Arranged Mafia Marriage



What the hell are you doing? Why are you turning this entire exchange into a transaction? You know why she asked you to marry her. Because she felt the same connection you did.

Because when I had looked into her eyes, I had seen myself reflected in them. Because when I had kissed her, it had felt like my entire body had responded. When I had taken her in my arms, it was as if I had come home. And when I had buried myself in her, it was the single most erotic experience of my life. It was as if something had been missing in me, something I had not even known about. Something that had propelled me to take her virginity-a first for me.

Not lying when I say that I have kept away from inexperienced women. I’ve preferred those who know the score. Know that all I can give them is a one-night stand. That’s all they were looking for from me anyway. A good hard fuck and they’d be on their way.

With her, I’d known things were going to get complicated. Not only because I would be her first, but also because one taste of her, one whiff of her scent, one glance at those mesmerizing eyes of hers, and I was a goner. I knew there was no walking away from her. For now, at any rate. How could I, when everything in me wanted to claim her, to make her mine? And she had offered me the way to do so. When she had said she wanted to marry me, I had panicked. Hell, I am in the prime of my life. No way, do I want to be tied down by just one pussy. But the thought of anyone else having her when I haven’t yet had my fill of her? That is unacceptable.

All I need to do is to fuck her out of my system and then I can be on my way. Not that I can allow her or the Sovranos to figure that out. Between them, they must have slept through most of the female population in this city; but for some reason, they felt protective toward Theresa. Which means, I have to play their game so they don’t see me as a threat. Which, face it, is going to become more and more difficult the longer I stay on. There’s only so long I’ll be able to hide my real nature from them. Ergo, the only way to have her is to pretend to marry her. Once I have her in my bed, I can scratch this itch that seems to grip me every time I see her.

And to be clear, I don’t intend to stay married to her. Once I’ve had enough of her, I’ll walk away.

Of course, there’s also the fact that I shot at Christian…and missed. How the hell could that have happened? I remember enough about myself to know that I never miss. And yet, I hadn’t hit him. So, I have to wonder, was my intention only to throw a scare into him? Is that why I had blackmailed his wife into spying on the Sovranos?

Clearly, I need information on them. And what better way to get that than by staying close to them and marrying the woman they are sworn to protect? This way, I’ll have the advantage. I’ll be able to use Theresa to manipulate the Sovranos, and they won’t dare hurt me.

Not that I think I’m in any danger from them. They regard me as their brother, so chances are, they won’t kill me. Doesn’t mean they aren’t going to pump me for information. They’re just holding on until I am back to full strength, which will be very soon. Try as I might, I can’t hide the fact that I am recovering quickly. So, I need another way of ensuring my safety, and Theresa is my insurance.

All in all, it is to my advantage to marry her.

“Well?” I narrow my gaze on Michael. “What do you say?”

Michael widens his stance. He surveys my features before he turns to Theresa. “Is this what you want?” he asks in a gentle voice.

“Yes,” Theresa nods.

“Are you sure?” His jaw firms. “Axel is not Xander.”

“I… I know.” She swallows, “I still want to marry him.”

He drums his fingers on his chest, “All right, then,” he turns his gaze on me, “you’ll be invited to the next meeting of the Cosa Nostra.”

Luca inhales sharply. “Motherfucker,” he glares at Michael, “are you really going to do this, fratellone?”

Michael ignores him. “I’ll also set up a meeting with the leaders of the Bratva and the Kane Company and let them know that you will be the spokesman for the Cosa Nostra.”

Seb looks like he is about to protest further, then firms his lips.

“Are you sure about this? Massimo asks slowly.

“I have my reasons,” Michael murmurs.

“Fuck that,” Luca snaps. “This asshole flounces in, and after trying to kill Christian, he not only gets a seat at the table with the families, but also a cut in the most lucrative venture we have ever set up?”

“It’s what Xander would have wanted.” Michael shoots him a sideways glance. “Feel free to leave if you’re not on board.”

“You know what? I think I will.” Luca pivots on his heel and takes a few steps forward, then pauses. “There’s something I need to do first.”

He careens around and slaps his palms into my chest. Pain ricochets up my neck.

“Fuck me,” I stagger back. Why the hell am I still so weak? This fucking gunshot wound. I fucking hate being this defenseless. I straighten as Luca raises his fist. I throw up my arm and manage to block his blow. Luca raises his other fist when Theresa jumps up.

“Stop it,” she cries out.

Massimo wraps his arm around Luca’s chest and hauls him back, “The fuck you doing, stronzo?”

“Teaching this pezzo di merda that he doesn’t fool me. He may have pulled the wool over all your eyes, but mark my words, this testa di cazzo is going to turn on us. And I, for one, am not going to stand by and watch him take a piece of our hard-earned future when he has sacrificed nothing for it,” Luca glowers at me.

“He is our brother,” Michael says in a hard voice. “He is entitled to his part of our legacy, no matter that he’s as much of a fucktard as you.”

“Have you forgotten that he almost killed Christian and blackmailed Aurora?” Luca tries to shake off Massimo’s hold, but he doesn’t let go. “Fuck,” Luca growls, “release me, stronzo.”

“Only when you get your temper in hand,” Massimo retorts.

“I can’t believe you’re siding with this motherfucker,” Luca spits out. “Thought you, at least, would see through this fetente.”

Massimo hesitates and loosens his grip.

“You know I am right.” Luca makes eye contact with every brother, “He’s taking us all on a ride, and Michael is not able to see it. But surely, you do, Massimo, don’t you? You can see why it’s wrong to let him in on our family business. And in such a short period of time, too.”

Massimo scowls. He glances at Michael, then at me. “No, I don’t think it’s wrong.”

“Me neither,” Seb says slowly.

“Same here,” Adrian adds.

Luca stiffens, “You are going to regret this, all of you.” He scans the faces of his brothers again. “He is going to turn on all of you, and when he does, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

If they only knew how right he is.

Michael blows out a breath, “I know you’ve always wanted to be Don. And I know it was a disappointment to you when I made Seb the Capo, but this is precisely why I haven’t given you more responsibility. You are too hot-headed, Luca. You say what’s on your mind without thinking it through.”

“Being passionate is the only thing that differentiates us from common criminals. We are the Cosa Nostra. We have a reputation of being the most cut-throat, the most dedicated to our cause.”

“And it’s precisely that which has stopped us from becoming more powerful,” Michael murmurs.

“Thinking with your gut is a strength-”

“If you are able to match it with cold logic, something which you have been unable to master.”

“And you have?” Luca shoots back.

Michael tilts his head, “Not yet. But I know when I need to give something up to achieve a higher goal.”

“Yet when it comes to Axel, you are letting your emotions get the better of you? You’re going by what you think Xander would have wanted, instead of what makes sense.”

“And you are letting your ego get in the way of giving up short-term gain for long-term success.”

The two glare at each other, then Michael draws in a breath. “You are simply going to have to trust me in this situation,” he says in a hard voice.

“And you are going to regret trusting him,” Luca flexes his shoulders, and this time, Massimo releases him. Luca glares at me one more time, then turns on his heels and stalks out the door.

Silence descends on the gathering. Michael rolls his shoulders. “You’d better be who you say you are.” he turns on me. “If it turns out that you are lying to me-”

“I am not,” I straighten my lapels. “Besides, now that I am marrying Theresa,” I allow my lips to twist, “I am marrying into the family. Surely, that’s enough proof that I intend to stay and see things through?”

Michael’s gaze intensifies. His forehead furrows.

“You don’t seem convinced, brother,” I drawl. “Having second thoughts?”

“I never have second thoughts,” Michael jerks his chin, “No doubt, you are keen to exercise your authority as part of the Cosa Nostra.”

“Indeed,” I draw myself up to my full height. A headache begins to thrum at my temple, but I ignore it.

“And I am sure you’ll want to marry Theresa at the earliest opportunity.”

“Y-e-s,” I say slowly. What the hell is Michael up to now?

“And what about you Theresa?” He turns to her, “I assume you don’t want to wait too long to be married to him, either?”

Theresa glances between us, then nods.

“It’s settled then.” Michael’s eyes gleam. “Theresa and Axel will be married in a month’s time.”

“A month?” I burst out. “Isn’t that a bit soon?”

“Why wait, when both the bride and bridegroom are willing?” Michael smirks.

“Now, hold on.” I rub at my temple, “Aren’t there preparations to be made for the wedding and such?”

“Oh, after two speed weddings in the family, trust me, we have the drill down to a science,” Massimo murmurs.

My knees seem to buckle from under me, and I am not sure if it’s because I’ve pushed my body to its limit, or because the thought of being tied down to one woman, albeit in a wedding that I don’t consider to be real, is catching up with me. I move back, until my back hits the wall.

“Let’s not be hasty now.” I hold up my hands. “Let’s think this through, shall we?”

Theresa turns on me, “Apparently, it takes the thought of getting married for you to lose your confidence?”

“Lose my confidence?” I scowl down at her, “What gives you that idea?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because your face is pale, and there is a sheen of sweat on your forehead.”

I touch my forehead, and motherfucker, she’s right. I wipe off the moisture, then raise a shoulder, “I haven’t lost my confidence.”

“Oh, good, so you’ll be fine if we get married in a week.”

I stiffen, “I thought Michael said a month.” I scowl in his direction, “Didn’t you say a month?”

“I said a month.”

“And I say, we get married before you lose your nerve,” she holds my gaze.

“Lose my nerve?” I glower at her, “I never lose my nerve.”

“Good,” she flips her hair over her shoulder, “so we get married in seven days.”

Half an hour later, Theresa has left. My brothers sprawl about the living room. I lean back in the sofa, glance toward the bar where Michael is pouring himself a drink. “Can I get a whiskey before you all start this interrogation?”

“Interrogation?” Seb drums his fingers on his chest, “Whatever gave you the idea that we are going to interrogate you?”

“Considering I revealed to you that I have begun to recall what happened before I was shot, it’s not that far-fetched a conclusion,” I drawl.

“Has he always spoken like he’s reading from a dictionary or is this the first time I noticed it?” Luca glowers at me.

“First time you noticed it,” Adrian retorts.

“Didn’t Michael ask you to fuck off?” I ask mildly and am rewarded when Luca’s jaw hardens.

“Fuck you too, asshole!” he snaps.

“Beginning to sound like a broken record, Lucasshole,” I retort.

Adrian chuckles then turns it into a snort. Luca glares at him and Adrian raises his hands, “You have to admit, that was inspired.”

“Will the two of you cut it out?” Massimo scowls between us, “You’re beginning to give me a headache with your bitching.”

“He started it.” Luca and I point at each other.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

The fuck? Christian may be my surviving triplet, but Luca sounds a lot more like me. Probably why he can see through me. Unfortunately, we both have a lot in common when it comes to losing our cool. Only difference is that I have learned to rein in my anger, while Luca has very little filter. In a way, it means he says what he thinks so he wears his heart on his sleeve. Which makes him less of a threat, as compared to Seb, who watches me with a cool gaze. He’s a cool customer, that one. Holds his cards close to his chest. It’s clear, now, why Michael chose him to succeed him. He’s a man who doesn’t let his expression give away much.

“So, what happened on the day you gate-crashed Christian’s wedding? Why did you point a gun at Aurora, and why is it that you stepped in front of Theresa when she was shot at?”

I rub my jaw, “Good questions-ones I have been asking myself, to be honest.”

“So, you don’t remember what happened on that day?” Seb frowns.

“Not yet; the memories filter back when I least expect them.”

“What is it that you remember, so far?”

“As I mentioned earlier, I know I was sent on an assignment. I know the man who called me was my partner. Or my boss, I’m not sure. But he and I worked out the details of the assignment. Initially, part of it was using Aurora to get more information on you guys, which is why I approached her in the first place.”

“And Christian. Why did you shoot at him during the Christmas getaway?”

“Clearly, I don’t see the lot of you as friends.” I rub the back of my neck. “The details are fuzzy in my head, but suffice to say, when I think of the Sovranos, I am not filled with love and sunshine.”

“Surely, after that confession, you are going to shove this guy where the sun don’t shine?” Luca growls.

Michael, who’s been pouring his drink at the bar, turns to face the room, “How do you feel about us now?”

I stiffen. The scars on my forearm itch.

“Still want to take us out? Still want to put a bullet in each of us when you get a chance?” He places his glass on the counter, then prowls toward me. He stops in front of me, then pulls out his gun and holds it out to me with the handle facing me.

The room goes silent. Tension ripples off the other men.

Michael holds my gaze as I stay silent. A beat, then another. Then I reach out and take the gun. There’s a slither of movement as every one of my brothers pulls out his gun and aims it at me. Only Michael doesn’t move a muscle. I hold his gaze for a second longer, then snap open the cylinder. I pour out the bullets into the palm of my hand and hold the gun out to him.

Michael takes the gun, slides it into the back of his waistband. He holds out his palm and I drop the bullets into it. He pockets the bullets, then holds up his hand “Down boys,” he says mildly.

The men put away their guns. Adrian relaxes back against the wall, Massimo sprawls back in the arm chair, Seb raises his glass and drinks from it. Only Luca stays where he is, every muscle in his body tightly wound.

“I still don’t trust him,” he rotates his neck and his joints pop.

“The feeling is mutual,” I drawl. A wave of tiredness washes over me. Fuck, guess that adrenaline rush didn’t do me any favors. Every time I think I am almost recovered from being shot, my body signals otherwise. Thank fuck, I am sitting. If I were standing, I’d have to find the nearest seat and collapse into it. As it is, I lean back in the sofa. I spread my legs, drum my fingers on my chest. “So, did I pass your little test, Don?”

“I am not sure yet,” he replies.

I blink, then chuckle, “At least, you are a straight shooter. I like that.”

“And you’ve bought yourself some time by marrying Theresa.” He raises his glass in my direction. “Sorry, fratello, I’d offer you a drink but it’s not wise to mix alcohol with whatever you are on.”

I raise my gaze toward the ceiling, “Fuck my life.”

Seb smirks. “No, that happens when you get married in seven days.”

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