The Omega For Sale

Chapter 50

I felt my entire face and body turn red at the Alpha’s words, plus the look in his eyes as they roamed from my face to my chest, down my legs was enough to heat my body up and cause arousal to rush through my veins.

Looking at the Alpha properly, my breath seized in my throat from how handsome he looked. His clothes fit his body perfectly, showing off his muscles in the right places and his hair had been done so well. The dark moustache that painted his upper lips -my favorite part of him- curved into a smirk as he continued to watch me silently while I checked him out unashamed.

The Alpha was very good looking. Too good looking in fact.

“Are you done checking me out now Freya? Can I move from my position or do you want a 360?” The Alpha asked playfully and I laughed loudly then without thinking I reached out a hand to swat at his arm.

The Alpha only laughed louder before he was wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to his body, dipping his head to claim my lips in a sweet kiss.

I melted into the kiss immediately, holding onto his shirt and momentarily forgetting the world around me, including the fact that we were standing by my doorway.

“Mommy!” Came Jessy’s voice, as the shorter girl began tugging at my dress.

I pulled away from the kiss and turned to give her my attention. Jessy gave me a big smile before turning her own attention to the Alpha and waving excitedly at him. The Alpha grinned from ear to ear and in the next second he was taking Jessy into his arms and giving her cheek a big kiss.

Jessy liked that a lot because as always she squealed with joy when he did so.

“You look beautiful Jess.” The Alpha complimented and Jessy who looked like she had been about to say something, changed her mind and shyly buried her head in the Alpha’s shoulder, causing the latter to chuckle.

“Like mother like daughter.” He said and I averted my eyes just so I could roll it.

“I saw that.” The Alpha commented flicking his middle finger and thumb at my head.

“Ouch. That hurts.”

“It was supposed to. Are you going to bring your bunny with us Jessy?” The Alpha turned his attention to the three years old who had began to play with the bunny.

“Mommy say yes.” Jessy responded, still concentrated on making the bunny’s ears move.

I moved into the room to tidy up some items that had been left laying around and to pick up our bags while still listening to Jessy and Alpha Greyson whom had strolled into the room behind me.

“What did you name your bunny?” He asked.


“Yes, the bunny what did you name it?” I turned around to hide my chuckle when the Alpha asked again.

“Bunny.” Jessy responded once more, looking to me for help, the Alpha also had a confused look on his face and he looked to me for help too.

The identical look of confusion that painted both of their faces, made me burst out loud with laughter. I wheezed with laughter and their frowns deepened.

“She named her bunny; Bunny.” I finally managed to say.

“Oh okay that makes sense.” He responded and began laughing with me.

I shook my head slightly at him and reached to take his free hand that he offered, the one wasn’t balancing Jessy, before we were exiting the room. The moment we stepped out of the room, I felt like all the doors in the quarters shut and I shook my head at the obvious fact that most of the maids had been eavesdropping on us.

“Bye Chrisey.” Jessy said, waving her tiny hands at the maid who was standing in the living area talking to Zoe.

The two turned their head at my child’s voice and they both waved at us. The two maids mouthing words like ‘steal a lot of food.’ and ‘you need a bigger bag.’

I laughed loudly, ignoring them both before stepping out of the house behind the Alpha. The moment that I took the first breath, it felt different. It wasn’t like I had not seen the outside world since I became a slave here, after all I went into the garden almost everyday. It just felt really different this time.

The Alpha led us out through the gates and I paused in my steps to take in a deep breath and just appreciate the world around me. The Alpha’s voice interrupted me.

“The fields is not very far so we’re just going to walk down. Is that okay?” He asked and for a moment it felt like my mind shut down.

He was asking me if that was okay? Asking for my opinion? Why did that matter? I thought he was the boss. Well, he is the boss. So why was he asking me?



“Did you hear me?”

“Yes, yes, it’s fine.” I responded and he nodded in satisfaction.

“What’s that?” Jessy suddenly asked, pointing to one of the buildings.

It was a colorful building and had drawings on its body. Animals, books, the Alphabets.

“That’s the pack school, well it’s a creche but I doubt you know the meaning of that. Do you think you want to come here during the week?” The Alpha asked and Jessy nodded her head excitedly.

I was pretty sure the blue eyed girl had no idea what she was agreeing to but it was nice to see her so excited. Jessy had never been very far from me at any point in her life and I was pretty sure that she might have problems, leaving me even if it were only for a couple of hours everyday.

But I wasn’t worried.

I didn’t think the Alpha would really put her in the school, he was most likely just trying to make conversation with her.

The two continued to talk like best friends, while I followed and listened silently and it was in this moment that I realized that the Alpha and Jessy were similar in many ways, both listened while the other spoke and usually waited till they were done speaking before doing so. Both had similar smiles and got excited over little things.

It was pretty satisfying watching them both interact. Even when I wasn’t carried along in their conversation, I didn’t feel bad one bit. Jessy had just started talking about her favorite food when I felt it.

The hair on my neck bristled and it felt like a switch had been flipped and the warm evening breeze was suddenly turned chilly and goosebumps scattered on my skin. I could feel eyes on my frame as we walked and that feeling of being watched was so heavy on my mind that I had to look around.

There was nothing out of place as far as I could see and although the streets were eerily quiet; save for Jessy and the Alpha’s conversation and empty most likely due to the fact that everyone was at the festival. I couldn’t see anyone or anything that could be responsible for the eerie feeling crawling up my spine.

“Are you okay?” The Alpha suddenly asked by my side and I swallowed heavily, nodding my head in the positive, not wanting to ruin our evening before it even started with my paranoia.

“Yes Master, I’m fine.” I responded, rubbing my sweaty palms against the sides of my dress and feeling bad about it.

This dress was too beautiful to be coming in contact with my sweat.

The Alpha paused in his steps and he walked in front of me, causing me to raise my eyes to look at him since the goddess and decided to curse my height and bless his.

“No Master for tonight Freya. It’s Greyson. Okay?”

The shock that ripped through my frame must have been evident on my face because the Alpha -or maybe I could say Greyson- began laughing, shaking his head slightly, before balancing Jessy on his other hand and continuing to walk.

I forced my feet to follow behind him while a million questions ran through my mind. I had always referred to him as Alpha even in my head, so this was a big change for me. I didn’t even want to get started on what this meant in the long run.

Shouting and music soon reached my ears and a smile tugged at my lips when the energy from the festival reached my ears. Even without seeing it, I could already feel how much fun this was going to be.

The moment we walked through the gates that opened into the largest field I had ever seen, I gasped slightly at the sight before me. I couldn’t decide where I wanted to go first or do first and it felt like two eyes was not enough to see everything around me.

There were different sets of bonfires at different points and then different groups doing different things from wolf racing to dancing, to food and karaoke. There was even a section for children. It felt like everyone was having fun from the loud laughing and shouting.

“Welcome to the Solace.” Greyson said by my side and the biggest smile formed on my face.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Where do you want to visit first?” He asked but before I could respond the mini version of myself beat me to it.

“Food!” She screamed out and Greyson laughed loudly, leading us to the buffet that had been laid out in the middle of the space.

Once we had filled up our plates with whatever we pleased we moved to a part of the field where we could just watch the activities around and settled down to begin eating.

I don’t think anything could have been able to wipe the smile off my face or the sparkle in my eyes. Jessy of course stained her shirt and her bunny in less than two minutes and the messy three years old moved to steal food from the Alpha’s plate, who of course let her and even adjusted in his spot so she could move closer to him and eat comfortably from his plate.

I rolled my eyes at the two but said nothing.

The feeling of eyes watching me had stopped the moment that we stepped into the fields but I couldn’t help but wonder if it had really gone away or if my excitement had just made me loose concentration.

“You wanna go there?” I heard Greyson say by my side and I turned to look.

Jessy was pointing in the direction of the kids that were huddled together in a spot playing and I could see the want in her eyes. My daughter shook her head no but I could immediately see through it.

Jessy had never really been accepted by other kids back at our previous pack and although she loved to play, she would often play alone to avoid coming in contact with the other kids, since they bullied her a lot.

I could see that my child really wanted to play with these kids but she was scared. Scared that they were going to bully her if she came close to them, scared that she wasn’t going to be accepted. And my heart restricted in my chest for my daughter.

“What? Why not? It’ll be fun. Come on, I’ll take you there. Hang on.” He instructed and when Jessy’s arms were firmly wrapped around his neck, he stood up and moved in the direction of the other children.

I watched as he dropped her amongst the children and for a moment I feared that they were going to begin hitting her. I watched as Jessy crawled to a corner and sat there alone and I stood up to watch scared that my daughter might start panicking, before I could move in her direction to bring her back with me, I watched as another child; a boy, crawled in her direction and offered her his toy.

Jessy observed the fluffy teddy in her hands. Pinching the ears and rubbing her hands through its body. Once it seemed like she was satisfied with the results, she offered the boy a small smile before giving him her own bunny.

The boy took it with a smile, even when Jessy’s bunny had a stain on it.

I watched as Greyson smiled at the duo, ruffling their hairs before moving back in my direction with a proud smile on his face.

“And that is how you get two children to be best friends.” He said the moment he was back at my side and I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

“You didn’t do anything. The little boy did all the work.” I said and he gasped, pretending to be hurt.

“I’ll forgive you this once. Come on, it’s adult time now, what do you want to do?” He asked.

But he didn’t wait for me to respond before he was taking my face in his hands and littering kisses all over my face. I laughed in pure joy and the Alpha chuckled along with me. Neither of us seeming to care that we had the eyes of almost every pack member on us.

“Well I want to dance.” I responded and he made a face.


“I can’t dance to save my life and I’m just going to embarrass the both of us if I try.”

“Well you’re in luck. Looks like this is a competition for the worst dancer because the dance floor is filled with that.” The Alpha looked in that direction and just in that moment, someone stumbled and fell, which made us both laugh.

“No Freya.” He said stubbornly.

“Pleaseee.” I tried again but the Alpha only shook his head stubbornly.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He said and before I could respond he was leaving. I looked on in confusion as he moved to the other side of the fields, waving back to Jessy when she called out to him.

“Good to see that Greyson let you out of the house.” I jumped a little in my spot at the voice before eventually smiling when I saw Smith standing there.

“Well he did, thankfully.” I responded and the Beta settled beside me offering me a small smile, which I returned.

“How is it going?” He asked and I noticed how his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“It’s alright. I’m having fun.” I said.

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked

But before he could response a shadow was casted upon us and when I looked up to see who it was, the sight of the Alpha with anger dancing in his eyes, darkening his grey orbs made me shiver.

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