The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#4—Chapter 13

A Family Affair Part 2

Giovanni’s warm sweet smile was suddenly wiped off his face the second he heard the word mom. He stood up, sliding me off his lap, and went to the trash bin, shoving the flowers into it with a loud clang, and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. Then he came back, sat on his chair, and resumed work.

“What’s for dinner?” he asked indifferently, his eyes glued to the laptop screen.

“Fried rice,” I replied, watching his change of demeanor.

“Good. I like fried rice. But no seafood.”

“I know. Do you dislike anything else? Is there any other food you are allergic to?”

“No, nothing in particular. Just seafood.”

“Is there anything you don’t like to eat?”


“Do you like cheese?”

He slammed his laptop down and stared me straight in the eye. “Jay, what’s with the one hundred and one questions all of a sudden?”

“You don’t talk much about yourself, do you?” I asked, sadly watching him get frustrated.

“What is there to talk about?” He roughly combed fingers through his hair, and I could tell he was really upset.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Anything really. I just want to listen to you talk about yourself. Like what you were like in the past.”

“Well, there’s nothing to talk about. Especially about the past. Everything that you need to know about me, you know already.” And Giovanni went silent, stone-cold. I knew then he was really mad.

He was one of those people who got loud when cranky but when totally mad, he was as cold as ice.

I sat on the arm of his chair, sliding my hands onto his shoulders, feeling his muscles tense up. I massaged his shoulders in an effort to relax him. He somewhat relaxed under my ministration, but he still stayed silent. I decided to take action first.

“I’m sorry, Gio,” I apologized, resting my head on his broad back. “I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

He didn’t say anything at first. But I could feel he was calming, and after a small while, he said. “It’s not your fault.”

He tugged me forward, and I slipped off the armchair and into his lap. He cuddled me, bringing his head to bury between my head and shoulder. “Why do you want to know my past so much?”

“Because… You are important to me. And I thought I was your special someone. And if I’m your special someone, maybe I have the right to know about your past. I’m jealous of your friends. They seem to know everything about you. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t know what they were talking about. Take for example yesterday. Dawson and Justin started talking about fights and how you and Lorenzo were friends or something. I was so clueless in their conversation, and I just felt weird. Like I’m the only stupid one who doesn’t know what everyone is talking about. Even the guys know more about you. You said I’m your Jennifer and I believed you, even when I wasn’t sure myself. But I trust you. I just wish you could trust me too. I just wish you would tell me about your past. I want to know more about you, learn of what makes you happy, of what makes you sad. I want to know more about your family, of what you were like when you were a teenage boy, or when you were my age. What you were doing. What you were studying. I want to-”

“You want to know everything about me. Is that it?” He deadpanned as he came to that conclusion. And I came to realize what I was asking of him.

“Oh, God! What am I saying?” I jumped out of his lap and started walking backward toward the door, profusely apologizing to him. “I’m sorry, Gio. I don’t know what came over me. Why am I saying these things now?”

“Jay, come here.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Giovanni gestured for me to return, but I just kept walking backward, until my back hit the door. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Whatever it is that’s in the past, let it be in the past. I don’t need to know.”

“Jay, I said come here,” he growled, and when I didn’t follow his command, he stalked toward me, a deep scowl on his face.

I just kept talking. Once I was on a roll, I couldn’t stop. “As your lover, I should respect your decision. It was stupid of me to just blabber out questions without acknowledging the time and place. I mean, my goodness, you were working, and I was interrupting you. I’m sorry for wasting your time. Must be one of my silly hormone moments. No. Just chalk it up to youthful indiscretion. Let’s forget about it.” I turned around to leave, my hand already on the doorknob. “You go back to work. I’m going to make dinner. Fried rice and-”

Bang! The door slammed shut in my face.

Giovanni grabbed me from behind and deposited his head at the nape of my neck. He cuddled me so tight, I felt every little bit of him.

“I have a mother,” he said. “But we don’t get along. I also have a stepbrother. I don’t really remember what he looks like anymore. At the age of fourteen, I left home. Was homeless for about six months. Did some shit stuff just to survive. When I turned fifteen, I met old man Dente. He gave me his last name. Adopted me as his son. I worked my way up until I became clan leader. I was given this house as promotion a few years back. And that’s about it in a nutshell.”

“Oh my God, Gio, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to relive those harsh memories.”

“Like you said, you’re my special someone, which makes you a very important person to me. You are precious to me. And as my lover, you have full access to me. I’m an open book to you, Jay. I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything you want.”

I fiddled with his cuff sleeve, scared to even mention that word again. But he gave me full access. I decided to be brave. “So…that card…it’s really from your mom?”


“And, today… today really is your birthday?”

“On my birth certificate, yep! I turn twenty-nine today. But I celebrate my birthday on the date old man Dente adopted me, which will be in a few weeks’ time.”

“Then…then…what do you want for your birthday? I mean, today. Right now. Oh, why am I asking? I haven’t got any gifts for you. Actually, wait, I do. I went to buy you a watch with my savings. But when Lorenzo’s gang kidnapped me, I must have lost it. Now I don’t have-”

He shushed me with his finger. “Jay. You don’t have to give me materialistic stuff. What I want is something only you can give me.”

“Really? What is it? Oh, I know. I make a mean fried rice. I’ll make that as your birthday present. And I promise I won’t tell the guys and Amelia that today is your birthday. It can be our little secret. You’ll get to celebrate two birthdays every year. One just with me, and one with everyone else.”

I struggled out of his arms, my hand already opening the door, when Giovanni slammed the door shut again. He spun me around so fast my head was already spinning and when I caught my bearings again, his mouth was already on me, sucking out my life and my entire soul. He pressed me into the door, one hand busy molding my breast, the other cradling my head to gain better access to my mouth. I moaned, heat raking up my core and entire being. I was on fire. I was spinning out of control. I was-

He pulled back and gave me a shit-eating grin.

“Gio. You made me hot,” I whined, wanting another taste of his lips.

“And what are you going to do about it?” he teased.


“I what?”

I was thinking. A light popped on in my head. “I know what I’m going to give to you for your birthday today.”

“And what’s that?”

I pointed to myself. “Me.”

“You?” He raised his eyebrow at my answer.

“Yep.” I nodded my head, adamant that this was what I was going to do. “I’m going to give myself to you.”

“And how are you going to do that?” He smiled, enjoying the moment.

“I’m going to make love to you.”

“Oh, now we’re talking. I’m getting interested.”

“You should be. Because in the next one hour, I’m going to take you to heaven.”

“Wow. I can’t wait.” And he went to lie down, flat on the couch. When I didn’t move from my spot, he gestured for me to come over. “Well? I’m ready and waiting. Let’s take me to heaven.”

I walked over to the couch, climbed on top, and straddled him. He gave me a lopsided grin. “Aren’t you going to strip?”

“Nope. I’m not going to strip. But I’m going to strip you.”

“Wow. I’ll like that.”

“Yes, you will.”

And I started by untying my bun and letting my long loose curls become carefree. I roughly combed fingers through my hair to appear seductive. Planting both hands on either side of his head, I inched my face so close, our noses literally rubbed.

“Be prepared, Gio.” I watched his black irises gazing back at me. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Your lover, Jay Jenny Bunny Stone, aka, your ex-maid, will give you the most mind-blowing, heart-pounding, blood-surging sex you’ve ever experienced in your entire lifetime.”

Giovanni smirked, and I started my mission, first by unbuttoning his pristine white shirt. One button then two, all the way down until there was no more left. I pulled his shirt apart, and my eyes feasted on the galore of his massive chest, broad shoulders, and six-pack abs. I was the luckiest girl alive to have such a hot handsome man as my lover.

I started my quest by kissing his neck, trailing soft kisses down to his chest, then a peck each at his nipples. I went farther down, kissing his abs, then went back up to his chest again. I went back down, then-

“Jay, you’ve been kissing my chest for over five minutes now,” Giovanni complained.

“Patience, Gio. I’m the initiator here. You just be quiet and enjoy the ride.”

“Alright. Keep going then. I’m waiting.” And he folded his arm to rest behind his head, so arrogantly, like he had all the time in the world.

Yeah, right. I had all the time in the world, too. In fact, I had a whole hour to seduce him before I had to go back to cook dinner. And I was planning to use every single minute of it to its full potential. So I kissed him on the chest again, and his abs again, and his-

Yikes! He rolled me over, and now I was underneath him.

“Jay, stop teasing me,” he panted, making kissing attacks at my neck. “Stop seducing me. I can’t take it anymore.”

He made quick work of stripping me. Pants gone. Shirt gone. Bra gone. And panties? I’d no idea when they’d disappeared.

He found my lips, kissing me so long and hard, so rough and fast, I was lost in his world. I, too, returned the favor. I chased his lips, nipping them, trying to get more of his taste.

His fingers searched for my sex, digging in deep to reach the very crevice of my core. I arched into him, wanting more of his finger inside me. I was hot and heavy, wet and slippery, and so ready for him. He took me hard and fast, slamming into me so hard, it almost knocked the breath out of me. Each stroke, each maneuver, had my eyes rolling back with lust.

I’d promised I’d take him to heaven, but he was the one who took me there. And for that whole hour, he’d made a mess of me. And I’d enjoyed every single minute of it.

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