The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


“Well, Quinn said you liked to fuck for money, that it was the reason you started breeding with wolves, because you were getting paid for it. That’s how it started, really, when we started vying for the chance to fuck you. Then he said, you were part wolf, and you wanted to be like wolves, and become like a member of the pack. To bond with us, to fuck like wolves do, enjoy a part of your ancestry. You were like a wolf groupie now, enjoying sex with wolves because humans couldn’t satisfy you any longer. That you gave yourself to him for five days because you were a submissive slut who’d enjoy being fucked all day.”

There was almost no truth to anything Quinn had told him, yet perhaps a particle of truth in everything.

I did need the money. I was breeding for money, renting out my womb. But I wasn’t a whore. I’d never fucked for money before, and the wolves were expecting me to give up a large part of my life for several months to several years, and for my body to take on the physical wear and tear of pregnancy. My grandmother had died giving birth to my mother. Being pregnant contained danger and hardships, even more so when they had to assign bodyguards to me because I was at risk for me or my child to be taken by other shapeshifters. I felt that deserved some form of compensation. I would have taken less, but I wasn’t going to refuse more. It had value to them equivalent to what they were giving me and the others.

And, there was certainly sympathy for the wolves, to their situation, to what they had to do to continue to survive, to keep themselves secret. Very little of that related to my own genetic background. No doubt I liked fucking wolves. They were good at it, but I certainly didn’t go around looking for wolves. I was as attracted to my human friends as I was wolves. Since I couldn’t marry one, that was foolish. I was just with two beautiful wolves every day, and it was foolish to ignore that, especially when they were used to having sex all the time.

Lastly, I don’t know if I was submissive or not. I gave myself to Quinn for five days to save Brigitte, who I considered a friend. I wasn’t opposed to the concept of Dominance and submission. I’d thought it might be fun to experiment, and with the right person, I might still enjoy it. Quinn was definitely the wrong person. I’d wanted to see a little tenderness from him. To find out if he could be gentle and deserved a chance to be one of my breeders. I even had some sympathy for the way he’d lost Adriana. Both Quinn and my grandfather had lost important women in their lives, and never mated because of it.

Quinn had given me the most pleasure I’d ever had, and proven himself the world’s biggest bastard in the course of two days. I’d never breed with him again.

“Pay attention to this, as I’ll only say it once. There are very few, if any, women, especially human women, who would enjoy what you did. If they’d been involved in the planning of it, perhaps. But to have it sprung on them the way you did, no fucking way. Quinn had already done things to piss me off. I had informed Rene that I never wanted to breed with him, under any circumstances.

“Then, he was about to fuck Brigitte, my bodyguard, while she was fertile, possibly impregnating her while she’s supposed to be guarding me, not allowing her to shift. I held a silver knife to his throat and told him I’d give him one chance to breed me, and to prove that he deserved more chances to do so, if he didn’t fuck her. I hoped that Quinn would prove himself worthy of being more than my despised enemy. Instead, he arranges for you eight meatheads to fuck me all day. Quinn is an asshole, and listening to anything he has to say, is a total mistake on your part. He has no concept of being a decent wolf, of being anyone that a human woman would want to breed with. If you listen to him, the same applies to you. No one will want you.”

“Does that mean that you, or any of the other breeders will breed with us?” one young wolf asked.

“You’ve fucked up once. Everyone is entitled to fuck up once. I even gave Quinn a second chance to prove he was worthy. You mess up a second time, you won’t get another one. Before you listen to anyone else about what a third party may or may not want; talk to that third party first. If you’d have checked with me after listening to Quinn’s bullshit, I’d have told you it was bullshit. It will be incumbent on all of you to be a better wolf than you’ve shown yourselves to be if you expect to have progeny.”

“We’re sorry for our behavior, Miss Jessica. Please give us another chance.”

“That will depend upon your behavior in the future. Any more shit like you pulled, you can forget about it. Show you can be tender, caring, loving and can treat others with respect, you’ll likely get a chance. Act like Quinn, expect to die alone and unloved. I would tell the others who were participating in the contest to join in your little game the same thing. Now, stand up and get the fuck out of my house.”

They leaped to their feet and left.

Brigitte said, “It seems like Quinn is doing everything you wanted him to. If he does, will you give him a third chance?”

“I doubt it,” I said. “A human adage that should resonate with wolves is ‘Once bitten, twice shy.’ I don’t have to touch a hot stove twice to realize it’s bad for me to touch hot stoves. I don’t have to be fucked over more than once to realize I don’t like being fucked over. I’m not going to keep running at the football like Charlie Brown every year, hoping that this year, Lucy isn’t going to pull the ball away and make me fall on my ass. I only promised Quinn that it was the only way I’d consider it, not that I’d forgive him.”

“He may want more,” Conor said.

“I should give half a shit about what Quinn wants?”

Conor shrugged his shoulders. It’s how I felt about it. Not even worth talking about.

I took Nat and Simone to bed and had a whale of a good time having sex with people I cared half a fig for. I heard Daphne getting hers too, and I hoped for the best for Nat and Daphne, that they’d have their first puppy.


On Sunday, Conor and Brigitte started teaching Nat and Daphne the rudiments of self-defense and third-party protection. Simone and I participated in the self-defense stuff in the morning, but in the afternoon, we lazed around on chaise lounges, sunbathing, while the others practiced the other skills over and over. Creating muscle memory, Brigitte called it. It was moves that Simone and I had already done, ad nauseam.

Carl was watching over our five foot fence.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Why don’t you come over and tell me how your date went,” I said, seeing him.

There was a gate between our two yards, so he slipped through and sat down beside Simone and me. He had an erection, or at least an erection type bulge in his shorts.

“Did you have a good time with Dani last night?” I asked.

“We had a great time,” Carl said. “She even kissed me after the date, said she had a good time too. We had some great conversations. I learned a lot about her.”

“That’s good,” I said.

“She’s having sex with Tony today,” Carl said.

“I know. Simone just went through the same thing with Nat and Daphne, the couple practicing right now. Her last day was yesterday.”

“What’s it like?” Carl asked Simone. “Is it just sex, or will Dani enjoy it.”

“It’s more than just sex, especially the way I did it, but less than making love to someone else,” Simone said. “Nathaniel was a very good lover. It’s hard not to enjoy it.”

“How did you do it?”

“I’m bisexual, and so Daphne could be involved with the creation of their child, she and I had sex while Nat penetrated me and put his sperm in me. It made for quite an enjoyable experience, even though I knew I was doing it primarily to give them a child.”

“Is that the way you did it too, Jessica?”

“Sometimes. Other times, I was just taken from behind. In a way, I wanted to make it less personal and more transactional, but other times I wanted Brigitte to feel involved in the process of creation. I had sex four times per day for the first four days, the last day, since it was the last chance, we pushed harder. I had sex seven times the last day.”

Carl raised his eyebrows, thinking of having sex seven times. “But you think Dani will enjoy it?”

“Carl, Lisette said that Tony is a very accomplished and talented lover. Given that, I doubt that Dani wouldn’t enjoy it. It still doesn’t mean that Dani is going to try to break up their marriage, and attach herself to Tony. She’s taking money to provide a child and she’s not going to jeopardize her income, by destroying their marriage. Tony and Lisette are deeply in love with each other, which is why they’re so willing to spend that money to have a child together. Dani will remain a free agent, even after she’s pregnant, believe me.”

“I can’t stop thinking of them having sex together,” Carl said. “It’s driving me crazy. I can’t concentrate on anything.”

I pointed to his shorts. “Is that why you have an erection? You’re imagining them having sex together?”

He put a hand over himself. “I’m sorry. I guess that’s why. Is that weird, that I’d be excited thinking about it?”

“Men do love their porn,” I said. “I guess this is just porn playing out in your imagination, with someone you know in a starring role. May I offer you a suggestion?”


“Don’t have sex with Lisette after being wound up all day. You might embarrass yourself in front of Dani when she sees how quickly you cum, especially after she’s had sex five times with an accomplished lover. Stroke a couple off ahead of time so you’ll last when you have sex with Lisette, show Tony how good you are, and he needs to be concerned about you instead of you being concerned about him and Dani.”

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