Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 BLAIRE “Wooow!” escaped from both Roman and Celia in unison as I emerged from the fitting room wearing the gown that I tried on a while ago. The transformation was complete, and this time, my hair and makeup were perfectly done. Roman, the mastermind. behind the entire ensemble, had spared no effort to make me look stunning. Roman, beaming with pride, remarked, “You look absolutely breathtaking, Madam.” Celia nodded in agreement, adding, “Mr. Foster won’t know what hit him. This revenge dress plan is a genius idea.” I couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. “Thank you both. Your efforts mean a lot to me. Let’s make tonight unforgettable.” The gown hugged my figure gracefully, its intricate design and seductive silhouette. eliciting admiration from my onlookers. Roman’s expertise in styling and Celia’s supportive gaze created an atmosphere of excitement and confidence. The air was charged with the anticipation of a glamorous night ahead. “Madam, you’re going to be the talk of the town tonight, Roman exclaimed, his excitement palpable. “This revenge plan is going to be legendary!” I chuckled, appreciating Roman’s dedication to the scheme. “Well, I hope it at least makes a statement,” I replied, trying to match his enthusiasm. Celia chimed in, “Absolutely! No one will see it coming. You’re going to shine brighter. than anyone there.” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

As we made our way to the venue, the anticipation grew. The grandeur of the gala unfolded before us, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of empowerment in my perfectly tailored gown. The sparkling jewelry added a touch of opulence, and I was ready to navigate the crowd with grace and determination. As we entered the venue, heads turned, and whispers followed. Roman’s revenge dress plan was indeed making an impact. The atmosphere buzzed with curiosity, and I relished the opportunity to

command attention. ber Roman leaned in, whispering, “Remember, Madam, confidence is your accessory tonight.” I agreed with Roman and went outside to where the car was waiting for me. He suggested I have someone drive me to the event. Getting into the car, I took a deep breath, getting ready for whatever was about to come. Chapter 35 As the car pulled away, I couldn’t shake off the nerves. The driver glanced at me through the rearview mirror and said, “Nervous, ma’am?” I chuckled nervously. “A bit. It’s been a while since I attended something like this.” He smiled and said, “You’ll do great, ma’am. The gala is lucky to have you.” I appreciated his kind words, but deep down, I couldn’t shake the sense of uncertainty about the evening ahead. The car journey felt like a silent countdown to a moment I hadn’t fully prepared for. Arriving at the gala venue, the grandeur of the event struck me. The red carpet. stretched like a path to a world of glitz and glamour. Stepping out of the car, the dazzling lights and the buzz of excitement enveloped me. A familiar face from the event’s organizing team greeted me: “Madam, you look stunning tonight. Everyone is looking forward to your presence.” “Thank you,” I replied, mustering a smile. The weight of the diamond earrings and necklace felt foreign, but I couldn’t deny the exquisite touch they added to the ensemble. It takes us at least half an hour to reach the venue. Someone quickly walked towards our car and opened the door for me. I stepped out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. As I entered the room, the atmosphere hummed with a blend of elegance and anticipation. The room fell into a hushed silence as I stepped inside, an invisible spotlight following my every move. Whispers swept through the air like a gentle breeze, carrying the curiosity of those who had caught wind of the orchestrated spectacle. The weight of the elaborate gown clung to me, a constant reminder of the role I played in this intricate

plan. The gazes of the attendees felt like a tangible force, dissecting my every step, and I couldn’t escape the awareness that all eyes were fixated on the woman who had become an unexpected focal point of the evening. “Your name, madam?” The coordinator inquired, a sense of formality hanging in the air. “Blaire Fos–” I hesitated. Given my husband’s absence, there seemed little reason to carry his name into this event. “Blaire Banks,” I declared as I introduced myself. The coordinator then proceeded to announce my presence as I made my way towards the vibrant red carpet. The atmosphere shifted, a fusion of curiosity and intrigue as attendees turned their attention to the newcomer, who bore a name distinct from the expected. The whispers. that had lingered in the periphery now gained momentum, weaving through the crowd like a clandestine dance. Chapter 35 The coordinator’s voice echoed in the grandeur of the venue, marking my entrance into the spotlight. The room, a tableau of elegance and sophistication, now held the unpredictable energy of a narrative unfolding beyond the script. Following the announcement of my name, I quickly headed toward my assigned table. As I prepared to sit down, I noticed a pair of intense, dark eyes focused on me- Sebastian’s. Surprisingly, his intense gaze no longer affected me as it once did. He had no right to scrutinize me as if I were the one at fault, considering he’s the one attending a party with another woman on his arm. I deliberately brushed off Sebastian’s gaze, immersing myself in the lively atmosphere of the gala. The buzz of conversation and music created a veneer of normalcy, masking the underlying tension. While engaging in polite banter with fellow attendees, I remained acutely aware of Sebastian’s lingering eyes. A server approached, offering a glass of champagne. Suddenly, a charismatic man named Alexander joined our table, injecting new energy into the evening. “Good evening. I couldn’t help but be captivated by your entrance. Mind if I join you?” His confidence and charm shifted the dynamic, providing a welcome distraction from the turmoil beyond the gala. Engrossed in our conversation, I momentarily set aside. the complexities surrounding Sebastian. Surprised by the unexpected attention, I hesitated for a moment before offering at reserved smile. “Of

course, please have a seat.” “I must say, you look stunning tonight, he remarked, his gaze lingering on me. “Thank you,” I replied, the compliment mingling with the uncertainty that clung to the evening. As Alexander shared anecdotes, laughter filled the air, and I contemplated the unexpected turn of events. The gala, initially a backdrop for revenge, now unfolded as a stage for a burgeoning connection. Yet, beneath the surface, my emotions churned with the reminder of unresolved issues with Sebastian. As if on cue, it hadn’t been long since Alexander shared a table with me when Sebastian and Catherine approached our table. “Mind if I share a table with my wife?” Sebastian unexpectedly interjected, catching everyone at the table off guard.

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