Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Alora’s POV con’d

Breakfast was going to be amazing, there were so many dishes on the menu I couldn’t remember the

names of them all, but they all sounded delicious. Of course watching my brother Asher, sit there in a

stunned and catatonic state for twenty minutes, was highly amusing.

It was a touch on the arm and a “Are you all right?” said in a small but sweet voice, that had startled my

brother back into reality.

He looked down at Sunny, then smiled. “I’m fine.” he tells her in a gentle voice, patting her hand.

She smiles brightly up at him, again, her smile brought the feeling of warm sunshine, she almost seem

to glow with an internal light. Like she was made up of literal sunshine. Asher looked enchanted as he

gazed down at her smile, it was the waiter, coming with the first of our orders, that broke the spell

between the two.

At that point, I had to ask. “How old are you Sunny?”

She looked up at me and seemed startled by the question. “I’m sixteen…but I turn seventeen June

21st.” she said in that small sweet voice. If I listened closely, I could almost hear a tinkling, like a tiny

bell was in her voice. “I was born during the Summer Solstice.” she tells us.

That was an interesting bit of knowledge, it also told me how long my little brother would have to wait

before claiming his little mate. “Mate….was it Zane who told you what her scent was?” I asked Damien.

Thinking, of all of us, Zane was the only one with mostly intact memories of our past lives.

I made sure to keep my conversation with Sunny flowing, while talking to my mate through out mind

link. “We’ll be back before your Birthday…is there anything you’d like to do for your birthday?” I asked


“Yes, he said she smelled like someone he once knew, from that long ago war.” was Damien’s reply to

my question.

I watched as Sunny thought about my question. “Who?” I asked. Damien.

“My drivers license….I already know how to drive…my mom taught me before she died….but he

wouldn’t allow me to get my license…not even when he started to make me drive him to the liquor

store.” Sunny says, her voice even smaller, sadness coming into her tone. It felt almost as if her light

was diminished, and the warmth I felt from her, suddenly disappeared.

“A Sidhe by the name of Solrikt Ljos, in his language it meant…” Damien trailed off and looked at the

girl, an assessing look in his eyes.


“Sunny light” I finished for him. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well that’s something we can easily have arranged for you, Darien’s the one who taught me to drive

1′ —– —–matnumunlo linanco” I toll her

and helped me get my drivers license, and my motorcycle license.” I tell her.

“Yes, according to Zane, he was a highly respected General in the Seelie Court, he was a sun Fae.”

Dots were starting to connect, and a new picture of Sunny was starting to appear.

Sunny’s smile at my words, was large and bright, hope sparkling in her eyes. It was suddenly warm

again. “That would be wonderful! Thank you!” she gushed.

“Do you think maybe she’s his descendent?” I asked my mate.

Asher clears his throat, getting Sunny’s attention. “Do you know how to drive a motorcycle?” he asks


“It’s a very big possibility, but I’m afraid I don’t know of a way to find out at the moment.” Damien says.

“No but I would love to learn, I’ve always wanted to ride on one, the thought of having that much open

air around me with the wind on my face, sounds like it would be so freeing.” Sunny tells Asher, still

gushing, enchanting Asher with her smile.

“It’s really too bad that were sending her to the Pack, instead of taking her with us.” I say to Damien,

wanting to get to know the girl that would one day be the first of my sister in-laws.

“If you’ll allow me to, I would like to teach you how to drive a motorcycle.” Asher’s cheeks turn a little

red as he said this to Sunny.

Damien shifts around in his seat, and I feel that his sudden anxiousness through our bond.

“Actually….after hearing how well she healed….and knowing she was your future sister in-law…. I felt

you would prefer to have her with us…and… I mind linked my parents to tell them we were going to

take her with us instead.” He cringes as he said the last part fast, like he’s expecting me to be mad.

On the contrary, I was actually very happy. Not only did my mate know me well, he showed how well he

did, by doing things that would make me happy. I turn to look at him, and let my excitement show in my

eyes, and sent him the joy I was feeling, through our bond.

“Thank you for doing this my mate, I’m very happy you did.” my tone filled with my love for him.

I feel his relief and he smiles back at me, after the relief, his love for me became the biggest occupying

emotion, that I could feel through our bond. “You are very welcome” he responds, his voice deep and


Our moment was broken when Darien says “What are you two talking about so privately?” In a loud

voice, getting everyone’s attention centered on us.

Under the spotlight of everyone’s gazes, I look at Darien and growled “Why is it I tolerate you again.”

My tone annoyed.

Darien, unfazed by my growled words, said “Because I’ve been your best friend since we were nine,

you’re mated to my older brother, you love me like a brother, and I let you beat me up on a regular

basis.” his tone annoyingly bright and just a touch jaunty.

I was going to growl at him again, but he was right. Besides, I wanted to see how Sunny and Asher

would react to Damien’s bit of news “If you must know…Damien was just telling me that we’re taking

Sunny with us.” I tell him in a dry drawl.

Sunny, still smiling a beam of sunshine, jumped happily in her seat. “You mean I get to travel with you

all?!” she asked in an excited tone. I nod at her question.

“I love seeing you happy my Starlight” Damien whispers to me through our mind link. My heart warmed

and melted at his words. I was still a little amazed that this was my life now…before…I never dared to

hope…to dream…that I could have this much joy and happiness in my life…this much love.

Asher also looked pleased with the turn of events. “I’m glad you’ll be joining us.’ he said, looking

mesmerized by her smile.

Looking at an Asher who was completely lost in Sunny’s smile, I tell my mate “It’s a good thing he’ll

have two mates, he’ll need the second one just to handle this little Fae” amusement in my tone. O

Damien bursts out laughing at my comment, I give a half smile of amusement when everyone looks our

way. Then just as Darien opened his mouth, no doubt to ask what was so funny, I took a big bite of my

cheesy rice omelet. Darien closed his mouth and shot me an annoyed look, making Damien laugh all

over again.

I look at my mate, enjoying his laughter, he looked so handsome when he laughed. When he stopped

laughing he looked down at me, and was smiling. He lifts a hand and cups my cheek. His hands were

big enough his fingers were on my neck, the tips of his fingers on my hair at the back of my neck, his

thumb resting along my ear. Leaning down he gives me a sweet lingering kiss, one that conveyed how

deeply he loved me.


“That…that’s what my mom and dad had…it’s what I want for myself.” Sunny said, her voice had a sad

note to it, and longing was in her words. O

Damien and I smile at each other for a moment then we look at Sunny. “Stick with us, and you’ll get

that wish, when your mates can claim you.” I tell her in a soft voice.

Sunny looks at me, her face showing her astonishment at my comment “Did you…did you…just say…

mates?” was her stunned question.

Smiling warmly at her, amused by her reaction to my words, I say. “Yes my dear little Fae, mates.” My

voice happy.

She seamed so stunned, with the idea that she would have two mates, that she completely missed my

endearment. My brother however did not and looked at me in surprise.

I winked at him and mouthed an, ‘I’ll tell you later.’ He nodded and went back to staring at Sunny,

utterly and hopelessly devoted already.

I giggled, getting a look from Damien, smiling I explain through our mind link “Look at poor Asher, he’s

already wrapped around her little finger, and the best part…” I trailed off.

Smiling, and sounding amused, he asks. “The best part is?”

”The best part is…she doesn’t even know it” I burst out laughing and Damien smiles and chuckles. We

get amused and knowing looks from everyone else, as they were watching the same show we were.

Victor had his head buried on Jaxon’s chest, his arms around Jaxon’s waist with his shoulders shaking,

Jaxon’s hand was over his mouth and his shoulders were also shaking.

My father was smiling, smothering chuckles with his fist, holding my mother to him as she laughed till

tears fell down her face. She was using one of the white cloth, lace edged, napkins to wipe away her



Poor Sunny was staring at everyone, confused by our laughter. While my brother glared at us all.

Making us all laugh just that much harder at his expense. O

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