Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Chapter 121 – Accepting My Twin Mates – III of III


Two giant mountains of men had been reduced to adorable swooning messes. Their imposingly built Alpha physiques, cut in rigid lines of muscle and raw power, had melted under my touch, willingly at my mercy.

I passed my tongue over the bite mark I had left behind, swiping his sweet blood away and sealing his wound with my saliva. Like Badru’s, I worried I had been a little too brutish with Astennu’s mark. Both brothers sported a set of deep red puncture wounds that had bruised a dark purple. I was hoping they would eventually fade to the pretty silvery marks that glistened, just as marks on other mated wolves did.

“While you two come back down to earth, I’m gonna grab a shower. Feel free to join m-” I had begun to climb off of a discombobulated Astennu, only to be lifted over the shoulder of the other.

“There’s no way I’m letting you shower alone. What if you slipped?” Badru swiftly spanked my ass, smoothing his rough palm over the lingering hot sting tingling my skin. “No, I better join you.”

Astennu followed in a flash, finding his second wind. As long as they joined and didn’t watch. I could handle my mates in the shower with me, but I couldn’t stand the idea of being watched, even by the two men I loved most.

Badru fiddled with the shower, setting the huge overhead monsoon shower strip to a gentle pitter-patter flow of spring rain and pulled me around the curved glass divide after kicking his pants off. His nose trailed against mine, our lips brushing sweetly and softly as his fingertips feathered the dip of my spine,

following the swell of my ass to lightly squeeze a cheek. I was mildly aware of a drawer closing somewhere behind and a thud of footsteps shifting from a dry surface to a wet.

I was spun around into Astennu’s arms, the claws of his wolf elongating and trailing the cleavage of my chest, toying with the broad strip of lace that held my soaking-wet bralette in place. Badru’s claws did the same, focusing on the soft seam of my inner thighs to pluck the lace thong free.

The material burst free under the delicate touch of their razor-sharp claws, falling to the dark blue marble tile and drifting away with the water’s flow, leaving me stripped bare before them in every sense of the word. Very few people saw past the prickly defensive wall I had built to protect myself, learning long ago it was better to keep others out than let them see the vulnerability that lay beneath because too many times had that button been pressed. But the twins had broken my wall brick by brick, bearing their own souls, exposing their own vulnerabilities to show me it wasn’t so bad.

Grasping my hips, Astennu pulled me to the slick flat of his body, his lips ghosting the curve of my mouth and descending down to the hollow of my throat. Badru turned my chin to the side, the gentle water flow sticking his long silky ebony hair to his temple and beading upon his short close-cropped beard like crystals. Our tongues met before our lips and he swallowed my gasp as he twisted my n****e, smoothing over the pinch of pain with his thumb. His other hand played with the weight of my breast, squeezing lightly, but where it had once been pleasurable, it wasn’t presently.

I caught his wrist, kissing his jaw and hoping he wouldn’t take it as a rejection of his love. “My boobs are a little tender, so no squeezing for a while.”

He chuckled lowly in my ear, running the bridge of his nose across the soft patch of skin of my neck. “Do these still feel good, my nour el-ain?”

He circled a finger around each n****e in unison, synchronously sliding his fingertips over my hardened buds. I lost my voice to a delicious whimper, grasping onto Astennu’s shoulders to anchor me.

“Is that a yes?” Astennu slid his tongue the length of my neck, nipping my bottom lip. “You need to use words with us, ammar.”

“Yes,” I wrangled my voice to work.

“What about this?” He skimmed the back of his hand down my body, starting under the swell of my breasts, following the line of my stomach to my slit, trailing a thick knuckle between my weeping folds. “Or is she tender too?”

‘And what about here?’ His other hand dipped between my cheeks, stroking a finger over my tight back opening and I shuddered, needing both my mates to f**k me senseless and mark me as theirs forever.

“Yes! I want you,” I panted, rocking against his hands for friction against my heated throbbing.

I closed my eyes, my breath coming in short bursts from the minuscule touches. The water droplets from above drizzled lazily in a hypnotic rhythm and I smiled to myself when I heard the telltale sound of a bottle of lube Astennu had grabbed from the bathroom drawer.

I threw my head back, melting into Badru’s chest as soaking-wet fingers caressed my slit, sliding over my clit and plunging within. I reached back to grasp Badru’s neck, riding Astennu’s hand that threatened to wear me like a glove for how deep his long thick fingers reached. My hand bunched in his hair, tugging his locks in beat to his ministrations of my rose pink buds and his brother’s touch hitting every sensitive nerve in my tight walls clenching around his fingers. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Just as the precipice arose, a tightly wound band begging to snap, Astennu stopped, slowing his pumps to fixate on my clit. Evva was about to push our snarl, displeased that our pleasure was being denied. But her disagreement switched on a flutter, transforming into a purr when a familiar intrusive pressure pressed at my tight back entrance. He pumped gently at first, stretching and gradually adding another digit. My body uncoiled, welcoming the sensation battling a war of pleasure across my body. My panting breaths turned to moans, mixed with growling howls as the bright horizon of my orgasm

shone. Their scents pounded me as well as their hard bodies, enveloping me in an exotic rainforest after a downpour.

My back arched and my legs trembled, the light in the back of my eyes bursting and destroying me as though it was our first time all over again. If it weren’t for Badru holding my waist from behind, I would have been on the floor, rolling in bliss.

“Are you ready for more… to be marked?” Astennu kissed the soft inner side of my wrist and stroked his c**k with a hearty dollop of lube, his head turning a deep purple with blood flow.

I nodded, turning to cling to Badru’s shoulders and wrapped my legs high around his waist, leaning back into Astennu’s chest. “Be mine.”

“I was yours the moment I found you creeping out of my room,” Badru chuckled and thrust upwards, causing a violent shudder through my very soul.

A sweet pain mixed with mind-numbing burning pleasure, a contrast that was always my mates.

Astennu’s teeth nipped at my marking spot, teasing and sucking to distract me as he slowly pushed into my tight back bud, the slick of the lube parting me firmly. He groaned into my neck, rocking a little once he was fully sheathed. Badru gently agitated his pelvis with mine, the head of his c**k brushing the barrier of my cervix in an aching delight. As tenderly as possible, he wrapped his tongue around the pert n****e of my breast until he felt my body unfurl and relax into my double impalement.

As one pulled out, the other thrust in, our skin soaked in a strange mix of heat and cool that slapped in an erotic ballad, filling the glass and marble space. My claws extended as their pace grew wilder, thrusting with untamed ferocity. The tingles of our bond surged more blindingly than ever, shivering the entire length of my body from my ears to my toes that curled the deeper they dove.

My clawed fingertips crept up along Badru’s chest, gripping around his neck. His smirk grew and his sapphire eyes flashed as I applied a light pressure around his corded muscles, the tip of my claws piercing his neck without drawing blood. Astennu gripped on for dear life at my hip and reached up into my hair, pulling with a firm strength and inhaling lungfuls of my scent as I felt him reaching his end. The grooves of his abdominal muscles jerked and flexed as he tugged on my soaked strands to pull my aroma further into him and arch my back into the rise and fall of both twins’ final thrusts.

A heat erupted within, an ecstasy chasing a delirium and when I thought that was its peak, two sets of canines buried into either side of my neck.

An unintelligible sound exploded from me and I could have sworn I saw the moon itself in all her colours. They slowly faded and on their retreat, something else drifted away with them, coiling itself around the same energy surge I felt when I marked my mates; my soul, joining theirs, the final thread to an unbreakable bond.

‘Mine,’ Evva’s voice filtered and vanished in my mind as my body grew slack, slipping into a welcome blanket of electrifying comfort.




My eyelashes fluttered open, snuggled into a deep mattress and swaddled in a wrap of limbs and earthy scents. My mate’s rich golden skin glowed under the dusky blush of the bedside lamp.

‘I could die happy right now,’ Evva sighed, her tail delicately wafting in a euphoria that still thrummed at either side of my neck.

Astennu snuggled me from behind, his head tucked into the curve of my waist and his chin nudging at my hip. Badru lay squished into my chest, nestled into my breasts where he always seemed to gravitate towards. Both their fingers played along where my stomach would begin to swell, a tiny little thrill bubbling making me wonder if our pup could feel his fathers’ touch. I had thought that one would feel the bond stronger as the biological father, but they both seemed completely attached and equally so. I couldn’t imagine how it must have felt, sensing their pup with no reassurance of any physical contact.

“Back where I belong,” Badru mumbled, breaking the silence and hunkering further into my chest. “I never want to leave these things again.”

“You might have to share them soon,” I smoothed a dark and slightly damp lock of hair from his forehead.

“They’ll be mine again after,” he kissed the n****e closest to him and I felt his lips curl in glee as my body reacted with an instant fire.

“You’re looking at well over a year’s wait,” Astennu flicked his forehead, earning a small growl from his younger twin. “How are you feeling, ammar?”

He kissed along the ridge of my spine upwards, pulling back the long damp strands of my hair and running his tongue over a spot that gushed a glorious fire. “That mark looks so damn pretty on you,” he nuzzled.

“Does it look like Ru’s?” I ran a finger over his mark, admiring the shudder in his body pressed firmly against mine.

The stark redness that once edged the mark when I placed it had faded to a pale pink, a hint of a shimmering silver creeping outwards from the centre of each tooth puncture.

“Kinda, only much more beautiful because they’re on you,” Astennu peppered feather-light kisses with his petal soft lips. “They’re radiant, like your skin.”

“The radiancy is just a bunch of pregnancy hormones running rampant,” I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. “Do either of you feel the bond stronger now? With the pup, I mean. My skin tingles more when you’re touching my stomach.”

“Yeah, we were talking about it while you were out of it and we were bouncing an idea around…” Astennu began to suggest, nodding to his twin to continue.

“There is one thing we wanna do before we have to leave,” Badru’s boyish grin glimmered, fluttering my stomach for all the right reasons. “If you’re down for an early wake-up call, just to make sure everything’s fine with our pup, we want to take you for a scan. I know we can feel everything is ok, but with all the stress, there might be things the scan will show that you don’t sense yet. What do you say?”

“We’ll see our pup for the first time?”

“And maybe hear him, too,” Astennu kissed his mark, groaning as a tremble passed through all three of us.

‘His little heartbeat,’ my wolf pirouetted, high on some golden cloud nine from our double mark.

Badru’s hand snaked up between my breasts, settling over my heart. “I can’t hear him yet, but I can hear you. Your heart’s beating a little faster and harder.”

“That’s because it’s beating for my three boys,” I reached to grip the back of Astennu’s neck and cup Badru’s jaw. “It knows it needs to start training now for all the trouble you’re gonna give me.”

And if our son was anything like his fathers, he would be a handful. But he would be loved unconditionally, no matter what mischief he caused.

My eyelids drew heavy and sleep seeped into my pores, exhausted from travel, from our shower, from a double mark, especially from the double mark. Never had anything felt so perfect upon my skin, their silvery mark would adorn my neck and permanently seal Astennu and Badru as mine forever and me theirs.

I was proud I had waited, that I hadn’t dived head first into the mate bond as though it would have solved all my problems. The mark was everlasting, unbreakable once placed except in death. It wasn’t something I could accept so blindly without real thought. I needed to know what I felt for Astennu and Badru was real, that even without the bond, I wouldn’t be able to love them more; although they had tested me on several occasions.

Ours was a hard fought for love, one earned and not simply given because that was what one had to do with a mate, or mates in my case. Karma and fate had a funny way of rebalancing themselves, but I was happy to take their beautiful gifts and Accept My Twin Mates.

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