You Are My Mr Right

Chapter 982: Grand Finale

Hannah patted her daughter.

Verda thought her mother was angry, but instead, her mother said, “Keep going.”

Verda was completely perplexed.

Had someone cast a spell on her parents?

How did things change so drastically?

It’s completely different from before.

She remembered a long time ago when her parents said she didn’t have to get married as long as she was happy.

But later, they made her go on blind dates, and now it’s gone too far-asking her to seduce men?

She touched her mother’s forehead and asked, “Are you running a fever?”

Hannah brushed off her hand and said, “Your father and I have to leave.”

Otis also mentioned that the driver was already waiting.

So they left.

Verda escorted them to the door.

As she watched the car drive away, she returned to the house.

She didn’t go upstairs. After all, Xander was sleeping in the room, and she would be bored going up there.

She was restless, unable to sit still for long.

Since there was no one else at home, it seemed inappropriate for her to leave.

Feeling bored, she thought about playing a prank on Xander. She got up and went upstairs. Xander was already asleep by this time, and he was sleeping quite soundly.

She brought her makeup from the dressing table and sat on the bed, giving Xander an exquisite makeover. After finishing, Xander still hadn’t woken up. Verda, feeling bored, scrolled through her phone. It strained her eyes, so she put the phone down and squinted for a while, eventually dozing off.

When she woke up, Xander was staring at her intently.

She was startled, and instantly wide awake.

“When… when did you wake up?” Verda couldn’t help but burst into laughter while staring at his face.

It was truly Xander’s face…

All colorful and bright from her makeup.

It was almost comical.

She laughed until her stomach hurt.

Xander held her chin and asked, “Had enough laughter?”

Verda composed herself, slapped his hand away, and said, “No intimacy between men and women. Don’t touch me!”

Xander said, “Even if you give it to me, I don’t want it.”

Verda furrowed her eyebrows and straightened her chest, saying, “What do you mean? Men who pursue me are lined up all the way to France, and you look down on me?”

Xander chuckled.

Verda grabbed him and asked, “What do you mean?”

Xander couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to her and walked straight into her bathroom.

At first, Verda didn’t pay much attention, but after Xander closed the door, she suddenly remembered that her underwear was still hanging in the bathroom. She hurriedly got up and knocked on the door, “Xander, come out. Go downstairs to wash.”

Xander said, “I’m not going.”

Verda twisted the doorknob, luckily it wasn’t locked, and she opened it.

“Xander, come out! Hurry up,” Verda said in frustration.

Using his finger, Xander pointed at her chest and said, “Are you afraid I’ll see this? Seriously, it looks like you don’t even have an A-cup, and I’m not interested at all, okay?”

“You…” Verda became angry, and she bit his shoulder.

Xander was shocked. “Are you a dog?”

“You’re the dog,” Verda snatched her clothes back and walked out in big strides.

Xander said, “Get me some clothes.”

After saying that, he closed the bathroom door.

Verda thought to herself, “You already called me a dog, and now you want me to get you clothes? Wouldn’t that make me look pathetic?”

She didn’t want to do such a thing. However, she turned her head and thought again, “If Xander doesn’t have any clothes to wear, he won’t walk around naked in his own room, right?”

But where were his clothes?

Verda forgot that Xander’s suitcase was in her car.

When Xander asked her to get clothes, he was referring to the suitcase in the car.

However, Verda went to her father’s room instead, planning to find two pieces of her father’s clothes for Xander to wear temporarily.

She arrived at her parents’ room, opened the closet, and while searching for clothes, a medical record fell out of a drawer.

It made a sharp sound as it hit the ground.

Curiously, she picked it up.

She opened it and looked inside, then her eyes widened in astonishment. The word “cancer” pierced her eyes like a needle, and tears streamed down her face.

It was as if she suddenly understood why her parents were so eager for her to get married.

It turned out her father, who had always doted on her, was seriously ill. The medical record stated it was in the advanced stage.

It meant that…

Verda’s legs went weak, and she sat directly on the ground.

Her body trembled and shook.

She tremblingly took out her phone, but just as she was about to make a call, she chose to give up. Her parents had kept it from her, didn’t they? They didn’t want her to know.

She would go and ask them now.

But it wouldn’t make them feel any better, only more sorrowful.

What should she do?

How could she make her parents a little happier?

Get married!

Yes, get married!

Only by marrying herself could she make her parents happy.

As for the marriage partner…

Didn’t she have someone readily available in her room?

Since he could pretend to be her boyfriend, he could naturally be her husband too, even if it wasn’t real, treating it as fake would work!

She put the medical record back in its place, got up shakily, and walked out of the room.

When she returned to the room, Xander hadn’t come out yet.

She sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

After a while, Xander, wrapped in a towel, walked out. Seeing Verda sitting on the bedside, he stood still. “Where are my clothes?”

He looked at the bed and the table, but they weren’t there.

He thought Verda might have forgotten. “My clothes are in the trunk of your car.”

Verda looked at him and said, “Xander, let’s get married.”


“Have you taken the wrong medication?” he mocked. “Or have you gone crazy?”

“Neither. I just think you’ll do.”

She chuckled, her voice indeed hoarse.

Xander stepped forward and only then noticed that something was wrong with her. “Have you been crying? Who’s been bullying you? Tell me, I’ll go beat him up…”

Before Xander could finish his sentence, Verda rushed forward and hugged him tightly.

Caught off guard by the sudden intimacy, Xander stiffened and didn’t dare to move.

“Um, Verda…”

Before he could say anything, Verda kissed his lips.

Her hand moved down and pulled off the only towel he had on.


Verda had a favorable impression of Xander, and at this moment, it wasn’t entirely impulsive. She didn’t reject the idea of having a relationship with him.

She pulled her neckline open, revealing her white and soft chest pressed against his.

Xander’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

An indescribable fire surged in his lower abdomen!

Instantly, he became aroused.

“Are you sure you won’t regret it?” Xander was a man, a normal man, being seduced so blatantly by a beautiful woman.

If he could remain unmoved, he wouldn’t be a man!

Verda said, “I won’t regret it…”

She didn’t know how powerful those three words were.

Xander lifted her up, threw her onto the bed!

And then he pressed down on her.

Everything that followed was a natural progression!

Like dry firewood, they went from the bed to the sofa, then to the bathroom…

The passionate battle lasted for three hours!

They were exhausted and fell asleep on the bed.

It’s unclear how much time had passed when the sound of knocking woke them up.

Verda opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Xander’s face.

She reached out and touched his face.

A tinge of sadness appeared in her eyes.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Not because of Xander or herself, but because she thought of her father’s illness.

Knock, knock…

The knocking sounded again, and Xander stirred and opened his eyes.

Verda pulled the blanket, trying to cover her body as much as possible, and asked at the door, “Who is it?”


Verda heard her mother’s voice and curled up in her blanket. “Mom, is there something you need?”

“Your father and I are back. Dinner is ready. Come down and eat,” her mother said.

Verda replied, “Okay.”

As she heard the footsteps going downstairs, Verda let out a sigh of relief.

She didn’t know why she was so nervous.

Xander stared at her. “Do you regret it?”

“No, I don’t regret it,” Verda firmly replied to him once again.

Xander said, “I’m not an irresponsible person. As long as you’re willing, I’m willing to marry you.”

Verda agreed and got up from the bed to dress. “Let’s go downstairs and tell my parents.”

Xander asked, “So soon?”

“You’re pretending to sleep when it’s time to go downstairs?” Verda frowned.

Verda finished dressing.

Seeing that Xander was still lying in bed without moving, she frowned. “What do you mean? Are you planning to stay in my bed?”

Xander said, “You didn’t bring my clothes up. What am I supposed to wear?”

Only then did Verda remember that she forgot his clothes.

“I’ll get them for you.”

She hurried downstairs, carrying Xander’s suitcase up.

“Wear whatever you want. I’ll be waiting downstairs,” she said, and then she went downstairs first.

Xander got out of bed and found a suit to wear.

Since they were talking about marriage, he needed to dress formally.

When he finished preparing and went downstairs, Verda was sitting between her parents.

Whether she said it or not, the fact was that Verda’s parents looked at him with even more enthusiasm.

Xander cleared his throat. “Um…”

“We are willing to marry our daughter to you,” Verda’s parents said.

“No, it’s him marrying me,” Verda corrected.

Otis remained silent.

Hannah remained silent.

Xander remained silent.

Almost simultaneously, they all said, “Verda, what are you talking about?”

Verda knew she was a girl, and her family had no heir.

Her father fell ill, and she didn’t have the ability to manage the family business. Rather than finding a husband for her, they were actually looking for someone who could manage Verda’s family’s company.

Now she understood her parents’ good intentions.

She also wanted to preserve Verda’s family’s company.

Xander was indeed a good choice.

She also knew why her parents were so satisfied with Xander.

“Verda, don’t go too far,” Xander thought. As a grown man, how could he agree to marry into her family?

Verda said, “You can’t back out!”

“Why can’t I?” Xander came down and said, “Verda, whatever you want, I can give it to you…”

“I want to marry you!” Verda shouted, and Xander found it somewhat amusing.

A girl insisting on marrying him.

“Marriage is also acceptable,” Hannah tugged at her daughter’s sleeve.

Verda shook her head. “No, it’s him marrying me. I’ll provide the dowry, the house, the car. All you have to do is give yourself to me.”

Looking at Verda’s domineering and arrogant appearance, Xander asked, “Are you sure you want to marry me? Marrying me is very expensive.”

Verda nodded. “I’ll pay whatever amount.”

Hannah and Otis, upon hearing this, saw Xander’s hesitation and said, “Yes, yes, we are willing to pay any amount.”

Xander looked at the three of them.

He swallowed nervously. Was this for real?


“I know you agree,” Verda walked up and hugged his arm, “I know you’re a good man who won’t neglect me, right?”

Xander nodded. “I fell for it.”

Verda whispered in his ear, “I used a seductive plan.”

Xander replied, “I willingly fell for it.”

Xander returned to the hotel and told everyone about his upcoming marriage.

Everyone was shocked.


Won’t he be going back to France?

How did he suddenly decide to get married?

Evan asked, “Is it true or are you just playing along with our usual jokes and teasing?”

Xander said, “Can we joke about this? Of course, it’s true.”

“Sacha asked, “With whom?”

“Verda,” Xander replied.

Everyone widened their eyes.


“Xander, are you being threatened or something?” Evan asked.

“I’m just getting married. Is it such a big deal for all of you?”

Xander said, “It’s absolutely true. Get ready with the red envelopes.”

“Don’t worry about the red envelopes.”

“Xander, you’re amazing,” Orion rushed over with Luna.

“I heard that you’ve won over Verda, and now Verda’s family is already preparing for the wedding.”

Xander chuckled, “I’m a talented person. Finding a girlfriend is easy for me. Look, now I’m getting married, right?”

Sacha said, “It seems like we’ve all found our partners.”

Kai leaned forward, “Uncle Xander, congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Xander patted Kai’s head.

“By the way, I heard you’re going to marry into a prestigious family?” Orion asked.

Then everyone’s gaze turned to Xander.

They seemed shocked.

But it was indeed shocking.

With Xander’s qualifications, it’s impossible for him to marry into a prestigious family.

He’s wealthy.

And capable.

He can definitely support a wife.

“But Verda’s family does need a capable man,” Orion knew about Verda’s family’s situation.

Then Freya and Elijah’s return trip to F country was delayed again.

Who would have thought that they would come back to attend Orion’s wedding and end up attending Xander’s wedding too?

They didn’t expect it, and even Xander didn’t expect it.

Marrying Verda was a spontaneous decision.

When he calmed down, he realized it was the right choice.

Like launching a rocket.

He said to Evan, “I feel like I’m dreaming.”

Evan said, “Stop pretending to be innocent. Verda’s family has a lot of money, and Verda looks good. Don’t be ungrateful.”

“I’m not ungrateful. I just feel happy.”

When he came back, he was still single, but now he can’t go back.

The wedding was arranged by Verda’s family. They only have one daughter, and this son-in-law is someone they like.

The wedding was grand.

There were many relatives from Verda’s family, and many people came.

The place was decorated with lights and decorations.

Although it was a marriage between families, it was Xander who was getting married.

Orion was helping him with the arrangements on Xander’s side.

Orion had just finished his own wedding, so everything went smoothly. He was experienced in handling such matters!

Verda wore an exquisite wedding dress worth a fortune.

She felt like she was dreaming too.

Deciding to marry Xander seemed to happen in an instant.

With such a quick decision, she became a bride!

She took a deep breath.

She turned around and saw her mother busy with preparations.

Her face was filled with smiles.

Perhaps she felt that Verda’s family’s legacy was secure.

That’s why she was so happy.

Seeing her parents happy, she felt that everything was worth it.

The wedding officially began at noon.

Verda took her father’s arm and walked in slowly.

She looked ahead and said to her father, “Dad, I may have been unproductive, leading to our Verda’s family not having an heir. But in the future, I will work hard.”

Otis listened to his daughter’s sensible words and teared up.

“My daughter has grown up,” he held her hand.

Verda said, “Dad, I will hold onto this man. I will firmly hold his heart. I want him to help me protect Verda’s family’s legacy, and everything you’ve left for me.”

“Good, good, that’s great,” Otis smiled with satisfaction.

When he handed his daughter’s hand over to Xander, he said to Xander, “I only have one daughter, whom I’ve cherished and spoiled since she was little. She can be willful and spoiled, so you must be understanding.”

Xander replied, “Yes, she is my wife, and I will accept everything about her.”

“You are the son-in-law I have chosen. I hope you won’t disappoint me and take good care of my daughter,” Otis said.

Xander firmly replied, “I definitely will.”

“In the future, I entrust her to you. Even if she makes mistakes, you must not hit or scold her,” Otis added, still concerned about his daughter’s strong-willed nature.

Xander understood that Otis was just deeply concerned as a loving father. He was not a bad person. Besides, everyone around him was submissive to their wives, so he would never become an abusive husband.

“Please rest assured,” Xander assured solemnly, “I will take good care of her.”

Otis nodded and reluctantly handed Verda’s hand into Xander’s, saying, “May you both love and care for each other in the future.”

Verda reassured her father, “We will.”

The wedding proceeded with ceremonies, vows, and declarations of love.

And then, the wedding feast!

Everything went smoothly.

However, Hannah couldn’t hold back her tears. Her daughter was getting married, something she should be happy about as she had been looking forward to this day. Yet now, she worried. Worried that her daughter wouldn’t have a good life. Worried that her daughter wouldn’t be happy. Such is the nature of being a mother.

Xander took Verda to the table where Elijah was sitting. Although they had already met, Xander introduced Verda formally once again. Everyone got to know Verda anew! She was no longer just Orion’s friend’s cousin but Xander’s wife.

Sacha smiled warmly and said, “Congratulations.”

Verda smiled back and replied, “Thank you.”

“Congratulations,” Morton imitated talking like an adult.

Verda looked at Morton and said, “You’re so adorable.”

She reached out and touched Morton’s cheek.

Morton extended his hands, asking for a hug.

Freya frowned and said, “Morton, you can’t.”

Verda said, “It’s okay.”

She bent down and lifted Morton up, saying, “Oh, you’re so light.”

Morton looked at the golden hairpin on her head and reached out to grab it.

Verda, dressed in a traditional Chinese wedding gown, wore a beautifully crafted golden phoenix hairpin, adorned with delicate threads and vibrant colors.

She effortlessly detached it and let Morton play with it, much to Freya’s dismay.

“This isn’t good; it’s your big day,” Freya warned.

“Oh, it’s just a piece of jewelry. If Morton likes it, I’ll let him play with it,” Verda replied generously.

Indeed, growing up in an affluent family had shaped her character. Despite her indulgence, she had seen the world and didn’t get upset over trivial matters like others might.

Freya took Morton back and coaxed him, saying, “Naughty, give it…”

Freya pondered what Morton should call Verda.

Verda smiled and said, “Call me whatever they call her.”

Sacha spoke first, saying, “I’m Auntie.”

Luna said, “I’m Aunt.”

Verda hesitated for a moment.

One was Morton’s father’s side, so Auntie was appropriate.

The other was the mother’s side, so Aunt was suitable.

Freya said, “If you don’t mind, let’s go with ‘Aunt’ like Luna.”

Verda agreed, saying, “Okay.”

At Xander’s wedding, Elijah presented him with a generous gift. After all, Xander had been with him for a long time.

Evan and Orion’s gifts were also substantial.

Freya, Luna, and the other ladies prepared wedding gifts as well.

On their wedding night, Verda unwrapped the gifts while surrounded by candles and flowers.

When she saw what Xander’s friends had given him, she was amazed.

“Your friends are so generous,” she remarked.

Xander proudly and playfully responded, “Do you think they’re as stingy as your friends? You know, the ones you hang out with?”

Verda glared at him.

After taking a shower, Xander said, “Alright, enough looking. We’ll tidy up tomorrow. Let’s go to sleep now.”

Verda pouted and said, “Carry me to our room.”

Xander bent down and lifted her, indulging her playful request.

Even though the wedding had been tiring, it couldn’t stop the bliss of newlyweds.

This was destined to be a beautiful night.

Now, they were finally legal.

The red bedding rolled with waves of passion.

Not long after they got married, Otis suggested that Xander join the company and familiarize himself with the business.

He was afraid his time was running out, so he didn’t want to leave anything unplanned before he went.

Xander first went back to France.

Elijah and Freya also returned.

They had work matters to attend to.

Xander finished all the work for the company.

Although Elijah had much more free time without Xander at the company, he was still busy.

No company can function without any particular person.

A week later, Xander finished his work in France and returned to Verda’s family’s company in his home country.

Xander had properties in his home country as well, but he lived in Verda’s family’s house.

It wasn’t because of a marriage of convenience, but because he learned about Otis’ situation.

Verda wanted to accompany her parents.

As a son-in-law, Xander also had this obligation.

Half a year later, Otis passed away, and Hannah aged significantly in an instant.

During the time of Otis’ passing, the house was filled with a lifeless atmosphere.

Verda spent most of her time with Hannah.

Former assistant Huo became General Manager Huo.

He managed Verda’s family’s business with great efficiency.

Three months later, Hannah’s condition improved significantly.

Verda became pregnant.

Otis’ passing became less painful with time.

Xander was happy to become a father soon.

Verda was happy that she was going to be a mother.

Hannah was happy to become a grandmother.

It was a joyous occasion.

When Verda was six months pregnant, they went to France.

Sacha had already given birth to a baby boy.

Orion’s daughter, Star, had also started walking.

Since Star was the only girl, everyone spoiled her.

She was a little bundle of joy who loved following Kai around.

Kai always teased her, saying she had short legs.

Star would just laugh innocently.

Kai asked her to call him “brother,” and even though she couldn’t pronounce it clearly, she did.

Verda said, “I also want to have a daughter.”

Sacha replied, “It’s not something you can have just because you want it. I also wanted a daughter, but I ended up having a son.”

Luna teased her, saying, “Try again.”

Sacha shook her head and said, “No more, giving birth is too painful.”

That’s a story for later; she eventually gave birth to a daughter.

A son and a daughter, a complete family!

Orion and Luna were about to have a child, as Luna couldn’t conceive anymore.

But their love endured, and after overcoming numerous hardships, they finally came together. Their love was precious!

Love can be nurtured, and Xander firmly believed in that.

When he and Verda got married, love wasn’t something he had in mind.

They didn’t know how they ended up getting married.

But living together, slowly, they developed feelings for each other.

Having children further strengthened their bond.

Now they were a loving couple.

Freya stood by, watching.

The room was filled with warmth.

Elijah hugged her from behind.

She leaned against his shoulder.

Holding his hand, she placed it on her belly and asked, “Do you want a daughter?”

Elijah nodded.

When Freya gave birth to Morton, she suffered some health issues. After a long period of recovery, she became pregnant again.

But later on, Elijah’s dream of having a daughter didn’t come true, and Freya gave birth to another son.

They now had three sons.

Elijah was dissatisfied, saying, “If Xander can have a daughter, there’s no reason why I can’t.”

He embraced Freya and said, “Darling, let’s have one more.”

Freya replied, “Get lost!”


Thirty years later, all of them retired and handed over the company to their children.

They found a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and water, living a secluded life.

Star still loved chasing after Kai, just like when they were children.

But Kai had grown up and developed romantic feelings. He fell in love with…

(End of the story)

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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