Arranged Mafia Marriage



“Intentions?” I lean back into the couch.

I had woken up at the crack of dawn, knowing I needed to start exercising again. Theresa had been curled into my side. I had carried her to bed last night and she had hardly weighed anything. Still, by the time I had reached the bed, I was exhausted.

She slept with her head on my chest and her leg flung over me, her cheeks flushed and her eyelashes a dark fan over her cheeks. Her breathing had been steady and she had seemed at peace. I had reached out to touch her face then stopped myself. I do not do tenderness. I do not want to feel this drawn to her. She’s simply a woman who happens to be a welcome distraction while I work to get my strength back.

Yeah, sure. That’s why I hadn’t been able to stop myself from taking her virginity. Or from holding her later in bed. That’s why I had held her all night as she’d slept. There is something between, us no doubt about that. Already, my feelings toward her are softening. Already, I find myself wanting to kiss her again before I crawl between her thighs and feast on her luscious pussy, right before I thrust into her sopping wet channel and fuck her so hard, she’ll never want to be with any other man again. What the fuck? Since when had I begun to feel this possessive about her?

It’s best that I get away from her and try to find perspective. And that’s why I had managed to withdraw my arm from under her neck, then pulled away from her. She’d stirred and I had frozen. She had settled down and I had swung my legs over the side of the bed. After pulling on some clothes, I had felt steadier and much stronger as I had made my way to the door. Guess that’s what a night of uninterrupted sleep with no nightmares can do to you. And the sex had helped too. My arms and legs had felt limber and my mind had been clear as I had headed down the corridor. I had reached the exercise room and started in on my daily routine.

By the time I had finished working out Massimo had made an appearance. He’d informed me that Michael and the rest of the Sovranos were waiting to meet me in the study. I had wanted to tell him to fuck off, but hell, I do need their help. So, I had agreed to meet them.

I’d taken my time showering and getting changed, being careful not to disturb her. Just because I was going to be agreeable didn’t mean I had to rush to follow their orders. With a last look at the sleeping Theresa I had walked down to meet them, by which time nearly half an hour had passed.

To Michael’s credit, when I had walked into the room, he hadn’t seemed angry or upset. If anything, he had seemed to be in a particularly good mood as I had prowled over to the settee. He had leaned back in his chair, and as soon as I was seated, he had asked me what my intentions were with Theresa.

Now I hold his gaze as I fold one leg over my other knee. “That’s why the lot of you have come here? To ask me about my personal life?”

It’s Massimo who answers from his perch by the fireplace, “Firstly, you are our brother, so it means, yes, all of us are concerned about your personal life.”

“And even more so when it seems to concern a person under our protection,” Adrian adds as he leans back against the wall by the window.

The brothers are stationed at various points around the study. It might seem casual to an untrained observer, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they have taken up positions such that they cover all of the exit points in the room. Add to that, the meathead standing guard outside the door, and if I were to try to leave now, they’d definitely stop me. Not that I am going to attempt that particular move. And not only because I am not yet back to full strength. I am curious about their interest in Theresa. They seem to treat her like she is their younger sister or their ward.

“Vowed to protect?” I tilt my head, “Is that why Seb, here,” I jerk my chin in his direction, “decided to take her out without informing me?”

“Informing you, huh?” Seb smirks. “Who is she to you that you need to be informed about her every move?”

“I am her-” I open my mouth, then shut it.

“You are her?” Michael’s smile widens. “Go on, I am listening.”

“She is someone I protected once already with my life,” I point out.

“An action which you claim you don’t even remember taking.”

“It’s not a claim,” I say through gritted teeth, “I still don’t remember the events of that day.”

“Fine,” Michael raises his hands, “I’ll grant you that. All the more reason I have to wonder why it is you have taken such an interest in Theresa.”

My muscles stiffen. “Question is, why is it that all of you are so interested in Theresa?”

“Xander cared for her,” Seb growls, “so she is under our protection.”

“And I’d never let anything happen to her,” I counter.

“We agreed to have her move in under the same roof as you, only because it’s easier to guard both of you this way,” Seb walks toward me. “It’s why, when she called, I agreed to accompany her to Venom.”

“Venom? You took her to a nightclub?”

“Relax, it’s owned by us,” Seb drawls.

“I don’t give a fuck who owns it. Who gave you permission to take her to a nightclub?”

“We definitely don’t need your permission for that,” Michael smirks, “unless, of course, you are telling us otherwise?”

“Otherwise?” I scowl. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know. The way you are going all possessive over her, makes me wonder if you haven’t got more of a vested interest in her?” Massimo retorts.

I lean back in my couch. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. I have no interest in her.”

“Hmm,” Luca’s brows draw down, “the way you were eyeing her up seemed to indicate there was more than just a passing interest at your end.”

I tilt my head. “I admit, when I regained consciousness and realized what I had done, it intrigued me. I am not the kind of man who’d take a bullet for anyone else, let alone a woman I don’t know at all. It made me wonder why I had reacted so. It’s the only reason I asked for her to be moved here to the same place as me. Also, I hoped that seeing her would help me regain the missing bits of my memory, but other than that?” I glance between the brothers, “Nope, I have no interest in her.”

“So, you won’t mind if we decide to find a suitable match for her from within the Cosa Nostra?” Seb drawls.

Motherfucker. Every muscle in my body tenses. My shoulders knot. I glare at Seb, and his grin widens.

“Well?” he asks. “Since you are not interested in her, you won’t mind if we secure her future, right?”

I glower at him. My stomach knots. My guts feel like they have been put through a wringer. I force my muscles to unwind, one at time, unclench my fingers, then jerk my chin, “Nope, I don’t mind at all.”

“But I do,” her voice rings out. I turn to doorway as Theresa walks into the room. Her features are pale, her back erect. “What I very much mind is my future being discussed when I am not in the room.”

She pauses next to Michael.

“Do I not have a say in my own life?” She tips up her chin at him. “As Xander’s brother, I expected that you’d, at least, give me the choice in who I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Of course, it’s your choice,” Michael rises to his feet, “but you can’t blame us for being worried about you. We loved Xander and we know that he’d want you to be happy.”

“And I know what will make me happy.”

“You do?” Michael’s brow furrows.

She nods. “I know who I want to marry, and it’s someone Xander would have approved of.”

Michael holds her gaze. The silence stretches. The hair on the nape of my neck rises. It can’t be. Surely not. She wouldn’t go there, would she?

I glare at her, but she keeps her gaze averted from mine.

“Who is it?” Seb finally inquires. “Who is this person who you want to marry?”

My heart begins to race. The pulse pounds at my temples. No fucking way, is she going to do this. Oh, no. I rise to my feet just as she turns and points a finger at me.

“Him,” she says in a clear voice, “I want to marry him.”


“The fuck?” He glares at me, “What did you say?” He clenches and unclenches his fingers, in what I realize is a nervous tic. He takes a step toward me and Luca grabs his shoulder.

“Let me the fuck go.” Axel tries to shake him off, but Luca holds onto him.

“What the fuck did you say?” Axel glowers at me.

“Watch it,” Luca says in a hard voice.

“No, you watch it,” Axel seizes Luca’s collar.

Luca’s features contort, he pulls back his fist, and my heart slams into my chest.

“Wait,” I close the distance to them, “stop, Luca, please,” I twist my fingers together, “Please don’t hurt him.”

The two glare at each other, then Luca lowers his fist.

The breath rushes out of me. The adrenaline drains out of me somewhat as I turn to Axel, “I… I owe you an explanation.”

“You think?” Axel says through gritted teeth, “Tell them you didn’t mean what you said.”

I hesitate.

Axel’s brows draw down.

“Do you know what you are doing?” he says in a low voice.

No, I don’t. It’s why I am standing here, trying to break up a fight between two grown men who, individually, are twice my weight, at least. A chuckle bubbles up and I clamp my lips together. I am not going to get hysterical. I am not.

“Theresa,” his tone hardens, “you don’t want to do this.”

“Stop threatening her,” Luca scowls at him, “and give her a chance to complete what she’s saying.”

Axel stares at me a second longer, then he shakes off Luca’s hold. “I’m listening,” he snaps.


Axel holds my gaze and the courage seems to drain out of me. A trembling grips me. My heart thuds so hard in my chest, I am sure it’s going to break out of my rib cage. “I…” My knees seem to give way from under me. I sway. Both Axel and Luca step forward, but Axel reaches me first.

He grips my forearm. “What the hell?” His scowl deepens. “Have you eaten anything today?”

“I…” I shake my head. “No, I haven’t. I woke up and uh, came in search of you.”

“And to think, I’m the one who was shot. You need a keeper, you know that?” He guides me to a chair and pushes me onto it.

“I am fine,” I protest. Sweat breaks out on my brow and I lean back into the chair.

“You are not bloody fine.” He lowers himself onto his haunches in front of me. “Deep breaths,” he says in a brisk voice, “are you feeling faint?”

“No,” I murmur, “just a little weak.”

“Someone, get her a glass of orange juice,” he orders as he peers into my face.

I close my eyes because I can’t bear to see the concern in his eyes, which is so at odds with the rest of his attitude, and also, because I am actually feeling a little lightheaded. It’s probably from the adrenaline that had rushed through me when I’d made that bold statement-the one I hadn’t even been aware I was going to say until I heard the words emerge from my mouth. But once I heard it, it felt right. I’d known from the moment I set my eyes on this guy, I’m not going to let him get away. And while marriage might not mean the same thing to him as it does to me, it’s one way of trying to form some kind of connection with him, right?

Footsteps sound, then I sense Axel lean in closer. “Here,” he orders, “drink this.”

I open my eyes to see him holding out a glass of orange juice in my line of sight.

I glance from the glass to him.

“Go on,” he holds it to my lips, “take a sip.”

I drink from it. Only when I have drained the glass, does he lower it and place it on the table next to me.


I nod.

“Good. Now you can take back what you said earlier.”

“Axel,” Michael warns, “let her speak.”

Axel firms his lips.

“I… I can’t speak when you are glaring at me.”

“I am not glaring at you.”

“Yes, you are.” I squirm around in the seat.

“Why don’t you say your piece looking into my eyes, eh?” I scowl.

“Don’t intimidate her,” Seb admonishes him.

“Yeah, give her some breathing space, will you?” Massimo adds.

Axel rises up to his feet and keeps rising. Jesus, I’d forgotten how tall he is. And despite the weight he’s lost over the last few days, his muscles are still defined enough that the T-shirt he’s wearing clings to his shoulders.

He folds his arms across his chest and bares his teeth.

I flinch, “Wh…what is that?”

“What?” he says, still with his lips drawn back.

“That… that look on your face.”

“I’m smiling.” he pulls his lips wider.

“It’s scaring me.”

“Don’t scare her.” Luca takes a step forward.

“Yeah, step back, will ya?” Seb snaps.

“Fine.” He takes a step back. Like literally, one step back. “Good?”

“Nope,” Luca walks toward him. He reaches for Axel, who blocks his arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me, you wanker.”

“Why don’t you back away then?” Luca bares his teeth.

Axel moves back, putting about five feet of distance between me and him.

“Is that better?” Luca asks me.

“Don’t talk to her.” Axel scowls at him.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Luca turns on him, “First, you try to frighten her-”

“Good,” Axel’s grin turns predatory, “she should be scared of me.”

“Hey,” Seb prowls over to flank Axel on the other side, “don’t threaten her.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Axel retorts without taking his gaze off of me.

Seb places his hand on Axel’s shoulder, and Axel responds by kicking his legs out from under him. Seb hits the floor on his back with a thud that echoes around the space. The next second, Luca is on Axel, and Massimo has closed the distance to the two. He throws his massive arm around Axel’s chest, holding him in place as Luca pulls back his fist, only to stop an inch from Axel’s face.

“Go on,” Axel growls, “throw the first punch, motherfucker. Give me a reason to smash up your face.”

Luca’s features darken. He tightens his fist with such intensity that the skin stretches across his knuckles.

“Luca,” Michael warns. Luca draws in a breath. He glares at Axel one last time, then lowers his fist and steps back.

Axel’s grin widens. He turns to face me. “Well, then,” he lowers his voice to a hush, “what was it that you asked earlier?”

I tip up my chin and look into his eyes with a boldness I don’t feel. “Will you marry me, Axel?”

Every muscle in his body seems to tense. The skin around his eyes tightens. His nostrils flare, and a pulse, wildly throbbing, appears at his temple.

“And if I say no?”

My heart begins to race. My chest hurts. A bead of sweat slides down the valley between my breasts. What else had I expected? That he’d confess he feels a connection with me and agree to my stupid proposal?

“Are you…saying no?” I whisper.

We stare at each other. He opens his mouth, and this time, it’s Michael who raises his hand. “Think carefully brother,” he says in a hard voice. “You may be one of us, but we still haven’t forgiven your indiscretions toward us.”

“Nor have we forgotten,” Massimo rumbles.

If Axel hears them, he doesn’t let on. He simply holds my gaze. His blue eyes seem to burn with an inner fire. It’s as if he’s reached into the depths of my soul and knows what I am up to. Knows why I suggested this insane idea.

The silence seems to go on and on. My nerve-endings stretch so tightly, I’m sure I am going to scream any moment. My mouth dries. My throat feels itchy. And still, he doesn’t speak. Damn it, why doesn’t he say something…anything?

“Axel,” I burst out, “forget what I said. It was a moment of madness. It was a stupid suggest. It was-”


“Eh?” I blink rapidly, “What did you say?”

“I said, I’ll marry you.”

My pulse rate ratchets up. The blood pounds at my temples. “Wh…what?”

“I’ll marry you, Sunshine,” his eyes gleam, “on one condition.”

I try to speak, but no words emerge. I open and shut my mouth, then settle for staring at him.

“Don’t you want to know what the condition is?” he murmurs.

I shake my head. Whatever it is, it can’t be good. Of course, a man like Axel wouldn’t just agree to something, not unless he gets something out of it. It wouldn’t be enough for him to simply marry me. He’d have to milk the situation for his benefit.

“Lost your courage?” His grin widens. “Doesn’t matter. I have enough for the both of us. I’ll marry you, so long as,” he turns to Michael, “I get an equal stake in the Cosa Nostra business.”

Luca makes a noise at the back of his throat. The rest of the men stare at him like he has lost his mind.

Only Michael doesn’t react, then he tilts his head. “Each of the brothers, me included, gets a portion of the profits from the Cosa Nostra. You, too, will receive yours.”

“You’d share the profits with him?” Luca snaps. “This stronzo hasn’t done anything to warrant it.”

“He’s one of us,” Michael says calmly, “he’s entitled to a share of the proceeds.”

“He hasn’t taken the risks we have.” Luca leans forward on the balls of his feet. “He didn’t help build the business. He hasn’t earned his share.”

“He will,” Michael fixes Luca with a hard stare.

“There’s one more thing,” Axel drawls. “I want a seat on the board of the cryptocurrency venture.”

“The board of Trinity only has three representatives, one each from the Cosa Nostra, the Bratva, and the Kane Company,” Seb points out.

“Not my problem,” Axel raises a shoulder. “That’s my price for marrying her.”

A hot sensation stabs at my chest. Am I so repugnant that he needs to be paid to marry me? What was I thinking, asking him to be my husband, in the first place? I knew he wasn’t like Xander, but maybe somewhere, deep inside, I had hoped that he shared, at least, some of the tenderness that had attracted me to Xander. Perhaps my sub-conscience has been clinging to the hope that Axel really is Xander returned to me. Maybe I had hoped that he’d not only agree to marry me, but that he’d also confess he felt something more than lust for me. Had I mistaken how he’d touched me last night? Had I mistaken our chemistry for something more?

I lock my fingers together, “What makes you think you have the power to negotiate when, really, it doesn’t matter to them if you marry me or not?”

“You sure about that?” He shoots a glance at Michael, “The Don wants to see you happy, Theresa. You are under his protection, after all. And he, more than anyone, knows that both partners need to willingly enter matrimony for the other person in the marriage to be happy. So,” he raises his shoulder, “you see, I very much hold the power in this negotiation.”

“She’s not a commodity to be bargained over, you fucktard,” Luca growls.

Axel grins. “Developing a conscience, are we?” He moves to stand by me, so he’s facing the rest of his brothers. “Let’s not forget how Michael kidnapped his bride and forced her to marry him, or how Christian held his bride-to-be captive until she agreed to be his. Seems I am only following in the footsteps of my older brothers by putting down a price for this transaction.”

Michael opens his mouth to speak, but Axel raises his hand, “Before you ask, yes, more events from the past have filtered into my memory, though in this particular case, it was one of the household staff gossiping that cued me in to just how screwed up my blood family really is.”

The tension in the room ratchets up.

“You’re treading a dangerous line, little brother.” Michael widens his stance. “My magnanimity with you will go only so far; don’t push it. You won’t like the consequences, just like the household staff are about to find out.”

Axel and Michael engage in a staring match. I squeeze my eyes shut.

Transaction? He called me a transaction.

I am not naive. I have grown up in the Cosa Nostra. So, I am aware that marriages are normally used to further business interests. Or personal interests. They are rarely ever built on love or any such human emotions… Still, to be labelled as an asset to be exchanged as part of an arrangement-one that I had opened the gates to with genuine intention… It hurts. Hell, it’s bullshit, to be honest.

I jump up to my feet. “I will not be used as a pawn,” I snarl.

“Is that right?” He stares down the length of his nose at me. “And am I not a pawn for you, too? Is that not why you proposed to me?”

“I proposed to you because…”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.


“Because I couldn’t not.” I lower my chin to my chest, as if that can smother the words I’m about to utter. “You remind me too much of him.”

“So, the only reason you want me to marry you is so that you can hold onto the memory of your dead boyfriend?”

“He wasn’t my boyfriend,” I protest.

“Your dead…love, then,” he drawls. “If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, then it’s a duck, Sunshine.”

“Stop with that nickname already,” I hiss.

“Oh, I am just getting started.” He smirks, then glances up toward Michael. “What say you? Do we have a deal, Don?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.