The Princess Slave

Chapter 38

Violette POV

After I finished cleaning Masters chambers, he gave me permission to choose a book to read for a little while, while he was out in a meeting. He did not give me permission to leave, but instead.. to sit at his desk and read.

He said he wouldn’t be long, but it’s been an hour or so and my stomach is growling. I looked at the door, my brain unable to focus on the book much longer. I wonder how much longer he will be. My eyes shifted to the gray door a few feet to my side.

I’m so curious. But there’s a saying.. curiosity killed the cat, and I’d much rather not die. I like my life.. as worthless as I may be. Maybe one day he will trust me enough to show me what lies behind the gray door. Or maybe I’ll be left to wonder for the remainder of my life. Who knows? I’d rather not find out what punishment I’d get for looking inside.

I heard talking outside of Masters chambers. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly who it was, because the thick door muffles the voices slightly. After a moment, the doorknob twisted, and the door burst open. There stood Minerva, with the most hateful look on her face when she looked around the room and spotted me sitting at the Kings desk in his office.

Loren followed her in as she stalked across the room.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked. I didn’t respond, of course. But goddess, did I want to. I didn’t like this woman. She’s hateful and rude for absolutely no reason.

“Goddess, I hate that you don’t talk to me. How is it see you chatting with your little servant friends but you won’t even talk to me? It’s ridiculous!” She growled. She walked around the desk and snatched the book out of my hand hard enough to hurt my wrist.

“Get out of the King’s chair.” She snapped. Not wanting to fight her on this, I stood up. As much as I wanted to punch her in the throat, I withheld the urge to do so. The last thing I need right now is to anger the King for hitting his mistress. Especially when we seem to be at decent terms right now.

“Minerva, leave her alone. The king left her in here.. he probably gave her permission to sit there. And you know he’ll punish me for letting you in here.” He snapped.

“But why? If she’s his slave.. why does he allow her to do such things? I don’t really care if you get punished. Though, what I’d really like to see is this bitch getting herself handed to her.” She looked angrily at him.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him that. And you don’t have to be so hateful. She’s done nothing to you.” Loren said. She ignored the last part he said and looked at me.

“Did you know he f***s me on this desk?” She asked. A smirk appeared on her face when I looked down at the desk, then back up at her. For some reason.. that really bothered me. He took my virtue on this desk.

I shook my head.

“Minerva, stop. Or I’ll be forced to mind link the King.” Loren growled. He reached for the book in her hand but she pulled it away.

“Oh, no. She doesn’t just get to sit at the desk as if it belongs to her. Not without knowledge of what he does to me on it.” She sneered.

“Minerva, you have five seconds,” Loren growled. He got in her face, grabbing the book and pulling it out of her hands. She gripped the book so hard, a few pages ripped out and my heart dropped. The king may believe that was me.. I felt tears sting my eyes.. goddess, why am I so sensitive? Why does she feel the need to torment me. My life is already a living hell.

“Fine.” She growled. She gave me a sly grin one last time before walking through the room and shutting the door behind her.

“I’m sorry, Violette. I’ll make sure he knows what happened with the book.” Loren said. I fell to the floor and let out a sob.

“Why is she so awful?” I cried.

“It’s not your fault, okay?” He said. He placed his hand on my shoulder as I nodded my head.

“Here, come sit.” He said as he motioned back towards the chair by the desk. I shook my head and let out a growl.

“I will not sit there anymore,” I said. He sighed and nodded.

“Then come sit at the table in here, okay? I will explain the book wasn’t your fault. He won’t be angry with you.” He said. He held his hand out and I took it. He helped me up and let go, then led me to the table in Masters chambers.

I looked back once at the desk. I feel disgusted.. how dare he take my virtue there? On the desk.. where he takes Minerva. Does he really think that little of me?

Of course, he does, Violette. You’re his slave. I reminded myself. Loren handed the book back to me, but I just sat it down on the table and stared at it. What was once a peaceful moment.. was now completely ruined. Goddess, I wished I’d hit that trifling woman.

Loren left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I encouraged Master to take my virtue. If I had just hidden my arousal.. hidden everything.. I would be intact. I wouldn’t feel as disgusted and disrespected as I do right now.

I sat there thinking for what felt like forever before the door opened once again and in walked Master. His face was.. displeased at the least. I assume Loren told him what happened.

“Are you okay?” He asked. I didn’t respond. I was angry at him. Why I was so angry, I didn’t know for sure. It could be a million things.. I didn’t know why the desk bothered me so much. But it really, really did.

“Please answer me, you know I don’t appreciate silence.” He said in a calm tone. I could tell he was holding back his anger as to not upset me further. I looked at him, and he knew instantly I was not okay.

“Loren told me what happened, and I apologize. Minerva knows better.” He said.

“Did he tell you everything?” I asked, a hint of my wolf was laced in my voice without my notice.

“I believe so.” He said, cocking his eyebrow up at me.

“Then, may I go?” I asked. I didn’t want to spend another second near him, fearing I might explode with rage and say harsh things and end up thrown in the dungeon or my collar used on me.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“No.” He said. He pulled the chair in front of me back and sat down.

“Tell me what happened from your side.” He said. I took a moment and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to help calm myself to the best of my abilities.

“Minerva came in, she was clearly angry I was here. And angry that I was sitting at your desk.” I said. He nodded his head for me to continue.

“She took the book I was reading out of my hands.. told me to get up, so I did. Then went on to tell me how you.. f**k her.. on the desk.” I said. His face was red, but I wasn’t sure why. From anger? Embarrassment? Guilt?

“And then she ripped the book trying to keep it from Loren.” I finished.

“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have..” he began but I shook my head.

“I’m your slave, it’s not any of my business,” I said as I lifted my hands up in front of me.

“I will punish her for it.” He said. Determination and rage was in his voice.. it was very hard to miss.

“Like you punished me? On that very desk?” I asked.. disgust was clear in my tone. Goddess, I don’t understand why I’m so angry. Livid, is more like the word.

“No.. I..” he stumbled through his words. I could feel the tears coming back. He had no reason to explain anything to me. He owed me nothing. And I couldn’t care less to have him try and apologize because.. at this moment, his apologies meant nothing.

“Please, may I go?” My voice cracked as I asked.

“If you want to.” He said softly. I stood up, leaving the book where it was and pushing in my chair. As I went to walk away he grabbed my wrist. I turned around to look at him, waiting for a reason as to why he was holding me here.

“Your collar.” He said. I stayed where I was as he walked into his office and grabbed my collar, then returned. I couldn’t describe the look on his face, but I knew he wasn’t angry with me. He wrapped the collar around my neck and locked it.

“You may go.” He said. I walked to the door, opened it, and left.

“Violette.” Loren tried to call for me but I continued to my room. Now I don’t even have my friends to bring me comfort. All I have now is my mind.. and that’s completely useless right now.


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