You More Than Anything In The World

Chapter 1226 Sour Food

Chapter 1226 Sour Food

Later, Edwin came to deliver dinner without the children.

When they were eating on the bed, they quickly realized the portion was too much for them.

“There's no way we can eat all of this. Why don't we get Shaun to come over and eat with us?” Arissa suggested. There were still many other dishes including salad and soup which they couldn't finish too. “Let's get the two bodyguards at the door to join us as well. They must be tired from standing guard all day.”

Benjamin looked at her and said softly, “Just eat your food.”

Arissa regarded the look of disapproval on his face with a smile. How petty!

“It's a waste if we can't finish. Just get them to come and eat with us!”

“There's no need to get them to come over. I'll bring it to them later.” Benjamin let out a snort before divvying up the ravioli.

He divided them into three portions—one for Arissa, one for Shaun, and another for the two bodyguards outside.

Arissa stopped bothering him and continued eating.

“The mushroom inside the filling is delicious.” She licked her lips as she took another piece. One clearly wasn't enough to satisfy her. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Noticing Benjamin watching her, she raised her head and their eyes met. Her cheeks turned red and she fed him the ravioli.

“This is for you!”

Benjamin took a bite of the ravioli she fed him and swallowed it. Loter, Edwin come to deliver dinner without the children.

When they were eoting on the bed, they quickly reolized the portion wos too much for them.

“There's no woy we con eot oll of this. Why don't we get Shoun to come over ond eot with us?” Arisso suggested. There were still mony other dishes including solod ond soup which they couldn't finish too. “Let's get the two bodyguords ot the door to join us os well. They must be tired from stonding guord oll doy.”

Benjomin looked ot her ond soid softly, “Just eot your food.”

Arisso regorded the look of disopprovol on his foce with o smile. How petty!

“It's o woste if we con't finish. Just get them to come ond eot with us!”

“There's no need to get them to come over. I'll bring it to them loter.” Benjomin let out o snort before divvying up the rovioli.

He divided them into three portions—one for Arisso, one for Shoun, ond onother for the two bodyguords outside.

Arisso stopped bothering him ond continued eoting.

“The mushroom inside the filling is delicious.” She licked her lips os she took onother piece. One cleorly wosn't enough to sotisfy her.

Noticing Benjomin wotching her, she roised her heod ond their eyes met. Her cheeks turned red ond she fed him the rovioli.

“This is for you!”

Benjomin took o bite of the rovioli she fed him ond swollowed it.

Arissa stared at him with anticipation. “Isn't it delicious?”

Benjamin nodded, then held up the portions of ravioli he had divided. “Enjoy the ravioli, while I bring these to the others.”

“Okay!” As the ravioli the children made were small, she could pop a few in her mouth at every go and enjoy every bite.

Benjamin walked to the door and handed two boxes of ravioli to the bodyguards, who received them gladly.

“Thank you, Mr. Graham!” Seventeen and Eighteen replied gratefully.

While giving them the side-eye, Benjamin said, “Sharing the food with you was my wife's idea.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Graham!” both of them corrected themselves.

Just as they were about to dig in, Benjamin instructed, “One of the boxes is for Shaun. Bring it to him.”

With that, he returned to the room and closed the door behind him.

Seventeen and Eighteen exchanged glances before breaking into a smile. “And here I was, thinking that both boxes were ours.”

“Me too!” Eighteen replied. “You should hurry up and take this to Mr. Bailey. I'll wait for you to come back before eating.”

Seventeen gave Eighteen a skeptical look. “You should go. I'm worried that you'll have some behind my back.”

Eighteen was annoyed by the comment. “Do I look like someone who would do that? I'll definitely keep my word. If you don't trust me, how about we count how many there are?”

He handed the box to Seventeen to count them.

“Even if I start without you, I'll just eat my own portion and leave the rest for you. Besides, Mr. Bailey's office is just around the corner. How many can I eat before you come back?”

Eighteen viewed Seventeen's narrow-mindedness with disdain.

Seventeen scrutinized Eighteen from top to toe before warning, “I'll beat you up if you dare touch


Eighteen shook his head in resignation. “I won't.”

Only then did Seventeen run to Shaun's office with the food.

After watching him leave, Eighteen started eating with a devious look in his eyes.

Back inside the ward, Arissa smiled at the sight of Benjamin coming back in. “Didn't you say that you were bringing them food?”

Benjamin came over and sat down. He flatly replied, “That's right. I've given the ravioli to Seventeen and Eighteen and asked them to bring Shaun his portion.”

Arissa picked up a piece of ravioli with her fork and fed it to his mouth. “Have some more while they're still hot!”

Benjamin grimaced. “It's a little sour.”

“Seems like you prefer yours with less pasta sauce.” Arissa gave him a look.

When he saw how much she was enjoying it, he reminded her, “You have to cut down on sour food.”

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