The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 51%

Stepping into Mr. Erickson’s office felt like entering the lion’s den. The dim lighting cast an air of formality over the space, and I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of apprehension as | closed the door behind me. Mr. Erickson, with his imposing presence and air of authority, was seated behind his desk, a small smile tugging at his lips.

“Evie, come in,” he greeted, motioning for me to take a seat across from him. “I wanted to personally congratulate you on your recent victory in court. You handled the case brilliantly, and | always knew you had it in you.”

| mustered a smile, though my skepticism lingered just beneath the surface. Mr. Erickson had hardly been supportive of my endeavors before, often questioning my abilities and making my climb through the firm’s ranks all the more challenging. It was hard to believe his sudden change of heart.

“Thank you, Mr. Erickson,” | replied diplomatically, choosing my words carefully. “I appreciate your recognition.”

His smile widened, and he leaned forward, his fingers lacing together on the desk. “You see, Evie, I’ve been watching your progress closely. Your determination, your drive... it's commendable.”

| raised an eyebrow, curiosity mingling with my wariness. “Is there a reason you called me in today, sir?”

His gaze held mine, his eyes seeming to bore into me. “I’ve been thinking, Evie. About your potential. About what you could achieve.”

My heart rate quickened, a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. Something about his tone felt off, a touch too intimate for a professional setting.

“I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Erickson,” | replied cautiously. “But if there’s something specific you wanted to discuss...”

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving mine. “You know, Evie, success. often requires making connections. Aligning oneself with the right people.”

| frowned, my instincts sending warning signals through my mind. “I believe in earning my success through hard work and dedication, sir.”

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Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 74


He chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to reverberate through the room. “Of course, of course. But sometimes, opportunities present themselves in unexpected ways. A moment of... vulnerability, shall we say, can lead to doors opening.”

My heart sank, realization dawning upon me. | had heard rumors, whispers of the unsavory aspects of the legal world, the unspoken expectations that could come with climbing the ladder of success. But to have it suggested so blatantly, and by Mr. Erickson himself, left me stunned.

“Mr. Erickson,” | said firmly, my voice carrying a note of resolve, “I’ve worked tirelessly to get where | am. | won’t compromise my integrity for the sake of advancement.”

His smile faded, and he regarded me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. “Very well, Evie. But you must understand, the legal world can be ruthless. It rewards those who are willing to seize any advantage.”

| stood up abruptly, my anger and frustration bubbling to the surface. “Il appreciate your perspective, Mr. Erickson, but I'll continue to let my work speak for itself.”

As | turned to leave, his voice followed me, dripping with thinly veiled resentment. “Remember, Evie, the path to success isn’t always so clean.”

| closed the door behind me with a sense of relief, the weight of the encounter heavy on my shoulders. It was a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead, the murky waters | would need to navigate if | wanted to rise in the legal world.

Making my way back to my office, | couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that clung to me. The encounter with Mr. Erickson had left the questioning everything, casting doubt on the very foundation of my career aspirations. But | refused to let his insinuations erode the principles that had guided me from the beginning.

the papers con

Sinking into my chair, | stared at on my desk, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. How had it come to this? | had worked tirelessly to prove myself, to earn my place in a profession dominated by towering figures, and yet it seemed that the shadows of doubt were always lurking at the edges, waiting to engulf me.

The events of the past few months replayed in my mind like a broken record. The media attention, Bruce’s threats, stalker Linda, and now the unsettling encounter with my own boss. It was as if the world around me had some strange vendetta. against me, each just as vicious as the last.

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A bitter taste of disillusionment settled in my mouth. How many more people were going to take advantage of me? How many more obstacles would | have to overcome to truly be recognized for my skills and dedication?

As my fingers absently tapped on the keyboard, | couldn’t help but think of Timothy. His presence in my life had been a source of comfort and confusion, a ray of light amidst the darkness. But now, even his sincerity was called into question.

Was | being naive to believe in the authenticity of his words? Linda’s revelation. had cast a shadow over everything | had felt, and | couldn’t help but wonder if my trust had been misplaced.

My thoughts turned back to Mr. Erickson, whose veiled intentions had left me feeling vulnerable and exposed. | had suspected that he wouldn't let me off easily, that his subtle threats were merely a precursor to a battle that loomed on the horizon.

was It was a battle | was determined to face, but the weight of the challenge almost suffocating.

With a sigh, | leaned forward in my chair and opened my laptop back up. The office was abuzz with the usual flurry of activity, phones ringing, keyboards. clacking, and the distant murmur of conversations. My gaze was fixed on the computer screen before me, my fingers dancing across the keyboard as | drafted an email for a client.

My phone buzzed gently against my hip, drawing my focus away momentarily. | feared it was Timothy sending another apologetic text, but | was overcome with relief when | read Aria’s name on the display.

With a quick swipe, | unlocked my phone and read her text:

“Hey Evie! Remember that cutie | gave a massage to? His name's Mike and he actually came back to ask for my number before suggesting a dinner date. Can you believe it?”

| couldn't help but chuckle softly at Aria’s excitement. It seemed that her healing touch had made quite an impression on the guy. My thumbs danced across the screen as | typed out a response:


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12:22 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 74Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s amazing, Aria! He must've been really impressed by your massage skills. Dinner date sounds like a great idea!” Sil

As | hit send, | couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy for Aria. Her world seemed to be a swirl of new possibilities and exciting encounters, while | found myself entangled in a web of challenges and uncertainties.

Aria’s response came quickly, filled with exclamation marks and emojis that mirrored her bubbly personality. | couldn’t help but smile as | read her words. It was refreshing to share in her joy, even if just fora moment.

As | typed my reply, | couldn’t shake off the heaviness that had settled in my heart: “Just be yourself, Aria. He’s lucky to have scored a date with you!”

| set my phone back on the desk and returned my attention to my work. The screen in front of me was a canvas of legal jargon and complex clauses. I'll bet Jasper couldn’t make any sense of the words on my screen, reserving that task for one of his hired hands.

His words still echoed in my ears, the insinuations and accusations cutting deeper than | cared to admit. It was as if the doubts that had plagued me before were now magnified, threatening to overshadow any sense of accomplishment. | shook my head, attempting to dispel the negativity that threatened to consume me.

The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling city streets. The hum of a car engine pulled me from my thoughts.


The of an engine grew louder, and | turned once more to see the car parked right beside the curb near me. The window rolled down, revealing Timothy behind the wheel, his features illuminated by a gentle smile.

“So it is you...What are you doing walking alone?” f&


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