Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

“I think we should all be asking two important questions.” Brock’s deep baritone gined everyones attention, “Question one is, who gets to tell Damien about this? The second question is, how much do we tell him” Brock’s words had Jonathan thinking back to a day that took place five years ago. Back then, he had already been aware of Alora, and the special circumstances surrounding her education. As Alora had already started attending his high school while still in middle school. It also helped that Jonathan and the Principal of the Middle school were brothers. So naturally he had been fully informed as to how Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember, gained a conservatorship over Alora’s education. Everything went through them, they were the only ones authorized to have any say in Alora’s education. If Alora’s educational future had been left to Bettina and Allister……she would have never advanced beyond middle school. Jonathan remembered sitting in this very office, the last day of that school year. In walked a youth he knew very well, the oldest son of the Pack’s Alpha. Damien had already been an intimidating individual since he was a young pup. Always having had the air of an Alpha. Jonathan had stood up and looked into that blue on blue gaze of Damien’s, Damien’s hair had been bound back in a tight braid that draped over his shoulder. One he had witnessed a young Alora, with large luminescent violet silver ringed eyes, put in herself earlier that day. Jonathan hadn’t known at first why Damien was there, but it had become clear later, Damien was leaving the Pack’s territory, to go to ah Alpha University that was located nearly thirty eight hours away. Damien would be living on campus while attending the University and would only be able to come back to visit sporadically Damien had wanted to make sure that in his absence, Jonathan would make sure Alora was taken care of while he was away. It was very obvious to everyone that Alora was someone very special to Damien. Damien had been the biggest barrier between Alora and any would-be bullies. Jonathan was brought back to the present when the Alpha spoke suddenly. “I asked Damien once, what Alora meant to his wolf Zane and him.” Alpha Andrew said in a deepBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

voice. Alpha Andrew’s voice was one that could either bring you the greatest comfort or instill the most bladder and bowel-emptying fear. Alpha Andrew had been looking at the picture on his phone for a while before he spoke. Looking down at the special female with a greater destiny than even she knew, Alora had no idea what was waiting for her after today. When Damien had left to finalize his education, he had gotten a promise from his father. This promise was that no matter how bad or upsetting the information would be. They had to tell Damien all of it, every detail, leaving nothing out. This was not the first time Andrew wished he’d not given Damien that promise now. Only because he knew this would cause his pup much pain. Prompting Andrew to remember that long ago question, and the answer his pup gave him. Everyone was looking at Andrew, waiting for him to tell them the rest. “He told me, his wolf said Alora would be the most important thing to them in the world.” His voice was rough with emotion. Brock thought that, although Alpha Andrew was the Alpha of Alpha’s, this didn’t mean he was an emotionless and cold hearted ba stard. There were too many who thought that’s what it took to be a good Alpha, but it wasn’t. To be a good Alpha, they needed to be able to actually give a damn about the beings in their care. Brock looked at his best friend since pup-hood, now his Alpha.. It didn’t take much to see that his friend was thinking some heavy thoughts. Brock wished he could wring Matt’s neck right now, rejecting a treasure like Alora for something mangy like Sarah. It had hurt him to watch, and hear it happen. “Alora didn’t even flinch when the rejection had hit her. Alora’s expression remained the same throughout the entire ordeal.” Brock said aloud absentmindedly. Ember looked at Brock, her eyes were glittering with unshed tears. Today should have been the happiest day for both Darien and Alora. Only it wasn’t turning out that way. While one was accepted by their mate, the other was rejected and then attacked for no good reason. Ember’s mate was once again struggling to honor his promise to their pup. Brock’s words just

further broke her heart. Ember and her mate were not stupid, they knew the signs of severe abuse. Their hands were tied though, by the Werewolf Council They said evidence was needed before Andrew could take action. When asked what kind of evidence, they were told three types. Photographic or video evidence of the event, verbal testimony followed by an investigation, deep lasting scarring that is obviously not caused by normal training.

if Andrew and Ember ever thought they could consiner Alora to provide a testimony, they would. They both knew however, dut Alora would never adne to her abusive circumstances. A therapist had once explained to Ember, that some chiktren, of propa in this cre, who experiment mutine aluse tos sfies didnt speak up Because they either wrongly felt ashamed, or wings believed they desered it The Council had been moving away from using their innate instincts, when making a decision on whether to act or not, adopting a fem of due process. Beber In her mate had thought the Council had been interfering too mach with ha as an Alpha anel Alpha of Alphars Andrew’s father had believed the same thing and had been about to do something about it when he died. Passing the position to a neticeably young Andree Andrew didn’t have the Centuries of experience his father had when he first became Alpha. There for, Andrew had relied on the Council for a time. Now though, Andrew was extraordinarily strong and more than capable of maintaining his position and power. Ember let out an emotional sigh, turned back to Andrew and feåned into her mates shoulder, grabbing his hand with one of hers and faced their fingers together. Rubbing her face affectionately against his shoulder, Ember raised her gaze to Andrews. Ember pushed her feelings of love and support through their bond, trying to comfort her mate as best she could. Andrew bent down, and gently touched his forehead to Embers, closing his eyes. Andrew couldn’t even begin to describe how grateful he was that the Moon Goddess tied this female to him. “Thank you mate.” Andrew said softly, his voice full of emotion. As long as he had Ember by his side, Andrew felt he could make it through any hardship.

Andrew basked in the comfort his mate wrapped around him. It was like he was bundled tightly in a blanket made up entirely of hes. It soothed him and allowed Andrew to pull himself together. Finally, Andrew was able to plan out his next steps. Taking in a deep breath, breathing in his mate’s scent, Andrew lifted his face and met Ember’s Gaze. Ember’s expression was soft with love, her concern for him only seen in her eyes and felt through their bond. “I’m better mate, I promise, feel it through our bond.” Andrew told her softly. After doing just that Ember nodded at Andrew, feeling reassured. Brock and Jonathan faded to the background for Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember. They stood off to the side silently, watching their Alpha and Luna have a private moment in front of them. Brock cleared his throat, bringing attention to the fact that there were still two others in the room with the loving pair. Ember blushed a little but didn’t have any other reaction to Brock’s attention getting sound. Andrew sent a small glare in Brock’s direction, promising some kind of retribution for embarrassing his mate. Brock saw it and grinned, thinking his old friend could bring it, he needed a good work out anyway. Andrew let out a huff of annoyance before focusing back on his mate. Next to Brock, Jonathan was looking up at him and thinking him insane for annoying their Alpha. “Although,” Jonathan thought, if anyone could hold their own with the Alpha, it was Brock.” “I’ll send the photo to Damien, and a text message. He’s three hours behind us, so he should just be waking up.” Alpha Andrew said. Brock snorted. “Don’t you know your own pup by now?” He asked Andrew, his tone amused. “That pup of yours will have been up, getting in a few training hours before he takes the first half of his final written exams today.” “That’s right, our Damien always has been an overachiever dear.” Luna Ember said in a noticeably brighter tone, obviously proud of her pup. Andrew smiled at Ember, then frowned as he typed up the text to send with the picture. It took him a good five minutes to get it all composed and then sent. Now he would just have to wait for a reply.

“So, now that Damien’s informed, should we inform Boris and Lissanna that their youngest pup rejected his goddess blessed mate?” Brock asked. Right after Brock asked his question, everyone turned toward the direction of the door when they heard two pairs of running feet. The door burst open as Boris and Lissanna rushed in. “Andrew, something terrible has happened! Matt rejected his goddess blessed mate!” Boris said, his voice loud in his distress. “That’s not all, Matt believes he was under a Black Magic spell, he even sent me a picture of the item he believes carried it.” Andrew stood up rapidly at Boris’s words. “Black Magic?!” he asked, a growl in his voice.

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