Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Alora’s POV

Once Sarah was gone, and the spells finished, Selena retreated and I was back to my human form once again. I turned and looked at my mate, taking him in, enjoying the fact that he was here, right here. I could reach out and touch him if I wanted, I was able to feel and hear him through our bond.

I wanted nothing more at this moment, than for my mate to take me home. For him to do nothing but hold me and make love to me, uninterrupted except for sleep. for the next week or so. The look on his face and the feeling I got from him through our bond, made me believe he would be more than willing to do just that.

I ran to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping myself around him. His arms came around me and held me to him. It was at that time a commotion happened on the outer edges of the group. There was one last Coven member alive, he had somehow managed to escape being killed with the others.

He currently had Sunny in his grip, a knife to her throat. Asher, seeing this let out a snarl and turned into his Sprite form. Sunny didn’t look happy to be grabbed by him, in fact, she looked pissed off. Her eyes and strands in her hair started to glow. Her expression was stone cold fury, it seemed Sunny had matured more since my abduction.

“You traitorous mutt! How dare you side with the Coven’s enemy! I should have killed you the day I rejected you!” Jack yelled, pointing at Rain.

“Well, well, well, my last tormentor not only showed himself, he’s handed himself to us on a platter.” I purred at my mate through our mind link.

Rain and Matt were talking to each other, having an obviously intimate moment. This seems to infuriate Jack. Jack started to scream vulgar accusations and call her all manner of degrading titles. These all seem to enrage Matt, Rain was holding him back. Sunny’s expression of fury became a thing of terrifying beauty.

“Has this Warlock hurt you?” My mate asked me with a growl. His fury at this Warlock came to me through our bond.

“He’s the one who sent my first three meals to me. Although Jack here didn’t mean for them to become a meal for me. He meant for them to rape and torture me. “I told him, my voice calm.

I was trying to figure a way to separate Sunny from Jack without her getting hurt, or at least coming out of the altercation alive and not maimed. My mate’s fury turned into a seething need to destroy the thing that had meant to harm his mate. It warmed my heart, because it showed me just how much my mate loved me.

I sent that feeling of love to him and it seemed to calm him. Enough so he was able to focus on the situation at hand, his mind syncing with mine. Alone, my mate and I were still powerful and devastatingly deadly in our own right. Together we were an ultimate team that obliterated our enemies.


Focusing on Sunny I looked for a bond, my mate should have brought her into our Clan in my stead, so there should be a link. It didn’t take much for me to find it, and I realized how strong our little Fae had gotten once her blood had been awakened. She was indeed connected to us, and it was a strong one.

“Sunny my sweet little Fae, are you able to break his hold on you without getting hurt?” I asked her through our Clan’s mind link.

Her expression changed to one of surprise for a moment, before becoming expressionless, hiding her emotions from the Warlock holding her captive.

“If I let my wings out they will knock him off me and back a small distance.” Sunny said in a calm voice.

She wasn’t panicking at all, or if she was, she was pushing that panic down and forcing herself to act rationally, this made me so proud of her.

“Good, we want you to release your wings then run to us as fast as you can.” Damien ordered Sunny in a calm and even voice.

“Yes, Alphas.” Sunny responded with respect to both of us.

Sunny immediately followed our orders, and brought out her wings. Jack was cut off mid rant and flung backward with a yell. Sunny was fast, so much so she looked like a golden blur of moving light. Once she was back to us, Asher, in his Sprite form gathered her up into his arms and crushed her to his chest. Sunny clung to him

in return. All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.


It was Damien and Matt who rushed forward, both turning into their wolf form. They each started to tear into Jack. Jack screamed in agony, his screams growing louder when Zane took one of his legs in his mouth and Aries took the opposite arm in his mouth, and they pulled. The wolves playing a tug of war of sorts. Only instead of ropes, it was a screaming Warlock.

Zane and Aries kept tugging on their respective limbs until they were ripped from Jack’s body with a wet popping sound. Blood gushed from where the limbs had been torn ofl. Jack was still alive and

screaming, so Zane and Aries each grabbed one of the remaining limbs and started all over again. 3


More wet ripping and popping sound were heard, and Jack’s screams became weaker, till they were nothing more than quiet sobs. Then they struck one last time, Zane going for Jack’s throat, Aries his torso. Jack’s sobs ended on a wet pain filled gurgle.


lack was dead, it was over, and I could feel a weight had been lifted within my mate. He had gotten his bit of justice for me, it was time to go home. Aries trotted over to Rain and Zane came to me. I didn’t pay attention to the interplay between Rain and Aries, I was too busy focusing on Zane. Damien’s clothes were torn when he let Zane out, so he stayed in wolf form, as no one had spares, Aries was in the same situation.


I looked at Rain and said in a soft voice. “Take us home.”

Rain nodded and soon we were surrounded by a rotating wall of icy blue fire that spun around us like a tornado. After a faint stomach dropping sensation, the fire disappeared, and we were back in the Heartsong Mansion’s courtyard. The moment we were home, I felt all the adrenaline drain from me. I collapsed against Damien who had shifted back the moment I started swaying.

He picked me up, cradling me against him as my knees buckled. “Mate?” He said, his voice filled with concern. 1

“I’m fine, my love, just exhausted. I need rest, real rest, not a drugged sleep.” I told him.

I heard Matt call out for Rain as everything went black. Damien shouting my name was the last thing I heard before the blackness took away all consciousness.

Damien’s POV

Alora was limp in my arms, but she was breathing, and she was here with me. Still I couldn’t hold back the panicked call I sent to my mom and dad through our family link. I knew they would come running, and mom would make sure Alora and our pups were fine. I sat on the ground with Alora in my lap to wait for my mother.

There was magic and healing energy in this courtyard, and an energy that had always seemed to feed and bolster Alora’s powers. Thinking of our pups I place one of my hands gently on Alora’s abdomen. Her once flat belly now had a firm and slight pooch where our’ pups were growing.

I could feel their energy, and I hadn’t realized till that moment how much I needed to feel those sparks of life inside her. Our pups were still alive, and safe inside their mother. If Alora would have lost them, she would have been devastated, no….she would have been completely shattered.

Thinking of that I ridiculously decided to lecture my unborn pups, as if they could actually hear me. “You will live, and when you come out you will be healthy, you will be strong, and you will love and cherish your mother.” My tone was firm, my words demanding.

Off to my side I could hear an upset Matt, he was arguing with Lillian and the red haired male named Dominic, Rain’s Beta and father. They had both been slaves to the Black Magic Coven. My mother came running, my father behind her. I was surrounded by Alora’s siblings, and her sibling’s mates.

Everyone was standing there silently, seeming afraid to breathe, waiting on my mothers verdict on Alora’s condition. My mother quickly knelt on the ground and examined Alora. Pulling back her lids and shining a light, checking her pulse, her blood pressure and temperature. Then mom made me

put her flat on the ground so she could check her torso. Mom did a few other checks and seemed to be satisfied with what she found. Though she looked concerned about all the blood covering Alora.

“Let’s get her into one of the maternity suites, they have better showers, and large tubs for those who choose water births. We can get her cleaned up, then I can do an ultrasound and some blood work. I don’t want to do any x-rays or CT scans just yet because of the risks to her pregnancy. We’ll only do those if they’re necessary, for now, I have a feeling we’ll find malnutrition and exhaustion to be the cause of her unconsciousness. So I want to get her on the necessary fluid supplements as

soon as possible.”


As mom talked she had me pick her up and we started walking towards the clinic. Matt was following another Heartsong doctor with Rain in his arms. Other than to make sure they were receiving the care they needed I left them alone, my focus on Alora and our pups for the time being

My father put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. “Everything will be fine, you focus on taking care of Alora and I will take care of this Clan for now.”

His words squeezed my heart and warmed me, reminding me just how great my parents both were. “Thanks dad.” I told him in a rough, emotion filled voice.

“Your welcome son, I’ll be off, listen to your mother, don’t cause trouble.” He said, making me smile.

With a kiss to my mother’s cheek, my father left to gu take care of the Clan. My mother led me into the maternity ward and into one of the empty rooms, then the bathroom of the ward. The bathroom had a large tub and a standing shower with a bench. The bathroom was big enough for medical personnel to be in here with a patient.

My mother started the tub, adjusting the water temp. Holding Alora to me, I used the claw of one hand to cut her clothes away. It was only after I had peeled away her blood soaked clothes, that I remembered the Chastity Bell spell. At first I panicked, then I let out a sigh, there was one

exception to that spell. The bonded mate

of the spell caster, this meant 1 was safe from its retribution.


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