Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Avalynn POV

I stood next to Everest as the Black SUVs pulled in. The Lycans from the Southern Territory gathered around them. All of the drivers

hopped out walking around and standing next to the doors. Only one driver out of the six was opening the backseat of the middle


I watched as King Brent emerged first, turning around and helping Miranda exit the vehicle. She looked fantastic and she seemed to

heal well. I watched Miranda smile at Brent before her eyes began darting around, checking her surrounding, her eyes landing on Everest

first then me. I could sense her nervousness mixed with fear as she looked at me.

Igave her a welcoming smile, she gave a small one back. She was nervous being here, I couldn’t blame her though. I would be

nervous also. Just to be around people who I was unsure if they blamed me forcwhat happened. I would just have to make sure she knows I did not blame her at all.

I glanced over to Claire and walked over to her. I kneeled down to Cassies level. “Ready?” I asked with a smile.

Cassie nodded her head “Yes! I am!” I held my hand out and she took it, her little fingers holding onto my hand tightly.

We walked with Everest to greet them. When we reached them and I let Cassies hand go as she practically leaped into Miranda’s arms, clutching her and holding onto her for dear life.

“She has missed you and asked about you daily.” I looked down at them. “We told her how much of a hero you truly are. How you

helped people.”

“You did?” She was standing now.

“We did, yes.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” She turned her head to smile up at Brent.

“Once this is done with, Miranda, I would really like to speak with you in my office. If you do not mind? Nothing but to discuss arrangements for all of our people coming together. Maybe after dinner and then we can join our Mates?” I smiled.

She nervously nodded her head. “Okay, I can do that.”

I smiled as I listened to Brent and Everest speaking to one another. I watched them shake hands and we all walked inside together.

“We have made comfortable accommodations for your men and women. Here is the hotel information if they want to sit their things

down?” Everest handed Brent the info and he turned to inform them. Then the men and women, who they came with, left the area.

“I can show you where your room is? If you would like?” I looked at Miranda.”I have also made it so Cassie can stay with you


“That would be lovely. Thanks.” I lead the way as she followed. Both of our mates stood back talking about Dexter and


We made our way to the elevator, the door opening and I selected the four button. “You are on the same floor as us, just the

opposite side or wing. I didn’t know if you were sharing a room with Brent so I gave you an adjoining room, his is right next door if you

ever need him,” I looked over to her and as she fiddled with her fingers. “Miranda, I really hope that we can become good friends.”

“I would like that.” She said as the elevator dinged with the door opening and we stepped off. I led the way to her room and opened

the door for her. I handed her the keys to the room and the adjoining door. I walked in with her as the door shut behind us.

“You have a full walk in closet with a vanity, a large bathroom with a soaking tub, Cassies bed is in this smaller extra room, it was

another oversized closet but I had it redone for you both. It was bigger than the other closet.” I watched her walk around the room, “And

behind this door is his room.” She walked in and nodded,

“We do not share a room.” She said softly,

TL IS understandable. You need time, Let me show you your personal kitchen.” I left the room and walked deeper down the hall into

an open kitchen and dining area. “It is fully stocked. Anything you want feel free to take. If you have any questions just ask and myself or

anyone around here will be happy to help you or King Brent.” I smiled at her before giving her, her space and walking out of their

temporary wing of our castle.

I walked to our room and shut the door behind me. I let out a small sigh and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower to

freshen up before dinner. I put on my make up and curled my hair, putting it half up. I put on a black dress that had a laced back. I put on

red heels and looked at myself in the mirror when Everest walked in the door.

He walked over to me as his eyes ran across my body. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me with passion. A kiss filled with desire,

hunger, and want. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms tightly around him. I bit his lip softly and he groaned before breaking

the kiss.

“You are mine later.” He promised and I smiled.

“Lucky you, I have yet to put on my lipstick. You won’t be stained red.” I walked over to the mirror and placed the red lipstick on.” |

glanced over as he was walking into the shower. A sight I was so lucky to be able to see every day.

I walked back out to our bedroom, having a seat on the chaise lounge next to the bed. I waited and watched him get ready, once he

was out of the shower. He was so handsome, I could look at him all day.

He was wearing black slacks and a fitted light blue button down that was tucked in to the waist of his slacks. We walked to the elevator together and went downstairs. The conference and dining hall that connected were both opened up and set together. The dining hall outside doors were opened and tables were also sat outside. This way every person here had a table to sit and eat at together.

It was extremely crowded but this way everyone was safe and together.

We all ate our foods and took time to get to know one another better. I watched all of the interaction between wolves and lycans. Everyone was being peaceful and getting along nicely. It was a nice change of pace. Everest cleared his throat and stood, everyone going quiet. S y

“Good evening everyone, I am going to go over the training schedule times along with other things we all believe you should be

aware of. We will be training twice a day for the next week. We will continue eating dinner together every night. In the morning breakfast is a grab and go bar. We will have eggs, bagels, ham, sausage, bacon, biscuits, and a waffle makers set up. We will also have granola, apples, bananas, and fruit bars for quick snacks. Milk, juice, tea, sodas, and water will be available throughout the day. Feel free to take

what you need to eat and drink.

Lunches will be sub sandwiches, salads, wraps, chips, and fruit. The same drinks will be served throughout the day. Dinner will be at seven right where you all are now.”

Everest paused and looked around the room for a moment. “Starting tomorrow we will be in rotational groups. Our training will

begin at six sharp. If you are late, you will be running five miles after training of over. First training will last until eleven. Lunch break from eleven to one. Second training session will last from one-thirty to five. The second training groups will be more combat training in high stressed situations when you have multiples to go against. I want you to all remember one thing, in war nothing is fair and the enemy will use whatever they can against you. Stay on your toes and stay aware of your surroundings. King Brent, do you have anything to add?” He turned and Brent nodded as he stood, taking his place.

“To my men and women, any orders you are given by a higher up, you are to follow. The only way you do not follow said orders is if it

goes against what we are fighting for.”

In unison his warriors spoke “Yes, King Brent,”

I looked over at Miranda and she was looking out to the crowd. As if she knew someone was looking at her she looked directly at me.

I gave her a smile and she smiled back. I stood, kissed Everest on the cheek. “Should we announce the crowning ceremony?”

“‘Yes. Would you like me to?” | nodded and stepped back.

“Ladies and Gentleman. This week we will be having my mates crowning ceremony on Thursday evening. Aliyone is welcome to join

this ceremony. It will be held before dinner, On Thursday, we will not be having our second training. The evening is yours to do with what

you will. Thank you.” He glanced back at me as the crowd erupted into cheers. Yelling, clapping, and whistles filled the room.

I walked up to center stafeand waved to everyone to quiet down. “Thank you everyone! It is a great honor to be serving such

wonderful lycans and wolves. I am here to do my best for you and for our kingdom! I am so thankful our wonderful Moon Goddess has

blessed me to lead you with our woderful Kingl” I told them and they erupted into cheering again.

I stepped by and Everest took my hand in his own, holding onto it tightly. He lead me back to our seat as we discussed amongst

ourselves over what is happening the next few days.

Texcused myself from the group and made my way to my office. I opened the door and had a seat. I went through the finalization

paperwork over the crowning ceremony and signed off on anything that needed to be approved. I put them in my outgoing stack and a knock came on the door. I could tell by the nervous thoughts that it was Miranda.

“Come in, it is open.” I said cheerfully.

Miranda walked in and although she was still nervous, she seemed more comfortable around myself as she spoke “Hello.”

“Hello. I am glad you are here.” I told her.

She looked confused “You are?”

“I am. I know that you’re worried and nervous because of what roll you played in earlier events.” I paused as she looked down andi.


“I am very sorry.” She said quickly before I continued.

“Look, Miranda. He had Cassie yes?” I watched her nod her head slowly. I continued “You did what you could. I would be willing to bet he threatened to murder her if you went to anyone else for help, yes?”

“Yes, he did.” She said in a small voice.

I stood and walked over to the couch she was sitting down on next to her “Miranda I would of done the same thing if he had anyone !

loved. You should know that I heard his conversation with you while I was allegedly sick. I never was, I faked it.” I laughed.

She looked at me surprised “You faked it?” *

Inodded my head “I sure did. I stopped eating anything that wasn’t pre-packaged. I started noticing an immediate difference and my Lycan was there. I then faked being sick. I went to faint and well I did hit my head. That is when I heard your conversation with the ass. I

am glad you went for help. Cassie, the sweet girl, may not be here if you didn’t. You did good, Miranda. You protected that little girl.” She was crying now.

! put an arm around her and hugged her to my body making shushing noises. “Everything is okay. Everything will be okay. You do not have to worry anymore. Dexter will never hurt you or Cassie ever again.”

She sniffed and nodded “I was so very worried that this was all a set up and I would be hung for treason. I should be and I was fully

ready to accept the consequences of my actions against everyone here.” She cried.

I felt for her. She must have been absolutely terrified the entire way here. We sat for a while in a now comfortable silence as Miranda’s tears were dried and her cheeks were not as red as they once were.

“Brent is worried about you. Or was worried about you.” I smiled at her. “He’s with Everest and he linked me asking if you were with

me and it you were okay.”

“How?” She looked at me confused.

“We have a link that mates share. It is a special line of communication. Being Queen, or soon to be Queen, I will be able to directly

speak to other members of our territory, wolf or lycan. You can shut the link down at anytime. Also, you can feel your mates happiness,

sadness, or when they are angry or afraid, so on and so forth.”

“Oh, I knew you all had a special form of communicating I just didn’t know the extent of how you did it. That’s pretty neat though you can feel one another.”

“It is, It’s nice to be able to ask a question and have it answered immediately.” I watched her for a moment as she looked around my


“You are a witch, correct?”

She nodded “I am, I come from a decent bloodline of witches. Not that any of them are around today because of Dexter.” She This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

frowned. “But yes.”

“Are you sure you will be able to face him?”

“I am sure of it. I want him to pay for everything he has done. I want to help be the one that brings him down.”

“Good, okay. So enough of all super depressing things. How are you at party planning?” I smiled.

“I’m a pretty organized person?” She said with a small shrug of her shoulders.

“I was wondering if you could help me considering there is a significant amount of people here?”

“Sure, I would love to help you.” She smiled.

A knock came on the door “It is open.” I called out and in walked Claire and Amber with a binder.

“We have been preparing for your crowning since you got here. Claire began helping when her and Josh arrived.” She sat the binder

down and I started flipping through it. It was impressive work.

“This is going to be the best part of this week.” Amber said.

I couldn’t agree more with her. This was going to be another way everyone could bond. To be together, to add another layer of trust

and respect for one another.

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