The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Brenda started crying, and it was a miserable sounding cry. It took about a half minute before she could pull herself together enough to say, “You’re right. My life is shit. I’m sorry for being such a bitch. Are you just calling to remind me I was a bitch?”

“Actually, I might be able to offer something to take you out of the shitter.”

“Not another blind date. Do you know how many men actually want to date a woman with a screaming five year old?”

“Not a blind date. A job of sorts. I’m inviting you to my parents tonight at six to discuss it. Chinese food will be served. Gretchen will also be here listening to the same pitch. You better be nice to her, or I’ll throw your ass out. There will be a couple and another woman. They aren’t being pitched. They’re a part of the pitch. I’ve been told it would be $75, 000 dollars for less than a year’s work. Are you interested?”

“Geez, my parents are going out tonight. I don’t think I can get a baby sitter that fast.”

“Bring your boy along. My parents can look after him while we talk.”

“Please, where do I sign up?”

“Just show up at six. Do you know where my parents live, on Boom Lake?”

“I know. Why are you inviting me to this thing?”

“Because you’re single and it sounded like you could use a little good fortune in your life. You know, Tommy was an asshole. Everyone knew it but you. He hit on every girl in school.”

“So I discovered. Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“You never really encouraged conversation, and probably wouldn’t have believed us anyway, because you were the golden child. Tommy couldn’t possibly be interested in anyone else if he was dating you.”

“I was such an idiot.”

“Spilt milk. What are you going to be like the rest of your life?”

“Hopefully, smarter and wiser.”

“Bring a suit, maybe we’ll go swimming afterward. Or not. We’ve been going skinny dipping. It’s up to you.”

“Thanks, Jess. Thanks for even talking to me.”

“I’ll see you at six.”

I looked at my watch. Hmm, forty-five minutes and Conor still hadn’t reported in. I hoped Mom was having a good time. I looked at Dad. He still seemed okay. At least he wasn’t staring up at the second floor where the bedrooms were. I sent a text to Dawn to come at six tonight with all the paperwork and our address. She texted back fifteen minutes later.

Is it okay if Gerhard comes tonight to see how you approach this?

If he buys and brings an assortment of Chinese food for ten people when he comes. I don’t know what kind of Chinese food wolves eat. They’ll be four wolves, five adults and one child. Three people can’t know about werewolves, including the child. No shifting until there’s some privacy.

Ten minutes later. He’ll bring the food and respect the rules.

He’s welcome to come then.

So my evening was set. I checked my watch again. An hour now. I sat down next to my father.

“How are you doing so far, Dad?”

“Not bad, considering. What do you think he’s doing with her?”

“Whatever she wants, would be my guess. What made you decide to do this?”

He set his hand on Brigitte’s naked leg. “Obviously, both of your friends are very attractive, Perhaps the most attractive people we’ve ever met. More beautiful than anyone we ever expected to have sex with, and not just handsome, but fit. Easy to get along with and relax around. Your mom and I have been married for thirty years, got married right after college, and haven’t been with anyone else since.

“I won’t say that sex ever got boring, but there’s been a sameness to it for quite a while, let’s say stale, perhaps, almost programmed. Their openness about sex, and willingness to share their sexual joy with others without jealousy was kind of an eyeopener. Obviously, for them to be around us, so casual with their nudity, really jumpstarted our sex drives. We haven’t had sex like this in ages. We realized how much we still loved one another, and it didn’t seem like either one of us would be hurt just to try something new.”

Oh, oh. Perhaps the fiction that I created that I was helping a married couple conceive a child, might have contributed to Mom and Dad opening up their marriage to others.

“What if they weren’t married. Do you think you and Mom would still be experimenting?”

“I don’t know. Who’s to say. There were all those other factors involved as well… Wait a minute! Are you saying Brigitte and Conor aren’t married?”

“Not so much. Brigitte has been married, and her life with her husband would have been exactly the same as how she’s been with Conor, but her husband died. They’re both just more or less my bodyguards at the moment.”

“Then why does she need a child? Wait a minute, she doesn’t, does she? You’re doing this for someone else.”

“There are other infertile couples who I will be helping. I don’t know for sure who yet. I just needed to get away and let you and Mom know what I’d be doing. I can’t really talk about it more. It’s highly classified, and I’ve signed non-disclosure agreements.”

“Some big wigs or famous people, right?”

“I really can’t say more without you signing the non-disclosure agreements yourself. I’m sorry.”

“Is it really true that you and your husband were like you behave with Conor?” Dad asked Brigitte.

“That’s a true statement. We’re very casual about nudity and sex and frequently have sex with others within our group, even when mated.”

“What group? Some hippie, commune, free love, thing?”

“Not like you mean it, no. Like Jess, I can’t speak about it. I have the same obligations to keep it secret as she does.”

“Can Anita get any kind of disease from Conor, if you guys have so much sex with other people?”

“No, sir. I can assure you that Conor and I are both totally disease free. You’ll never catch anything from us. I wish I could say more, tell you how I know that to be true, but it is true.”

“Are you some kind of cloned government experiment and that’s why you can’t reproduce?”

“I can also assure you that’s not the case, but telling you a lot of negatives might be the same as telling you something positive. If you want to know more, you’ll have to sign some paperwork.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Where is it? I’ll sign whatever I need to sign?”

“We don’t have any of the paperwork here, Dad, but they are bringing some this evening. It’s something that Brenda and Gretchen have to sign before they can do the same thing I’m going to do. Look, I’m sorry if our deception caused you and Mom to do something that you might not otherwise have done. That was not the intent. For what it’s worth, I don’t believe that it’s going to harm your marriage. I wouldn’t have suggested you might want to consider doing something like this if I believed that was possible. Truly. I wouldn’t be trying to break you up. I’ll text the people bringing the paperwork to bring two more, one for you, and one for Mom.”

Conor let out a whistle and we turned towards the house. He was sauntering down to the dock alone, naked, somewhat cleaned up.

“Simon, Mrs. Huppert is in your room waiting for you. She wanted to talk a bit before she came down.”

“She’s all right, isn’t she?”

“Right as rain, sir. Quite happy. I’ll let her tell you herself.”

Dad took a look at the three of us liars, before going to the house. I couldn’t really say he was mad, but he didn’t exactly look happy either.

I sent another text to Dawn, telling her to bring the paperwork for two more individuals. It looked like I was going to be telling my parents I was fucking a wolf to get pregnant. I wondered what Dad was going to think when he found out Mom fucked a werewolf. I’d hoped to keep that little detail a secret.

“Did you clean up my mother, Conor? I hope you didn’t leave a huge mess for my dad to find?”

“No, I cleaned her up pretty good. She liked that almost as much as she liked the sex.”

“Well, Dad, and I suppose Mom, by now, knows you aren’t married to Brigitte. He’s got lots of questions. We’re going to need to tell them. Dawn will be bringing more paperwork.”

“Do you think they’ll be okay with it?”

“Since my mom just fucked a werewolf, I hope so.”


They were both gone quite a while. So long, we decided to go swimming again as the morning got hotter. At 12:20, Mom came down in a bathrobe and told us she had lunch on the table. Conor and Brigitte headed up to the house, but I held Mom’s arm, holding her back.

“Did you have fun?” I asked.

She looked at Conor’s retreating naked body, then turned to me and said, “I’ve always enjoyed sex with your father. He’s an excellent lover, don’t get me wrong, but sex with Conor was like, Zowie, on a whole other level. I have never had sex like that before.”

“How are you and Dad doing?” I asked.

“My greatest worry is that afterward, he might not want to have sex with me again, that I might be tainted by sex with another man. I was scared, no matter how much we’d talked it over ahead of time. It was some kind of strange when he came to the bedroom after I’d been with another man in our bed, and he saw how well fucked I’d been, but he wanted to have sex with me right away, so that worry quickly disappeared. I told him how much I loved him, and told him he really needed to try having sex with Brigitte. If it was anything like sex with Conor, he’d love it.”

“Knowing how much you enjoyed sex with Conor, does it worry you a little he’ll enjoy it as much as you did.”

“Perhaps I would have felt that way at one time, and if you were staying here in Wisconsin, perhaps I would, but not now. I know you’re going and won’t be a regular part of our life, so this was just a little exercise in freedom. I’m even curious what it would be like having sex with Brigitte. You did say you enjoyed that as much as sex with Conor.”

“She does magical things with her tongue.”

“Yet she’s not a lesbian?”

“Not really, no. She was mated to a male. Dad told you Brigitte and Conor aren’t married, right?”

“He did. I’m curious to know why you felt you had to lie about that little item, but he said you can’t talk about it yet. We have to sign some paperwork. Fine, I can wait.”

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