The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye)

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Nathaniel whirled around quickly, but he could not tell where the person was while peeping at him.

Nathaniel had always been a cautious and alert person, so his feeling earlier could not be wrong. If Mango had not warned him that there could be outsiders on the base, he may not be so vigilant.

However, as soon as he stepped out of Zack's room, Nathaniel sensed that he was being followed and the unsettled feeling was so bad.

Nathaniel was so annoyed and disturbed.

He was worried about Mango's safety and he even wanted to turn back to warn Mango, but then the thought of Rita crossed his mind suddenly.

Rita's operation could not be performed without him, so he had to go home as soon as possible.

Then, Nathaniel took out his mobile phone and he called Zion right away.

He did not know how to contact Merle, so he had no choice but to have Zion inform Merle to closely guard Mango's safety.

Meanwhile, Zion was ensconced deeply in his sleep so he ended the call as soon as it started ringing.

Right then, Nathaniel felt a little helpless.

The little brat could be sleeping very soundly right now and Nathaniel wouldn’t have disturbed Zion's sleep if possible, but he had no choice.

Zion was extremely annoyed and he picked up the call when the phone would not stop ringing.

"Mr. Ye, what are you doing? The sun hasn't even risen yet!”

"Right now I'm at the base and I’m about to head home, but I'm afraid that something will happen to your mommy. Since I can't contact Merle, how about you call and have him monitor closely all the activities in the camp? We have to protect your mommy, got it?”

Nathaniel’s voice was soft and Zion could hardly hear his father’s words as the sea breeze whipped around in the background.

"Aren't you at the base? It'll be fine if Zack is there to protect mommy."

Zion yawned as he spoke, he was clearly still half asleep.

Nathaniel sighed and said, "Having another person there is just an extra layer of protection, so hurry up."

"Ugh, I got it. The only thing you know how to do is order me around."

Then, Zion hung up and he called Merle next. Strangely, Zion could not reach Merle's mobile phone at all.

At first, Zion did not think much of it as he figured that Merle turned off his phone while he slept. However, Zion started to feel something was wrong after he called a few more times.

Then, all his sleepiness immediately evaporated into thin air.

Then, he quickly called Nathaniel but the strange thing was that Zion could not reach Nathaniel's phone either.

The base's signal had been blocked!

But who could it be?

Who was capable of jamming the signal from the base?

Zion sat up abruptly and he quickly turned on the computer in hopes of locating Mango. Unfortunately, Mango's tracker had disappeared.

What the hell was going on?

Zion suddenly became uneasy.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel had hurriedly obtained a dinghy from the warehouse after he hung up the phone. He wanted to leave the base under the cover of night, nevertheless, he still felt uneasy.

His right eyelid twitched constantly, and Nathaniel was unsure if that was because of a lack of sleep or it was because something bad would happen.

Nathaniel set down the dinghy in the ocean before he quickly boarded it, and he used the oars to row away.

Not long after Nathaniel left, Mango suddenly opened her eyes.

The outside of her room was so quiet that it was almost stifling, but she could hear soft footsteps were approaching in the silence.

There seemed to be quite a few people were approaching her room.

Then, Mango quickly got up and she quietly got dressed before she immediately went to her window.

The outside of her room led to a heavily forested mountain and Mango had no idea what was in store for her if she left her room, but she reckoned that it was much better than being caught in a trap if she remained inside.

Mango draped a down jacket over her shoulders before she opened the window and quickly climbed out. However, she did not run for the mountains.

Instead, Mango climbed up onto the roof and she lay prone on it. She clutched her phone in her hand and intended to text Merle before she realized that the signal had been jammed.

This was bad!

Something must have happened in the base!

Furthermore, Mango was unsure if Nathaniel had left or not.

Although she had knowingly stayed here to lure the other party out, she did not expect them to have acted so quickly. Right now, she was most worried about Nathaniel's safety.

There was no way Nathaniel would be at a disadvantage with his skills, but what if he trusted the men in the base?

Mango dared not think of the consequences.

The door opened with a soft click, and Mango’s entire body tensed.

Here they came!

Her palms were slick with nervous sweat and she suppressed her breathing the best she could.

There were about four people who entered the room and two of them immediately pounced on the bed in hopes of capturing Mango. However, they failed to do so.

"There's no one here?"

The other party's voice was restrained and deliberately lowered.

"The bed is still warm, she must've left recently."

"The window is opened!"

The two of them quickly came to a conclusion.

"She has run outside, it seems like she is rather vigilant."

Right then, someone turned on the lights in the room.

Another man came into the room and he spoke faintly as he surveyed the room.

"She is so vigilant and cautious so it's no wonder that she’s Nathaniel's wife. Go and bring her to me. Regardless of what happens, Mango must not leave this base! Furthermore, Nathaniel has just left on a dinghy via the ocean. He may be alone, but he's a formidable fighter so it's best if we let him leave."

Mango was stunned when she heard the voice.

It was Zack?

How could it be him?

Mango could be wary of anyone on this base, but she never imagined that Zack would be the one to betray Nathaniel.

She was very shocked and she couldn't wait to tell Nathaniel about this.

What had Zack said just now?

He said that Nathaniel had left the base by dinghy, right?

To Mango, it was best as long as Nathaniel left the base.

It was necessary for Nathaniel to know this piece of information, but Mango knew that this wasn't the right time to tell him.

The people in the room quickly left. They went to search for Mango in the mountains in unison and leaving only Zack in the room.

He stood in front of the window as he looked out at the dark road in front of him, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Mango was almost frozen to death as she lay prone on the roof.

The morning wind was frigid.

However, Mango's heart was even colder with disappointment.

The friendship between Zack and Nathaniel was so solid that they were willing to die for one another. They had both survived the impossible on the battlefield, how did this friendship turn into betrayal?

Was it possible that Zack hadn't been loyal to Nathaniel from the beginning?

Who did Zack take his orders from?

Nanny Zhang? Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Or was it Uncle Ye?

Mango couldn't figure it out and right now and she was trying her best to hide, but she had no idea how to contact Merle.

She never imagined that the person would be Zack.

Now that the signal had been jammed, she was like a lone soldier isolated from the world.

She couldn't hide on the roof forever as she would be discovered as soon as morning came. If Zack did not leave the house, then how could she escape?

Honestly, Mango felt she had been backed into a corner.

Mango had obtained the information she wanted, at the cost of putting herself in this dire situation. Furthermore, Mango couldn’t imagine the aftermath if she ever came to blow with Zack.

Just as Mango thought hard on her escape, Zack sighed as if he was talking to himself. "Where will you be on a cold day like this?"

Meanwhile, Mango dared not even breathe in fear of Zack discovering her hiding spot.

Fortunately, Zack only stayed for a while longer in the room as he searched anxiously for Mango. After that, he left the room after he failed to find Mango.

However, Mango did not leave her hiding place in fear of Zack returning any moment to look for her again. Knowing his character, this was very possible.

Sure enough, Zack returned moments after he left.

He lurked around the room for a while longer and he left after he was sure that Mango was not there.

Mango was surprised and afraid at the same time.

What should she do?

What should she do to not be captured by Zack?

Mango was so cold that her limbs were stiff and she dared not to move a muscle, as she was fearful of making a noise.

The sky had started to lighten after Mango remained on the roof for about half an hour. Furthermore, the sun would rise shortly after, so Mango would lose all hope of hiding from Zack as she would be discovered immediately.

Moreover, the base was equipped with a security system and Mango had no idea where the blind spots were as she had only been here a short while.

After all, this was Zack’s domain.

Thus, Mango felt like she had run into a dead end.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and she decided to climb down. As for where to go, Mango had no choice but to escape to the mountain.

Although she might run into Zack’s men, her chances were better since the mountain covered a vast area and it was easier for her to hide alone there.

Unless she didn't have anything on her.

Mango seemed to recall that she had a tracking device on her body.

If Merle could locate her through the tracker, it wasn' t impossible for Zack to do the same, so she could only ditch the tracker.

As she thought of this, Mango removed the tracker and crushed it under her foot.

If she wanted to hide, she would do it so well that no one could ever find her.

After she did all that, Mango quickly headed deep into the mountain.

She didn't know what lurked in the mountains, or if Zack’s men had set a trap for her. So, Mango just ran aimlessly.

As she ran, she realized that she had become lost.

Mango was already unfamiliar with this place, and to make matters worse she was running around like a crazed chicken. After that, she unwittingly arrived at the mouth of a cave.

If Mango hadn't fallen, she would never have discovered this cave.

The outside of the cave was covered with grass and it seemed like there was nothing here, but Mango had accidentally fallen in.

The cave was very damp and cold, and the chill caused Mango to feel quite uncomfortable.

Then, Mango stood up quickly only to find that she had sprained her ankle.

Indeed, it had been a series of unfortunate events for Mango.

Mango cursed herself internally for being so unlucky, but she dared not stay here for long so she started walking further inside the cave. However, Mango did not pay attention to whatever was inside the cave.

As she walked, Mango seemed to hear human voices so she hurriedly stopped and crouched down low. At the time, her heartbeat so wildly against her chest that it threatened to leap out.

Who were they?

Who was inside the cave?

Was this not an abandoned cave?

As she deliberated this in her mind, the voices got increasingly closer and footsteps started to approach her...

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