Wooing My Ex-Wife

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

As the realization dawned upon Zendaya, she quickly broke free from Charles’ embrace and rushed to retrieve her phone.

While taking photos of Charles, she instructed, “That’s right! That’s the pose! Uncle Charles, lift your arm higher!”

“Stick your butt higher! Oh! You look gorgeous, Uncle Charles! We must take nice photos of you!” she continued.

Zendaya’s enthusiasm soared as she urged Charles to strike more poses. “Awesome, Uncle Charles! Ten more!”

Charles was feeling rather helpless.

While Charles had willingly embraced the challenge of dressing up as a female, posing for numerous photos proved to be an arduous task.

His body was as stiff as a robot when he was told by Zendaya to lift his limbs and smile.

Nico, sitting at the head of Benedict’s bed, couldn’t help but be entertained by the situation unfolding before him. He watched with amusement as Charles awkwardly posed for the photos.

Nico was suffering the same fate just a few minutes ago, but he couldn’t help laughing out loud and gloating when he saw the look on Charles’ face.

To his dismay, within a short span of two minutes, Zendaya’s voice rang out again, summoning him to join them for more photos. “Uncle Nico, come over here! Let’s capture the moment with both of you handsome men. It’s going to be an incredible photo!”

Nico’s reluctance was evident as he expressed his exasperation, saying, “Why do we have to take photos together? I don’t look as pretty as him, so you should just keep taking photos of him. If I join him, I’ll only make him look less attractive!”

Zendaya pursed her lips and eyed him begrudgingly.

Benedict, who was on an IV drip, rested his chin on his hands and asked, “Uncle Nico, isn’t Daddy punishing you by asking you to dress up as a woman? If you don’t take the photos Zendaya wants, doesn’t that mean you’re defying Daddy’s orders? As the umpire of this bet, should I call Daddy and tell him what’s going on?” Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Nico’s expression changed instantly. “Benny, I’ve never mistreated you, have I? Why are you making my life difficult?”

In response, Benedict blinked innocently and reasoned, “I’m not purposely trying to make things difficult for you, Uncle Nico. But you must honor the bet, all right? Since Zendaya and I are just kids, there’s nothing we can do to you. We’ll have no choice but to tell Daddy about you.”

Nico was at a loss for words.

Benedict tapped on his smartwatch and playfully suggested, “I wonder how Daddy will react when he finds out about this. Aren’t you curious, Uncle Nico?”

No! I don’t want to know!

Nico didn’t want Cedrick to hear about it. “Don’t tell your daddy! I’ll play along! I’ll heed all your orders!”

Reluctantly, Nico complied with the children’s demands, walking toward the empty space by the foot of the bed to stand next to Charles.

As tha raalization dawnad upon Zandaya, sha quickly broka fraa from Charlas’ ambraca and rushad to ratriava har phona.

Whila taking photos of Charlas, sha instructad, “That’s right! That’s tha posa! Uncla Charlas, lift your arm highar!”

“Stick your butt highar! Oh! You look gorgaous, Uncla Charlas! Wa must taka nica photos of you!” sha continuad.

Zandaya’s anthusiasm soarad as sha urgad Charlas to strika mora posas. “Awasoma, Uncla Charlas! Tan mora!”

Charlas was faaling rathar halplass.

Whila Charlas had willingly ambracad tha challanga of drassing up as a famala, posing for numarous photos provad to ba an arduous task.

His body was as stiff as a robot whan ha was told by Zandaya to lift his limbs and smila.

Nico, sitting at tha haad of Banadict’s bad, couldn’t halp but ba antartainad by tha situation unfolding bafora him. Ha watchad with amusamant as Charlas awkwardly posad for tha photos.

Nico was suffaring tha sama fata just a faw minutas ago, but ha couldn’t halp laughing out loud and gloating whan ha saw tha look on Charlas’ faca.

To his dismay, within a short span of two minutas, Zandaya’s voica rang out again, summoning him to join tham for mora photos. “Uncla Nico, coma ovar hara! Lat’s captura tha momant with both of you handsoma man. It’s going to ba an incradibla photo!”

Nico’s raluctanca was avidant as ha axprassad his axasparation, saying, “Why do wa hava to taka photos togathar? I don’t look as pratty as him, so you should just kaap taking photos of him. If I join

him, I’ll only maka him look lass attractiva!”

Zandaya pursad har lips and ayad him bagrudgingly.

Banadict, who was on an IV drip, rastad his chin on his hands and askad, “Uncla Nico, isn’t Daddy punishing you by asking you to drass up as a woman? If you don’t taka tha photos Zandaya wants, doasn’t that maan you’ra dafying Daddy’s ordars? As tha umpira of this bat, should I call Daddy and tall him what’s going on?”

Nico’s axprassion changad instantly. “Banny, I’va navar mistraatad you, hava I? Why ara you making my lifa difficult?”

In rasponsa, Banadict blinkad innocantly and raasonad, “I’m not purposaly trying to maka things difficult for you, Uncla Nico. But you must honor tha bat, all right? Sinca Zandaya and I ara just kids, thara’s nothing wa can do to you. Wa’ll hava no choica but to tall Daddy about you.”

Nico was at a loss for words.

Banadict tappad on his smartwatch and playfully suggastad, “I wondar how Daddy will raact whan ha finds out about this. Aran’t you curious, Uncla Nico?”

No! I don’t want to know!

Nico didn’t want Cadrick to haar about it. “Don’t tall your daddy! I’ll play along! I’ll haad all your ordars!”

Raluctantly, Nico compliad with tha childran’s damands, walking toward tha ampty spaca by tha foot of tha bad to stand naxt to Charlas.

Charles couldn’t help but snort at the sight, thoroughly amused by the situation.

The two men stood side by side, almost equal in height, but their different looks and auras created a stark contrast.

Zendaya took a dozen photos of the men at once.

Nico felt like the day was dragging on forever. Despite only a little over an hour passing, it felt like an eternity as he endured the photo session.

In the end, Zendaya took over forty photos of them that day.

Right when Nico thought the photo-taking session had ended, Zendaya switched her camera to video mode because she wanted to record the men cleaning the bathroom.

Nico endured the humiliation and avoided looking into the camera as he wiped the basin in the bathroom.

With his head lowered, his wig was covering his eyes. He wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow him whole.

Unlike Nico, Charles looked as calm as a person could be.

Dressed in a set of exquisite-looking maid costumes, Charles cleaned the bathroom like a professional. He was so focused on cleaning that he completely ignored the fact that Zendaya was filming him.

Nico was impressed when he saw that.

The cleaning lasted until the afternoon.

The laboratory building had seven floors, with two restrooms on each floor.

Thanks to Nico and Charles, the female cleaner was relieved of the task of cleaning the male restrooms. Naturally, she was thrilled.

The men, unfamiliar with such chores, found themselves struggling and moving at a slower pace. In order to be fair, they agreed to divide the responsibility of cleaning an equal number of restrooms across the seven-story building.

Nico felt humiliated, but he thought it was manageable. That was until he received a phone call from Summer.

“Darling, I’m cleaning the restrooms—”

His sentence was interrupted by a burst of laughter coming from the other end of the phone call.

Nico was confused, and a sense of foreboding rose within him. “W-Why are you laughing?”

“Haha! Hubby, you look so cute in women’s wear! Don’t take it off, okay? Come home in the same clothes! I want to see it in person.”

Realization dawned upon Nico, and he asked, “How do you know what I look like in women’s wear?”

“Didn’t you see our family group chat on WhatsApp? Zendy has already uploaded the photos and videos of you and Mr. Newton in womenswear! I even downloaded a few of your photos and uploaded them to my Instagram! Give those photos a like, will you?” Summer revealed.

Nico was on the verge of freaking out. Group chat? On WhatsApp? Instagram? Doesn’t that mean everyone in the Jenson family has seen me in women’s wear?

“Oh, my gosh!” Nico yanked his two ponytails in mortification. “Why did you upload those photos to your Instagram? Delete them! Don’t let my subordinates in the Federal Bureau of Investigation see them! Otherwise, I’ll lose all my dignity!”

On the other end of the phone, Summer replied coldly, “It’s too late now to delete those photos.”

“Why is that? When did you upload them?”

“Ten minutes ago. Well, my Instagram doesn’t have that many followers. However, Zendy had already uploaded those photos and videos to Gwendolyn’s Twitter account. The tweet is trending!”

“What?” Nico was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. I might as well end myself here and now!

Summer understood his embarrassment, so she offered some consolation, saying, “Hey, it’s not as bad as you think! Remember, you’re just fulfilling a bet you lost. It’s only a few photos of you in women’s clothing. Once you’re back in your suits, no one will recognize you. And don’t worry, the online comments are actually quite positive!”

With that, she chuckled and added, “Hubby, who would’ve thought you would one day be forced to wear women’s clothing? Haha! This is hilarious! Remember to keep those clothes on until you arrive home!”

Nico saw red and gritted his teeth. “How could you laugh at me? I’m devastated! You’re in for it, Summer. I’m making you pay tonight!”

“Boohoo! Are you going to tickle me tonight? Oh, I’m so terrified! But, hey, remember to come home early, okay? And make sure to come back in those lovely clothes you’re wearing right now!”

With that, Summer ended the phone call.

Although she claimed to be terrified, she couldn’t contain her amusement. In fact, she burst into laughter at his misfortune.

Nico was seething with anger, feeling a strong urge to smash his phone to pieces. “You’re in for it now, Summer! Tonight, I’ll make you beg for mercy!” he threatened.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Nico couldn’t wait to rush home and settle the score with Summer.

However, the reality of his current predicament quickly dampened Nico’s spirits. He sighed heavily and slumped dejectedly on the steps of the toilet cubicle, his thick thighs spread apart in an unladylike posture.

Nico sulked over the clothes he was in before he went on his phone to check Gwendolyn’s Twitter profile.

The tweet was uploaded two hours prior, and it had accumulated over one hundred thousand likes and ten thousand comments.

There are so many people laughing at me, nationwide!

In the next instant, however, his mood was lifted when he started reading the comments in the comment section.

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