The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 TIMOTHY POV

Timothy's footsteps echoed in the sterile hospital corridor as he made his way to the front desk. He had been gripped by an overwhelming sense of urgency, a gnawing worry that had been festering ever since he received the call about his mother’s condition. He had to see her, to ensure that she was receiving the best care possible.

“Excuse me,” he said to the nurse behind the desk, his voice edged with concern. “I’m here to see my mother, Abigail Lawrence. Can you tell me which room she’s in?”

The nurse glanced up from her paperwork, her expression inscrutable. She tapped away at the computer, and Timothy anxiously tapped his fingers.

on the counter. “I'm sorry, sir, but it seems that your mother has discharged herself,” she said, her tone even.

Timothy's heart plummeted, and anger flared within him. “Discharged herself? Why would she do that? She’s been diagnosed with cancer, and she

needs treatment”

The nurse offered a sympathetic look, though her tone remained unchanged. “I understand your concern, but your mother left before we could discuss further treatment options with her. It was against medical advice.”

Timothy couldn’t fathom the reason behind his mother’s rash decision. It was unlike her to take matters into her own hands, especially when her

Emergency calls only

Chapter 184NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

health was at stake. The worry gnawed at him, and he clenched his fists in frustration.

“Can you tell me when she left?” he asked, his voice strained.

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The nurse checked the computer again and responded, “She discharged herself earlier this morning. We tried to reach out to her, but she’s not. answering her phone.”

Timothy couldn’t contain his anger any longer. He muttered a terse “thank you” to the nurse and stormed out of the hospital, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and frustration. He needed to find his mother and convince her to return for the treatment she so desperately needed.

As he rushed to his car, the weight of the situation pressed down on him, a sense of helplessness and anger consuming him. His mother’s decision to leave the hospital against medical advice was reckless and dangerous, and he couldn’t comprehend why she would make such a choice.

Timothy's car sped through the familiar streets of his hometown, racing towards the place that held the woman he loved most in the world. He couldn’t understand why his mother was refusing the treatment she so desperately needed to combat the growing cancer that threatened to take her


The drive to his mother’s home was a blur of anxiety and uncertainty. He hoped to find her there, to persuade her to return to the hospital, but the fear of what he might discover gnawed at him.

When he arrived at her modest, well-kept house, he noticed that her car was parked in the driveway. A flicker of relief washed over him as he hurriedly approached the front door,

“Mom?” he called out as he entered the house. Emergency calls only Chapter 184 *020% 13:34

The silence that greeted him was deafening, and he made his way through the rooms, searching for any sign of his mother. It wasn’t until he reached the kitchen that he found her, seated at the table.

She sat there, her eyes distant and pensive, a half-empty glass of water before her. She was gazing out the window, her thoughts a million miles away, “Mom,” Timothy said, his voice trembling as he approached her. “What have you done? Why did you leave the hospital?”

Lydia turned to look at him, her expression a mix of defiance and sorrow. “I couldn’t stand being cooped up in that place any longer. They were talking about treatments and surgeries, but | just needed some fresh air.”

Timothy's frustration boiled over, and he raised his voice in anger. “This is about more than just fresh air, Mom. You have cancer, and you need treatment. You can’t just walk away from that.”

“| believe | can,” she stated, her tone resolute. Timothy took the seat beside her and wrung his hands together, trying to find his most persuasive words. “Why?” he began, his voice hoarse. “Why are you refusing treatment? You can’t just give up like this. We can fight this together.”

Lydia looked at him, her eyes filled with pain. Timothy, you don’t understand. | don’t want to suffer anymore. The treatments, the pain, it’s all too


Timothy's frustration flared, and he placed a hand over hers. “You can’t just give up, Mom. You can’t! I'll pay for whatever you need. We'll find the best doctors, the best treatments. But you have to fight this, for yourself, for me, for all of us who love you. You can’t just throw in the towel like this.”

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Lydia’s eyes filled with tears as she gently pushed Timothy’s hands away. “I appreciate you sweetheart, but you have to understand, | can’t do this anymore. I’ve seen what it does to people. I’ve watched my friends suffer through treatments, lose their dignity, and still lose the battle in the end. | don’t want that for myself.”

Timothy's frustration turned to desperation. He knew that his mother had always been strong-willed, but he had never seen her give up like this. “You can’t just give up, Mom. | can’t lose you. | won't let this disease take you away from me.”

Lydia’s took his hand back and gripped it tightly. I've thought about this long and hard, Timothy. It’s not giving up; it’s choosing how | want to live my final days. | don’t want to be hooked up to machines, to be confined to a hospital bed.”

Timothy was at a loss. He felt like he was failing her, like he couldn’t do anything to change her mind. He turned away from her, his shoulders. slumping in defeat. “I just can’t accept this, Mom. | need to do something, anything.”

Lydia considered him for a moment, then offered a smile. “There is something you can do, Timothy. Take me to our favorite beach, one last time. Let me feel the sea breeze, see the waves, and listen to the seagulls. That’s all | want. You're the last person | want to see before | go.”

Timothy turned back to face his mother, his eyes filled with tears. He could see the determination in her eyes, and he knew that she wouldn’t budge on the matter. Swallowing his sorrow, he nodded. “Alright, Mom. We'll go to the beach.”

Lydia reached out and touched her son’s cheek, her touch gentle and filled with love. “Thank you, Timothy. | know it’s hard for you to accept, but it’s my choice. And | appreciate your support.”

Timothy gathered his mother in his arms, holding her close. “I love you, Mom. I'll do everything | can to make your final days as peaceful as possible.”

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They stood in a tender embrace, but Timothy didn’t feel any kinder toward the idea. After a few moments, he turned away from his mother, his eyes moist with tears. He knew he couldn't change her mind, but he couldn't accept her decision either.

The frustration and helplessness ate at him, and he needed to leave before he lost control of his emotions.

“I'll take you to the beach,” Timothy repeated, and he gave her a long stare. “I'll honor your wishes, even though | don’t want to. But | can’t just sit here and watch you slip away. It tears me apart.”

She nodded, squeezing his arms. “Thank you, Timothy. You've always been the most loving and supportive son. | appreciate your willingness to grant me this final wish.”

With a heavy heart, Timothy made his way to the door. He couldn’t bear to let his mother see his s or the anger that still simmered beneath the surface. “I'll arrange everything for the trip to the beach, Mom. | want to make sure it’s perfect for you.”

But as he left the home and shut the front door behind him, he began to wonder how long they truly had. Emergency calls only

Chapter 184




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