The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

The Alpha Conference

“Now how do you plead,” Talia said.

I did it, they all knew I did it, and I just wanted to get to the fight. “No contest,” I said.

“Very well, we will move into sentencing. If anyone would like to speak towards the sentence, come forward and be recognized.” A few did, talking about the money I took or the good Alphas I had killed.

Finally, Tania moved forward to speak. “A quick death is too easy for him,” she said. “He must pay for what he did, then die for who he killed.” She handed them a piece of paper. “This is the justice I demand for being kidnapped and sold into slavery by this vile man.”

Talia took the paper, reading it, then handing it to the other Alphas. They conversed quietly before they broke up the huddle and looked down at me. “For the crimes of Theft, Kidnapping and Accessory to Rape, Todd Aldridge is to be branded as a traitor and given twenty lashes with a silver whip. When he has recovered, for the two murders, he is sentenced to Pack Pursuit.” There were some gasps; it was an old sentence and particularly bloody.

The guards grabbed my cuffed arms, leading me to the pole that stood in the center of the circular driveway. My hands were raised and attached to the chains hanging from the top, adjusted to hold me up and keep my back exposed to the whip. My ankles were chained close to the concrete the pole was set into, keeping me from moving away.

The Pack had gathered around to watch. Talia and Tania walked up to me, each holding an implement of my punishment. Tania had pulled the brand out of the nearby fire, the red ‘T’ glowing in the night. “Erica suggested this one. A fitting punishment for a traitor who sold out his own Alphas, and stole from his own Pack,” she said. “Hold him.” Guards grabbed my hair and neck, holding my right cheek tight to the pole. I closed my eyes as it got closer, I could feel the heat of the brand as it got close.

When she pressed it to my left cheek, I screamed in agony. She kept it there for a second, making sure the skin was burned through, then she pulled it back and the men let go. I could smell the burned flesh, and my face was on fire. A guard wearing gloved came up, and spread a paste containing silver flakes onto the wound. The burning of the silver made the pain even worse and ensured werewolf healing would not take place.

Tania spit in my face and returned to her mate’s arms as Talia let the silver whip unfurl in her hand. “Twenty lashes is the sentence. Remember every one.”

The sound of the whip cutting the air and tearing through flesh was a familiar one, but I had always been on the other end of it. The leather had silver imbedded into it, and the lash removed skin in long stripes. I managed to stay silent through four, but the whip knows no rank. All who suffer under it will scream and beg for mercy, and I was no different. I blacked out after twelve, only to have salt water tossed on my back to wake me up again.

By twenty I didn’t remember my name, I couldn’t tell who was screaming or where I was.

I came to hours later, back in the cell on my stomach, with any movement of my body being sheer torture.

Tania’s POV

Tomah Pack House

“And so it is with great pride that I turn over the Alpha position of the Tomah Pack back to its rightful heir, Tania Stillwater, and her mate Bobby Meechum.” Alpha John placed his hands on my shoulders as he released the bond he’d formed with my Pack members. I shuddered as the bonds reformed with me, each one seating itself in my mind. My wolf was giddy, and I could feel Bobby behind me as the same thing happened in his mind. I closed my eyes and focused on the dozens of new links that had formed, and felt those I’d formed to the Sulphur River Pack shift. Alpha Brent was no longer my Alpha, Bobby and I were now equals to him. The bond shifted, along with Patty and all his brothers and sisters, to a family bond.

When the bonds were in place, I sent my first Alpha Command to my new pack. “Let’s eat!”

There were laughs and applause from the room as we stood in front of the room on the raised platform. The Alphas who had joined us for the trial were here still, staying for the formal turnover. Talia and the Alphas had supervised the vote on shifting Alphas this morning. The vote had been unanimous.

I stepped forward and hugged Alpha John. “Thank you for taking such good care of them until I was ready,” I said with tears in my eyes. “You’ve always been a good friend to our Pack and I appreciate it so much.”

“It was the least I could do for you, your parents were good friends, and our Packs have been allies for generations. If you need anything, even if it is just someone to talk to, just call me.”

I let him go, and Bobby stepped up and shook his hand. I could feel his pride as we were congratulated by the other Alphas before Brent and Patty enveloped me in a hug. “I’m so proud to call you my daughter,” Patty said as she cried. “Two of my children are now Alphas!”

“Three soon,” I replied as I hugged her back. “After today’s vote I think the Sulphur River Pack will have new leadership.”

“Nothing is over till it is over,” Brent said.

“You’re perfect for the job, and I’m voting for you,” I said as I hugged him. “Dusty will be a great Alpha, you’ve been training him for over a century and he’s ready.”

“I’m more worried about you two,” he said. “We’ll talk later.”

We sat down as the Omegas working the kitchen brought the feast out for us. They’d gone all out; huge slabs of ribeye roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, broccoli, fresh baked rolls and a jello salad. Conversations were muted with all the food in front of us, but I kept up a constant chatter with my new Pack members via the bonds. It would take me weeks to catch up on what everyone had been doing, so I focused on the big stuff. New matings, new babies, graduations, I talked to them all. The talk of graduations hit me as I realized my own situation and froze.

“What is the matter, love?”

“My school,” I said to him. “I missed all of high school.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He took my hand. “It wasn’t your fault, Tania. We’ll enroll you in school, maybe online, or even get you a tutor and homeschool you. You’re incredibly smart and brave, this is just one more thing you need to overcome.”

“I never got to go to Prom,” I said. “I never had sleepovers, or went to football games, or any of the things that kids my age got to do. All my friends are great, they are so supportive, but they seem so, I don’t know…”


“Exactly. They have no idea how sick and twisted the world outside these grounds can be.”

He picked me up, setting me in his lap and kissing me senseless as the Pack cheered the affections of their Alpha pair. “You will be there to help them learn that when it is time, as well as how to fight and win against the evil. As for the rest, I’ll give you every experience I can find a way to make up with you.”

“Thank you, Bobby. You’re the best.” We kissed again, and I stayed in his lap as he pulled my plate over. He cut bites of steak and fed them to me, his left hand dropping to rub my stomach. The symbolism was immediately apparent to my wolf, who was ready to move her tail aside and start making pups anytime. “I’m not in heat yet, and I don’t know if I can even have children after all the abuse I took with them,” I said as I took another bite.

“You’re going to be a wonderful mother, and I can’t wait to get you pregnant and watch your belly get round with our child. When I see you with Phillip I see how caring your are.” I relaxed into his arms as he ran his fingers over the rounded belly from all the food I’d eaten. I was still underweight, and it was really obvious when I was next to my sister and her incredibly athletic body.

“I guess we’ll have to spend a lot of time trying,” I teased him. I shifted my butt on his lap, feeling his cock hardening under me.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Alpha,” he said.

“We’ve got forty minutes until the Alpha Conference starts.”

“We better eat fast and make our excuses, because I’m going to need thirty to do what I plan to do to your hot little body.” He set me back on my chair as I blushed, my wolf was giddy.

We started eating quickly, which caught the attention of Patty. “In a hurry to get somewhere,” she teased.

“Those grandpups don’t make themselves,” I said as I pushed the plate away. The table and those close enough to hear laughed at my honesty. I stood and addressed the whole Pack. “Thank you all for everything today, I love you and can’t wait to spend more time with you, but right now I need mate time.” I pulled Bobby out of his chair and we made our way to the exit as the Pack laughed and congratulated us. We were new mates, and that’s just how things were.

We raced up the steps to our new bedroom; the cleaning staff had removed every trace of the previous Alpha and the bed and sheets were new. Clothes flew everywhere as soon as the door closed behind us, and I squealed as he picked me up and carried me to the bed. His dominance appeased my wolf, but my human side wasn’t quite ready to be taken that way. He read my mood through the bond and froze. “Ýou know I’ll never hurt you,” he said as his hand ran down my side.

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