Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Alora’s POV

The wind was nice as it continued to blow on my face and through my hair as I rode in the passenger seat of the Jeep. Sunny was in the back with a book of the Sidhe, this was something my new grandmother had stowed in her library. She had sent it to the Castle after learning what happened to Sunny, said it was something she thought could help Sunny get to know what she was and the history behind that. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

The meeting we’d had with grandmother before the Ceremony had been interesting, and tear filled. I came to find out that grandmother, was actually a really good person, when not under the control of black magic. Beatrice seemed to connect with her the most on this point, as she was another who had been controlled by black magic as well. Grandmother explained that, when she wasn’t near her daughters, she was perfectly normal, and was proud of her daughter Galena being a Witches Council Member, and of Stephanie having become a Queen.

When we had stepped into her living room, we had been surprised to see the pictures. The kind most grandmothers who doted on their family had, baby pictures of all her grand children, pictures of their academic achievements, there was even a picture of mom and dad’s wedding, and aunt Galena’s. Grandma hated what she became when she had been around her girls, because it wasn’t her. She said she didn’t know why it took so long to figure out the reason she was acting the way she was. That was why it took her so long to ask for help.

What was really surprising, is that all three woman could have been triplets. Except for a few small differences here or there, mom, grandma and aunt Glena looked very much alike. Golden hair, and golden eyes with their golden skin. She explained to us that one of the reasons the Goldlights were able to split from the Black Magic Coven, was because the Witch that started the bloodline, was in

love with a Sidhe. At the time, a relationship between a Coven Witch and Sidhe was forbidden, because the Coven considered them a lesser species and nothing more than slaves.

The Witch became pregnant, and when the girl was born with gold hair and golden eyes, the Coven planed to make the child a sacrifice. They were also going to kill her mate, because a slave was not supposed to breed with a Coven Witch. To protect her daughter and her mate, the Witch, along with several other’s who had forbidden mates, escaped the custody of the Coven. They sought sanctuary with the Heartsongs, and when it came to taking down the Coven, were more than willing, because that meant there would be a future for them, one where they didn’t have to hide.


When we asked Grandma to let me and Damien see the office, the one that belonged to her former husband, she had a grim look. She stood outside the room, looking at it like she wanted to burn it to the ground. “I hate this room, because of it and the person who used to use it….I lost out of the best moments of my children’s lives, I became a monster that tortures my daughters mate….I really hate this room.” her last words had been filled with tears.

When I stepped through the threshold, I felt it. There were still active spells, the Witches Council hadn’t been able to deactivate them all, it took a moment, but I got rid of the ones left behind. Although the taint was now gone, I didn’t think Grandmother will ever be using this room for herself, not with the memories attached to it. Damien and I had looked around, and found a lot of information on the Covens movements and their plans. Her husband had been a high ranking member of/ the Coven, his death had been unexpected.

We found a journal that was about all the accidents within the Moon Mountain Pack that had wiped out a lot of it. Including the older members of the Moonstar Clan. Only we now knew they were no longer accidents, but things the Coven had done, with the help of the Frost and Northmountain Clans. Then we found an older journal, this one dating back to the Pandemic a hundred years ago,

it took out nearly half of the Supernaturals, mostly our older generations, and the very young, and billions of humans.

It had been a turning point in our medical history, and a start in working towards a better healthier earth and way of living. It took nearly two years to come up with a vaccine to fight the pandemic. So many died in those two years, and with this journa), I now knew that Pandemic….was created by the Black magic Coven. So many past terrible events had just been clarified with those two books, I didn’t even want to open the rest, but grandma insisted I take them. 14

“You might find something really important in them. That Coven cannot be allowed to rise to power again.” she said holding my hands, her tone serious. It had convinced me, so I now had a trunk of journals in the back of our jeep.

I peek at Sunny in the rearview mirror, she had a captivated look on her face as she read the book grandma had given her. Sunny had held it together during the entire Ceremony, but after….not so much. I first noticed something was wrong when she was really quiet, she seemed dazed and lost in thought. When I asked her what was wrong, she could only babble about having wings.

I’d grabbed her up in a hug and said “Oh Sunny, you are so very special yet you have never known it. It calmed her down a lot. I’d held her for a few more minutes, I let her go after I felt she was ok.

After the hug, she asked me if i could tell her what was going on. We told her our suspicions, about what we scented when we first met her, how we connected it to a long ago comrade in arms. She told us that on her fathers side, the women in her family all looked like her when they were young, then around their eighteenth birthday it was like they blossomed, becoming taller full figured women, and their eyes change. The men were just the same, she pulled out a picture for us.

It was of a tiny Sunny with her mother, father and aunt. Her father and aunt both had golden eyes, hair, and milk white skin. Her mother had dark green eyes and long auburn hair, pale skin and freckles. She’d been a very beautiful woman, and I could see her obvious love for her husband and

Sunny. She told us when the plane crash happened, her mother had been pregnant with a little brother, but because of the shock of what happened, lost the baby.



Sunny had had some really hard knocks in this life, it was my hope, that by coming to the Heartsong Mansion, she would be able to find a better happier life from now on. I was startled out of my thoughts when Damien put his hand on my thigh, I look over at him, and he smiles gently.

“What has you brooding my mate?” he askes in a soft tone.

I take in a breath and blow it out “A lot, everything that has happened over the last week.” I tell him. Looking out the window I admire the beautiful sunset we were driving towards. It was a mixture of oranges, reds, and purples, over green forest covered hills. It almost looked like a water colored painting. Picking up my camera from the console, I adjust the lens and take several pictures.

“You’ve got a chance to take a lot of pictures, we’ll be driving well into the night.” Damien tells me.

“Are we going to switch anytime soon?” I asked him.

“I can drive a good sixteen hours” He says, “Although, if you want to drive, I’ll pull over at our next rest stop.” he adds.

I thought about it, I would like to drive at some point, but if I was driving, I couldn’t properly enjoy the views. “I’ll let you know how I feel later.” I tell him.

He chuckles. “You want to drive, but you want to enjoy the view also.” he says.

I glare at him. “Are you reading my mind again?” I ask him in an annoyed tone.

He laughs then. “No my darling mate, I just know you that well.” he says, love and amusement in his tone.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Not so sure if that’s a good thing or not.” I say in a dry tone.

He laughs, grabs my hand and lifts it up, he places a kiss on the back of my hand. “I love you my Starlight.” he says.

“Fine, I’ll let it be a good thing…but only because you love me.” I tell him, pretending to pout.

He chuckles. “My mom is planning a welcome home dinner for when we get back, any requests?” He asked me.

It didn’t take me long to think about it. “Her five layer lasagna.” I tell him, already drooling just thinking about it.


Suddenly Sunny’s head appears between the seats, startling me, I jumped against my door, putting my hand over my pounding heart. “You said five layered lasagna right?” she askes in excitement.

I nod my head, looking at her cautiously. “I would love to have that, my mom used to make it for me, it’s my favorite dish. She says.

Damien laughs. “I’ll tell mom to make it, she’ll love having you two devour it.” he says.

Sunny sits back in her seat saying, “Yay!” excitedly.

Damien contacts his mom back and I went back to looking out the window, and listened to the music we had playing. I leaned my seat back so I could relax more, wasn’t long till I was closing my eyes, and falling asleep.


/////Author’s Note: Sorry for the late update, I’ve caught another flu bug and have been really sick. I’m starting to get over it, but it’s lingering like a bad cold. At least I don’t have the burning joint pain and I’m nor longer expelling out both ends. Plus I no longer have a fever cooking my brains, need what few cells I have up their to function. Thank you to all who’ve stayed with this book this far, I still have more chapters to come. Sorry for the grammer errors that have made it through the proof reading, however I’ve decided I will not be fixing then untill after I am done writing this book./////

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