The Omega For Sale

Chapter 48

“A B C D E F G…” I sang the alphabets to my daughter for the third time and then she sang it back to me once I was done. It was one of our favorite bedtime routines and although Jessy loved it, it usually left her exhausted.

I could see her eyes dropping with sleep already and I knew that any moment from now and she will be falling completely asleep.

Jessy was in the middle of her song when a knock on the door came in and in the next second the Alpha came into the room with his hands tucked behind his back.

“Hi!” He called out causing a smile to paint my face.

“Mastah!” Jessy called out cheerfully, all traces of sleep disappearing from her eyes.

“Hello lovely, guess what I got you.” He asked and Jessy gasped dramatically.

“Bunny?” Jessy asked, already scrambling off the bed in the direction of the Alpha, who picked her up in his arms and gives her cheek a big kiss.

It surprised me but I remained quiet. Jessy squealed loudly at the action and I only watched on with a fond look on my face.

The Alpha pulled out the cutest green bunny that was streaked with white and he dangled it in front of Jessy. The latter let out a scream and she began a long rant about her bunny. The Alpha held the toy above his head and smiled down at Jessy.

“Have you been a good girl?” He asked and Jessy pouted before nodding her head.

“You have? Do you want me to ask mommy about that?” He asked and once again Jessy nodded, looking in my direction with her best puppy dog eyes.

In truth, Jessy had been on her best behavior. She had never been a difficult child even before now and although she could be a little stubborn at times, it wasn’t anything terrible.

“Mommy?” The Alpha finally says looking in my direction with a glint in his eyes and I let out a loud laugh at Jessy’s pouty face.

“It’s true.” I said, putting my daughter out of her misery.

The Alpha let out a chuckle before handing the bunny to Jessy who squealed in delight at the feel of the stuffed toy in her hands. She began wiggling in the Alpha’s hands asking silently to be let down and the latter placed her on the ground and my daughter was shoving her bunny in my face.

“Soft mommy.” She said, squeezing the bunny between her fingers and encouraging me to touch it.

I did for her sake and I could see how this was easily going to become her most favorite toy in the world.

“You have to say thank you Jessy.” I reminded my over excited daughter and she turned to do exactly that.

“Thank you! Eaws big and soft.” She said to the Alpha, pinching the bunny’s big ears between her fingers and gasping at the feeling.

“Just like you wanted, yeah?”

Jessy looked to be in a world of her own as she just continued to bond with her new toy. The Alpha watched with a look in his eyes that I didn’t know what it meant and before I could ask Jessy was gasping.

“What’s the problem babe?” I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion.

“Have to show Chrisey bunny.” She said, scrambling out of the bed and before I could comment she was running out of the room, with her bunny in her hands and Christie’s name on her lips.

I could only hope she didn’t wake the maid up. In fact the entire quarters.

“Thank you so much. She’s really excited for it.” I commented, picking a lint from the sheets to avoid eye contact with the Alpha.

“You’re welcome Freya, it’s nothing. Besides I promised and I never break my promises.” He commented meaningfully and I bit my lips.

The room was bathed in an awkward silence and I didn’t know what to say or do to dispel it. Since the last time we had sex where he had confessed to being happy with me, we hadn’t tangled in the sheets again.

That did not mean that it had been totally weird between us, in fact it was far from it and that left me even more confused about things between us.

The Alpha was gentle when he spoke to me even in front of the other maids, one time he had swiped my hair away from my eyes in the living area where at least three other maids had been present and it had come as a shock to myself and the other maids in the room.

I wasn’t sure what to think of it because I believed I was supposed to be the Alpha’s dirty secret. I believed our sex affair was something that was supposed to be hidden and although our sex affair was hidden but his affection towards me wasn’t and it bothered me.

I was a woman that had been starved of affection, attention and love all her life. Yes, I had Jessy’s affection, attention and love and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world but this was different.

So this little affection and attention that the Alpha had begun to throw my way was something I wasn’t used to at all and I was scared that I was going to believe it was something real and then I would get carried away by all of it.

The best decision for me to take, was to put a distance between myself and the Alpha, I had hoped that if I did that then this facade would eventually wear off.

“Why have you been avoiding me Freya?”

I jumped a little in my spot. I had been so far gone into my thoughts that I had not heard the Alpha move from his spot until he was standing in front of me.

“I haven’t been avoiding you.” I responded softly, refusing to meet with his eyes.

His close proximity plus his scent that I had missed in the last couple of days was turning my brain to mush and I knew that I had no control over it. The Alpha bent his tall frame until he was at eye level with me and I shivered lightly the moment my eyes came into contact with his own intense grey orbs.

“Did anyone ever tell you how shit of a liar you actually are?” He asked and I bit my lips to hold in my smile.

“I’m sorry.” I responded and that seemed to satisfy him because he nodded his head and then he was flashing his pearly whites at me.

The action was so beautiful that I couldn’t help but return a smile of mine too which he seemed to appreciate.

He hooked his hands behind my neck and then he was connecting our lips. The kiss was soft and sweet and I sighed with bliss into it, an action that caused the Alpha to deepen the kiss.

When we pulled apart for air, the Alpha had a playful smirk on his lips and a glint in his eyes and I raised my brows in question. He said nothing but instead, chose to wiggle his brows at me. I let out a loud laugh at the comical look his face took on and he was laughing alongside myself.

“Well mommy, I got you something too.” He said

“Really? Bu-but you didn’t promise me anything and I didn’t ask for anything too.”

“I know, but I’m sure you’ll like it. Come on.” He urged, pulling himself to his full height and holding a hand out to me.

I took his hands and he helped to pull me to my feet, leading us both out of the room. Once we were down the hallway, I paused at Christie’s door where I could hear the playful banters between herself and Jessy and even her roommate; Michelle.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“I want to check on Jessy.” I said to the Alpha in a bid to get him to step away from the doorframe but he only nodded his head.

“Sure, go ahead.” He responded but remained rooted to his spot.

I sighed heavily before knocking softly on Christie’s door and then pushing it open.

“Mommy!” Jessy called out cheerfully and I gave a small smile to her since she looked to be the only one that was excited at my presence, the other two had their eyes fixed behind my head with their mouths open.

“Good evening Master.” Michelle called out having recovered first from her shock and then Christie followed suit.

“I’m just checking on Jessy.” I said quietly since it seemed like no one would be talking if I didn’t.

“Oh sorry, yeah. We’re just playing with her new bunny. She’s fine.” Christie responded finally giving me a smile, which I was grateful for and returned happily.

I could see the questions in my friend’s eyes and I knew that come morning, I would be providing answers to those questions but I was happy to have her as a friend regardless.

“Goodnight Jess.” I said to my child, who had gone back to talking to Michelle about how it just made sense to name her bunny ‘Bunny.’

I shut the door behind me and the Alpha took my hands in his and began to lead me out of the maid quarters.

We were just passing through the kitchen when the door opened to reveal Emilia. The girl jumped in shock at the sight of the Alpha and myself and when she saw our joint hands her face paled.

“G-go-good e-evening Master.” She managed to stutter out and the Alpha only furrowed his brows in her direction.

“Why are you in the kitchen this late Emilia?” He asked and the girl rubbed her hands against the side of her pajamas in what looked like nervousness.

“I couldn’t sleep so I came for a glass of water.” She responded, and although she was talking to the Alpha her eyes were fixed on me and it seemed as though there was a dare in her eyes.

I could see straight through it, she was daring me to say a word to the Alpha. I didn’t. Not for her sake though, but because I had a good feeling about this night and the last thing I wanted was the slimy maid ruining it for me.

“Alright then.” The Alpha responded and then he was pulling me in the direction of the stairs.

I looked behind me to find Emilia looking in my direction but there was hatred in her eyes and I couldn’t get that look out of my mind.

The moment the Alpha pulled open the door to his bedroom, I was drawn to the large box that was sat on top his bed. I paused in my steps. That wasn’t for me right? I didn’t ask but the Alpha went ahead to respond to the question.

“That is for you. Well it’s also for Jessy but you get the drill.” He said playfully and I couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped my lips.

I moved towards the bed and when I removed the cover from the large box, it was to find a few clothes sitting within.

I picked out the first one in the pile and it was a pale yellow dress with little cherries on it. The dress had a nice slit at the side and the beauty of the dress was one that I had never owned before. Tears brimmed in my eyes and I bit my lips to prevent it from spilling.

I looked through the other items in the box and it held quite an amount of clothes for both myself and Jessy and at this point I couldn’t stop the tears from running down my eyes.

“But why?” I finally asked, turning my attention to the Alpha. I was a maid in his home and I knew that I had to wear the maid uniform during the day, so why did I need all these beautiful clothes?

The Alpha sat beside me on the bed and moving the box aside, he reached out to wipe the tears that were currently streaming down my face and then he placed a small kiss on my head.

“Well I wasn’t exactly sure what you liked, but I knew that you would love to go to the Solace in something other than your uniform.” He said and I gasped.

He was going to let me go to the Solace?

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