teased, before dropping his hand and racing towards the store.

“HEY! YOU CHEATER!” he shouted after her.

She pushed her body harder and faster, pumping her legs. She flew over the gravel and she heard him grunt. She glanced over her shoulder and saw him scrambling to get up off the ground. Gemma laughed in her head.

“Faster,” she cried. “I want steak!‘

She made it to the store and was reaching for the door to claim her win when she was grabbed around her waist and his fingers linked with hers.

“Tie,” he murmured into her ear.

She relaxed back against him. “You let me win,” she accused.

“No. You are really fast. You earned i

1. it.

She turned in his arms to hug him. “It’s okay. I like this better anyway.”

He kissed her forehead as she just leaned against his chest, unmoving. After a few minutes, she pulled away.

“We should shop.”

He opened the door for her. “After you, my b


beautiful mate

She crossed her arms over her chest after glancing inside the store. “I don’t think I’ll find anything here.”

Chapter 29: A Fairytale Worthy Day

He frowned. “Why not?”

She pointed inside and he let the door shut when he saw the lingerie. His face colored and he tugged at his collar.

“Yeah, we need to go somewhere else.”

He looked around at the stores on the block and pointed to one. “That one looks safe.”

They crossed the street and went inside. Her mouth dropped open at the numerous types of clothing options available. Jeans to slacks to skirts and more. She was immediately drawn to a pair of soft fuzzy pink pajama bottoms. She ran her hands over the material in awe. He came over to stand next

to her.

“Are those the ones you want?”

“They’re so soft, she whispered.

He turned her towards him. “Have you never been shopping before?”

She looked at the floor, shaking her head. “I’ve never had anything new. I always had hand–me– downs from the clan.”

He left her to go back to the door. He locked it and walked over to the counter. He spoke low to the woman there and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t hear what he was saying. The woman looked at her and she let the pajama pants go. The woman approached her and her heart started pounding. She took a nervous step towards the door. The woman stopped in front of her with her head down.


s Erin.”

Majesty, please allow me to assist you with your shopping needs today. My name

Lily met Lukas’s eyes. He gave her a small nod and a smile. She nervously chewed on her lip.

“I’m Lily.”

Lukas leaned against the counter, just watching and that made her even more nervous. She didn’t know how much she could get. She had only come in for pants. Could she ask him or would it embarrass him? The woman walked around her slowly, before grabbing a size 0 off the rack. She put it over her arm and smiled.

“Tell me, Queen Lily, what else do you like in here?”

She recoiled a little. “Can you just call me Lily?”

Erin glanced at Lukas who waved his hand at her.

“Of course, Lily.” She gestured around the store. “What else do you like?”

Lily started wandering around the store, not touching anything. Everything she stopped to look at, Erin added to her arm collection.

“Erin, do you have…” Lily stared at the clothes she had gathered. “L” She blushed. “That’s a lot.

“His Royal Highness said to let you get whatever you wanted. He said, “If you even look at it, pick it up.”

Lily’s hands flew up to her cheeks to cover her blush. “You can’t be serious.”

Erin gave her a sympathetic look. “First time shopping with no budget, is it?”

“Come on.”

She marched back over to the counter where Lukas was still leaning against it doing something on his phone. Erin set her clothes on it and he looked up at Lily, smiling.

“All done?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I want one of everything in the store.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled his wallet out. He handed Erin a card.

Chapter 29. A Fairytale Worthy Day

“Have it delivered to the Golden Crown Hotel, okay?”

He held out his hand to Lily. “Are you ready?–

She stared at him. “Are you serious?”

Confusion crossed his face. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“This store is expensive.”

He looked even more confused. “Okay…” He ran his fingers through his hair.

“I only wanted pajama pants.”

He looked at the pile of clothes on the counter. “So, you don’t want that stuff?”

“I do, but you shouldn’t be so giving to me.”

“Lily, you’re my mate.

There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you.”

“I’m not sure what you are getting at, Lils”

“I don’t need your money. I don’t want it either.”

He mirrored her stance. “Well, too bad. I’m not going to let you go through life wearing hand–me– downs or not eating. You will always have your art supplies. If you don’t want jewelry and flowers and all that type of stuff, that’s fine, but some things are non negotiable.”

She rolled her eyes. She wanted to keep up the act of being upset, but she was a puddle of mush inside. She reached over to rub the soft fabric again. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It is really amazing stuff.”

He laughed. “Yes, you are.”

She turned to look at him and she finally understood what Sommer said a swoon was as she helplessly leaned into him. Her legs wobbled and he pulled her into him. He sighed.

“I’m sorry, Lily. I just… This is all new to me. I want to give you everything you could ever want. If I ever make you uncomfortable, all you have to do is tell me to back off.”

She giggled. “Gemma wants steak”

He pulled back. “Who’s Gemma?”

“I umm… Steak for dinner?”

“Dinner? Sure. Whatever you want

She pecked his lips and darted away to finish exploring the shop with Erin. She kept peeking at Lukas through the clothes rack. She wasn’t sure if this was all a dream, but what she did know was that she wanted to stay in this la la land her mind had created.

Chapter Comments

Sheanan Day

Way you go Gemma, you’ve awakened her beautifully in the midst of her troubles!



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