Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

I took Darien until Alora passed by the Delta Fighter Class row for him to take his phone out and start recording. Darien knew if he missed getting this fight on camera his brother would kill him. He was glad he started his recording when he did as he was able to capture Alora’s vault into the Arena. “Am I the only one freaking out about how strong Alora’s Alphas aura is?” Mason asked, his voice had a high pitched note to it. Darien turned his head to look at the others of their class as they shook their heads. Their expressions varying from shocked admiration to silently freaking out. If Damien were here, he would either be laughing at them all or looking at them with a smug, I knew it all along, expression. Darien stood up to get a better angle with his phone, then he smacked himself as he remembered he had a video camera in his bag. He almost stopped his video to grab it and continue with it, but he glanced up at the row his parents were in and caught sight of his mother using her video camera. Darien decided to keep recording with his phone, he could send this one to his brother right after it was done. Darien would get a ropy of the video his mom was catching and send it to Damien in an email later tonight. Only a minute and a half into Alora’s five minute song choice and she was now standing in front of Sarah, towering over her. Sarah looked at Alora with a twisted expression, her insanity and fury came from her in waves. There was a scent to Sarah’s insanity, one Alora could only describe as a sickly-sweet smell. Just underneath that scent there was another. This other scent seemed wrong to Alora, it was like something inside Sarah was rotting. Xena did not like the smell of Sarah any better than Alora did. “She has become most foul Xena commented, her disgust in her tone. “It took you long enough to get down here whore!” Sarah snarled, Alora did not reply, she just stood there with her arms crossed under her bust and looked at Sarah. Her face showed no emotion except in her eyes. In the glowing violet and silver orbs, you could see just how much disdain Alora felt towards Sarah.

Sarah did not like the way Alora was looking at her, like she was better than her. Sarah thought she would put Alora in her place today and take her title. Sarah felt Alora did not deserve her spot as a first rank Alpha class fighter, only she did. “You better submit to the beating I’m about to give you, or else you’ll pay for it later!” Sarah yelled at her. Alora’s expression did change then, a smirk curled up one side of her mouth. “I don’t even need to bring forth Xena to defeat you.” Sarah looked at her and was nearly foaming at the mouth in her anger. Unable to hold back any longer, Sarah charged, and had her legs kicked out from under ber. As Sarah fell face first towards the platform’s floor, she was kicked upward by her stomach. The blow to her stomach had all the air leaving Sarah’s lungs, preventing her from being able to scream from the pain. After her upwards kick to Saral’s stomach, Darien watched as Alora jumped and delivered a spinning downwards kick across Sarah’s back. Reversing Sarah’s upward rise and slamming her down onto the floor of the platform with a loud thump “Goddess.” Jaxon gasped out, “Alora’s not giving her an inch.” Darien and the others all silently agreed with him. Alora backed away a bit from Sarah and started to circle around her. Waiting patiently for Sarah to get her breath back and attempt another attack. Sarah gasped, drawing great big gulps of air, and then coughing, only to have her lungs seize up as pain wracked her body. It was not a pretty sight. Sarah’s face was dark red, tears made her mascara run down her face. Drool was dripping off Sarah’s chin and the white of her eyes turned red. It took a minute before Sarah was able to breathe enough to get up and stand, her fury returning as she did. “I will make you pay for that tenfold tonight?” Sarah growled out. Sarah’s words only came out in a husky growl instead of a shriek because of the damage coughing had done to her throat. Alora did not say anything, the just let out a short chuckle. Sarah was mindless in her rage now, and Alota’s smile was like waving a red cloth in front of a bull Sarah staggered a moment then she was rushing forward again. This time Alora only stepped to the side and swiped Sarah’s legs out from under her. C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

Sarah found herself face down on the platform again, her nose breaking on impact. Sarah shrieked in pain and grabbed her bloody nose rolling around for a moment. Then she looked at Alora, who was standing there looking down at her one hand on her hip. Sarah let out another shriek, this time in fury. Sarah hopped up to her feet and started to pull off her clothes. “Thats it you whore no more mercy! I am going to rip your throat out!” Sarah’s shriek came out

stuffy sounding, because of her booken nose Sarah forced her beady to shift into her Lyxan firm, the far on this form was pure white Sarah could have been a powerful Werewolf if Sarah’s wolf had not refused her. This forced Sarah to ingest daily persons just to be able to use the power of her wall stained her white far With her Epean form, eve In fær Lycan form, Sarah was now as tall as Alors, blood dripped from her faster, and more powerful. However, the lacked the fight training Alora had, and the instincts of her wolf as formed, Sarah Alora did not shift, instead she brought her feet close together and started to do a bit of a pimping foot dance. This was something lowers did before a fight. Alora let out more of her power, and now art of purple colored electricity would occasionally snap around Alora, some traveling through her her Alora’s eyes glowed, her longer than human upper and lower fang teeth, were exposed by the anticipatory grin stretched across her face. Sarah charged at her, prepared for Alora to sidestep her again. Only this time Alora was not going to dodge With a herce grin and glowing eyes, Alora stepped forward into the attack. As her Sit came up, multiple streaks of purple colored lightning arced around it. The purple arcs of electricity flashed brightly and cracked loudly as Alora’s fist connected in a powerful uppercut to Sarah’s muzzle, sending her flying upwards. Not wanting to end this battle yet, Alora grabbed Sarah by her fur covered ankle and slammed her back down onto the platform. There was a boom from the impact and Alora heard it when the air in

Sarah’s lungs was forced out. As Alora waited for Sarah to recover, the first song she had chosen ended. Sarafi was finally able to get up, her breathing heavy, her shoulders hunched in obvious pain, and a crazy look in her eyes. The second song was now playing, the hypt’s a challenge to all the suffered at the hand of Sarah and her parents, Mutiny by Neoni “I thought you were going to teach me a lesson?” Alora asked, taunting Sarah, her fang revealing grin still in place. Sarah could not understand what was going on, this whore had never fought back like this before. The grin Alora had on her face was driving Sarah crazy with rage, the whore was laughing at her. Sarah’s rage continued to deteriorate her thinking ability, and Alora’s question only triggered an uncontrollable urge to attack. No longer able to think, Sarah turned into a reactionary beast that only knew how to attack, but not really fight. Sarah was no match for Alora as a fighter. Noner of Sarah’s attacks landed on Alora, instead she was kicked, or punched up into the air only to be slammed back down into the ground repeatedly. The maction of those connected to Alora and Sarah, in one way or another, were varied as they watched the fight. This was revenge, a public beating Sarah had coming for a long time. There were many females in the crowd who were feeling a sense of recompense, as they watched Sarah receive such a severe beating. Sarah had seduced nuny of their mates before they were able to claim them. Then after the females claimed their mates Sarah would come and cause trouble. Duha Kuznetsov was one of those females, she had been extremely upset with the way Sarah had attacked her mate in the arena earlier. Dasha felt Sarah deserved every blow she received from Alora. Bettina and Allater were both extremely furious, feeling humiliated as they watched the female, they considered nothing but trash, beat the female they considered their treasure. Jaxon, Kain, and Galen were all thinking to themselves that they had chosen the right Alpha to serve if Alora would allow them to. Darien felt like it was about time Alora broke out of the restraints her family had placed on her and

fought back. Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember both felt a sense of pride at how calmly Alora systematically tore Sarah apart and taught her an unforgettable lesson. Just as the final note of Alora’s second song choice was sung, the landed her finishing blow. A powerful kick to Surah’s chest, purple arcs of electricity sparking and snapping as the blow connected. This time Alora did not stop Sarah’s flight off of the platform and across the arena.

silent for ful sinute before the crowd stood up, roaring and howling in approx Chapter Comments Susan Moledor Those idiots who believed Sarah’s rumors are proba

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