The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


When we picked up Douglas and Martha, Brigitte and Conor were in the front, and I rode in the back with them. They immediately wanted to start discussing some things. I told them that most of the discussion couldn’t occur until after they signed the NDAs, but I did tell them that two others who’d agreed to surrogacy would be there along with their guards, fourteen of us in all.

“Is Carl coming with Dani,” Douglas asked.

“Carl has never signed any of the documents that you’re going to sign, and he doesn’t know the full story you’re about to learn, nor can he ever be told, until he signs the same paperwork. Because he’s not involved in any of the matters regarding pregnancy, he likely won’t ever sign those documents. It’s a violation of US law to reveal this information to anyone, including relatives, parents, siblings, children, or best friends forever. Once you know, you’re sworn to secrecy, with dire consequences to those who do spill the beans.”

The two of them looked at each other.

“It’s not that hard a secret to keep. You can’t accidentally reveal it, because people won’t normally believe you anyway.”

We arrived, and the others were already there, though they hadn’t gone inside. I introduced my friends, and let them introduce their wolves. Again, both our newbies were floored by the physical perfection of the wolves. They were almost salivating at the masculine and feminine flawlessness. Wolves don’t have warts.

We entered Quinn’s house and they were struck by the beauty of the structure and the view outside. It was a sunny day with very few clouds in the sky and the sun was glinting on the water like iridescent jewels. We stood on the back balcony admiring the sights and sounds of the ocean on the wild Maine coast.

“Is that a wolf?” Martha said, pointing to a small rocky outcropping fifty feet from the house. I looked and it sure was a wolf. Quinn, if my eyes didn’t deceive me, staring at us, just as we were staring at him.

I couldn’t very well say it was the owner of the house yet; there was still paperwork that needed to be signed. I merely said, “That certainly looks like a wolf to me.”

“Are we safe?” Martha asked.

Safe from wolves, not safe from assholes.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“We’re safe. He won’t bother us. Let’s take care of that paperwork, shall we.”

We went inside and they read over and signed the paperwork.

“What’s all the secrecy about?” Douglass asked. “We’re not having sex with Martians, are we?”

“Not Martians, werewolves,” I said. They both laughed. Ha-ha, very funny.

“No seriously, werewolves,” I said. “Eight of the people here today, are non-humans, they’re shapeshifters, or what might be called werewolves. I’ll explain all in a moment, but you probably won’t believe me until you see it for yourselves, so I’m just going to ask Conor and Brigitte to disrobe, so they don’t ruin their clothes. Then both of them will shift into their other form. Despite looking like a wolf, they’re not dangerous. They are intelligent, affectionate, loyal, warm and friendly. They can understand English, even though they can’t speak it. You may pet them, whatever.

“They’ll shift one at a time, for a few minutes each, then dress again. Nat and Daphne, Liam and Ryan, and Tony and Lisette are also werewolves. In their human shapes, they can scent about twenty times better than a human. In their wolf shapes, about a thousand times better than we can. That wolf you saw outside, is the owner of this house. He’s leaving us alone for the moment, because he pissed me off. He loaned us his house because he’s hoping to get back in my good graces. Remember, don’t be afraid. Strip off Conor, and why don’t you go first.”

Both of my wolves shed their clothes, their physical attributes even more apparent nude. Martha and Douglas saw the cock Conor packed, and he was becoming erect as someone was going into heat. For all I knew, it might have been me. I was always aroused around my naked wolves.

“The change is sudden,” I warned, “not much more than a second. Sit down if you feel faint.”

Conor shifted, Martha quivered, but she didn’t fall down. Her eyes looked like saucers though. Douglas, pretty much the same.

“Come here, puppy,” I said. “Sit at my feet and let our guests approach you.”

Conor trotted over and sat down, looking at Martha and Douglas. “Go ahead and touch him. Convince yourself he’s real.”

Douglas was the first to try, sidling over and sticking out his hand. Conor sat patiently and waited for him. He reached out and patted his head, then stroked down his neck.

“I can’t believe I’m petting a wolf,” Douglas said, “a werewolf no less.”

“When I was first given this information, I wondered about all the other fables and fairy tales I heard when I was growing up,” I said. “I’ll tell you more about what I’ve learned in a moment. Go ahead, Martha, he won’t bite. What he’d like to do is lick, but he won’t because he’s a good puppy.”

Martha took her own chance at petting Conor. “Why do you call him a puppy?” Martha asked, becoming freer with her pets as Conor sat patiently.

“Because he’s only thirteen years old. He’s quite young for a werewolf. Liam and Ryan are puppies too.”

They both looked at the two young men, who looked nothing like children.

“Brigitte, on the other hand is sixty. I believe she’s the oldest wolf here, except for the one outside. She’s still only done about one fifth of her lifespan, like seventeen or eighteen for humans living to into their eighties. Keep your hand on his head, Martha, and he’ll change back. Please excuse the erection. Wolves smell when females are aroused, and are prepared for sex when they do. Go ahead, Conor, shift.”

Conor was suddenly crouched on the ground at her feet, and he slowly stood and his penis was almost at her hand’s height, where his wolf head had been. She looked like she wanted to touch it, but she didn’t.

“Brigitte, you can shift now.”

She shifted faster than Conor, and Martha squeaked. “It’s so fast.”

“It is fast. The older the wolf, and more practice they’ve had, the faster they are. As you can see, they have to rearrange a lot of their skeletal structure to shift. There are bones, muscles, and tissue, tearing themselves apart and putting itself back together. The fact that they can do so means they can tolerate a lot of injuries without ill effect. In my self-defense classes, I’ve stabbed Conor and Brigitte multiple times, and you won’t find a scar on them. They don’t get sick, or carry diseases, which is why you can be guaranteed a healthy child.”

“Wait a minute,” Douglas said, “if they’re so healthy, why can’t they have a child?”

“I’m glad you asked that, Douglas, because we’re getting to the root of werewolves’ problems. If they procreate in their human forms, they produce humans. If one of them has sex with Martha as a human, she’ll have a human baby, just like any other human baby. You won’t be able to tell, even from DNA, that it isn’t human. My mother was the result of a human/wolf mating in human form. I’m a quarter werewolf, but you couldn’t tell. I get sick, get injured, die at the same age as any other human. If they mate as wolves, they have wolf puppies. If they mate with one in wolf form, and one in human form, they’re infertile. The only way to procreate werewolf puppies, is for a wolf shape, to mate with a real human. It can work either way, Douglas, but looking at Brigitte now, do you believe you could maintain an erection long enough to breed her?”

“Probably not.”

“People aren’t normally attracted to wolves. Werewolves, on the other hand, are attracted to humans. They have sex all the time in their human shapes, so it ain’t no thang.”

“You’re saying that Martha would need to mate with a wolf shape to provide a werewolf puppy?”

“That’s what I’m saying. All four of us have done it. We’re all pregnant. It’s not bad. It’s not like they’re raping us, or hurting us while they’re in that form. They’re capable of tenderness and affection as wolves. They’re not animals. They’re another species that can take the shape of an animal. Now, for whatever reason, you may not wish to do so. Mating with a wolf might be repugnant to either of you. You’re allowed to change your mind at this point. It’s not for everyone. You can’t ever speak about it to anyone, but you can refuse. If you decide to accept their services for you to have a child, they would expect you to have a puppy for them.”

“What happens if I have a werewolf puppy?” Martha asked.

“It’s born in nine months just like a human child. It looks completely human. It can be born in a regular hospital with your doctor. But you need to surrender that puppy to the pack, because it’s different, and that would soon become apparent. They won’t get sick, they heal tremendously fast, but the biggest difference is how quickly they mature. They become fully adult by the age of seven to eight. They look like an adult. They can’t perform their first shift into wolf shape until after they mature, usually around the time of a full moon, although that isn’t necessary to shift, and as you just saw with Conor and Brigitte, they can shift at any time now, day or night. Obviously, you can’t have your eight year old child looking like an adult and turning into a wolf in a class of third graders. That’s why you have to give up that child. The one you keep for yourself, will be like any other human child. Brigitte, why don’t you shift back. I’m sure they have a lot of other questions.”

We proceeded to tell them everything they needed to know about werewolves, the government treaty, the special IDs, the genetic reasons for natural breeding, other shifters, some pack politics, and about the New England pack, which included Boston, which means they could stay in Boston and do their mating there.

“You mean werewolves live among us, in Boston?”

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