Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall)

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Time passes quickly and I have no idea how long for before I hear Zeke’s taunting voice echo off the

trees. His voice mocks me and I slow trying to pick up which direction he is in. Yet the way noise travels

through here it's near impossible when I spot light up ahead. I run for it, anything to get away from his

haunting voice that sends chills dancing up my spine. By the time I reach it I burst out of the trees and

clutch my knees. Exhausted, and panting.

Lifting my gaze I find I am in some small clearing, not as many trees through this patch and I

understand why. A river splits the earth, the rapids moving fast. Peering around I move along the forest

edge, keeping low as possible and start jogging around toward the river. Yet the closer I get the more I

realize the only means of escape is crossing it. Moving to the edge I shudder, knowing how cold that

water will be before jumping in. The moment I hit the water the harsh bitter coldness of it steals my


I wade through the chest deep water to the other side, huffing and panting at the cold that is seeping

through me when I spot Zeke emerge from the trees before I can climb out. I immediately drop down This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

below the bank so he can’t see, and let the river wash me down stream.

My heart races in my chest as I wait for him to find me and after a few minutes, I lift my head to find I

can’t see him anymore I am no longer in the clearing. Instead the trees aren’t thick here as they canopy

over the river, birds are whistling and frogs croaking loudly making it hard to hear my surroundings. I

find this part of the woods is not as dense. Carefully, I try to stand to find I can’t, my body dropping

beneath the surface and I claw my way back up, looking around I start swimming to the side and haul

myself onto the bank. Crawling my way out I flop onto my back trying to catch my breath.

Think, Zirah! I scold myself. I can’t keep running, he will catch me. Instead I need a plan. Rolling on my

side, I look at the trees, debating whether or not to attempt to climb one but know that will leave me a

sitting duck.

Grabbing the bag beside me I open it, finding the rope and the broken knife. Tossing the bag aside I

look for the best spot to create a snare trap. It takes me what feels like forever to hide it with leaves and

cover my tracks. All while glancing over my shoulder expecting him to catch me at any second. When I

am done I climb the tree I set the trap in, snickering to myself. Sitting in the high branches above I wait,

instead feeling for the trees' vibration, and watching the birds swing on the vines that lead down to the


It is about another five minutes before I hear movement and my eyes glance around, nervously.

Planting both hands on the tree trunk I am perched on, I look at the ground waiting for him to come into


“Really, a snare?” Zeke questions, looking up at me. He picks up the rope, holding the noose in his

hands while I feel for the energy of the tree, and the leaves rustle, the vines twitching. The very vines I

made my real trap out of.

“I am honestly a little disappointed, I thought you may have been smarter. Although, I didn't think you

would jump in the river, given how cold it is. You must be freezing.” he taunts, I stare down at him in his

Lycan form, in this form he is a huge gray beast. Long claws that could easily cut through flesh, sharp

teeth that could bite through bone, and gunmetal gray fur. He is a magnificent sight but a petrifying one

at that.

“I really don’t feel like climbing a tree, how about you jump down. I kill you quickly, I can tell daddy, you

got eaten by wild wolves, or maybe bush turkey’s since your human and those fuckers are vicious, then

I can go home and have a drink. But if you make me climb this damn tree, I will pull you apart limb by

limb and make it excruiat—” his words cut off when takes a step forward and the vines wrap around his

feet. A strange shriek that also sounds like a howl escapes him when the vines tug sending him to the

ground before he is ripped upside down in the air.

The vibration of the tree makes my runes on my back tingle and I gasp at the sheer power of the tree,

the second rune which I know is earth magic rushes through me. Not even I was expecting it to be

quick, and so easily manipulated. It gave me a taste of actually how powerful granny was. The vines

twist and wrap around his body, encasing him quickly as he spins violently in a blur of fur and he is

suddenly hanging upside down. The rune on my back I feel burn out, making me hiss. And then there

was three.

“What the fuck! How did you do that! What kind of fucking girls scout shit is this!” Zeke roars thrashing

in the vines grip that has a stranglehold on his body not allowing him to move an inch. His only ability

right now is to sway upside down. I jump from my branch. Landing beside him and he glares down at


He snarls. “Where did you learn that?”

“As you said girls scouts, top the class.” I taunt turning around to head back to the castle.

“Zirah, cut me fucking down.” I pause looking up at him.

“Wasn’t this part of our date, we’re hunting aren’t we?” I ask and he growls.

“Only the hunter became the hunted.” I smile deviously at him.

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” he snarls at me.

“I’ll be back at the castle waiting, while you hang around, good day to you, .” I tell him wandering off

back through the trees while laughing to myself while he curses my name and spits vile words at me. I

glance at my hands shocked by the power that came from them. I knew of course it wasn’t mine but for

it to be that strong, I could only wish to yield magic and have the power granny just leant me one day. I

could still feel the after effects of it, buzzing through me, giving me a taste of what it means to be a born

witch not a made one.

I always tried to understand what granny meant because how could one be made and not born. But

feeling her power even if only briefly I could tell how miniscule mine was in comparison. Reaching the

river, I am about to cross when I hear Zeke growl menacingly. I stop peering back at the trees

wondering if he escaped when I hear a loud roar. My blood runs cold at the sound and I turn back. I

hear it again and there is no doubt in my mind and I know it is a bear.

My subconscious tells me to keep going, leave him, abandon him like he would have done me. Yet my

mind goes to Regan and Zeke, knowing their lives are linked to his. Swallowing that down is like

swallowing acid.

“This would be your chance to run, they’ll be dead and humanity free of them.” I remind myself. I should

leave him… I should… yet why can’t I seem to move. My heart races when I hear Zeke make a pained

noise, before he growls then roars loudly, his howl echoing off the trees sending the birds to the sky to

escape it. He would have called for help, I should go!

Yet as I turn back to the river, I know they won’t make it time. Cursing, I pull my ax from the back of

pants and run back toward the trees and Zeke. It takes me about five minutes to reach him, and when I

do I find a huge grizzly bear swiping at him, trying to get him. I stop in my tracks at the sight of it. A

gasp escapes me and I stagger back. Zeke has managed to get one arm free, his furry face has huge

claws marks down one side.

His blood spilling to the earth and onto the bear. The bear swipes at him, its claws raking down the

vines, slicing through them like a hot knife through butter and Zeke groans as its claws tear through his

shoulder. He thrashes trying to get free and only just lifts his head in time when the bear swipes at him


The next time it does I throw my axe, it hits the bear's paw, making it roars furiously and it spins on me

within seconds.

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