My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Lukas’s Test


The gamma offered her a drink while she waited for Lukas. She declined, choosing to move around the living room to look at the pictures. She sighed, getting anxious. She knew what Lukas had said, but what if he was lying to her? It would crush her if he was.

So, test him.”


Gemma began to whisper into her head and she smiled. Perfect. It would show her exactly how he felt. A few minutes later, she heard the door open, but she didn’t tum around. Her skin lit up with electricity and she leaned back against him. His arms wrapped around her and he held her closely. She closed her eyes and stroked his arm. How had she ever thought that Loatie’s touch was that of a mate? Goddess, she felt stupid and was so confused. She had been so sure before, but everything was too much right now. She didn’t know what or who to believe. All she knew was that Lukas always made her feel good and safe while Loatie made her disgusting.

“We should get going,” he murmured against her ear, jolting her back to reality.



turned around in his arms and tilted her head back. He stared down at her.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face.

He didn’t move for a heartbeat. Two. Three. Four. His lips descended on hers as his fingers moved through her hair to massage her scalp. Her body ignited, burning hotter than ever before as his tongue entered her mouth to rub alongside hers. She pressed against him and moved her tongue to match his. She moaned a little and he pulled back, panting.

“Lils, we should go.”

She tried to answer, but all she could do was squeak again. She blushed and looked at the ceiling. He took her hand and led her out. Why did she always get so tongue tied around him? Goddess, things felt so different between them now. It felt.. right. More right than anything else. She studied his profile as they walked. His once skinny face had filled out again. His green eyes shone with happiness and the smile on his face made her happy.

He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. It all seemed so easy with him. Surely, this was just leading to a beating or… or worse. She sighed and he squeezed her fingers. She wasn’t going to let what her parents did cast a shadow over her time with him. The gamma left them in front of the hotel where the essays were to be read. Lukas escorted her into the large auditorium. Mrs. Romanas approached them nervously.

“Sire, she will need to sit with the school.”

He smiled at her. “It’s okay. He pointed to the center of the front row. “I will be right there.”

She nodded shyly. He was actually going to watch her. Her heart pounded as her teacher took her up onto the stage. She sat in the assigned chair and looked out over the crowd of 100 people. She flushed when she met Lukas’s eyes. Was he always going to watch her like that? She tilted her head as she watched him watch her. Goddess, he was handsome and she had missed him so much, even though she had refused to admit it to herself. She bit her lip and closed his eyes. Gemma giggled in her head.

‘Better calm down, girl. People are noticing you,” Gemma teased.

She quickly looked around and there were indeed multiple people eyeing her. She blushed and looked at her feet. She tried her hardest to focus, but found her eyes kept being drawn back to his. Every time she looked at him, he was watching her back.

“Lilianna Washington, everyone.” Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

She stood up as polite applause rang through the room. Lukas clapped more enthusiastically than the rest. He looked up at her and she couldn’t breathe. He smiled and she melted. She put her hands on either side of the podium, squeezing it to help her retain her focus, and began to recite her memorized speech.

“The dragon kingdom has many royals that have been crucial to the ongoing success of the species as a whole, I could speak about my father, King Luis of the Lotus Clan. He has ended many wars between other species to procure peace and protect packs against the tragic losses of their women and children. I could speak of King Aiden of the Dragão Clan who is responsible for giving women more power in relationships and being the first king to


Chapter 20 Lukas’s Test

allow his subjects to mate and breed with their true mates, regardless of species. I could speak of the Bets of Betas, JoAnn Martin. She has been responsible for creating new weapons to use in interrogations and training the clans to defend themselves. As important as these public figures are, none have benefited the dragon kingdom as much as The Royal Trio, consisting of Queen Sasha Soma, Queen Kalani Soma, and King Lakas Lincoln. It had been centuries since The Royal Trio existed as one King of Kings centuries ago wanted all of the power for himself.”

She met his eyes. “Queen Sasha is the Mother of Dragons. Before she came to the Dragão Clan as a breeder, dragons were incapable of producing offspring by themselves. They needed humans to have them. When she met her mate, King Aiden of the Dragio Clan, she believed she was human. The more she was around him, the more her dragon grew stronger. Females started being able to lay eggs again after she laid the first one Dragons started living better lives. When they got sick or injured, they could go to her and she would heal them.”

She touched her face under her eye, looking away from him. “She healed me. I used to be partially blind and I had a limp. I had heart problems and my face drooped. She is compassionate, intelligent and ruthless. She does not like to end lives, but she will not hesitate to do so if it means preserving others as maintaining a healthy living balance is her role in the trio, Queen Sasha and King Aiden have a two year old daughter, Roselynn.”

She paused for a moment to take a deep breath, “Queen Kalani, also known as the Secunda Regina, or the second queen. Her position in the trio is to bring life, meaning that she can grant humans the gift of another species, I know a lot of you think that the only thing she can give to a human is a dragon, but this is not true. There is a woman named Melissa in the Dragão Clan and a man who works for the king of kings, who were granted the powers of a witch. The way she does this is by looking through your memories to decide if you are worthy of the gift of life she wants to grant. If you are found unworthy, your lifespan is shortened drastically. She is kind, nurturing and overly happy all the time. She is mated to Beta Gregory of the Dragão Clan. They have 2 children. Gregory Ir, is 2 and Emily just turned one.”

She paused again, her heart beating harder. Was this going to work? She was so nervous. What if he didn’t react the way she wanted him to?

I’m here with you, Gemma whispered. Just go,

“Lastly, but certainly not least, there is King lakas. He is the dragon’s King of kings and the bringer of death. His job in the trio is to end lives and keep the balance of the population. He is the judge, the jury, and the executioner. He is meant to be cruel, calculated, and never have a doubt in ending someone’s life. He ends wars and disciplines the members of all shifter communities when they are wrong. He has a special fire that is white. It is called ice fire. It is the equivalent of ice crystals, which are used to kill a dragon’s fire. Ie fire will immediately extinguish a dragon’s life. There is no fighting it and there is no coming back from it. His ruthlessness is only matched by his passion for justice.” She paused to try to swallow the lump in her throat. “He has no children.” She met his eyes. The has a mate. Her name is Lilianna Washington.

The whole atmosphere changed. Whispers started and people glared daggers at her. He got up and everyone fell silent. Her hands got sweaty and she got nerwius. He started moving up the stairs towards her and she gulped rapidly. What did she do? Oh, Goddess, he was going to kill her in front of all these people. She was so stupid. She should have never listened to Gemma and- Her thoughts were cut off when he knelt at her feet with his head lowered. He stayed that way until everyone else had copied his position. He lifted his head to look into her eyes as he took her hand. His green eyes sparkled at her.

“Queen Lilianna,”

She swallowed. “Lukas?”


He climbed to his feet and cupped her face. His thumb moved over her bottom lip.

“Lily,” he whispered, before pulling her flush against his hody and kissing her deeply.

Her eyes closed and her arms went around his neck. He pulled away and smirked down at her.

“Now, everyone else knows you re

[re mine, too.”

Chapter Comments



awesome but she’s so young for that deep kiss though.. I so hope Lukas take her back with him to keep her safe from Lostle, they need to rescue Lotie’s father too. Lotie is evil and deserves everything coming to him from the royal family…….my not yet m…..



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