Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Miranda POV

I felt nervous, almost an uncomfortable nervous. I looked over to Brent as he was watching me closely. I knew he could feel my nervous energy radiating from me. I saw him shift in his seat uncomfortably and I let out a soft sigh as my fingers were fidgeting in my lap.

I knew enough about the wolf and lycan lifestyle to know they mated for life. Generally though, it was always with their own kind. Rarely did a lycan mate with a wolf, human, witch, or any other species that wasn’t lycan. It was the same with wolves.

I am a witch and generally speaking I would be free to choose with who I wanted to spend my life with. But seeing how I am Brent’s mate, made life for me a bit more difficult. If I accepted him, fell in love with him, I knew it would have to come down to making a choice. A choice that could kill me in the end or let me live my life free, full of love and endless happiness with Brent by my side. That is if I accepted him as my mate and accepted my destiny.

“Are you okay?” I looked up at the sound of his velvety voice.

“I am just fine.” I told him. Was I though? Was I really fine? I mean, I almost died at the hand of his brother. His brother murdered my entire family. These last few weeks I have been healing and been waited on, in a ginormous castle, hand and foot. I have been watched over like a hawk and I have missed my neice, Cassie.

He, on the other hand, has been delightful when he was able to be around. He seemed to work around the clock. His brother, Dexter, has been destroying everything left and right. Dexter has caused complete and total chaos throughout the Northern Territory. He even, from what I was told, destroyed an entire wolf pack. His men murdered every single man, woman, and child in their path of destruction.

Only three brothers survived out of the whole ordeal. The three brothers were the children to the Alpha and the Luna of the pack.

My hand went to my chest as I felt the pink scar on my skin. I wasn’t a lycan, I didn’t heal as quickly as they did, but because I had magic in my blood I did heal faster than humans. I was very lucky to be alive after what Dexter done to me.

These thoughts seemed to consume my mind every single day. The day I woke in the hospital, the days after, and the days leading up to when Brent told me I was his mate and that is the reason he seemed to be smothering me with kindness and love. It scared me because every person who ever seemed to be close to me, ended up dying.

I looked out the window of the SUV as we were approaching the Northern Kingdom my thoughts consuming me, drowning my mind with the replaying of memories of the last few veeks.

After the mission – Flashback I hurt, ached, and I had a splitting headache that seemed to literally split my brain in half. The last thing I remember was coming face to face with Dexter and then everything went black, my world seemed to stop spinning entirely and was put on pause. I moved my hand up to my face and I could tell had things hooked up to me. I felt an oxygen mask on my face and I inhaled deeply. I could feel someone watching me, they were sitting close by. I could feel the heat radiating from them.

Christ, maybe I was actually next to a heater. That is when a hand laid gently on my arm. I could tell the hand was from a male, a large male at that. His hand took up most of the space on my arm and I laid still. I tried to coax myself to open my eyes but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. Not yet atleast, I just needed a bit more time.

I heard him sigh and sit back in the seat next to me. He seemed stressed, worried, maybe both? Why? Who is this mystery man next to me? I have no one but Cassie in my life. I hope she is okay, Claire

should have her. I miss her. I hope she is not in any danger. I need to open my eyes. I need to get up. But I can’t, not just yet.

I must have drifted off to an dreamless sleep. I was more aware now than before. I could hear the soft beeping of the monitors that were hooked up to me. I could still feel the male presence so very close to me. His hand, possibly more, may even be on my bed. The room wasn’t bright at all, even with my eyes closed I could tell.

I listened closely and could hear his breathing, it was light and even. Was he asleep? Possibly why the room was dimmed. The television was on in the room by the quiet sounds in the background. I tried to be still and open my eyes to look around. My eyes laid on the muscular body next to mine. His head was resting on his crossed arms that were being held up by the bed.

He had tan skin that seemed to glisten even in this dim light, his hair was a short well kept dark blondish color with softer natural highlights. His hair looked soft and inviting as I suddenly had the urge to touch his hair. I frowned at myself as I studied his features more closely and shook thay feeling away from my mind. He had a strong jaw line, from what I could tell with high cheekbones and a sharp nose. His lips were full looking for a man and I thought of kissing them, of him kissing me.

What in the world is going on with myself? I have never had these feeling or urges before. I frowned and tried getting the thoughts out of my mind.

I looked around the room now as I realized how thirsty I truly was. My mouth was so dry and my lips seemed to be chapped. I saw an unopened bottle of water on the table next to me and I outstretched my arm to reach and when I did the man sat up next to me.

My eyes widened as I looked at who was at my bedside, King Brent. Why was the King sitting here next to me? What did I do? The beeping increased as panic set in and he scooted sway from the bed.

“Hey, hey. Look at me. It is okay, calm down. You are okay. You are safe here.” He made soft shushing sound and I nodded my head.

“I… I am thirsty.” I told him and I watched as he stood and disappeared from the room.

When he re-entered he had a white styrofoam cup, a large pitcher, and a bottle of water in his hands. He sat them down and I realized the pitcher held ice. He fixed the cup and handed it to me. I sipped on it slowly as I watched him move around the room. He walked to the window and looked outside with a grunt and came back over and sat beside me.

Why is he acting so, weird? I continued to slowly sip on the water as a knock sounded on the door. She bowed her head to us both and walked over to me with a smile. “Welcome back, Miranda.”

“Thank you? How long was I asleep for?” I looked between the two of them.

“Almost three days. You’ve began healing quite nicely. A few more days and you’ll have some nice scars forming. I am just going to check your vitals sol can place then in your chart. I will get you some broth, jello, and tea to break the fast. Then in the morning I will have your actual breakfast sent in here.” She smiled warmly at me and I nodded allowing her to do her work and get what information she needed.

“Everything is looking great. I’ll send you tray up shortly. If you or King Brent need anything just press the call button.” She told us.

“Okay. Thank you.” I told her as she shut the door behind her.

And now I was alone again with the King of the Southern Territory, Brent. Who, let me remind you hasn’t said much to me. I looked over to him as he sat in the chair. He seemed like he was fighting with himself. In a way, I guess he was if he was fighting with his lycan side. His hands gripped the arm rest of the seat, turning his knuckles white.

I wanted to ask him why he was here, where was Cassie, how did I end up here, how did everything go down? I couldn’t though, so I just sat there and looked at him as he looked at me. Like two stupid statues incapable of communicating with words.

The door knocked again and I watched Brent stand and walk over, taking the tray and sitting it on the small side table next to my bed. He moved it in front of me and opened up everything that needed to be opened.

“Thank you.” I said softly. “You’re welcome.” He smiled and sat back down.

I sipped the hot broth and I felt a little better, not as weak feeling. What I would give to get out of this bed though. A spare kidney, part of my liver? Done, but I guess baby steps at this time?

I took a small sip of my tea as I noticed him watching me. He had the most unique looking eyes. They were brown but not a mud color. They were like honey with flecks of gold reflecting against the light. They were absolutely beautiful.

“Why are you here?” I blurted out what I was thinking. I couldn’t help asking and I watched him flinch at my question. He didn’t answer right away, obviously struggling to come up with the right words.

“I needed to ensure your safety. You don’t have any immediate family members, thanks to my Rouge brother. So I wanted to make sure you are well.” His lips twitched as if he was unsatisfied with his own answer.

I took another sip of my tea and sat it down on the table “Whatever you say, King Brent.”

He frowned “Please, call me Brent.” “But, you’re the King. It would be improper.” I told him.

He looked like I caused him pain of some kind pain by refusing “Okay, I will call you Brent.” I watched as his lips pulled into a small smile. “Thank you for making sure I was okay. But I need to ask about

Cassie, is she okay?”

“You’re welcome, I needed to make sure you were fine. I couldn’t take it if you were not okay. Your neice is doing well. She is with Claire and her mate Josh in the Northern Kingdom. They, from my understanding, never told her of how badly injured you were.” He told me.

I smiled and laid my head back “Good I am happy shenis safe. Did they catch your brother?”

He shook his head. “No, you were his last target. He fled, I picked you up and ran. Now we are here. The others are up North, healing, coming up with a game plan. I would like to help them capture my brother and escorting you to your niece.” He leaned back, relaxing in his chair. “We wouldn’t be able to leave for atleast another week or so. The doctor said you may need some physical therapy, depending on how the wound healed when you fell off the wall.”

He let out a long sigh and I realized that is why no one has offered me help out of the bed yet. Was I paralyzed? I pulled the blanket up over my feet, it bunching around my knees and I wiggled my toes.

Brent let out a small laugh “I didn’t say you were paralyzed, your back may just be weak. It may be hard for you to go a normal walking distance without getting winded and tired.”

“Ohh. I see. I was a little scared for a moment there.” I laughed.

“They want you to have an actual meal first then we can get you up and walking around.” He told me.

It still felt as if he was hiding something from me though. I slid down in my bed after covered my feet up and looked up at the ceiling for a moment before looking over at him again. He was still watching me.

“Why do I feel like you are not being truthful with me? More to the story than what you’re telling me?” I had a small frown on my face.

His mouth turned in a small smile as he stood and walked over to my bed. I was looking up to him as his hands rested on the side rail. “Baby steps. I will tell you, when you are ready.” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Two days later

So much has happened in two days. I am up and walking around and heading back to Brent’s castle. He said he has set up a room for myself and a therapist to come and see me every day for exercising. Brent has been there every step of the way and I could tell that he w nothing like his brother, Dexter.

His phone rang and he excused himself stepping out of the room. I decided to put on the clothes he purchased me. He got me a pair of stretchy leggings and a flowy floral top. It was actually kind of cute together. I brushed my hair and pulled it up into a high messy bun,

strands falling, framing my face. I sat back on the bed, aching and winded from just getting dressed. I was still sore and a little weak.

Brent walked back in and smiled at me “You look beautiful.” I felt the warmth in my cheeks and I am sure he could see my blush. “Thank you.”

“That was King Everest on the phone.” He started and the name caught my attention. “He was checking in on you and was seeing how you were doing. He has a question for you though. You don’t have to decide now.”

“What is the question?” My brow raised slightly.

“He was just seeing once you’re healed if you would be willing to help take Dexter down?”

“Oh.” This required no extra time to think I already knew my answer. “Absolutely. Anything he needs from me, once I am able, I will do my part in helping.”

He nodded, unlocked his phone and I assume sent King Everest my decision. “Hungry?” He smiled as he slid his phone into his pocket. “Starving.” I replied.

“Lets grab lunch before we head home.” He smiled as a nurse came in with a wheel chair.

“Sounds good to me I am down for whatever.” I stood and sat back down. The nurse smiled sweetly at me. She wheeled me down to the elevator that took us down to the lobby. When the lobby doors opened up his security detail was waiting for us.

He took over pushing the wheel chair outside to a black suv with dark windows. There were several others that matched in a line in the patient pick-up bay.

He helped me into the back seat and shut the door behind me. He exchanged words with the front vehicle and walked back to the vehicle, getting inside and nodded. We pulled off and I looked out the window as our driver took us where we needed to go.

“I hope you like steak or seafood.” He, even now, couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. “It is my favorite.” | responded with a smile in his direction.

“Really? I thought witches stuck to like stews or I don’t know. I haven’t known many witches.” He laughed nervously.

“Or mortal human children?” I laughed, hard. “No, I eat normal food. Not big on stews. I’ve never been a normal witch though.” I shrugged.

“Interesting.” He smiled. “I have some things I need to share with you over dinner and things I would like to discuss with you.”

“Oh? Okay. Is it serious, important?” I asked. He nodded his head. “Both, in my opinion.”

“Ohh. Well. Okay.” I bit my bottom lip nervously. I watched his eyes look down to my mouth and back up again.

When we arrived and settled in I realized we were the only ones in here. He must have cleared it out for safety precautions being he was the King. Our waitress was a thin, well

endowed woman who was making eyes with him and flirting.

He acted as if he didn’t even notice as he ordered an appetizer for both of us that had a mixture of fried pickles, lobster bites, and chips with a spiniach artichoke dip. He then ordered two lobster tails, shrimp scampi with extra sauce, a medium rare ribeye steak, a loaded baked potatoe, and a coke to drink for himself. It was a lot of food and I wondered if he could eat it all by himself. I knew lycans could eat a lot but I never thought of it.

When the waitress turned she looked me up and down and said “And you?” impatiently as if I was a burden.

My cheeks reddened and I felt angry with her, “I will have a house salad with ranch dressing, medium ribeye steak, loaded baked potato, and broccoli and cheese soup, and a sweet tea to drink please.”

She wrote it down turned back to Brent and smiled again “If you need anything, anything at all, please just let me know. I would be more than happy to assist you in whatever you need.” Her tongue darted out as she wet her lips.

“Actually I need to speak to your boss.” He told her and her eyes widened. “Yes sir, right away.”

When she left he looked over to me with an apologetic smile. “I am sorry. I do not condone such treatment and will not tolerate the disrespect in front of me.”

The waiter came over and Brent spoke to him about the waitresses attitude towards me. Brent stood and walked with the owner where I couldn’t hear them. I watched them talk as the owner had a surprised look on his face as he turned to look over at me with a massive smile.

‘Wonder what that was about? Interesting.’ I thought to myself. When they both came over the owner apologized profusely.

“Mistakes happen. I know that King Brent is the most powerful Lycan in the Southern Territory. Don’t sweat it.” He bowed to us both, thanked us and left to run back to the kitchen.

Our appetizer arrived and everything was divine. I slowly chewed and enjoyed every delicious bite I took. I took a sip of my tea as I looked over to Brent.

“So, Brent. What is this important information you need to discuss with me?” I took a bite of my chip as I watched him. He froze and looked up to me.

“Okay, okay. I know I can’t put ig off much longer. My Lycan is pacing deep within me, threatening to come out.” He sighed before taking a sip of his soda.

“Do you know how rare it is that a Lycan finds their fated mate?” He looked at me with a serious look on his face.

“I kind of do.” I answered honestly.

“Well it’s very rare. It’s even more rare that a Lycan, especially of Royal blood find a mate who is not of the lycan blood line.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing

“Well, Miranda, you are my mate. My fated mate that is. I knew there was something about you but because of you hiding your scent I couldn’t pin point what it was about you that seemed so special. If

you don’t believe me, ask Everest. I mentioned something about you when you came to us for help.” He smiled at me.

“It is rare that a Royal Lycan have a non Lycan mate because that fates make a non lycan turn to a Royal Lycan blood when the bond is sealed and you’re marked by me.” He sighed and looked down.

“… I am your mate?” I asked again.

He nodded his head and he smiled at me. “Yes and I am your mate. I also realize that it is much different for you than it is for me. I know that you feel a pull towards me but not a strong pull like what I have.” He leaned back in his seat as he watched me, undoubtedly watching my facial expressions.

It was true I did feel something deep inside for him. Those thoughts I had when I first opened my eyes and saw him resting there on the bed in front of me. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and I wanted to kiss those tempting lips of his.

“Yes. I feel a weird pull to you. I can’t explain how it works or how it makes me feel. I just know that I want to be near you and close to you.” I looked down at my appetizer plate as my cheeks blushed at my confession.

His hand reached across the table, taking my own hand into his. “Look at me Miranda.”

I did as he told me to and looked him directly in his eyes. His beautiful golden honey eyes and he smiled. “I will take this at whatever pace you want to take this. I trust you fully, only because I can feel the mate bond. I know that your trust in me needs to develop.I am only asking for you to take a chance and allow yourself to fall in love with me before we decide anything. Yes?”

A new waitress sat our food down in front of us and I allowed her to leave before speaking. “Yes. Okay.” He brought the back of my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on

“Good, now let’s enjoy this food. We can go over anything else afterwards.” He released my hand and I looked at all of our food and my stomach growled. It all looked very delicious and smelled wonderful.

Back to current

We arrived to the territory of the Northern Kingdom as I thought of how my life changed. Brent sat beside me with his hand on my lap and my hand rested on top of his. I looked out the window as the city flashed by around us.

Brent has been nothing but patient, kind, and caring the last few weeks. He has taught me so much about the Lycan way of life. I had fully healed from the wounds his brother gave me. I wanted my revenge, though I was very nervous to meet Avalynn. I had prayed and hoped that she would not hold my actions against me for aiding in Dexter’s kidnapping of her. I only done it to save Cassie. I will forever be in her debt for the rest of my life for any pain or trauma I caused her.

“We are about five minutes out.” Brent spoke to me softly.

“Okay.” I smiled over to him.

“Don’t be nervous. We are all fighting for the same cause here.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek.

“I know I am just worried that they’re going to send me to their prison cells.” I laughed nervously.

“Not a chance. I wouldn’t allow for that to happen. You had no choice, for Cassies sake. You did what any loving care giver would do in thay situation. You handled it the best way you could. Not only do they know this but that fully understand this. Please stop worrying.” He gave me a reassuring smile.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head “Okay. I trust you.” I smiled as we pulled up to the gates of the castle. They opened and we drove through our warriors filling in around us as the vehicle came to a

stop. I looked and smiled when I saw Cassie excitedly jumping up and down.

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