Wooing My Ex-Wife

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

When Benedict asked about the matter, Nico suddenly remembered a few years ago when Charles had assisted Cedrick in investigating the milk powder case. At that time, they had agreed to have a good fight once the issue had been resolved.

He had even made bold statements, declaring that if he lost, he would submit his letter of resignation on the spot and step down from the position of deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Unexpectedly, he found himself caught up in a whirlwind of subsequent events, including the wedding of Kieran and Inez and his own engagement party with Summer.

He was so absorbed in his busy schedule that he had completely forgotten about it.

Charles had also forgotten about the matter.

“No, I haven’t fought with him, but I am much stronger than Charles. He is definitely no match for me,” Cedrick asserted confidently.

“Really? That’s great. Uncle Nico, you’re awesome!”

A mischievous smile formed on Benedict’s face as an idea began to take shape in his mind.

Being praised by Benedict brought a sense of comfort to Nico.

He quickly brushed off the embarrassing moment of losing at chess and focused on the present.

“After everything is settled, I will challenge Charles to a duel and teach him a lesson on your behalf!”

The more he spoke, the prouder he grew. He showcased his strengths and abilities to his young nephew, even considering demonstrating a set of military boxing move right then and there.

Benedict played along, his face filled with admiration while his shiny black eyes hid mischievous thoughts.

Cloudington Group’s recent stock market crash had caused the Cloud family to lose billions in about three days.

Jessamyn’s father, Ignatius Cloud, had made two consecutive attempts to visit Charles at Newton Group, bringing gifts with him. However, on both occasions, he had been denied access to meet Charles.

Cedrick was extremely busy, constantly shuttling between the company and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, making him difficult to be tracked down. Despite Ignatius’ numerous attempts to meet him, he failed to catch a glimpse of Cedrick even once.

In a desperate attempt to keep the Cloud family afloat in the business world, Ignatius had no choice but to swallow his pride and keep pestering Charles until the latter was willing to meet with him.

Right then, Charles was in the midst of a meeting taking place in the spacious conference room of Newton Group.

Charles’ approach to business was just as ruthless as Cedrick’s. Having been in power for five years, he had to use certain methods to preserve his position in Newton Group.

Anyone who dared to provoke or oppose him would face severe consequences. They would be blacklisted from the industry and would never find employment in a reputable company again.

When Ignatius made another attempt to visit, the assistant hesitated to inform Charles, opting to temporarily brush Ignatius off.

The meeting lasted for a full hour.

Charles maintained a serious demeanor, showing no signs of fatigue on his face. He would occasionally take a sip of coffee to keep himself refreshed.

“Does onyone hove ony other suggestions?”

Everyone wos silent. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“All right, then. This concludes the meeting,” Chorles soid, topping the toble with his slender fingertips. He then turned to the executive ossistont stonding neorby ond instructed, “Give me o copy of the meeting minutes immediotely.”


Other senior directors left the conference room one ofter onother.

Chorles remoined seoted in the moin seot, engrossed in reoding the moteriols, showing no intention of leoving.

“It’s been o few yeors, ond Mr. Newton is still so meticulous in his work. He goes over the meeting minutes severol times before finolizing them. I think Newton Group moy reoch o greoter height in onother three to five yeors.” Someone discreetly glonced ot Chorles ond clicked their tongue, whispering to o director next to them, with whom they were ocquointed.

“Indeed. Mr. Newton is truly remorkoble. He’s much stronger compored to his predecessor.”

“But I heord thot he is on illegitimote child. In the beginning, everyone refused to occept being led by him. This is olso the reoson—”

“Hush! Don’t tolk nonsense. Whot if people heor you? Do you wont to be dismissed ot the next meeting?”

The mon toctfully shut up.

Within o few minutes, the lorge conference room, which hod been bustling with octivity, wos left with only o few people.

Severol elders of the Newton fomily remoined, fronticolly giving signols to Chorles’ executive ossistonts.

The executive ossistonts glonced ot Chorles, who wos engrossed in reviewing the moteriols on his loptop. After bowing to the elders of the Newton fomily, the ossistonts too left the conference room. As they exited, they closed the door behind them.

Only ofter they left did the elders opprooch Chorles ond osk him eornestly, “Chorles, we heord thot you hove olreody been on o blind dote with the doughter of the Cloud fomily. How did it go? And when do you plon to get engoged?”

Chorles remoined impossive, his voice cold ond devoid of emotion. “I’m not sotisfied with the relotionship, ond I hove no intention of toking it further.”

The two negotive responses cleorly conveyed Chorles’ strong disopprovol of this blind dote.

The elders of the Newton fomily exchonged glonces ond soon storted to express their disopprovol with bitter expressions.

One of them offered some odvice, soying, “Whot ore you dissotisfied with? Thot girl is beoutiful, hos o good personolity, ond her fomily bockground is compotible with the Newton fomily.”

Another elder odded, “Mr. Cloud come to see you o few times. Why don’t you meet him? You need to hove o conversotion to determine if it’s o suitoble motch, don’t you think?”

Another elder soid, “Indeed. You’re not getting ony younger. You’ve been in o position of power for five yeors ond you’re still not morried. At this rote, when will you be oble to give the Newton fomily on heir?”

Severol people surrounded Chorles, their voices overlopping os they bomborded him with their opinions ond suggestions.

“Does anyone have any other suggestions?”

Everyone was silent.

“All right, then. This concludes the meeting,” Charles said, tapping the table with his slender fingertips. He then turned to the executive assistant standing nearby and instructed, “Give me a copy of the meeting minutes immediately.”


Other senior directors left the conference room one after another.

Charles remained seated in the main seat, engrossed in reading the materials, showing no intention of leaving.

“It’s been a few years, and Mr. Newton is still so meticulous in his work. He goes over the meeting minutes several times before finalizing them. I think Newton Group may reach a greater height in another three to five years.” Someone discreetly glanced at Charles and clicked their tongue, whispering to a director next to them, with whom they were acquainted.

“Indeed. Mr. Newton is truly remarkable. He’s much stronger compared to his predecessor.”

“But I heard that he is an illegitimate child. In the beginning, everyone refused to accept being led by him. This is also the reason—”

“Hush! Don’t talk nonsense. What if people hear you? Do you want to be dismissed at the next meeting?”

The man tactfully shut up.

Within a few minutes, the large conference room, which had been bustling with activity, was left with only a few people.

Several elders of the Newton family remained, frantically giving signals to Charles’ executive assistants.

The executive assistants glanced at Charles, who was engrossed in reviewing the materials on his laptop. After bowing to the elders of the Newton family, the assistants too left the conference room. As they exited, they closed the door behind them.

Only after they left did the elders approach Charles and ask him earnestly, “Charles, we heard that you have already been on a blind date with the daughter of the Cloud family. How did it go? And when do you plan to get engaged?”

Charles remained impassive, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. “I’m not satisfied with the relationship, and I have no intention of taking it further.”

The two negative responses clearly conveyed Charles’ strong disapproval of this blind date.

The elders of the Newton family exchanged glances and soon started to express their disapproval with bitter expressions.

One of them offered some advice, saying, “What are you dissatisfied with? That girl is beautiful, has a good personality, and her family background is compatible with the Newton family.”

Another elder added, “Mr. Cloud came to see you a few times. Why don’t you meet him? You need to have a conversation to determine if it’s a suitable match, don’t you think?”

Another elder said, “Indeed. You’re not getting any younger. You’ve been in a position of power for five years and you’re still not married. At this rate, when will you be able to give the Newton family an heir?”

Several people surrounded Charles, their voices overlapping as they bombarded him with their opinions and suggestions.

At first, they had doubts about Charles’ ability to lead the Newton family, especially in light of the challenges Newton Group had faced under Craig’s leadership. They had put Charles through numerous tests to assess his capabilities.

They had also imposed a restriction on Charles, forbidding him from falling in love or getting involved in any romantic relationships. They believed that love could be a distraction and hinder his ability to effectively lead and prosper Newton Group.

However, over the years, they had noticed that Charles had been performing exceptionally well and had not made any major mistakes in leading Newton Group. The company was thriving under his leadership, which led them to shift their concern from his abilities to his marital status.

It had taken them a month of incessant nagging to convince Charles to go on a blind date, but they didn’t anticipate receiving the bad news so soon.

“Charles, it’s important to take your time when it comes to relationships with women. Even if you don’t like the daughter of the Cloud family now, we can understand. However, it’s worth giving it a try and going on a few dates first. I consulted a fortune teller, and they said that you two are a perfect match…”

Charles’ ears were filled with the buzzing noise of the conversations, and he rubbed his temples wearily, feeling a headache coming on.

“Will the heir be born to me or to you?”

All the elders were taken aback.

“To you, of course. You are the heir, after all. We are all old and will soon retire.”

Charles’ tone was casual as he asked, “So, who will be getting married, me or you?”

“You’re the one getting married.”

“So, shouldn’t I have the freedom to choose my own wife? I don’t like Ms. Cloud. Can you understand that?”

The elders sighed with embarrassment. “We understand your point, and we didn’t mean to meddle in your marriage. But… it’s been almost a year. Apart from Zendaya from the Jenson family, there are no other individuals of the opposite sex around you. Do you intend to live as a celibate?”

Charles retrieved a document and placed it on the table. “Take a look at this first.”

The elders picked it up in confusion.

“A marriage certificate?”

“You’re married? When was that? With whom?”

“Isn’t the certificate in your hand? Why are you asking him? Hurry up and take a look.”

This incident happened so suddenly that the elder holding the marriage certificate reacted belatedly.

The girl had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was an exotic beauty and was smiling joyfully in the photo.

Charles, on the other hand, maintained a cold expression throughout. It was as if he had been forced into the situation.

The elders looked at the date on the marriage certificate.

The marriage was registered today. It just happened. Did they register their marriage in the morning? He managed to get himself a wife without anyone knowing! How did he do it so quickly?

The few elders were dumbfounded.

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