The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Strangers In The Night

He turned toward me, his hazel eyes bright with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. "Evie!" he greeted, his voice warm and genuine. As he neared, his broad shoulders seemed to fill the space between us. "I can't believe you came to watch," he added, his tone laced with appreciation.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it," I replied, a genuine smile tugging at my lips. "You were amazing out there."

Timothy's cheeks tinted with a faint blush, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, Evie. It means a lot."

As the crowd around us began to thin out, I caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. Aria and Lucas were making their way toward us, their smiles wide and their steps purposeful. I felt a rush of warmth at the sight of them, knowing that they were here to share in this moment of celebration.

"Looks like we've got some company," I teased, nodding in the direction of Aria and Lucas. Timothy turned to see Aria and Lucas approaching, his smile growing even brighter. "Hey, they're here to join the victory party," he remarked, his tone light and playful.

Aria's eyes sparkled as she reached us, her excitement palpable. "Timothy, that was an incredible game!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

"Thanks, Aria," he replied, his appreciation evident. "It means a lot that you came to watch." Lucas, ever the laid-back one, chimed in with a grin. "Yeah, I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed."

Timothy laughed, a genuine sound that carried a hint of relief. "Well, I'm glad I could live up to your expectations."

As the pleasantries continued, I couldn't help but notice the subtle glance exchanged between Aria and Lucas. It was a look that spoke volumes, a silent understanding passing between them. I knew them well enough to recognize that they were giving us a moment, subtly excusing themselves from the conversation.

Aria, always the perceptive one, spoke up. "We're going to go check out the merchandise up front. Lucas, come help me find some stuff."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Right. We'll meet back up with you two, later."

I exchanged a knowing look with Aria, gratitude and warmth passing between us. "Thank you," I mouthed, touched by their consideration.

Aria winked at me playfully, mouthing back, "Anytime."

As Aria and Lucas made their way back toward the arena, I turned my attention back to Timothy.

"Looks like it's just us," he remarked, his voice softer now that we were alone.

I nodded, my heart beating a little faster. "Yeah, it seems that way."

Timothy's gaze held mine, the intensity in his eyes sending a rush of warmth through me. "You know, I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk," he admitted, his tone sincere.

I felt a flutter of anticipation, my curiosity piqued. "About what?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment before an idea seemed to spark in his eyes. "How about we take a walk together? There's a little park nearby. It's quieter there."

I smiled, the idea of a peaceful walk sounding appealing. "Sure, that sounds nice."

We fell into step together, the distance between us closing naturally. The soft glow of the stadium lights as they faded in the distance bathed us in a warm ambiance. Eventually, we arrived at a small park, the twinkling lights casting a warm glow over the area. We walked toward a set of swings, and Timothy motioned for me to join him. "Care for a swing?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

The idea caught me off guard, but there was a playful glint in his eyes that I couldn't resist. With a chuckle, I nodded and followed him to the swings.

"Isn't this refreshing?" Timothy called out over the sound of the wind, his voice laced with genuine delight.

I nodded, the exhilaration of the moment coursing through me. "Definitely. It's been a while since I've been on a swing."

As we swung back and forth, the distance between us seemed to fade.

As our swings slowed, Timothy turned to me, his eyes locking onto mine. His gaze held a warmth that felt like a comforting embrace. "Evie, I have to tell you something."

The serious tone in his voice caused a flutter of unease in my chest. I leaned forward, my curiosity piqued. "What is it, Timothy?"

He took a deep breath, his fingers gripping the chains of the swing. "You mean a lot to me. More than you know."

His words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning settling in my heart. My mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions-surprise, gratitude, and a hint of vulnerability. Timothy's confession was unexpected, and I struggled to find the right words to respond.

"I... I don't know what to say," I admitted, my voice a soft whisper.

Timothy's gaze held mine, unwavering and sincere. "You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know."

The sincerity in his words tugged at something deep within me. It was almost frightening how he could be so open and forthright, unafraid to share his thoughts and feelings. And now, he had bared a piece of his heart to me, leaving me both touched and conflicted.

My heart pounded in my chest, the magnitude of the moment sinking in. I had come to care for Timothy deeply, a truth I couldn't deny. But with that care came a wariness-a fear of opening myself up to the possibility of getting hurt.

"Timothy," I began, my voice shaky. "I appreciate your honesty. But this... it's all so much, and I don't know how to process it."

He nodded understandingly, his expression a mix of empathy and patience. "I understand. I didn't mean to overwhelm you."

The swing came to a gentle stop, and I let my feet touch the ground, my gaze fixed on the grass beneath my shoes. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts.

Timothy reached out, his hand lightly brushing against mine. "Evie, I would never want to hurt you. At least...not again."

Right before I could get lost in his eyes, my phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me. I pulled it out to see Aria's name flashing on the screen. "Sorry, I need to take this." Timothy's brow furrowed with concern as I answered the call. "Hey, Aria." "Evie, where are you?" Aria's voice was laced with urgency.

"I'm with Timothy," I replied, glancing at him apologetically.

She paused for a moment before speaking again. "Okay, well, just be careful. We were ready to head out, whenever you get back."

I sighed heavily. "Of course. Thanks for letting me know, Aria."

Timothy's gaze held mine, concern etched on his features. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded, trying to hide my unease. "Yeah, it's just... I should probably head back."

Timothy's grip tightened on the swing's chains. "I can walk you back, make sure you're safe." I shook my head, offering a small smile. "It's okay, Timothy. I'll be fine."

He hesitated for a moment before nodding, his expression a mix of understanding and reluctance. "Alright, just be careful."

It had been a busy morning, and I was absorbed in drafting legal documents when my phone buzzed with a series of incoming messages.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Timothy's name flashed on the screen, and a rush of embarrassment washed over me as memories of the other night came rushing back. Timothy: Evie, are things still good between us?

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