The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

6. A Request


It’s late into the night and we’ve been talking things out in Leo’s home office since I wanted out of the hospital, l’m feeling like an invalid. Plus, we needed somewhere extremely secure to talk and if my being alive is to be kept a secret, then the fewer people who see me, the better.

It’s not much of an issue as the Sangue pack is probably more private than the Shadow Wolves pack.

It was the first thing we had discussed and agreed on. No one else should know. The fewer people that know I’m alive, the better, and that includes the royals for now. That was Leo’s idea, but the man is intelligent, and I understand what he means too.

Jamie and Gideon are here too. I trust them just as I feel I can trust the Rossis. I may not have known them for long, but they’re genuine people and their love for Skyla is obvious.

We need to think everything out properly before we plan our next step.

Even Jamie and Gideon are shocked when I tell them about the entire Solaris prophecy, and Jamie is a little offended that I didn’t fill them in earlier. That revelation is a shock to them all, aside from Skyla and Dante.

I filled them in on pretty much everything regarding Dad and Aleric.

My only concern is Mom and Charlotte. I can’t have them think I’m dead and it’s what we’re discussing now.

“I know, but if they don’t mourn like you’re dead, Kenneth will fucking see right through them. He’s smart.” Leo says lighting another cigarette.

“That’s true, but I can’t put my mother through that.” I say, thinking of what she must be going through already.

“We are going to have to go back, anyway. What if I fill her in secretly?” Jamie suggests.

“No, not safe. You two will need to keep on the down low, especially since you are both closely associated with Royce.” Leo says.

“That’s understandable. Leave it to me. I’ll make sure she knows.” Dante adds.

I look up at him and nod. “Alright.” I don’t know how he’ll do it, but if he says he can, then I’m certain he will.

“I think that’s enough for today. We all need rest.” Azura says before turning to Leo. “Phoenix is awake too. Winona has her.”

My heart skips a beat at the name.


She’s right here, so close…

Skyla caresses my chest from where she’s curled up beside me and looks up at me curiously.

I need to tell her about Winona… I glance at Leo. I know it’s late, but…

“Sure, Baby Girl. I think we all should head to bed. You staying Dante?” He asks his cousin,

“I should go, I’ll escort Jamie and Gideon to the borders.” He says running his fingers through his black curls.

Jamie nods.

“We’ll stick to the planned story, and as far as we are concerned, we haven’t seen you in the last two days.” Gideon says.

“Perfect.” I reply.

Kataleya suppresses a yawn, rubbing her eyes. “I’ll head to bed too then if that’s alright.” Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Go to bed, sleeping beauty.” Azura says with a smirk. “Go dream of-”

“Zu!” Kataleya exclaims, it’s the first time I’ve heard her speak as loud.

She flushes as Sky smirks and it’s clearly an inside joke, but it clearly involves a guy.

“Can I have a quick word, Leo.” I ask, as we all stand up and Skyla assists me, but I’m alright. I kiss her lips softly.

‘Thanks, Love. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.’

‘No, you’re not. Stop acting like a god, and just take it easy.’ She says with a pout, her eyes dipping to my chest before she sighs and steps back, glancing between Leo and me.

“Sure.” He replies, watching me with his sharp eyes.

“Well, I’ll go walk Dante out.” Skyla says as she scoops up Malevolent, who had apparently jumped into the car with the boys when Skyla had been in pain.

I feel guilty for that. I marked her only to put her through so much pain, another thing that is so vital with the mate bond… I must take care of myself for her.

‘Everythings ok, right?’ she asks me through the link as she pauses at the door.

‘Yeah, I just learned the identity of my sister, and he will be able to help me.’ I say quietly.

I don’t know if she’ll even want to see me, but Leo would know. After all, he is the Alpha of this pack and he knows her.

‘Fill me in later?’ She says. I look into her gorgeous green eyes and nod.

‘Absolutely.’ I reply. She saunters back to me and kisses my neck and despite the pain I’m in, it’s a fucking turn on…

The moment the door shuts behind the group, the sound of their talking fades away and I turn back to Leo, who is watching me intently as he smokes his cigarette.

I glance around the office before I look at him again.

“I won’t keep you long considering it’s late, however, the topic I wanted to discuss with you is… complicated.”

“Hit me with it, I like a challenge.” He says, relaxing back in his seat.

How do you tell someone that you think- no, you know their father’s mate is your sister?

“I’ll start at the beginning,” I say quietly as I stand before his desk.

“Two years before I was born, my mother gave birth to a baby girl, one who was apparently stillborn. She named her Victoria Elizabeth Arden… She still remembers her to this day… However, recently I found out that she’s alive. She was simply taken from us, because our so-called father felt she was too

weak to be one of us and I’m presuming the fact his firstborn was not a male. He ordered our Beta to kill her, who was unable to do that, and instead hid her at a human orphanage…”

He looks slightly tense, and although he hasn’t moved, he’s no longer smoking his cigarette as he remains silent. But there’s a look in his eyes. That makes me wonder if he’s already putting it together.

“Last night that is why I was at that bridge to find out the identity of our sister we thought we lost 27 years ago… and before Quade was killed, he told me the name that he gave her when he left her at that orphanage.” I continue.

I’m not sure this is the right decision. His eyes are cold, and his aura is raging around him as he watches me.

“And what might that name be?” He asks, now looking me square in the eyes.

“Winona,” I reply quietly. “A name that actually means ‘first-born daughter’ it’s befitting, wouldn’t you agree?”

His eyes flash as he looks away, clenching his fist as he takes a long drag on his cigarette and stands up.

“The urge to rip your father to shreds is fucking enticing and if I want to, no one can stop me from doing so.” He says, his rage simmering through the room. “I found her when she was lost, treated like crap and so weak and closed off that her wolf did not awaken. She may have been assumed to be an omega, but she’s not weak, and she is my family. She doesn’t need to be blood.”

And I’ll always be grateful.

“Don’t you think it hurt me too, knowing that we have a sister out there, left at an orphanage, whilst we were raised in luxury? But then again, she may have been better off, rather than being raised as a

product to simply use for power. I know… she has her entire life here. She’s happy, content and does not need us. I know that she’s happy. But she is my sister and if you want to do a DNA-”

“No, I don’t fucking need a DNA sample to prove you’re related.” He looks up sharply and tilts his head as he walks over to me. “What do you want to do, by telling me that you are her biological family, what are you trying to achieve? She doesn’t want to meet her family. When I offered to find them, she said she doesn’t want anything to do with a family who fucking didn’t want her.”

I had been prepared for that…

I nod and smile faintly. “I respect that, and it’s why I wanted to ask you first. Although I know what my father did can never be forgiven, there are those who would give anything to know her… I for one, mother and our little sister Charlotte. If you can ask her if she’s willing to meet a family member, I’d appreciate it.”

“And if she says no?” He asks, his voice is cold as he looks me in the eye.

I won’t deny that it hurt, but all this is Dad’s fault. If it wasn’t for him, we’d have grown up as siblings.

I take a moment, pondering over what he said.

“When I met her at the hospital, she felt familiar, now looking back, she does look like Mother and Charlotte. However, if she says no and doesn’t wish to meet us, I will keep the revelation of her identity a secret and I will respect her wishes.” I reply. “I promise you.”

He nods slowly, as if thinking over my words.

“Good. Cause I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“I don’t either.” I reply, our eyes meet and although I’m feeling emotions for a sister, I never knew was alive, he knew her for longer… he’s the one who rightfully earned his place in her life.

I just wish she gives me a chance too.

Turning away, I walk to the door. “Goodnight, and thank you for your time.” I say quietly.

“Don’t keep your hopes up.” He says, making me pause. I glance back at him.

“Why do I get the feeling, you’d rather she doesn’t meet us.”

“Because like I said, I don’t want her hurt. She may be mated to my father, but before that, she was and still is someone important to me. I consider her like a sister and if someone hurts her…I will lose my shit. You may be looking at it from your point of view, but I’m thinking of all the fucking things that could go wrong. We all know the Arden’s are a fucking shit show to get involved with.”

“We are not all the same.” I say, the reputation Dad has created, he may be on the council, but there’s no trust.

“That’s the difference between you and me, Alpha Leo. You assess and consider your chances. You’re calm, collected, and sharp. I respect that, and I can tell that you truly care for those around you.” I say, as I pull open the door. “But we are not alike, and we see things so differently.”

“Oh yeah? It’s not a bad thing to pick and choose your next move wisely. You act on your beliefs, ethics and emotions, regardless of how it can negatively impact you.” He says. “For a king, you need to learn that not everyone is like you – your brother, and what he did is a fine example of that.”

“Perhaps… but I like to think that there’s good in everyone. Everyone deserves to be trusted and respected until proven otherwise. I may not be the wisest, but I’m happy to be the way I am. If it means I’m willing to see the good in others, then I’ll remain the fool.”

Something in his eyes changes before he looks away and nods.

“Your kindness and trust will ruin you, heed my fucking words.”

I don’t agree.

“Goodnight.” I respond.

“Night, third room on the left,” He replies.

“I know. I can smell her.” I say, smiling faintly before making my way down the hall. My smile fades as his words return to me.

‘Don’t keep your hopes up…’

I knock lightly on the third door and open it to see Skyla walk over to me with concern.

“Hey…” She trails off.

She instantly knows something is wrong, and she hugs me, being careful of my injuries. Yet I don’t care about them, instead, I pull her tightly into my arms, burying my nose in her neck. Inhaling her beautiful intoxicating scent.

“I’m lucky to have you.” I whisper.

Her heart is racing and even when she whispers what’s wrong? I’m unable to reply. The emotions I’m feeling are far too intense, and I fear if I speak, my voice will give away how I feel…

She guides me to the bed, and we lie down. Neither of us speaks, as I hold her close, finding comfort in her embrace.

She knows me, just like when things used to get rough when we talked online. She’d stay online telling me she’s there if I want to talk… she knew to give me the space I needed.

It’s the weight of the entire day, the revelation, Aleric is trying to kill me, leaving my pack, Mom… Charlotte… Sky, how she had looked so terrified when I had woken up, the pain in her voice as she shouted at her brother. I can never leave her or hurt her because it would surely break her.

I don’t know how long we lay there until I break the silence. “My sister may not want to see me, Love.”

She jerks her head up, staring at me in shock.


I look down at her, brushing her hair back and caress her cheek slowly.

“I’ll respect her decision.” I say, sighing.

She looks concerned, waiting for me to continue, but I’m unable to, especially since I can’t say her name to anyone, and until she makes her decision, I can’t tell anyone.

She doesn’t push me, instead, she cups my face, pressing her lips against mine and drawing me into an incredibly deep and passionate kiss that sends those beautiful currents of pleasure through me…

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