Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Chapter 120 – Accepting My Twin Mates – II of III


Eleven hours, eight bathroom breaks, four driver switch-overs, five meals – two of which were entirely mine – and a gallon of raspberry iced tea that I had begun craving later, we were home, driving down the dark tree-lined road I recognised that led to the Two Moons pack house. The clouds blanketing the sky glowed with the moon hidden beneath and the light they allowed to pass softly lit the white wood of the exterior.

Never did I think there would be a day where I would be happy to see it and be thankful to call it home, not after the countless times I had imagined abandoning it.

At past 1 am, we weren’t arriving back in secret, but the pack had been asked to afford us this one moment of privacy to reunite with those closest to us. Did I want to cry all over others in front of an audience? No. Or would my father want to embrace his mate for the first time in two months with a crowd around him? Absolutely not, he would hate it. And when Qamar saw me… would I receive a warm welcome or a cold shoulder? The last audience I had around her had not ended favourably.

In this one case, the pack could come second.

Badru pulled up to his and Astennu’s personal garage of the Alpha wing. The four solitary figures illuminated by the elegant yellow lighting were distinct from each other, especially one for her tiny stature, bouncing on her tiptoes.

Luna Qamar was quick to throw her arms around her sons as soon as the car doors were opened.

“Ahibbaa (darlings),” she sobbed in their chests. “You came home… and you had better not be injured!”

I saw out of the corner of my eye how she tried to spin them both around to check them over, but my body was pummelled into by the three remaining figures before I could see or hear anything else.

Tamlyn nearly took my ear off with her guide cane when she flung her arms around my neck, forgetting to drop it first, and Suzanna crushed Lucy in between us, her little voice squeaking for oxygen.

“You guys missed me?” I blubbered through yet another batch of fresh tears.

“We barely knew you were gone,” Tamlyn wiped her nose on her sleeve, laughing.

“I was expecting you to be bigger, like out here,” Lucy mimed a huge swollen stomach.

“I’m two months into it, Luce. That’s not how pregnancy works.”

A final door slammed, weighing a heated silence with it. My father’s heavy footsteps moved slowly around the tail of the jeep, stopping at a short distance and pinning Lucy with the rawest intensity I had ever seen from him.

‘Stop wasting your time on me and go to him,’ I shoved her forward, her frozen feet stumbling a little.

She almost looked shy, as though it was their first meeting all over again, when my father had handed over her wrap and she had stared up at him completely bewildered.

“Hi,” she smiled tearily.

“Pylkaya piksi (fiery pixie).”

Hearing what I assumed was her name of endearment, she choked a sob and slowly approached, as if scared to draw too close. “Are you hurt?”

“No,” he gently took her hand, placing it over his heart. “I am much better now.”

And that was it, any restraint within her broke as she yanked him down to her level by his collar and I looked away, not needing to see my father make out with anyone.

“Evie?” A warm hand took mine. “I never doubted once my sons would bring you home.”

“Uh, L-Luna Qamar,” I tried to dip my head in respect to her, but she wouldn’t have it, raising her brow and I remembered our last conversation that had been cut short. “Qamar.”

“That’s better. We’re family now,” she cupped the side of my face, resting her forehead on mine, a gesture only shared between those considered family. “Let’s get you out of this cold air. It can’t be good for my grandson.”

“Go ahead,” Suzanna wrapped me up in a brief and tight squeeze.

“Yeah, we’ll catch up as much as you want tomorrow,” Tamlyn took the crook of her mate’s elbow.

But what about my father? Would he even want to stay near the pack house after what happened, let alone within it?

As if sensing my indecision, Lucy gripped onto my father’s hand with both of hers, threading their fingers together. ‘I’ll take care of him and we’ll stay in my room for now until we can find something a little bigger to fit him.’

I had slept in Lucy’s room many times and I had to curl up into a ball to squish into her double bed. I didn’t need any mental image of how my father would fit and I regretted instantly that the thought had crossed my mind.

Retreating steps split us all on our separate ways, Tamlyn and Suzanna back to their home, my father and Lucy to her room, so I knew my old room was off the list of where I was staying tonight.

The Alpha wing where that man had lived was not my first choice, but it was saturated in my mates’ scents and I knew from personal experience they had huge beds and equally so showers. And a shower with my mates to wash off every last bit of travel and bad memory had my abdomen doing somersaults, craving more than what any food could slake. My hunger sat lower, tightening and clenching in waves.

I knew whatever pheromones my body was pumping out were being picked up painfully by Astennu and Badru. Their jaws ticked furiously and a faint sweat clung to their brows, glistening their perfect golden skin brighter than any precious metal. They were doing it again, remaining silent through the s****l tension simmering instead of saying something, the silence setting the simmer to a full-blown boil.

“…ou’ll not have to want for a thing for the little man. It’s all folded neatly, but I didn’t buy furniture because that’s something for you to choose when you decorate the nursery,” the distant voice of Qamar drifted back into focus.

What in the moon had she been saying? I hadn’t focused on a word of it.

‘I don’t care, move it already,’ Evva fidgeted, her breathing heavy. ‘Our muffin needs toasting by wingus and dingus. And buttering. Maybe flipping, or perhaps some added bacon too… dammit, now I’m hungry.’

This wolf and her mood. ‘How did you go from s*x to food in one sentence?’

‘Pregnancy is making me horngry! I’m struggling to decide whether I want to eat these two snacks or f**k them.’

“Mom, you can show Evie all the baby things in the light of day and talk about pups all of tomorrow, but we need to get her to bed,” Astennu spoke with a poorly hidden urgency, kissing his mother on the cheek and leading me by the hand to the stairs that led to their bedrooms.

“Oh-ok, ahibbaa. Goodnight,” her voice faded rapidly as I was hauled up the stairs with Badru’s hand on my behind the whole way.

‘That was the most subtle exit either of you have ever made,’ my foot caught the top step of the stairs, but a strong and thickly roped muscular arm caught me from behind, pressing me to a rock-like chest.

‘That scent of yours isn’t very subtle either and we were about to pop out of our pants in front of our mother,’ Badru’s nose ghosted high over my neck, almost making me fold. ‘I think that would have been a little more embarrassing.’

I wasn’t sure whose room I was propelled into in a blur of movement, but given the heady scent of nutmeg and cinnamon pervading over that of sweet tree sap and the smokey-blue walls, I had a good guess it was Badru’s room. The door closed slowly behind Astennu’s towering frame and a moment of silence hung between the three of us, one ladened with electricity that stood the hair on my arms on end and pebbled my n*****s through my borrowed oversized sweater. The excess woollen fabric did nothing to hide them, the fold accentuating the valley of my cleavage. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

My wolf’s eyes trailed each of their figures, staring lovingly at their beautiful c***s stood at attention through their thin pants. ‘Goddess, I’ve missed them.’

‘Them or their d***s?’

‘Totally both.’

Whether I moved first or he did, was unclear. All I knew was that my body moved with its own mind and had flung itself around Astennu’s waist, our lips sealed with a heat that melted the pool in my panties. A feverish tongue chased my pulse and an eager set of hands played with the smooth surface of my stomach. Badru cupped the swell of my breast through the sheer lace of my bralette, circling my hardened n****e with a light touch. Such a feather-like stroke, yet my back arched, pressing more of my chest into his warm greedy hands.

My canines ached, extending forward and catching Astennu by surprise. His groan rasped when his tongue’s tip traced the point, pulling away with a devilish smirk. But I knew who the impatient one was and he had waited long enough for my teeth to pierce his neck.


My nour el-ain spun around in my arms and I was so lost in her scent, drunk on her pheromones, I didn’t even notice her hastily unzipping the hoodie Catalina had thrown at my head on the jet. Evie’s fingers curled into my hair, yanking my head roughly to the side, and my brain finally caught up to what was about to happen.

“Whoa, we’re doing this now?” I blurted out, pulling against her tug.

‘Why did you stop her?!’ Baniti roared. ‘I oughta slap the stupid outta you!’

I wanted to slap me too. Perhaps my mate would do it for me instead.

“I just spent the last two months wishing I’d let you both mark me that morning outside the training centre,” Evie walked me to the middle of my room, the moonlight flitting through the tall window highlighting the fullness of her body. “I’ve waited too long to tell you how much I love you,” the sweater flew over her head and she threw her pants to the side, leaving her in a set of tantalisingly tiny sheer lace underwear that her curves threatened to spill from. “I’m marking you as mine, now.”

Her voice was raw, edged with the basal growl of her wolf. She wasn’t asking, she was commanding and, as my queen, I would roll over in submission to her at her word. Her hands fisted my hair, pulling on the extremity of a sweet pain, and her teeth sunk into the bared skin of my neck, puncturing so deep, she could have hit bone.

I saw stars dance in a riot of colour. Between the pain of her teeth embedded in my flesh and the softness of her lips caressing my neck, I was in a transcendent bliss I couldn’t even have dreamed of. A strangled howl ripped from my lips, her grip on me not letting up for the longest time. My painful erection swelled, the base of my c**k spasming, and I emptied out; little Badru acting on his own accord.

As her teeth left my neck, I felt part of myself leave with her, entwining itself around her permanently. My soul merged with hers, like a tether of pure white light and gold weaving the fibres that existed into something new that could never be broken.

‘f**k, I love you,’ I hoped I had mind-linked or even spoken because I had no clue how to make any part of me function.

And that included my legs that gave out under me.


No sooner had her teeth retracted and her tongue sealed his mark, that my twin collapsed flat on the floor with a grin on his face like he’d found a new heaven on earth. I half expected little birds to fly around his head, chirping his merriment.

‘Always the drama llama,’ Aasim huffled a wolfish laugh. ‘Makes a change from him being face down in his pit of despair.’

Evie’s predatory eyes spun towards me, her smokey blue irises drinking me and spiralling black. The thin bands of her dark blue lace thong cupped her round hips to perfection and a strap of her bra had fallen down her shoulder, her left pink n****e straining for freedom.

I let her back me up to the bed, slowly unzipping the hoodie covering my torso and kicking my thin pants to the side. With a single finger gliding the cleft in my pecs, she lightly pushed and I obeyed,

palming her hips to pull her down on top of me. My c**k glistened with my come, unable to hold back at the shared experience with my twin.

“You ready?” She whispered in my ear, the point of her canine tracing the pulse point of my neck.

“Aywt baqaa,” I gasped as her pointed tooth carved a path on my throat.

“I take it that means yes?” Her musical laughter was all I could hear over the rush of blood in my ears.

“It’s a very strong yes.”

I had dreamed of this very moment, of my mate hovering above to mark me as hers. And always, I wanted it to be Evie, my ammar. Even when I thought she despised me, my soul craved her, needing to be owned by her and her alone.

In a swift motion, she savagely pulled my head and neck apart and plunged her teeth into my flesh, biting down with all her might. With her teeth embedded, she pushed me fully to the bed, pinning me in place until she was satisfied.

A white light eclipsed my vision, spiralling in bright colours more numerous than a rainbow chasing fresh rain. A strained howl rippled in every direction, unlike anything I had ever produced. Pleasure couldn’t describe the sensation justly. It was as though I was renewed, a burst of captivating energy that surged within my chest and exploded. The energy left with her teeth, leaving the tingling behind. It was the part of my soul destined for my mate, reserved entirely for her to claim at her will.

And claimed she had.

My jaw hung slack, unable to move or say a word. I had a feeling I had come again, but I was too far out of it to know or care.

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