The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Conor and Dad went golfing after breakfast the next morning. My body was too bruised to play at self defense again. Mom wanted to know if she could borrow Brigitte for a morning of full on lesbian sex, since she hadn’t done it without a guy also being there. I had no objections, so I was lying out by the lake, taking in a little sun. Perhaps it was my fault, knowing Conor was gone golfing and Brigitte upstairs with Mom, going so far from the house, and then sunbathing naked on top of it.

“Well, well, well, look who’s here, that fucking haughty bitch, cock tease.”

I opened my eyes, and two guys were in a boat, three feet off shore, apparently just drifted in, as I hadn’t heard a motor at all. The boat was new, the two guys not so much; the same two jokers who’d been with the rapist a couple days ago.

“Go away. I told you I don’t need company. You already met my boyfriend. Don’t piss him off.”

“Funny thing that. We were going golfing this morning, and low and behold, boyfriend was going golfing too. I figure that gives us a couple hours before he gets back.”

Ah, fuck! All I wanted was a little peace and quiet, and a chance to let my bruises heal. I may not be great shakes fighting werewolves, but I felt I could hurt these two bozos, no problem.

All of a sudden, I heard a wolf howl from the trees a few feet away, then a yellowish gray wolf came ambling up out of the bushes. Eric. Not five seconds later, a naked Brigitte came streaking from the house with a gun up and aiming at the two dickheads in the boat.

She ignored the wolf, naturally, knowing who it was. “Get your fucking asses out of that boat and on shore this instant, before I drill you assholes.”

The barrel of the gun was unwavering, halfway in between the two.

“There’s a wolf there,” one of the men said, pointing at the obvious.

“Forget the wolf. A bullet is faster and more fatal.”

Eric sat down and yawned, showing his teeth. I could swear he was smiling, and maybe he was. The two guys got out of the boat and came on shore, unsure which was more dangerous, the girl or the wolf. The girl looked better anyway.

“Okay, now strip,” Brigitte said, “everything. I want you bare ass naked.”

The two guys looked at each other, then started taking off their shorts and tees.

“Jessica, collect their clothes.”

“Okay.” I got everything off the ground where they dropped everything. They were covering their junk. Not all that impressive, if you asked me. Maybe they were growers, not showers.

“Okay, since you assholes seem to like naked women so much, you get your choice. You can try to rape me,” Brigitte said, “or you can try to rape her. We both need a good work out this morning. If you’re successful, you walk away Scott free. If you aren’t, well, let’s just say the consequences are worse. So who goes first and who are you going for?”

The bigger of the two, chose the demonstratively better looking of the two of us, Brigitte. Bad mistake. She handed the gun to me.

“Shoot the other one if he tries to flee.”

I nodded. I was liking this game already. I held the gun on shriveled dick. The big fellow tried a bull rush, and got slammed to the ground for his trouble. He was gasping for breath, the wind knocked out of him.

“Come on, prick. I told you it was going to be worse if you were unsuccessful. Let’s see what you got. I got a real good fucking yesterday, and I’m betting you’re not half as good as my last lover, and that was a bitch, which you two assholes interrupted.”

He climbed carefully to his feet and was a little more cautious in his approach, trying to box. He took a big swing which Brigitte easily dodged, before hammering five or six blows to his ribs, at least one of his ribs cracking.

“Damn, I’ll bet that hurts like a bitch,” Brigitte said, dancing, doing a Mohammed Ali shuffle. “You better try again or I’m going to rip your balls off and feed them to the wolf.”

He groaned. “You broke my rib.”

“Yeah, and I’m about to do the same you your arm, because you two are so ignorant. One would have thought you would have learned from the arrest of your buddy, but NO. Here you are again. Get the fuck up and take your medicine.”

My guy tried to sidle away. Eric growled and I said. “Hold still. You move, and I’ll plug you.”

Big guy took another swing at Brigitte and there was a sharp snap as she broke his arm. She left him mewling on the ground.

“Who are you raping?” Brigitte asked the other one.

He’d just seen his bigger friend turned Innside out. He pointed at me. “Her.”

Brigitte collected the gun from me. “Show him no mercy.”

Little fellow was super cautious as he approached me. He took two half hearted jabs at me, no extension, trying to keep his hands in to protect his ribs. I easily dodged them and kicked him in the balls, which he wasn’t protecting. He dropped to the ground, screaming.

“I think I felt something squish,” I said.

“Finish it, an elbow to the face. Break his nose. The police are going to be here in five minutes.”

Both Conor and Brigitte said that if you were going to hit a face, use the base of your palm, or an elbow, which didn’t break as easily as the bones in you hand. ‘Werewolves heal quickly, you don’t, so don’t break anything in the first place.’ I gave him a back elbow to his nose, and felt something else squish, blood spurting all over.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Jess, I fucked up. I should never have let you come down here by yourself. Now go get dressed, and bring me a robe.”

“Got it.”

I tossed on a shirt and shorts, no underwear, and brought a robe out to Brigitte, who put it on. Sure enough, the police were there, two minutes after she slipped the robe on.

The same detective as I’d talked to the first time, Mike Ferguson, came this time.

“What the fuck do you do out here, to draw every rapist in Wisconsin out of the woodwork?”

“Well, I was nude sunbathing, no law against that at my own home, is there? And I didn’t wave to anyone this time, because I was kind of dozing, half asleep. Anyway, just relaxing, and this voice says something like, ‘Look who we got here, the fucking bitch cock tease.’ So I open my eyes and see these two jokers, the same two who were with the rapist the first time. This time they’d turned off their motor and just drifted in, thinking I was asleep and they wanted to surprise me.

“I told them that I had a boyfriend and didn’t want their company, same thing I said the first time. Then the big asshole said they’d planned on going golfing this morning and saw my boyfriend there, and figured they had a couple hours before my boyfriend showed up again. So I figured I was in for a shitty time, but then this wolf howled and Brigitte came running down from the house. As you know, she’s my bodyguard, and she’s armed. She made them get out of the boat and take off their clothes.

“She told them she was giving them a chance to rape us and if they were successful, we’d let them go, but if they weren’t, bad things would happen to them. Then the big fellow, tried to rape Brigitte. First he rushed her and got slammed to the ground. Then he tried boxing with her and ended up with broken ribs, then he tried hitting her again, and ended up with a broken arm.

“The little fellow said he’d try raping me instead, after he saw the big guy getting the shit get kicked out of him by Brigitte. He came after me and I gave him a big kick in the nuts because he was trying to protect his ribs, and finished him off with an elbow to the face. I guess my Mom called you guys, because you showed up right away.”

“Would you have let them walk if they raped you?” Mike asked.

“There was no way they were going to accomplish that. They’re too stupid and Brigitte too good. I suspect, and you’d have to check with Brigitte to see if my guess is right, but she figured that arresting a rapist hadn’t done any good in discouraging his two friends, so maybe a more forceful reminder was needed to any potential rapists, that we’re off limits. I strongly suspect we won’t have any more visitors once word gets around.”

“Are you sure you need a bodyguard?”

“Definitely. Just because I could handle one of these two guys doesn’t mean I could have handled two at once, and there are worse things out there then those two. I mean, if they had guns, I’d have been defenseless.”

“What about the wolf you said howled?”

“Well, he appeared tame. He just watched everything for a time, then trotted off. He seemed pretty friendly.”

“Are you sure it was a male wolf?”

“He had a cock and balls. I’m sure.”

And he’d fucked me yesterday, but that had nothing to do with the crime.

“These two also seem to have come up from Chicago like the other guy. We’re looking to see if they have a criminal record there. They’re clean in Wisconsin.”

“Clean doesn’t seem like a good word to use for this filth.”

“Well, if you think this was to give them a message, they managed to get the message. They freely confessed they were here to rape you.”

“I can’t be sure, but I think Brigitte threatened to cut their dicks off and feed it to the wolf unless they confessed to their sins. I can’t be sure though. I didn’t overhear it. I only heard them saying, ‘Please don’t feed the wolf our dicks.’ I have a hard time thinking they’d be saying that unless they were threatened with it.”

Mike laughed. “I’ll let you know when you need to come in and sign your statement.”

“We’re already one statement behind,” I said.

“That we are. Crime never sleeps.”

“Neither does Brigitte, apparently. She was in bed and felt terrible that she wasn’t with me when those men showed up and had to hear a wolf howling to come running.”

“Pretty lucky for you.”

“I’m watched by guardian angels, for sure.”

Eric came driving up to the house just as the police were leaving.

“What happened here?” Eric asked the detective. Very funny.

“A couple of very sorry criminals tried some funny stuff and learned a valuable lesson,” Mike said.

“No one was hurt, were they?”

“Only the criminals. Who are you?” Mike asked.

“My name is Eric. I’m a friend of the family.”

“Last name?”


“Did you see any wolves running around when you drove up?”

“Sorry, no wolves in sight.”

“If you see any, call animal control. They don’t usually get this close to civilization.”

“I’ll make a note.”

“Take care, Miss Huppert, Mr. Anderson.”

“Will do, Mike,” I said. “Let me know when the statements are done. We’ll catch a drink afterward.”

“Looking forward to it.”

As soon as the officers drove away, I said, “Thank you.”

“You’re my first breeder. I couldn’t let anything happen to you, could I?”

“I probably can’t produce a puppy this time. Sorry.”

“It will be fun trying though.”

I pulled his face down for a kiss.


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